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  • Hope F22 flat pedal: initial riding impressions
  • gofasterstripes
    Free Member

    DUTCH TOURISTS???!!! wat

    Free Member

    I think this is a really interesting topic, one I pondered on the last tour.

    Breaking on NZ roads on a fully over loaded tourer was always a bit interesting*, I wondered the same thing.

    Increased air resistance sounds like a reasonable analysis – if you drop a weight over a height you liberate “an energy”. The more air resistance you thrown into the equation the less KE the brakes will have to dump. Assuming that in the braking period your rims don’t overheat or your tyres blow, then dumping the KE into thermal suddenly at a point will be a smaller total.

    I’m going with this approach in the future.

    *XTR M970s on ceramic rims will stop you VERY fast…but how much heat can the wheel handle…?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    ^^^ +1

    This started innocuous enough. I didn’t get it properly treated and it turned revolting and rotted. It’s itching now, just thinking ’bout it.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Devil’s Advocate – the fatal Tesla Autopilot crash was into the side of a trailer.

    Personally, I’m sure Musk’s vision will come true, as I have stated numerous times. Whether Tesla is the Co. at the forefront… I don’t yet know.

    Free Member

    Really hard to tell what would work from here.

    It looks like a portable, they’re usually made from the minimum of parts and with the same screws throughout – should imagine it’s easy enough to disassemble.

    Have you tried looking on with the model number?

    Free Member

    I think you need to get soldering.

    You could perhaps test the function by shorting the normally open connections and see if the machine registers a button press.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Full disclosure: I don’t get my own “joke” – I honestly don’t understand why they’re there!

    However, Kestrel GTX is pretty good 😀

    Free Member

    Hmmm. I [and he] disagree.

    If people are willing to pay 20 for an older pressing, then that’s what Oxfam should/do charge. If you know you can buy it elsewhere for less, then go for it, but that’s no reason to reduce the prices in the stores.

    Free Member

    Yeah I read the above line as: it’s 20 quid on Oxfam’s online store.

    Is that not correct? If it’s not then, well it doesn’t matter 🙂

    Free Member


    My father advises Oxfam on the value of their LP’s.

    The reason they’re sometimes somewhat pricey is because that’s what their worth! If you don’t pay that then someone else will, and it’s a charity, so…

    Often records are bought and resold for profit, why should Oxfam sell a record worth 20, 50, 100 for one pound, when they can sell it at a more appropriate price and raise more money for the charity?

    Sorry dude, with the rise of beards and turntables comes higher prices.

    Free Member

    be a stute your country needs stutes

    Free Member

    No rads, can’t be that bad. Seem impervious to aging 😀

    Free Member

    Why is no-one asking why they brought you kestrels in the sea?

    Free Member

    dragon in grumpy backward-looking diatribe shocker.

    More at 11.

    Free Member

    You could try dipping it in hot tar 🙂

    Free Member

    I plead insanity.

    …or was it inanity?

    Free Member

    I came here to say what bear just said. V12’s. Don’t forget to add splashes of blood to make them look more realistic. Oh, and something purple anodised.

    What tyres do you have on/planned?

    Free Member

    One born every day 🙂

    Free Member

    Playing Fallout 3 with several mods.

    Oh, and apparently I have to go “outside” or something later..?

    Free Member

    Pretty sure I did that last time I hopped a curb.

    Free Member

    Hang on a minute. You mean we can’t negotiate any trade deals, inside or outside the EU, while the two-year Article 50 process is ongoing?

    Exactly. Actually, it’s against the law for EU member states (we’d still be an EU member state until the end of the two-year process) to conduct bilateral trade negotiations with other member states or countries. There might be wriggle room here. If the UK and the EU enter into negotiations in good faith they could authorise those talks. But there’s not that much good faith about and EU leaders are irritated by Britain’s constant demands for a bespoke single market, its vote to leave and the continued uncertainty around its negotiating position. The thing to remember when imagining all this is that we have very little leverage, except for when we trigger Article 50.

    So what happens when we fall out the EU at the end of the Article 50 process?

