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  • Review: The 2018 Anthem Advanced Pro 29er 1 is Giant’s best full suspension XC race bike to date
  • gofasterstripes
    Free Member

    I just told Ruby the story, and she was so upset she hid under Tak’s protectionary fluff.

    Animal Welfare act – Unnecessary Suffering – though that may be after the incident.

    In addition – it may fall under Criminal Damage? They are your property.

    Meanwhile I’d be round there like a shot with a set of Bombers. Fraking cheek of it, trying to poison a defenceless animal!!

    To ease the situation I suggest you swap the mesh for smaller mesh – Ruby [who you can’t really see] above has serious teeth, and has damaged the mesh on their hutch by chewing it in the AM in enthusiasm for nuggets. I changed the mesh for 5mm square mesh from Wickes and no more chewing, so less noise.

    But mainly, I’d be speaking to the Polis – see what they have to say..

    Free Member

    A home what-now?!

    This is not something I need worry about [finding a way to strip a steel frame] as My Mk I Blue Pig was barely coated when it arrived!

    :roll: Indeed

    Free Member

    a bit unhappy if he/she gets a vista

    Everybody’s unhappy if they get vista…

    Free Member

    In Molly’s 1st pic – check the far left edge you’ll find a penguin and a balding head.

    EDIT – Holy hell “The Badger” is from Bradford Uni! I have to meet this guy – where is he now??!

    Free Member

    Sadly, it’s my tenancy agreement….

    I was surprised to hear my Letting Agents have the Extended edition – complete with the Itinerary I haven’t seen before or signed 8O

    Free Member

    No it isn’t, though eating too many peanuts too fast can cause that.

    EDIT: Oh you mean that – no I don’t have that :)

    I am glad that I am not alone in this, I was starting to think I was a bit weird!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    EDIT: so “t’T” then, eh lad?

    Free Member

    steviecapt – Member
    ….halfords wont invest in training their staff to high enough levels, thus why their reputation is crap.


    ….halfords wont invest in training their staff cheap teenage labour to high enough levels, thus why their reputation is crap.


    Free Member

    Tour de Ferret?

    Free Member

    Don’t bring Crikey into this!

    Free Member

    Yep, and it’s flakier than 1 week old sunburn….

    Free Member

    PC or console gamer?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Interesting – is the review still up?

    Free Member

    Common to those who expect Halfords bikes to be badly built, that is.

    We’ve done this – it’s common sense to you, because of your experiences. Try explaining this to someone that expects Halfords bikes to be built by trained mechanics [like the adverts say].

    Free Member

    ^Oooh, sharp thinking. The man’s got a point.

    Free Member

    Most people that get their bikes built at Halfords, rOcKeTdOg.

    Again to answer OP – they come like any other boxed bike.

    You will need a real pedal spanner [15mm slim, like 2-3mm depth], hex keys and a couple of screwdrivers – but if you’re thinking of building it yourself you either know that or have a guide book, right?

    If you haven’t been fettling bikes for a while, you’re better getting it built [checking after for massive errors as above], and taking it back after the brakes/gears have bedded in and started to loose their adjustment [coupla weeks of gentle rides]. In that case – DO NOT adjust anything until after the free service, so it’s their problem.

    Free Member

    OK guys here’s a suggestion:

    Wear a helmet if you want, don’t bother other people about it one way or the other.

    I mean, c’mon – are those of you taking a side on this ever going to convince each other? Are you going to stop people in the street and try and change their mind as to whether wearing one or not is a good idea?

    Why don’t we all have a nice cup of really hot tea [or Elderflower cordial], pass the peace pipe and just leave it here?

    Free Member

    I’ll see if I still have any spares. I honestly don’t know. Anything I find you can have guys. Love love love and goodnight

    Free Member

    2 Observations

    1) This subject really brings out the worst in people.
    2) “Anus” as a username?!

    Free Member

    teasel – we agree on the sunscreen issue, but on this; less so.

    Well, I mean, I can’t love them – it hurts too much!

    Free Member

    BUMP. What a good idea.

    I would be there in a heartratemonitor, except* I’m Kettering now and Bradford in a couple of weeks.

    Anything that way?

    *And also I would be trying it on with Hannah Murray

    Free Member

    Finish Line +1 – From Halfrauds.

    Free Member

    Yes. I’m lazy, so I tend to build up generally. But basically, if you keep going out for longer, you’ll be able to ride for longer still.

    Good nutrition, and a well set up bike play their part too. As does rest after pushing the boundaries. Mixing the style/terrain up will help too- as will some running or similar.


    Free Member

    Whatever you use, before the thing kicks off – test the rig. It usually takes a lot of power to get a decent volume outside, and not much gear is up to it.

    Start with the volume low, and bring it up until the sounds starts to harden and begins to lose it’s quality, note that position and then don’t go that far during the party or broken speakers etc can result.

