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  • gofasterstripes
    Free Member

    A blue Swift. Is the colour a match?

    Free Member

    You and the other Edge user will probably find yourself at the bottom of to-do list.

    Free Member

    ‘S pretty hard to kill a stone.

    Just saying.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Shoot it down with one of these!

    Free Member

    Lol you guys are weird

    Free Member

    Or just buy two 8gb thumb drives, download the ISO to one and then run the bookmaker utility and choose the other as the target drive….

    Free Member

    Sounds very odd.

    It’s not a graphics adaptor settings in the BIOS? eg set to PCIE slot 2 not slot 1?

    Free Member

    I appreciate your writing, however I fear you have missed the ponit I am actually making – I am talking about GUI overheads.

    Yes I understand how windows cashes files, and even makes quickboot images. It is also possible to observe what the memory is actually being used for as well, and I have observed growth in threads and non-cached memory in all older installs I have ever observed.

    Maybe it’s not a forgone conclusion, but it’s certainty a trend in my experience 🙂 You can also contrast your Server 2003 example with the vast majority of users who will at some point install crapware or utilities which begin to complicate the system. RE the registry – yeah it doesn’t get heavier, but it [and other files used by windows in a similar way] will accumulate cruft and complexity, incompatibilities and patches [even from M$ themselves] leading to longer processing and read times when consulting and reading/writing to/from it. Overheads, scribbled notes and crossings out.

    I suspect the only reason Linux seems better at this is there’s less code, and less badly written programes installed by clueless users.

    SMART status of the HDD in the other machine is OK, it’s just trying to concurrently process a huge number of items after boot. Ram is 1.5GB in use for boot from 4 installed on 64b OS. All unneeded items are uninstalled, it’s just a really messed-up install that needs leveling. It’s also a dual boot with XFCE and takes about 1 minute for the HDD light to go out and the system to be fully responsive with Mint.

    Free Member

    can you not hit f12/f11/esc etc at post to call a boot menu without entering the bios?

    EDIT : yes that was my next suggestion

    Free Member

    oh dear

    reset cmos


    Free Member

    I have had this because the drive wasn’t actually capable of booting.

    Try remaking one with unetbootin585, or test it in another machine.

    Free Member

    If you can handle that without it taking you too long then that’s where I’d start, yes. It’s possible it’s not going to work, but it may well and it shouldn’t take too long.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you have nothing to lose from a low-level format.

    I’d get a bootable Linux USB* and use gparted to flatten the partitions completely, all of them. Leave the entire drive unallocated and try again [you’ll have to make a partition when you install Windows again].

    *Ubuntu or Mint iso’s should support this.

    EDIT – Don’t reconnect the other drives if you get windows back – I’d be using your bootable Linux stick/dvd to access them after you’ve got a windows install back, and then use Linux as in intermediary OS to access and copy them off. I have no idea if your virus may also insert itself into those files too.

    Free Member

    Sheesh, nasty.

    It could be hiding in the backup partition or MBR as well :/

    Do you need to recover any files from that SSD?

    Free Member

    Oh that thing! I had a popup like that the other day – just pulled the plug immediately, no harm done luckily.

    Right – first things first, I doubt it’s resident in the BIOS, or certainly alone in the BIOS – so no, just swapping the MoBo won’t fix it.

    Leave the machine alone while you decide on a single, thorough course of action to try first. Obvs remove if from the network.

    Have a read through this and see if you could do any of them:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    We’ll have to agree to disagree – yes RAM is there to be used by your programs. I don’t count the GUI as a program, I count it as an overhead.

    Unity has been criticized elsewhere as bloated. If it’s eating 1GB just to run the WM/GUI then good luck getting that 1GB back for another program to use. On a 32GB system this isn’t a big deal, but on an 8GB one? I want that RAM free for something useful, thanks, hence XFCE installs on my systems which boot with <1GB RAM in use.

    I am also going to go on the record as saying I disagree with several of you about “Windows doesn’t slow down after years of use” – it absolutely does!

