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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • gordimhor
    Full Member

    If the shortbread is really good then neither caramel or chocolate should be allowed anywhere near it.  That millionaires shortbread is a good way of disguising, or even enjoying average shortbread .

    Full Member

    Stealing? Given away with love, along with the joyful paying of higher standing charges.

    Will the companies generating electricity still be charged more for connecting to the National Grid in Scotland?

    Full Member

    Another meaco “fan” here 12litre low energy dries the washing on a rainy day, much cheaper than a tumble drier, more efficient too and warms the house just a little

    Full Member

    I enjoyed that video. Very much reminded me of my early days on hill paths around Ayrshire and Galloway on a vindec vogue . There was a lot of pushing!

    RIP . Geoff Apps

    Edit may not have been a vogue mine had drop bars

    Full Member

    A lack of faith leads to hats, and hats lead to the Dork Side.

    This is the belief of someone who has never had seagull shit on their head

    Full Member

    According to the above link Muslims make up 7% of the UK population but 18% of the prison population . That doesnt seem to support any claim that police take a “softer” approach to arresting Muslims.

    Full Member

    I have a shand daunder rohloff. Been using it for 3 years for holidays, day rides and sometimes commuting. I live in a wet and hilly place ,it’s all uphill from work to home and I have found the low gears not low enough, plus the extra weight is significant on steep hills so the ebike comes out when it is wet, windy or dark . Sorry I don’t have any stats .

    Full Member

    Someone more cynical might suggest that compulsory contraception and incentivised sterilisation attached to benefits payouts would sort that problem out a lot quicker.

    Aye of course poor people are the root of the problem

    Full Member

    There’s a lot of posts above referring to education , schools were and are obviously vital but they are not the only source. Community centres , youth clubs, libraries etc were all sources of informal education,  family was perhaps the main source of informal education, now weakened by low pay ,poor job security ,etc.  There’s no quick fix  for this

    Full Member

    the pheasant uprising

    Fair game

    Full Member

    @fenderextender. I am no expert on education but yes schools do exist in “those areas” How well they function is another matter. The school buildings have to be fit for purpose,  They have to be well staffed, I know some vacancies are inevitable. The kids have to be coming to school well fed , well clothed and having had a good nights sleep. They have to come from a home where people believe in the value of education, this is often not the case

    Full Member

    Education in this country is free. It is also compulsory up to the age of 16. How the **** did these people slip through?

    There are huge chunks of this  country which get zero attention from government at any level. These places and the people who live in them are neglected and forgotten except at election time. For many people it’s a struggle just to get through the day themselves never mind get kids to school.  There are opportunities for the bigots and racists , and populists like Farage and Yaxley-Lennon there

    Full Member

    Good effort @PrinceJohn . I’ll be doing the same for Stand Up To Racism Scotland. There’s apparently à far right demo in Glasgow on September the 7th  . Stand Up To Racism Scotland are organising the counter demo.

    Full Member

    How do you measure how racist or otherwise a society is?

    Full Member

    At least three …naah I cba.

    Full Member

    At least three slices by the look of things

    Full Member

    At least three slices by the look of things

    Full Member

    Rich pickings on the bike forum

    Tasteful Biking Vets

    Who can teach me to hump – Tuition Required

    Why is SCAM gear so expensive?

    Unusual shighting on today’s ride!

    Full Member

    Darren +1

    Full Member

    In a couple of years it’ll be 30 years since the Dunblane massacre. I am glad that legislation passed after Dunblane may have made it more difficult to get hold of a gun here, but Ì’m sad that we as a species seem to have learnt very little  since 1996

    Full Member

    Fixed a toilet that has ceased flushing in Mrs Gordimhor’s house . She was sceptical at first but mightily impressed  when I did it  without even consulting you tube.

    Full Member

    I very rarely go to the pub it’s too expensive. I have been an early adopter of new tèch including cashless payments. However I have recently started to use cash more.  The reason being it’s not so long since I lived from month to month by robbing Peter to pay Paul. Many of my friends still do and I see that the cashless society significantly reduces their ability to do so.  So I have started to use cash more.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    For biking various apps on my phone with map as back up.

    For walking map with phone as back up .

    Relatively new to canoeing so either no real navigation required òr go with a much more experienced person

    Full Member

    I think I was about 40

    Full Member

    Cycling Canoeing (not kayak) grandchildren

    Full Member

    Something similar happened in my family. My parents health had been deteriorating in a number of different ways since before the pandemic. The key thing being that my mum’s physical health was relatively good but her mental health was not alzheimers was the main issue for mum. My dad’s mental health was good but physically he was deteriorating quickly due to asbestosis. Fortunately we had obtained both welfare and financial guardianship, we could see that my dad was no longer able to look after himself never mind anyone else ,care at home just did’nt have the staff so my mum went to a home we had reasonable confidence in, but my dad died in hospital less than 48 hrs later.

    So the main points for me is take action early.Have those awkward conversations  It is always tough and only gets tougher as time goes on especially when the roles are reversed and you find yourself explaining to your parents that sensitive decisions  such as where they can die are being taken out of their hands

    Full Member

    Re ANZAC biscuits I made my own successfully  in a very short time. Using this recipe

    I only managed to eat 5 though . Given the easy recipe and short time required I have concluded that it would be within his rights for the OP to tell his father in law to “Go and bake your own ******* biscuits!”

    Full Member

    Goes off to google ANZAC biscuit…

    Checked the list of ingredients I’ll make some tonight

    48 in two days would be a stretch even for me though , and I am not a stranger to the biscuit tin

    Full Member

    @kelvin Will wrestlers dressed up as world leaders do?

    Full Member

    Ticks, I hate the b@#%$&@s remember pull straight out with tweezers  or twist them out with a tick tool . Deticking pets and myself has been a nightime routine for far too long.

    Full Member

    Midges don’t like heavy rain, they don’t like wind if it’s more than a gentle breeze and they definitely don’t like strong sun.  They don’t like cold. Unfortunately the average west of Scotland summer is often dampish, with light winds and patchy sun or wholly cloudy days.

    Midge heaven.

    • More seriously  don’t camp amongst trees, or next to water try to find a breezy spot. Midge repellents do work to some extent and midge nets are effective , a smokey fire can help if fires are permitted. In many areas they’re not.
    Full Member

    My boss has been” working” from home since the pandemic . Does this mean he might actually have to come in and do some actual hands on?

    Bloody hope not as he is clueless

    Full Member

    No he is smarter than that. I was sceptical too but there’s no other  attempt to give fair summary of the whole thing , so far as I know.

    Full Member

    If you want a good account of the whole Salmond affair then read Break up by David Clegg and Kieran Andrews.  It is thoroughly investigated and the conclusions are scathing

    Full Member

    I think you’re right dyna -ti

    Full Member

    A long long time ago we used to camp with a Vango Force Ten Ì’m sure it had external pockets which we filled with stones to weigh it down when  camping on frozen ground.

    Full Member

    What’s the Gaelic for “pet stotina godina pod Turcima”?
    Since you ask it’s
    Còig ceud bliadhna fon na Turcaich
    Blink of an eye really

    Full Member

    Given my political background I am both mildy pleased that Labour are in government in Westminster and disappointed that they won so many seats in Scotland.

    Full Member

    I like both. So I’ll suggest that one thing that both football have in common is…. An outstanding tackle can bring a teams fans to life .
    We’ve all been there it looks like there’s no hope and then the last gasp perfect thunderous tackle brings the crowd to their feet

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