    It’s Year Zero. We will have no trade deals, no financial arrangements with the EU or anyone else. We’re like a man being thrown out of a plane into the sea with no lifejacket. Seriously. I’m not making this up. It’s scary.”


    Free Member

    Why are people bothering to reply to this troll?

    The statements are designed to get a rise and nothing more. They contain nothing of value.

    By not replying, nothing of value was lost.

    Free Member


    sorry guys

    Free Member

    Somewhat tidier. I hope it’s of help, I need to sleep 🙂

    Free Member

    Like this but better somehow as said above??

    Free Member

    Whaddaya want doing to it?

    Free Member

    This is a bit

    Free Member

    I usually do it the other way around, but there was something funny going on after I partitioned the disk with gparted – I was able to install Mint, but the Windows installer would NOT install onto the ntfs part I had already made, no idea why, so I figured make the drive all unallocated, install Windows, then shrink the partition and use the space leftover for mint, data etc etc. Mint fix’d before she came home was the idea- I just knew if it was all together again and working I’d not lose my kernals, just my escalated privileges 😉

    If HPET and ACHI setting are the same in the BIOSes, (and as Cougar points out the Arch/chipset) then windows often recovers from a computer swap.

    I have promised I will buy her an SSD when I have some money, still broke as hell out here in NL, you should see how worn my chain etc is getting….

    Free Member

    W10 is not going on this machine – her orders and mine too [something’s gotta drive the scanner 😛 ]

    …made it as far as update 79 of 231.

    What I can’t get out of my head is how much easier is is to get Mint running. Basically you install it, and it figures the rest out itself [bar the sleep when closed function]. Windows OTOH was not happy to download with a Sony supplied key, then screwed GRUB up, then I had to start installing chipset and WiFi drivers – then Update was b0rked, then finally we’re off with 1,001 hours of updates.

    Put it this way – if it was a dual Mint install I’d have finished by midday!

    Free Member

    Oh boy here we go….. 😀

    Free Member

    OK – bar a bootloop after installing grub [fixed with this] we’re back to a generic dual boot OS setup.

    Next issue to overcome is managing to activate W7 and I also need to start the loooooooooong W7 update process. I have only a “preinstalled” manufacturer key [was not valid to download windows from MS’ site]…

    Sadly, the laptop never got the hang of going to sleep when the lid was closed in Mint

    not saying nothing. [/quote]
    Yeah, I regret not fixing that now 🙁

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I appreciate your concern, IA, but if you real close you’ll spot an M500 in there. 😛

    Sadly, a hundred quid is impossible – flowers and a repair is all I can do right now.

    Free Member


    HDD is FUBAR indeed – heads crashed into the platters. Sadly, the laptop never got the hang of going to sleep when the lid was closed in Mint, so when dropped it was spinning. Immediately the HDD light jammed on and there’s been nothing doing since – as mentioned it doesn’t even identify to the BIOS at boot any more and it’s certainly not possible to access it after boot with the laptop itself or when plugged into my desktop.

    However… I do have a spare 160GB kicking around, so in it went and I have Mint XFCE back on it and W7 .iso burning as you read this.

    The question of how much has been lost remains.

    @Alphabet – thanks for the tip – I doubt it’s necessary for us, but that’s slightly less than I thought actually 🙂

    @ everyone else – thanks, eeer, mostly 😉

    PS – this also inspired me to run me SMART diagnostics on all my internal drives on the desktop – all seems OK but my gods the original ones have now done a lot of hours since I built it – many of the attributes report waaay overspec time online, but with no read/write errors or reallocated bits. Hmmm….

    Free Member

    That predictably, went down like a lead balloon.

    I didn’t hark on about backups, just as well as she was really upset about some old photos etc. Luckily, we did find quite a lot of stuff backed-up on an external drive – I hope it’s all the important things. Certainly a set of tax returns are gone, eerk!

    I am now making a backup of the backup before continuing. This is not to my back up drive, otherwise the my pc would back the backup backup up as well…

    Oh, yes I also picked her a nice bunch of flowers, good tip that 🙂

    Free Member

    Yeah, I have a pair of wheel from SJS and they came with Linseed oil which was going to be my suggestion too. Never been touched, done countless thousands of miles loaded touring.

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