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  • Gunn-Rita Dahle ‘Most Successful Mountain Biker Of All Time’ Decides To Hang Up The Cleats
  • gofasterstripes
    Free Member

    For those “Awwwwwww yeah, like a boss” nights:

    Free Member

    I would have thought this is up your hill street, STW.

    Free Member

    I was going to post something about Dyson Airblades, but having seen the above, I’m going to [?]+[Q] STW for a while…..

    Free Member

    I can do a 5 for Guinness 🙂

    Can’t recommend it though, especially not more than one like that!

    Free Member

    RX Bandits, Leeds, February

    Free Member

    6:00 Wake. Read nuclear physics magazines and plan world domination.
    6:15 2nd personality wakes. shower while whistling cheery tune
    6:30 exit shower and put away magazines ?housemate? has left out [odd]
    6:32 toaster/kettle on
    6:33 [switch]
    6:34 Head down to lair.
    6:35 Warm up centrifuge, acid bath and activate drone scouts.
    6:38 Observe mortal enemies and work on second fission stage drawings .
    7:00 Head back up.
    7:01 [Switch]
    7:02 eat cold toast [odd], drink cold instant coffee [odd], read grauniad
    7:20 notice time and am surprised
    7:30 [switch]
    7:33 Incognito browsing, switch to secure network, TOR. Brief henchmen via scrambled comms.
    8:30 Head back up.
    8:31 [Switch]
    8:32 look for rest of breakfast, always seem to eat it in a daze.
    8:33 notice time, panic. should leave at 8:30
    8:40 exit house with wet hair, loo roll stuck to feet and half my lunch
    9:05 arrive work, make excuses set the tables out for first customers in organic cafe.

    various times during day – puzzled by nods and winks from men in trenchcoats who keep passing the organic cafe.

    …i never seem to have enough time to do anything and I always set off alarms in airports. very puzzled.

    5:50 yoga

    Free Member

    I like my 520. Everyone else has said why, so I don’t need to type it again 🙂

    Wish it had a real keyboard though 🙁

    Free Member

    I think he just borrowed their bikes… 😉

    There is a skill in being that fecund!

    Free Member

    Ooh – interesting point.

    Latex adhesive? Hot tar?

    Free Member

    Right, ‘cos what we really need is another One Direction 🙄

    Free Member

    ‘k. Well, if you have any thoughts – I love data to grind 🙂

    Also – everyone needs a little funky Cornish Reggae/Dub

    Free Member

    Or you, surroundedbyhills?

    Free Member

    OK. Are you not going to reply to my questions DT78?

    Free Member

    @brooess – [whisper] Eulalie [/whisper] 😉

    Free Member

    Brill. And with that, I christen him Isaac.

    Free Member

    Looks great, shame my MTB is blue and black only [bar the forks, but I cannae afford new ones or the time to paint].

    Free Member

    Interesting, actually, Mr.byhills. I was writing a report yesterday and thinking about how, when I first started at my placement, I was given a series of experiments to do with a view to developing a sensor package.

    After being told the routine I was to use, I thought “These experiments are rushed; we need to find the simplest model of the system, work on that until we can infer from our remote position the state of the item we are trying to monitor. Then, slowly add additional complications, step by step, ensuring that this does not damage our ability to maintain the accuracy of our inference of the system”.

    But as I’d just started as a placement student, and it was the Director* of the division, I thought “Better keep that to myself, don’t make a fuss etc etc”.

    After 3 months the data set [beautifully categorized and managed, cross referenced and with all experiments very carefully executed exactly as discussed] was returned to me because no-one could find the trend or patterns in it to allow us to infer from our sensing package what was happening with the monitored item.

    Should I have refused to do the work as directed? Should I have done BOTH what he asked and what I wanted to do?**

    Would this make me a good manager? NB – the Director of Studies at my University told the Director in question the same thing as I was thinking a little later, and nothing was done/changed.

    *He’s a nice chap and clearly usually knows what he’s doing, I’m just using this as an example.

    **A la development of the 512k Macintosh. When the original Macintosh was launched, Steve Jobs said there was no need for more that 128k of RAM, but the team knew better. So they made one in their spare time, and when it became apparent it was needed, Jobs had to U-Turn. Luckily, it was already ready; probably saving the company.

    Free Member

    ^ 😆 ^ 😆 ^ 😆 ^ 😆 ^ 😆 ^ 😆 ^ 😆 ^ 😆 ^ 😆

    Free Member

    Lock-ons are lumpy and uncomfortable for my sensitive handies!

    Free Member

    Welcome to STW, Comrade 😉

    Free Member

    I think I should also say [assuming for a moment anyone is paying any attention to what I type]:

    I don’t want to work in a company with an unaccountable hierarchy. I might do-so as a way to get to where I want to be, but that’s: designing as an independent or with a friend or two as co-workers.

