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  • Jumpack Transforms From Backpack To Dirt Jump In Just 10 Seconds!
  • gofasterstripes
    Free Member

    pocketrocket – Member
    Cold sores are horrible things and I used to suffer from them on a regular basis until I tried this,

    It’s a fantastic little machine with no mess from creams etc, and seems to stop 90% of my cold sore attacks, those that do carry on are less severe and clear up quicker. Also as an added bonus my attacks are far less frequent than they used to be.

    I get a MALWARE WARNING from Google when trying to access that page. Watch out.

    Free Member

    I’d rather leave the Tory party on a small island with no-one else and see how it all pans out. Like Lord of the Flies, but with worse government.

    Free Member

    Nice seat angle.

    B+W+ colourised – Who knew the 26″ MTB was available in the 20s?

    Those rocks do look quite gnarr though!

    Free Member

    Technics = Panasonic = Panaracer tyres!!

    EDIT: Just don’t try to buy them in a Panasonic highstreet shop, they don’t even know Panasonic make bike tyres, LOL!

    Free Member

    That SL-10 looks awesome.

    Free Member

    cgg – my mates and I were sitting at the bottom in the rain smoking a spliff when two guys rode past on full sussers with full face lids etc etc. we decided on the spur to do it and it was no biggie. 1xblue pig 1xchameleon, and one yeti 575 – no ff lids and I was wearing shorts and a couple of shrunken woolen jumpers. the first sections are seep as hell but, meh – the only thing I didn’t ride is the two drop short dropoffs at the end and that was because I crashed 1/2 way down flat out and got the handlebar in the front of my quad muscle after which I was unable to bend that leg.

    Just do it brohan!

    EDIT: There’s a load of folded slate-like rock with vertical strata – FFS wear some serious gloves or if you OTB you’ll slice your hand to shit/dangerousbloodloss/severed tendons etc etc

    Free Member

    No gloves?! Dude….

    Free Member

    A lot of B+O gear is very well engineered. I had a turntable of theirs for a while it sounded OK – though I’m sure a Linn or Gerrard would have been nicer – but when you opened it you could see the thought and attention to detail in the engineering, and inside the bottom cover there was an envelope glued to the inside containing a schematic and the service instructions. Nice touch.

    I currently have a set of B+O Form 1 headphones, when the Form bit actually meant they fitted to your head rather than the other way around. They sound pretty good*, but they need new foam and wearing them outside is just, beyond me [even in this age of ginormous Beats]

    I’ll be selling them soon, if there’s interest I can pop them on the classifieds now.

    If we’re talking old gear then I’ll say I’m still using those 1979 Technics, and my bud downstairs is still using my AE’s, as the Technics sound plenty good enough [though the bass in the Avenged Sevenfold album I listened to the other day hit the cabinet/driver resonance the bass drivers suddenly moved about 15mm more than any other note 😯 ].

    *Clear, smooth treble, very very nice midrange with loads of detail. Lots of bass, but that’s most headphones for you. Very good for classical!

    Free Member

    ^There’s an irony to this post.

    Free Member

    Dunno – about as much as a set of another brand’s OEMs I guess?

    Actually, about as much as someone will give you for them 🙂

    Free Member

    EB13: 2014 Formula R1 Racing and C1 Hydraulic Mountain Bike Brakes

    Looks like a new, budget Formula brake, probably an OEM part. What do you want to know?

    This link should take you to the manual PDF.

    Generally Formula are considered very good, but with any new product there may be a design problem that’s not been discovered – so I don’t think we can say much about them yet.


    Free Member

    I’m having a night off the sauce. With the Mrs away I’ve had a beer or a wine most nights in the last couple of weeks, last night I had a can of beer and felt quite unwell* so I figure I need to give my body a break.

    *Well it was an American Budweiser. What? Don’t look at me like that – it was the only thing in the fridge that was cold in the corner store!

    Free Member

    Should starting threads that you don’t start, be illegal?

    And more to the point – how is it possible?

    Myself, I’d turn 360 degrees and walk away if I was ever tempted.

    Free Member

    iolo – Member
    Snorting tobasco is fun

    What – more fun than snorting a line of ants?

    Free Member

    I assume Mr Dover is OK?

    Free Member

    Only if you’re not under the influence while driving it.

    Hang about…

    Free Member

    Why stop there? A homemade nuclear reactor perhaps, or plastic explosives?

    Free Member


    From what I’ve seen most bikepolis don’t now how to change gear quick, let alone ride down a set of steps at speed while setting up for the turn at the bottom.

