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  • Fear And Learning In The Surrey Hills: How To Use Science To Overcome Your Fears
  • gofasterstripes
    Free Member

    I tried to convince MissStripes to sell the Twingo, but it ‘aint happening.

    I’d buy that in a second!

    Free Member

    Why not just use a super soaker? I’m sure it’ll have an effect.

    TBH this all seems pretty silly to me – Lion Poo extract is well proven and cheap, does not require injuring an animal minding it’s own business and doesn’t require you hanging around waiting!

    Duuuude – Live and let live crap.

    Free Member

    Oh wow – sorry just noticed you said “stand up in”. Lightwave is not the Co. for that. Sorry.

    Free Member

    I’m sure you know this already, but

    Stem bolts must be tightened in this sequence. I would go around 3 times, slowly building up to the correct torque. If you’re being extra careful, I’d ask what [if any] lube or paste to use on the threads too.

    Free Member

    I don’t know if any of these are suitable, but I can speak for the quality.

    Quality, however, never rarely comes cheap.

    Free Member

    8O 8O 8O

    Free Member


    Design classic, very clever suspension, usually reliable [low stress] engine.

    Faults I am aware of:

    Spark plugs low down- my friend had one and lived over a ford. When the water was high there was a good chance it would stall crossing the ford.

    In the Dyane and perhaps the standard 2CV the Spare tyre was on top of the cardboard heat-exchanger hose, which was in turn mounted above the exhaust header. If the Hose’s clips failed [rot I guess] it would fall down, sit on the exhaust and ignite pouring smoke into the interior. When you were trying to pull over to deal with that, the tyre would ignite leading to total mayhem. I think think happened twice to ours.

    Occasionally the boot will open for no real reason. We had to collect the contents from the side of the motorway more that once.

    Interestingly we didn’t get rid until someone put milk in the gas tank, so it must have had some serious appeal

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Is it the hat/beard/bag co-ordination? Or the appearance of a floating monolith that freaks you out more?

    EDIT: Thread useless without pics of said green parrot….

    Free Member

    Last mini tour i went on was a bit of a fail. Two guys who went with didn’t get along. And trust me, with a load of guys in a tent “egging” is not a good thing….And who would have thunk it, spliffs before breakfast do not equate to the target mileage….

    Free Member

    Not a clue, unfortunately. Try just asking a few local engineering firms?

    OTOH – I am not aware of any issues with using preload on coil forks that have that facility, it should be designed in.

    Good luck sir.

    Free Member

    We had this the other day.

    Turned out to be a stiff link, much to my chagrin…..

    Free Member

    On my Mk 1 Alien, 1 half turns the chain tool on the other half via the 6mm hex key.

    Free Member

    …nowhere – ’round the house with a hoover.

    But tomorrow: Sywell Aero Expo (and perhaps a few beers).

    We might even ride there ;)

    Free Member

    The Hypercracker sounds like genius!

    Free Member

    Topeak Alien +1.

    Topeak Fold out pump too [Take a Joe Blow if you have a car].

    In addition to all the standards, I also tape a couple of spare spokes to the chainstays. I am lucky as there are only 2 lengths of spoke on my Thorn.

    I’d suggest you also carry a loose Spokey

    Multitools usually suck for actually adjusting spokes, they get in the way of themselves and often lack the precision casting to fit the Nipple well. As they also usually have loads of leverage due to their length, I find they tend to bugger Nipples up half the time, which will NOT improve your mood if you are sitting on the dirt somewhere trying to fix a wheel!

    Free Member

    Oh, well I can vouch for it’s quality…

    Are you sure the 2013 version isn’t fitted with new tech LED’s?

    I’m pretty sure you can see 50+m quite easily with the older one I have.

    I was making the assumption that it’s for on and light off road use, as Ska-49 said it was his first light. Sure you can get more powerful lights, but having dabbled with 6000+ Lumen LEDs recently, I’m still liking the Vision for real-world use.

    I am sure the housing is expensive, but it does protect it nicely!

    Free Member

    Yo – Ska – This is not a bajillion lumens, but do you want to blind everyone?

    Bright Idea!

    Hope Vision 1, most excellent. Here in a kit with high-power rechargeable batteries.

    Quality, versatility and after-sales support. Mine has been used on a 9 Month tour, and thousands of hours of commuting etc.

    If it does run flat somewhere, just pop into Poundland and buy a set of cheapo batteries to get you home.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Thanks everyone.

    Free Member

    I will indeed call the tax office, but was under the impression that the situation was “correct” – i.e. according to the law I will have to wait ’till next year etc etc.

    I have to admit I find it extremely confusing.

    Bikes – I’m your man, Electronics/PC’s yes also – but Tax?! P’ah!

    Free Member

    Hey- there’s no need to kill it, it’s just making a living!

    A variation on this theme will likely work, just drop the chap off a-way away from the house. Take it for a ride 1st?

    Free Member

    Also – if you fitted the cassette and it was in loose pieces, perhaps remove and refit checking all the spacing rings are aligned and any tabs on them are located in the cassette cogs correctly. That could lead to a change in the spacing between the cogs through the gears.

    Might be worth popping into a shop that has that cassette to copy one on the shelf?

    Free Member

    Loose lockring on the cassette?