    Seen a LOT of small gear damaged by parties – people tend to turn it up as they get groovin’.

    If you use some “HiFi” speakers, or a minisystem etc – stack the speakers one on top of the other to get a small boost in loudness.

    Free Member

    They can bite through chainmail! Try a smear of something on the skin under the clothes, Tea Tree oil perhaps?

    Not jam, ovbs…

    Free Member

    Bahco[/url] – not always cheap, but a brand to trust.

    Free Member

    It’s a Klingon of a thread, the unexpected Sesame seed that falls to the floor.


    Free Member

    My mother ate one of our rabbit’s pellets once, when I was small.

    It ended up in the raisin bowl – I have no idea how, honest.

    Free Member

    Apparently manners slow you down on the road, as far as I can tell.

    EDIT: Steam gives way to sail.

    Free Member

    Wooooooooooow – that’s a good story.

    ICBA 2 type mine right now – but yeah – 20m away a tree was struck, in the Pyrenees in from of me when I was 8.

    I ate a ham quiche, that’s how shaken up I was.

    Free Member

    Yo -just got back from the pool hall.

    SSD lifespan depends on usage, the lifespan is fairly long, but varies. AFAIK Intel ones last longest because they have a spare chip to use if another bit goes faulty. With the best will in the world I struggle to see where you’re going with this – you can upgrade your old laptop, probably, but I don’t think that’s the way to go.

    HP/Lenovo +1 Also tend to come with mousenipples which I like.

    Night night – GfS

    Free Member

    It is a flash drive, but a cheap SSD is £70+ on it’s own. They have a limited life and should not be bought secondhand.

    Free Member

    expect to get an integrated GPU at this price!

    -yeah, but better get an A-Series not an E-Series if it’s an AMD APU. If he can have an i7 for £400 then it’s a good deal [or stolen].

    It can’t but it’s unlikely you’ll have a CPU that can actually make use of more than about 6Gb (absolute max) in a £350 lappy

    Explain yourself man! You cannot have too much RAM Also – what about a £400+ one?

    If you’re talking about short stroking then yes. Otherwise, all laptops are likely to have a 5,000rpm drive. Again, HDD speed isn’t likely to be much of a bottleneck in this system.

    Seeing as the drives are all the same physical size, the more they hold, the denser that data is stored on the disc – so per rotation more data passes the head leading to faster sequential transfer rates. Seek times are more of an issue, but like with RAM more never hurts. More RAM also caches the drives contents, so reducing HDD lag.

    Drive speed IS the bottleneck in these systems, that’s why SSD’s exist, why a Samsung Chromebook feels fast and also why more RAM is so damn important.

    That Acer you linked to looks good. If the OP would rather trade a little general purpose speed for a little better games ability, then get an AMD-chipped one with a new A4 or A6 CPU [budget willing]

    The defence rests [mostly ‘cos it’s too hot to do anything else]

    Free Member

    OK I’m a bit out of touch right now, but overall: Avoid E-Series AMD APUS [CPUS with integrated graphics accelerators] and Intel Celeron Chips.

    i3/i5 or A-Series Chips are better.

    8GB of RAM can’t hurt.

    Look at screen quality, and matte screens are still a bit better for reducing glare. Look also at screen resolution – 1366*768 is a bit tight for anything more than web browsing.

    Touchscreen is likely a pointless selling tool, Win 8 can be modded to work more like Win 7.

    Bigger hard discs are also faster, SSD’s are faster still but unlikely at this price unless they’re too tiny.

    Spanner in the works: If you want a web-only machine – look at a Samsung Chromebook and a second hand desktop. For £500ish you could get 2 machines, one faster and one with web use and simplicity.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Carbonated Milk? Carbonated Olive Oil? Carbonated still water? Carbonated yoghurt?

    Free Member

    I’d guess it’s all part of her plan to ensure you’re never “back in the saddle” again :wink:


    Free Member

    Oh dear. I bet that feels a bit like rubbing it in?

    I dunno man, I’m not single now but I have been for fairly long times. Both have their advantages.

    Right now I’m with a young lady that’s totally devoted to me [note – not in a submissive/servile way] and I met her while on an unusual night out with some new friends at uni.

    AFAIK the only way to be sure to meet someone is when you’re not expecting it.

    So my advice to you is – give up, by all means on LOOKING; but don’t give up on the notion that finding someone you’re really compatible with is possible. Because that could very well be when it happens.

    Meanwhile, be you. You being you is what the other person will see – in other words if they like that, then you’re off to a good start for sure. So if you want to eat pizza every night, feel free. If you want to dress up like John Revolta and boogie on down every thursday at the cheap night in Flares – hit that dance floor, man.

    And if you start to see the same lady there every thursday too [Perhaps with a little smudge of Margherita arounds the chin] then it’ll be a good sign that you should start doing the Electric Slide – but maybe not thrust the pelvis too much to start with, eh?

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