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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • Gorehound
    Free Member

    Thermostst is when the ball and chain starts bitching about the cold.

    Free Member

    Got the fire lit.

    Free Member

    What’s the best non FAC air rifle for grey squirrels and magpies.

    Free Member

    Found they cope pretty well in most conditions except wet clay. Far better tham high rollers IME.

    Free Member

    Same here. Fire lit as soon as I get back from a or walk along the river.

    Free Member

    mered – Member
    I would actually do if it charged us.

    Get knocked on your ar53 and be in a fair amount of pain. Trust me those buggers hurt when the run into you.

    Free Member

    Eddie cochran.
    Buddy holly.
    Gene vincent.
    Jhonny cash.
    Billy fury.

    To name just a few of the rock n roll/rockabilly greats that every teddy boy would sacrifice his best mates right nut to see.

    Free Member

    Shave what’s left of it off every other week.

    Free Member

    Someone cheats on you get rid. If you let them get away with it once they WILL do it again.

    Free Member

    Metal detector users.

    Free Member

    Looks like it could be a willow warbler or a chiff chaff. The only sure way to tell the difference is by their call.

    Free Member

    But a bit of salt in ur drink, just enough so it doesn’t taste, i used to get hamstring cramp after long rides

    Second that. I used to suffer from serious hamstring cramps after every ride until I this.

    Free Member

    @ Somafunk. I’ve met one pole I don’t like and I don’t like him because I had to carry the big useless bone idle arrogant waste of space for six months before he finally got sacked.

    Free Member

    As it happens No I’m not. As for trolling that implies I give a toss what your reaction will be. I don’t. Some of you lot on the otherhand have no room or right to call anyone a troll considerint the amount of inflamatory posts and personal insults aimed at anyone who disagrees with your left wing views.

    Free Member

    I’m far from drunk and my bedtime is whenever I decide.

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member
    Bitty for the dawg.

    You’re really sad and boring aren’t you.

    *Darcy goes running to the mods crying to grass “that nasty gorehound is calling me names ban him mister moderator”

    Just because you have no valid response some of you have to resort to personal insults, and you have the nerve to call others trolls. Take a look at yourselves before you call others and gang up to start bullying.

    *sits back and waits for the next ban.

    Free Member

    Nope but there’re some real bitches in there particularly an ex para and an ex marine who spend all night taking the p**s out of each other and everyone else in the place

    Free Member

    what kind of pub is that?

    The only bloody pub within walking distance of our house. Wondered why there wasn’t many in.

    Free Member

    Nazi= the german national socialist party for those who don’t know.

    Free Member

    can’t have been much fun in the pub, you back on here pretty sharp

    Some twohat wanted the xfactor on.

    Free Member

    Nazi. Short for national SOCIALIST. Same as commie really. You lefties need to think before you spout. Hitler and Stalin were very alike, a right pair of bigoted totalitarian murdering hateful scumbags, and both were socialists.

    Free Member

    As it happens prolapse I’ve been to the pub. Just because your mammy keeps you on a short leash doesn’t mean were all repressed spoiled bitch poor little public school rich kids like you. BTW I work for a living and probably have done since before you were born sonny.

    Free Member

    Yawn. bored with this tripe now. Time to hit the pub and have a laff.

    Free Member

    Actually Rusty,I think he’s probably more hygienic than a left wing ignorant hypocrite hater like me.

    There you go I corrected it for you.

    Free Member

    Phall isn’t bad once you get through the pain barrier and it’s the pathetic bleating and hypocracy I don’t like. If you say you stand for something stand for it instead of preaching against capitalism when infact you/your parents are rich like a lot of the RCP/SWP clowns.

    Free Member

    Sod that I’d rather have chicken phall and a case of hobgoblin or a gallon of westons cider. the odd bottle of single malt with good mates on a campsite isn’t a bad way to spend a night either.

    Free Member

    Seriously mate, you want to do something about that hatred.

    Disagreeing with left wing tripe isn’t hatred. FYI the only thing I hate is liver. That stuff is f***ing rank, not much of a larger fan either.

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner – Member
    I bet you’re fantastic at Scrabble.

    Really CBA with board games they’re even more boring than the telly. 😛

    Free Member

    Its a funny thing Gorehound but the stereotypical right winger is portrayed by the left-wing press as an utterly charmless and thoroughly unpleasant, reactionary, foaming at the mouth loon

    Thank god you’ve come along to brighten all our days with your sunny disposition, and prove those lazy preconceptions wrong

    Blatantly obvious you know sod all about me. Might surprise you to know quite a few of my friends are gay, lesbians Asian etc. Call me what you want but I’m not a hypocrite tryhard pretend plastic communist bandwagon jumper moaning prat.

    Free Member

    Socialist worker? They’re all spoiled little rich kids and eternal students. Bit of a contradiction in terms really.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t wipe my arse on the guardian it’s full of shit to start with, and as for Kinnock didn’t he get a megabucks job with the EU, called selling out isn’t it? Lefty = hypocrite loser they all preach and bleat but as soon as anyone waves a wad of cash they change their views on capitolism. Gobshites the lot of them.

    Free Member

    They also seem to quote what they read in right wing papers as being like the gospel.

    and everything printed by the left wing press is gospel is it?

    Free Member

    Should looney lefty idiots be treated any different?. What about muslim extremeists who want everyone who isn’t “of islam” killed off? You twist and moan about the BNP ect but say nothing about bigoted islamic fanatics who want you dead. TRY GETTING REAL FOR A CHANGE!

    Rant over.

    Free Member

    Go for hardwood ply over any fibreboard. The best place to buy it from is a panel manufacturer/ board conversion firm such as lawcris,the latham group or north east sheets and panels. They all will cut your panels to the required sizes but will charge you for this service.


    Free Member

    Better yet, living by Kitsilano beach, every second lovely retro Kona that goes past is being ridden by a bronzed honey in short shorts and a bikini top, I don’t know where to look first…

    You lucky barsteward.

    Free Member

    Got two Konas (a Hoss and a Dawg) and can’t fault either of them. No matter how much you beat the sh173 out of them they break.

    Free Member

    Nope, it was the KGB wasn’t it?

    Who along with Gadaffi funded the IRA.

    Free Member

    This might come as a shock to you but trade unions are actually legal organisations in this country, it’s not the IRA that’s funding Labour you know ?

    At least the IRA are upfront about wanting to destroy our country.

    Free Member

    I would love to have a government made up of specialists in their respective fields
    Ones who didnt go to a fee paying school,

    who had never experienced being short of money,

    ones who actually had a job that was seen as worthwhile to other people around them,

    ones that had to use public transport, and understood what a bus was,

    someone who had been made redundant from a job,

    someone who had to claim benefits to keep the roof over his head and to buy food,

    someone who had relatives in a care home and had been ripped off by uncaring private care home companies.

    and someone who had experience of life from the working class side of the fence.

    That’s the labour party out then.

    Free Member

    I would love to have a government made up of specialists in their respective fields – business would be the old Tesco chairman or similar, defence would be a decent ex-military person, overseas aid by a mix of alan sugar and oxfam types. We could let greenpeace types run the environment. It may not work, who knows?, but at least we would be run by experts and not a load of politicians who often have little experience in general aside from squirming their way through the party system.

    Sounds like a bloody good idea to me.

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