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  • Fresh Goods Friday 716: The Icelandic Edition
  • gnusmas
    Full Member

    A small thankyou from us to you

    Full Member

    Crap! Meant to blur the address, too late to edit now.

    //Fixed that for you. No more box pic… Mod :-) //

    Full Member

    Sorry for the delay in replying, been a difficult couple of days,but thanks to granny_ring for the brief update.

    I was literally on the phone all day to various people – social services, camhs, doctors, hospital staff etc. And to family to let them know as well as follow up calls to find out how he was. By the end of the day I was exhausted and wrecked.

    He’d been monitored all night and all day, had a medicine drip and a fluid drip. After the doctors were satisfied it was safe to discharge him he had to wait for a visit from camhs too to make sure he was OK. He was then discharged from hospital Friday early evening.

    Had a good chat with him Friday night, told me some things that were bothering him. All of which I knew already, but everything coupled with the fact it would have been Lyanda’s birthday last Monday tipped him over the edge.

    The pain in his stomach is now easing and he’s able to eat some food now which is a good sign. Hopefully he will have learned from this experience, but the person who dropped him off informed me he has said he will do it again which is a worry.

    I’ve told him I’m pleased he came to me after he did it and I’m glad he feels like he can talk to me if he wants to. He’s wandering around extremely sombre since he came home, but is giving us all hugs sporadically and has phoned family off his own back to apologise and talk to them.

    Thanks for all the support again, I really appreciate it. Its difficult to turn to anyone when there isn’t anyone physically to turn to.

    Full Member

    OS is Windows 10 updated from 7 (I think) when the free updates were available from Microsoft. Laptop is an Asus TP550LA and 5 years old. The camera wasn’t working so I did a complete reboot of Windows to see if it would help but it didn’t, but the laptop works nice and quick now.

    According to control panel, it is installed and present. But all it says under camera is USB boot, no brand, model or anything. I was online with Asus support for about an hour the other night while they were trying to figure it out and gave me a different driver to try but no joy. They said windows update should pick up any drivers or updates for it, but the update found nothing. They said they had done as much as possible, but said a webcam might be the only option now. I have a few screenshots on the computer of error messages and what control panel says.

    Full Member

    A friend of mine sews a lot and makes all the clothes for herself, her husband and their 2 kids. I’m sure she’d be interested in them

    Full Member

    I’ll raise the previous offering and provide 4 free kids with a Nintendo switch. I’ll even deliver, got to be an essential journey. Bargain!

    I would say online too assuming there is stock somewhere and they can deliver at the moment.

    Full Member

    Happy birthday.

    Something lemon flavoured for me please. Failing that a simple jam doughnut.

    Full Member

    How you feeling this morning tdog? Hope you’re doing OK. My offer to chat and/or listen still stands too.

    Even through my darkest times, which still happen pretty often, I know the importance of talking and I am not a talker. That’s why I randomly post stuff on here, it’s still a way of talking. I’ve found this to be really helpful as loads of people here do care and are willing to help and offer advice.

    Stay safe tdog 💜

    Full Member

    Does someone know where he is? It might help us to know where he’s from and if someone is nearby. I know we are meant to be social distancing but someone needs to try and make sure he’s OK.

    Full Member

    Has anyone heard anything?

    Full Member

    If you need a chat I will listen and hopefully help, please get in touch. Happy to ring you or message, either is fine.

    Everyone has been so helpful to me in my long and difficult journey it’s the least I can do in return. Wish I could do more sometimes though.

    Full Member

    16, 11, 7 and 4 year old here. Older two know what’s going on and understand luckily, 7 year old gets it to a point and 4 year old currently thinks it’s a long holiday. It is a tough one, really wish I could help with an answer. Not looking forward to the long term and the effects it will have, another thing to deal with as and when it happens.

    Slightly different for me, but they are all more worried I am going to die like Mummy and what will happen to them afterwards. I’ve had the same conversation with the older three a few times already, they have bought it up each time and looking for reassurance I think. I think this is enough of a worry for them to not bother too much about going out.

    Full Member

    boosty hoops

    Best description ever!

    Full Member

    @stevemcneill genius! 😂 😂

    Sorry for starting this thread @Cougar I hope Steve is stopping @perchypanther from tasering you

    Full Member

    I was accused by social services of not paying child support for 2 children. They came out to see me and properly laid in to me and my mum and dad about it and they couldn’t understand why we were laughing about it. Police and courts were threatened constantly too. Worked out fairly quickly when they were there as I was 14 at the time and the kids were 5 and 3 they couldn’t be mine. But they wouldn’t listen to that, even when dad gave them my birth certificate! Eventually we worked out the bloke had the exact same name as me and his house name was the same, just a different village.