    In addition they ride shite bikes. “Smith and Wesson Tactical Police Mountain Bike”, anyone?

    I’m not saying “I know I can outrun a bike policeperson”, but I seriously think many people can. Though, as you say they would need to know where they were going, and as lardman pointed out, a change of clothes would be needed if one was to leave the area undetected.

    This is all idle speculation, mind. As I mentioned the other day I’ve never been detained or arrested etc and in fact would love to work for the police.

    Part of this was influenced by watching a police helicopter and several cars entirely fail to apprehend a teenager the other day on foot, in Kettering.

    Free Member

    Presumably the second happened after someone got too confident from the first? Lolled hard.

    Free Member

    Duke of Edinburgh?

    Free Member

    I have to say I do this all the time. If someone’s in a bike box, I usually stop in front of them and then move off slowly. I’m sure it doesn’t help, but it does make me feel better.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I sent my friend the Watch game – 5 minutes later he sent me this:

    I am astounded….

    Free Member

    Peyote – Member
    Why didn’t the cyclist just cycle off? It’s not difficult to lose the Feds!

    That’s always been a bug in my brain. Not been chased, but I really would be surprised if they [bike or car] can keep up with a fit MTBer hurtling down stairs, dropping off obstructions etc etc etc.

    Anyone ever managed it?

    Free Member

    Hmmm, must have been something else. Basically there was space available to reduce the dish, but it was not used. I’m down with dishless don’t you worry.

    Free Member

    Needs more SawStop

    Details –

    Free Member

    OK “died” twice but to got to lev 8 and got bored. Keyboard helps.

    Free Member

    I was peering at a Hope wide rear hub a while ago; I forget which. It just had a projection out of the side after the flange – total waste of space as the spoke attachment points were the same as the “normal version”. I hope that’s changed now.

    Free Member

    Just to clear it up I think driving under the influence of anything is a no-no. Riding around the woods with headphones and bag full of Mars Bars OTOH….

    Free Member

    Advertise it truthfully and sell to highest bidder?

    Free Member

    GP- Gold Peak. Good quality stuff.

    My favorite* brand for batteries is Pairdeer – but mostly because of the logo and name.

    *Not necessarily the best, but I am fickle and irrational.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    RE the driving issue – AFAIK it’s not easy to get a quick reading of the chemical’s levels in the person. Doesn’t it require a blood test?

    Actually I seem to remember* that as there is no level set for the amount of THCetc that is allowed in the blood during driving there’s a good chance you wouldn’t be prosecuted if you were observed smoking a spliff and then trying to drive – assuming you don’t have more on you [another matter] and don’t appear to be intoxicated when questioned.

    I’ve never been busted and don’t drive – so I don’t know.

    *Don’t get used to it.

    Free Member

    Leaving my flies undone.

    Once, in a garden center at age 15, I stood in the middle of the greenhouse staring into space. A cute girl comes up [Sat. job I guess] and opens her mouth to start talking to me. As she’s doing this she looks down and a look of consternation crosses her face – she turn around and walks away.

    Turns out, that if you stand with your hands in your pockets in a warm room with no breeze, it’s impossible to notice that both your jeans and boxxer flies are open due to the humidity etc. 😆

    EDIT – oh and rounds. It’s stupid – why does everyone need to buy drinks at the same time? Why does, for example the guy who doesn’t drink much has to buy rounds for those that do? What if some asshat [me] is very keen on, for example Amaretto or Ouzo and wants doubles – usually costing far more that a pint of piss lager?

    Buy your own drinks whenever you want. Perhaps buy the person you came with one. Why complicate matters?

    Free Member

    I also Moo at cows. I grew up surrounded by cows and do a good Moo – the looks on their faces are 100% worth it whenever someone else catches me.

    Free Member

    Farnell is ace. Except on Tuesday when I needed them and their site was malfunctioning. Only once, though.

    Free Member

    Never bothered me.

    Tie a bit of string to the cables you wish to remove. Remove cables and hope string doesn’t fall off. Reverse process.


    Free Member

    Huh. And there I was thinking one of the pros of shelling out for a Westmere chip was the on-the fly AES encryption…. hmmm if anyones implementations are compromised it’ll be Intel’s

    No mention of open source in that article, but in the comments TOR and TrueCrypt.

    Hmmmmmm indeed.

    Free Member

    martinxy – rather two-dimensional character.

    Free Member

    Hear hear.

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