    Windows, whether through it’s own patches and/or through user installed software, gradually accumulates extra background tasks as the whole ecosystem is biased towards installing extra programs/features and NOT towards enforcing system cleanliness rules eg correct filesystem and registry cleanup. Things get left behind, things get added “just in case” [eg HOW MANY programs now want to run/load at boot in msconfig ??!]

    The longer you’ve had a windows install the more crap you’ll find it’s trying to do. As a reasonable example we have a 3year old Win7 install in the house which can’t be messed-with as it’s the only reliable way to drive the scanner and printer. It’s actually not had a lot of software added to it, and much of what has been installed has been uninstalled again – it now uses >1.5GB of RAM to boot [up from circa 900MB on my usual fresh win 7 config] and takes about 5 minutes to hit the desktop. The HDD light stays jammed on for the first 15 minutes after boot, and you have to go and find something else to do after you ask it to open an explorer window if you insert a USB drive.

    Now, it may be that 90% of this is from programs the user has chosen to install, or from bad choices made by software authors – but to the end user it doesn’t matter. In a typical Windows environment, for whatever reason, after a year or two your machine will have collected pointless threads that take away your foreground processing power and waste RAM or HDD seek priority that should be in use by your tasks.

    Regular reinstalls are the simplest and most complete way to reverse this, and this is also part of why people jumping from W7 to W10 find it so much faster – they’re also ditching most of the unnecessary crap when they make the leap.

    PS if your WM using more cycles+RAM really doesn’t bother you, then why are you chuffed that W10 is leaner and has less overheads? Smaller load times, less competition for cache and RAM and less wasted cycles is a good part of the reason W10 feels faster. This is what happened when they slimmed the codebase down and targeted the RAM use towards lower end systems [and mobile devices too]. Less overheads – more user cycles available – “Win., win.”, you could say.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    An option for 32GB in the high-end model would make the XPS line feel a bit more future-proof, especially given how RAM hungry Ubuntu’s Unity interface is. Doing absolutely nothing but displaying the desktop and running terminal window with the “free -t -m” command, Unity manages to use more than a gigabyte of RAM

    Nice laptop, that.

    Free Member

    I found mine comes up functionally clean (greasy looking, but with all the dirt and excess oil gone) using only my trusty plant sprayer and *very hot* water. About 60c and set the nozzle to a mist setting, then hold the nozzle really close – the speed of the hot water jet just peels the accumulated smegs off leaving only the oil residue (probably useful).

    No chemicals, less chance of contaminating the hub grease and less rust spots from overcleaning.

    For a reasonably eco friendly grease, just use melted candle wax with a spray of gt85 on the mechs and perhaps a little on the chain. Obvs this comes off really easily with hot water, so…

    Free Member

    Oh man…

    Free Member

    What would be embarrassing for Joe is if he’d used this forum to promote his own political agenda, say with a topic about his own little petition to keep those nasty foreigners from investing in property.

    Free Member

    They’re also not saying you won’t be able to buy over priced and marketed snack bars.

    Free Member

    Others prefer Unity


    Free Member

    ‘s pretty

    Shimano 600 Arabesque.

    [no I didn’t have time to fix the cable before I used it]

    Free Member

    oh, hang on that’s just newquay

    Free Member

    follow the smell of vomit and energy drinks

    Free Member

    The real world review being…. a driving holiday.

    2/10 – try harder

    Free Member

    New version with !!software limited!! battery capacity and lower price.

    Free Member

    …’till next week.

    Free Member

    Load it properly, HTH

    Free Member

    [contains sweary bits, justified]

    Free Member


    it’s worm or be wormed

    Free Member

    *squinty eyes*
    How many Cougar were playing tonight, I wonder…?

    Free Member

    ok i admit there’s good ones too

    especially the hidden Luc Besson

    Free Member

    Just to be safe, sue the gym.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure this can be summed-up as “old as me and newer than I”

    Free Member


    Another vote for “Bastard!” from me.

    I’m usually Dread Pirate Roberts, and I suck. Doesn’t put me off though!

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