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  • Troy Lee Designs Stage Knee Guards review
  • gofasterstripes
    Free Member

    considering the size of the two Sukhoi parked on the deck

    Have you actually seen those things up close? At Culdrose back in the day one burped an engine and the whole place freaked the frock out, wasn’t allowed to fly. Bloody huge.

    Free Member

    @Cougar – what’s the going rate for a kidney?

    Free Member

    Its a godsend for estate agents, that’s for sure.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure most of them saw is for what they were told it was, dude.

    Free Member

    I didn’t know that kind of ride counted on Strava. Presumably the horizontal value is 0 but the vertical delta could be several hundred meters…?

    I’ll get my waterproof coat.

    Free Member

    Nice job if you can get it 😀

    Free Member

    you’re missing the point

    Seems likely.

    Are you saying the difference was the kit? I think you might have added the “quotes” after.

    If you mean what I mean then i think we’re largely in agreement. Or something 🙂

    Free Member

    Or this one 😉

    Free Member

    It’s not really a fair comparison is it?

    You have the experience AND the kit.

    Do you also do portraits with an iPhone and no processing? How much less do you charge for those?

    Free Member

    My first thought was that it was a lock that gave the (attempting) thief a ten-bag if he was nearly done sawing through it so he would mellow the hell out and see the error of his (or her) ways after an hour playing in a puddle. Or something.

    Anyway, further proof that designers just need to look to nature for inspiration. Good idea!

    Free Member

    Rabbit eggs in the …..

    o no wait

    Free Member

    The country where it’s own indigenous peoples are INarguably treated as second class citizens.


    Free Member

    What difference does it make to the cow that it meets its end locally? The shorter journey?

    Centralized slaughter requires long, cruel, transport times and can also lead to inattentive or otherwise cruel slaughter practices.

    Back OT – driving the nail into the animal’s skull is a different matter – inexcusable. I would be voting for gaol time. Pretty tempted to say a whipping too, but that would also be wrong, *sigh*. Substantive community service then, in addition.

    Free Member


    Actually, I quite like that.

    2vedgy4u – ‘s me

    Free Member

    Caution kids – sweary [but great as ever]

    Free Member

    Chance’d be a fine thing.

    Free Member

    PC laptops may have low resale value but can I find a cheap x58 or x79 motherboard? Can I fudge.

    (Actually serious point – with the recent stagnation in performance, hasn’t everything (in GWO) started to retain more value?)

    Free Member

    Aaaah, right. That I’d pay a fiver for, but not 800! 😉

    Anyways, as you were…

    [PS are we sure the answer’s not Linux? 😉 ]

    Free Member

    What do you mean by “other devices to connect to the computer”? Which item do you want to share it’s connection with the othet? iPhone, Android and Windows Phone can all share their 3/4G connection to the internet via WiFi, Windows 10 can also share it’s Wired connection outwards to another device via your WiFi (and apparantly trigger this via Bluetooth, though I’ve never tried).

    Am I missing the point?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    W10 can do it, fo’ shizzle 🙂

    EDIT – I hope no-one lives next door to me if I ever turn that on 😉

    Free Member

    Yeah, it’s amazing how many data analytics and reporting tools you can cram into a couple of gigs of compressed memory huh? 😛

    Free Member

    Yep I read, but the point is that it’s not all plain sailing in MSLand right now.

    Free Member

    New Macs launching in 7 days.

    Sadly they’ll likely still be an irrelevance to Apple.

    Free Member

    if I hadn’t partaken I’d still think it was sh1t

    I was taught that getting baked at a wedding was rude!

    PS you’re allowed to write “shit” on here.

    Free Member

    The “Remember me” function is very odd indeed. Here I am using accessing STW through a rather unusual series of hops and it’s behaving exactly as well as it used-to when I just had a regular connection – IE it occasionally logs me out unexpectedly for no reason on Bob’s green earth, but just not that often.

    Did STW succeed in hiring a new techie? Maybe they can fix* it? I tried to lure one but he’s bloody weird and wasn’t willing to trade a hill-side floodage view for a pay-cut** apparently. His loss!

    *maybe it’s a form of sanctioned trollage like some of the Facebook posts from ‘t Towers 😉

    **I am not commenting on the pay, just repeating his comments.

    Free Member

    The AI is coming for your soul.

    Free Member

    Last wingding I went to had disposable cameras – ’twas fun 🙂

    Free Member

    Sometimes another’s misfortune is your gain.

    We all need somewhere to hide.

    Free Member

    EDIT – maybe not

    Free Member

    C’mon STW – stay cheerful, don’t let me down 🙂

    Free Member

    Remind me, from an objective standpoint, what is the best piece of music ever?

    Eeer, this I think.

    Free Member

    1 – Put model* in to whitebox environment in raytracing package
    2 – Apply materials [only if not imoprted with model, which is unlikely]
    3 – Position/mess with the lighting in the scene
    4 – Press render.
    5 – Do something else while it renders, preferably STW.

    1-4 Should take you a couple of hours, tops. *Assuming the solid model is already made as the thing is probably scheduled/in production when you are going to make an advertising render like that.

    Free Member

    In your opinion DrJ, what does it communicate?

    I like it quite a lot myself. The way she’s looking through the camera, the differing dark tones and the enigmatic expression. I’d like it more if there wasn’t some colour noise in the shadows though.

    Oh, and the comparison between the whiteness of her skin and the white of the plastic bag too 😀

    Free Member

    Maybe it’s a lot to do with your influences and how you view a portrait, too.

    This, for example I think of as a great portrait, and so I would probably be influenced by it when deciding what I think is a great portrait photograph.

    Of the two footflaps posted I really like the first. I and agree that it tells a story and is compelling, yet I also like the colours more than the second; maybe it’s over exposure on the face, maybe I’d darken it a little/increase the blacks/saturation?

    It’s probably a good comparison with music. Some people prefer punk bootleg recorded on a dictaphone to a 5.1 92bit classical concert, despite the fact you can barely hear the music in the first.

    Maybe we hear differently, maybe we see differently?

    Free Member

    I have to say I’m finding this fascinating. Obvs the pic of my father is tied to my emotional connection with him, yet the look, the expression the spontaneity and the colours are genuinely much more aesthetically pleasing and attractive to me [within the confines of the concept of a “portrait”] than those of the other image.

    Yes my shot has a deeper DOF [it’s only an HS10, limitations abound] and other technical shortcomings too – yet I find it a much more compelling, natural and “well lit” image than the other and this is aside from the fact I know the subject – the same applies to images of people I don’t know too, but I didn’t have one to hand.

    Hmmm. We’re all so very different 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m referring to the lighting/contrast/colours on the subject, not the whole image.

    EDIT – OK you addressed that at the same time as I posted.

    Free Member

    You say “well lit” – I see: a hard and unforgiving light throughout the image which has removed many subtle tones and makes the image fatiguing to look at and unrealistic. It’s a bit “Venture” to me.

    Caveat – as before, I’m not sure my monitor is set up *that* well.

    Point of comparison – here’s a picture with no prep/composition taken by an amateur on a bridge superzoom and even shot on jpeg+auto! However it appeals to me far more. Yes it’s a bit oversaturated, but I find it more appealing due to the contrast in the lighting and the simplicity of it. And no white background!

    Just goes to show we’re all different I guess, and/or you always feel very attached to photos of your family/friends. It’s my father, somewhere on a clifftop in Cornwall. Feel Free to slag it off 😉 [but not him]

    Free Member

    Adds tension, or something?

    EDIT – the doorframe not *quite* lining up would annoy the shizzle outta me though.

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