    Free Member

    When I do weight training or bike strength training I just add approx 30% extra in high protein foods [as a Veggie that’s “Fake Meats”, eggs or pulses/grains in the same meal [or oats for brekkie – NB this causes serious wind] and hit SIS Rego after every ride/session, and perhaps a small one in the morning too.

    Read the packages on food.

    I always eat a balanced diet.

    It’s not an exact method, but it works well enough

    Free Member

    I would guess they’re universal dude. Do they look different?

    Free Member

    This keeps coming up. As I said before, I use lockout because I am sure it makes me a little faster.


    The bicycle is a device to allow the vertical application of force against it’s pedals to translate into forward momentum for the rider and bicycle. The purpose of a spring and damper assembly in a fork is to absorb vertical forces and effectively waste them using the damper.

    Hence bobbing up and down when pedalling translates into wasted possible forward momentum.

    There does exist a crossover where rough terrain impedes forward travel due to deflections or bike and wheels, and therefore there comes a point where having lockout OFF allows better progress. You have to judge where that crossover is as you ride.

    My 2 pence.

    EDIT: I am sure it makes more difference when standing.

    Free Member

    “Val Denton: Then there’s the towels. White for hands, brown for feet, green for torso, thighs and seat. And in the cupboard beneath the stair…

    [Harvey enters]

    Harvey Denton: …you’ll find the red for pubic hair.”

    Oh good grief….

    Free Member

    I have one of these
    you can have for free if I can find it. It is in perfec condition unlike the one in the pic.

    EDIT: I think your shop is talking baloney. Adjust the seat untill you feel most comfortable for longest, and can power your legs best. Height is fairly critical, your knees should not extend into the last 5 degrees of shraight as this is the locking mechanism and provides no power. Experiment by starting with it clearly a 10cm too low and then moving it up a cm at a time. 5mm can make all the difference, so fine tune.

    Free Member

    Back to Chain Wax. Works best with single speed or hub gears.

    Free Member

    Student method:

    :) Buy candles [waxy ones, not too crumbly]
    :) Have candlelit dinner [optional]
    :) Remove wicks/metal bits
    :) Gently melt in old bean can
    :) Place whole chain in
    :) Shake about a bit over the sink
    :) Remove chain and place on cardboard to cool
    :( Clean sink
    :) Ride and repeat when it squeaks :)

    Free Member

    I can’t say I’ve tried to use the structural analysis side of it yet, but I’m pretty keen on Solid Edge…

    In fact what I hear from the CAD community is mostly that Edge is getting ahead of Works, these days.

    Free Member

    I know one of these going since 1966. New valves, but that’s it.

    Free Member

    WGM – is your internet provider BT?

    Free Member

    If one is [temp] banned – how does anyone else know?

    There’s no humiliation, just cooling off. I was, ahem, under the influence when I posted the thread that got me banned.

    Free Member

    Crikey, looks like we’ve truly found the sore point here with this topic!

    Free Member

    Well, I guess it’s heavy then, but you do get a lot of space. OP posted multi-pan sets in the 350g range, I’d say 190g is comparatively light.

    IDK man, if you live near Bath, pop into Itchy Feet – they can help you out.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Big, practical, lovely quality bits and pieces. Weighs nothing, will outlast you. Pack other things in it and then in yr bag – who cares if it’s bigger.

    Came here from the “Is STW boring?” thread, LOL

    Free Member

    I find this place very entertaining, helpful and often fun. I am not finding this thread any much of the latter two now.

    Myself, I think the mods do a good job – apart from the time they closed my threads linking to a very funny site which they thought “Affiliate Links” ] – but then “meh” we all make mistakes. And after wards I acted like a tosser, so I deserved it.

    Cougar’s attitude makes me smile, usually.

    WGM – If I may stick my oar in – reading what you are typing, as-is. Yes you are being rude about and unfair towards Travellers if you call them Pikey. There are scumbags and there are non-scumbags. Persons of no fixed abode are not automatically scumbags, so you should not use derogatory language to refer to them, nor should you tar them all with the brush dipped in the bad-behaviour of some.

    There is now a tax-free allowance of 8k+, so if a Travelling person earns less than that, they would not pay any tax on their income anyway -much the same as a low-paid shopworker for example. Not to mention Google et al.

    They will be paying VAT and other taxes in the course of their lives in the UK won’t they?

    There is also the matter of treating people with respect. THAT is how we grow an integrated and tolerant society, and where people’s natural talents shine through. Label them a Pikey, discriminate against them in other ways from assumptions and prejudice and you WILL find them on the edge of society – disillusioned and angry, ready to hit back at the society that has wronged them.

    This is not “PC” this is just what’s right.

    Entertainingly – from
    “Passive-aggressive people who defend racism but don’t want to be labeled that way attack dissenters as “politically correct.””

    I had a few travellers living down the lane from my folk’s house in Cornwall. One was a nice guy, had a hard life perhaps made a few mistakes but a good chap. It was when he was sent down [for possession of speed, which AFAIK he didn’t take or own [grass yes, but not that]] that he picked up a smack habit. THAT was what killed him. Nice one “justice” system.

    The other people that joined him there [against his will] – they were fairly crazy, nicked a bit of petrol, grew some grass on the hill and made a mess. But meh – I’m more worried about corporate tax dodgers undermining the cash-flow of the entire country. Not to mention the multi-nationals exploiting their workers and sourcing their minerals from militia-controlled child slave run mines.

    Maybe it just me. And Bill Hicks.

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