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  • A Mountain Biker’s First Time In Moab
  • gofasterstripes
    Free Member

    I tried to think of a non biased thread title.

    Sadly I can’t change it now. Perhaps just stating the question would be better?

    It’s been a while [ahwiles?] since I thought about questionnaire design, sorry 🙂

    Free Member

    The question was whether “No-one” makes these decisions, so, 2 in a sample of 10 suggests: it may not be the case that “no-one” does.

    It would, of-course, require and more diverse sample and larger sample to draw a conclusion. Especially if the conclusion had repercussions, like banning those flights for example. Don’t try to “bad statistics” me!

    Why is it that people are so keen to put words into my mouth?

    EDIT for example – “CO2″… There are several global issues we face, that’s not the only one.

    Free Member

    I find it interesting you use phrases like “eco-warrior”. What’s the point in labelling and dividing?

    Anyway – I believe I have a moral obligation to do what I reasonably can. As such I’m off to study so I can get a good degree and make decisions that will make some [perhaps small] differences.

    If I’m really lucky I might become famous or influential some day and be able to make and suggest bigger differences in the course the we’re headed.

    Please keep posting answers to the question I’m interested in hearing what people have to say

    Free Member

    ahwiles – it’s not that uncommon, it would seem, in this sample at least.

    Free Member

    footflaps – I understand that, of course I do. Are there some situations where a flight can be avoided? As for the recycling, well it’s a drop in the ocean [or not] but if you can do it easily why would one not. As you said, you do.

    ahwiles – yes. But that’s not going to stop me suggesting it to people.

    Free Member

    ahwiles – do you do make any choices with an environmental aspect?

    I think we should, I think we should make progress in that respect, and saying “There’s no point” or “I can’t be bothered” is not the direction we should be heading in. But I am studying design, so I will focus on my degree and make stuff that’s built like that, as that’s what I believe is important. As you are no-doubt aware – blowing hot air on a forum doesn’t make a lot of difference.

    I guess the reason I asked this was to gauge opinion. I won’t pretend that the motivation wasn’t emotion – I am upset by the attitude of “I could make some changes that make a difference*, but I won’t”.

    I don’t advocate living in a cave, and I don’t advocate taking away choice [banning flying for example], what I advocate is education on the real environmental impact of everyday choices and discussion of how to reduce it with minimal disruption to our quality of life.

    For example recycling [better, upcycling/cradle to cradle] when the facilities exist, buying local produce if it’s available and not using short-haul flights [other people need to join in too on that] with no concern to the fuel used -the example I gave yesterday with regard to that was, use another method for business meetings where it is acceptable, maybe videoconferencing if both sides agree to it. Yes I also keep the heating off unless the house is under about 18, yes I ride my bike to work or uni and yes I use the Chromebook rather than the desktop to browse the web because it saves 100W or electricity use. I also don’t eat meat as it’s much more resource intensive [and for other reasons beyond the scope of this thread].

    Some of these choices also save me money, but it’s not my only goal.

    As I said – it’s the “I just don’t care” bit that bugs me.

    *real information requires research, and takes a little time, hence advocating education and discussion.

    Free Member

    how about you?

    I would/do, yes.

    Free Member

    The “Under a dollar a day” people are more likely to have >2.1 kids.

    Free Member

    It depends – you don’t know what I do, or not.

    All you know is I don’t like taking cheap flights [though I will tell you that what I have in mind is that flying when not actually necessary is something I avoid].

    Free Member

    My faith in [STW poster’s] humanity has been somewhat restored 🙂

    Free Member

    Interesting – so- no-one’s going to say “I don’t care” or “Nothing makes any difference”?

    Free Member

    It came about because I said I didn’t like taking short flights due to the amount of fuel burnt etc.


    Suggests I was right about the emissions. I wonder if I should point him at these?

    Free Member


    Can I have some more opinions please? I’m just after viewpoints – any is good.


    [No you’re not doing my uni work for me!]

    Free Member

    Aye that vid is brill. Night all!


    Free Member

    What was that about luck…?

    Free Member

    Sorry Euro – that was my phone’s autocorrect there 🙂

    Free Member

    Euro, stop using photobucket. Start with a file on your pc, then go to like i said before and use the instructions i posted ! It works fine like that.

    Free Member

    Mostly styling, innit…. but yeah it’s pretty and a good concept – Make an electric bike that doesn’t look like a mobility aid. Inclusive design!

    Free Member

    I love this thread. And it’s beginning to sound like I’d love this bike too… Damn I need to work faster so I have more playtime. But then I’d not be on here messing with your pictures and making you smile when I should be doing my coursework 🙂

    Here’s to silly days – with that I’m going to have a Pastis!

    Free Member

    google search on the image finds nothing… seems legit 😉

    Free Member

    Free Member

    No, wait, what?

    Free Member

    Oh no, no silly buggers there at all 😉

    Free Member

    I, just, uhh, oh…

    Free Member

    1 – upload to tinypic

    2 – copy the text under “IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards” – ie “(IMG)” though with []’s not ()’s – I can’t type the whole thing or it’ll show the pic twice

    3 – paste ONLY THAT into your STW reply text box [don’t press the IMG button]

    4 – enjoy


    (IMG) =

    Free Member

    Oh this is golden….

    @jamba – I’m just pulling your pisser, man 😉

    Free Member

    That would be my understanding, I think I just didn’t read it as humor. Sorry.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yo – samurai – what if he’s got it on his machine by accident. You know, Hanlon’s Razor?

    Free Member

    Something else that ocurs to me at this point – webcams. If you leave a room with a few machines in running this sort of exploit then singalling using using video output and webcam input is also possible – even if it’s a frame or two of a QR code after 10 minutes of inactivity – hell you if you’re monitoring the webcam you can look to see if anyone’s in the room and not using the machine.

    It’s the mesh aspect of this I don’t like.

    As samuri says real threats are more important – we don’t know what if anything this does apart from reconstruct itself; but I was talking with my “tame hacker” a few weeks ago and we were pondering what would happen if all the firewalls came down. This stuff is a step in that direction.

    I’m not saying I’m going to do anything at this point, but I am, shall we say, interested in the fallout from this article.

    Free Member

    The high-vis+light is a good idea. Let’s all try it and see how it goes. Report back on this thread?

    Free Member

    I know man, but still, I got to post it without going O/T 🙂

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The BIOS dumps are now available for download, if you fancy risking it.

    I think it’s real. As this guy puts it – nothing you’re reading about is that hard for those that have the will.

    [No I don’t usually wear tinfoil, worry about HAARP or chemtrails – but I do worry about virus’ trashing my PC]

    Free Member

    I think the Queen video is waaaaaay more tasteful than the t-shirt one!

    I’m only 29 you know!

    Free Member

    I always whistle/sing Bicycle Race when I unlock one of mine 🙂

    Free Member

    That last one is beginning to sum up this thread 😆

    Free Member

    Sorry I CBA to read all this but I suggest leaving a shed-load of work until the last minute. Then you will surely appreciate coffee!

    Free Member

    I can’t decide if that’s animal cruelty or the funniest thing I’ve seen all week…!

    Free Member

    Nice way to derail the thread jambalaya 🙄 😉

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