    I don’t mind fitting in with a company/structure if I agree to work for a company.

    The post was about “Managers who are cocks” – my reply was about them too. There must be managers who manage well, have an oversight of the companies goals [long, mid or short-term], the staff they are there to assist in reaching those goals, and the needs of both and whose job/role it is to match the two of them up. Then there’s legislation to adhere-to, and various other things like providing an interface between the more senior members of the company and the “ground floor” workers, formulating action-plans within different departments and observing cash-flow or whatever, many things. A proportion of them may work hard every day to keep everyone happy and still make the thing work.

    My personal opinion on the whole thing is there are a lot of “Managers” who have managed to insert themselves on the gravy-train and are intent on staying there. They are often the aforementioned “Cocks”.

    Personally, I’d far rather be self-employed, or be able to manage myself. That is my goal in life, that is how I will find fulfillment. I was, for example inspired by the story of Valve

    Please excuse the long personal post, but if I’m going to put down this indelible mark on the internet, I might as well clarify.

    Free Member

    Interesting. I am 29 and have worked under a few managers thus far.

    Tell me then, how you see it?

    Free Member

    Do you mean the anodizing [usually gold coloured coating] on the upper legs is worn, like this:


    Free Member

    Pigface – see points 2,3 and 4 of my list [which isn’t a list less I break the page’s layout again].

    Free Member

    …Ooooh dear. Nice with breakfast 🙂

    I dunno man, if she wasn’t offended, I don’t see the harm. And if you’re online identity isn’t join-the-dottable to her[or your] real one then you’re probably in the clear, IMHO.

    I laughed*



    *But then I giggled for 15 minutes non-stop in a lecture** on Monday for no reason at all so hard my face went red, eyes too. I had tears rolling down my cheeks and developed a headache that lasted for a day and a half. So what do I know?

    **Six Sigma for Business Excellence – I know, right?

    Free Member

    Simples [well, so it seems to me studying an Operations Management module now for Uni]:

    Be cock =

    *Get promoted/arselick
    *Drive people hard/get extra results with less staff
    *Extra Pay/bonus
    *Run lean ship [extra profit/pay/bonus]
    *Create job for yourself

    The only downside is people think you’re a cock. If you’re cool with that, then “Go you”.


    Free Member

    If you mean old-style slide-one grips, I just slide ’em on with water and add a drop of superglue under each end when they’re dry and in the right position.

    I know that’s not what you asked but I only did some the other day [ATI’s, baby] and it is the easiest and quickest way I’ve ever done it, so I thought I’d share.

    EDIT: I can’t imagine there’s more to it than this.

    Free Member

    Some Halfords [and no-doubt bike shops] carry a Topeak spares box. If you take your pump in you may find a rubber seal that fits.

    Free Member

    And surely :

    I think I’ll leave the profanities here for the day [early start, I know].

    Free Member

    It’s deffo supposed to rhyme with “Gene”, and it predates the internet use it is associated with today by quite some margin.

    The word meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme (from Ancient Greek ?????? Greek pronunciation: [mí?m??ma] m?m?ma, “imitated thing”, from ????????? mimeisthai, “to imitate”, from ????? mimos “mime”) and it was coined by the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976) as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Examples of memes given in the book included melodies, catch-phrases, fashion, and the technology of building arches.

    Free Member

    🙂 Only one [transporter13], nice chap.

    Wanted to meet people ’round Bradders, but not happened yet due to Uni work overload, boo. Soon though [B.A.Nana, I’m thinking of you and your trail].

    camo16 – I think I owe you a hug?

    Free Member

    If you haven’t already – head over to YT and tell him you think it’s appalling behaviour.

    Also – we have a clear mugshot so he’s in line for a fine etc etc.

    Free Member

    I like the Palmate gag 🙂

    Free Member


    Process etc here…

    Also – “No highs, no lows – must be BOSE”

    B+W or KEF are much better brands, can’t vouch for the others 🙂

    Free Member

    I am struggling to see what is the point of this.

    Free Member

    dave – yes that is my intention. I’ve only seen pics so far, have to open it up to get the full story and i’ll not do that ’till it is booting happily from the drive for a few weeks – as I’ll be chucking my warranty out the window 😉

    Free Member

    Yes, but I don’t want to return it and have it test OK and then have to pay 2x postage costs!

    Free Member

    OK, thanks for the replies. I’ll get it tested in some other machines ASAP.

    Free Member

    Not got any other 3.0 stuff, hence confused. Also I have read about the Chromebook’s 3.0 port being a bit duff.

    I’ll try to get some other sticks to test it with.

    Anyone else using with success?

    Free Member

    Mornin’ bump.

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