    Full Member

    Wasn’t sure if it would be badly received, but glad you had a giggle over it. Wasn’t sure what else to say and that was the first thing that popped into my head lol.

    Full Member

    I’m in a music video that was on music TV channels (and still on YouTube somewhere).

    Which one was that? Or is it a secret now?

    Full Member

    She doesn’t say anything anymore, she just sits on her shelf ignoring me.

    Sorry, dark humour moment. IGMC.

    Full Member

    I am giving serious consideration to tasering a child

    Can I borrow your taser too? Or let me know where I can get my own one?

    Full Member

    Another gain this week, all the stress of everything, being stuck in the house with 4 kids and me being a comfort eater isn’t a good combination. Think I’ll just give up now 😔

    Full Member

    I’m guessing it’s because of the new Aether 7 model that’s been released

    Full Member

    I’ve been genuinely worried my logic and reasoning for thinking it was wrong. Seems to be a normal and natural line of thought by the looks of it. I’ll try to stop beating myself up about it now. Thanks all, and many (socially distant) hugs all round

    Full Member

    I haven’t been panic buying, just tried to do a normal shop before it got stupid and that was a nightmare. Didn’t manage to get half of what I needed but it is what it is unfortunately. With the guidelines stating to limit the amount of people, especially children, out and about I am in one hell of a predicament. I’m hoping I can get some friends to pick some bits and bobs up for us every now and again, but now the limits are in place I don’t know how that will work with them getting stuff for their families.
    I would love to be in a position to help others, but stuck at home with 4 kids it’s a bit impossible.

    Full Member

    Alex, the oldest, really doesn’t want to go to school but that’s nothing new as he doesn’t like school anyway. So he’s gone in again today. The 3 youngest all love school so have gone in as normal and not overly worried about it. I think they are worrying more about not seeing their friends than anything else. Either that or the thought of spending all their time stuck with me isn’t really appealing. Don’t blame them either if I’m honest.

    As I said in another thread, I am crapping it. I try not to let my anxiety and depression become a factor when talking to them about things so they are still quite upbeat about things luckily. But they do know the seriousness of it all too.

    Full Member

    I’m absolutely crapping it too. Likelihood is the schools will close on Friday so that will mean 4 kids at home too. Everything else is already starting to close around us. Really don’t need this on top of everything else, my anxiety and depression is really being tested at the moment. Really don’t know how I’m going to get through this and keep my sanity.

    Full Member

    Superstar have them if all else fails. Just checked and kit 2 is the hose end kit you need (alloy is in stock in some colours) and any hose from what I can see.

    Full Member

    After a few weeks of gaining, I’ve lost 1.7kg this week. Hope I’m back on track again now and the weight loss will continue.

    Full Member

    My aeris, it’s all explained here.

    (Might as well be) new bike day.

    Full Member

    Haven’t been to Brechfa but all around Carmarthen is still pretty wet. I’ll see if any mates have been up there lately and report back if they have.

    Full Member

    Congratulations and best wishes to all

    Full Member

    These tend to have good reviews, a few choices there too.

    Sonder Signal Ti

    Full Member

    @toofarwest no real thought been put into it, just a starting point to try and get back into cycling again. Weekdays during school are easier, if you let me know when you can I’ll see what I can arrange. Hope your doing ok

    Full Member

    It was completely resurfaced last year so it’s in great shape. It’s fenced off, but it can be used by anyone. I think the fence is meant to be a deterrent for de yoof. The rugby pitch is in the middle of it and floodlights all round too. It’s in the main park so the skate park, kids playgrounds etc is all there too.

    Full Member

    It’s an outside velodrome in Carmarthen so no issues with GPS.

    thanks. I did say I was thinking about it but I’m feeling like I want to (finally) which is a positive start I suppose. I have to start somewhere to get back into it.

    Full Member

    Seems pretty unanimous its the black line, thanks. Haven’t got a distance-o-meter thingummybob to put on the bike, will have to download an app for my phone to see what distance I manage.

    Google kills conversations… let’s all rack our memories and talk about it instead.

    What’s the red line distance then as an off shoot? Pretty sure there’s a white line too.

    Full Member

    So what was the username before then?

    Full Member

    First proper kiss at 15.

    Liberty is 7 and she has had the same boyfriend for the past 3 years so it must be serious lol. I have told her she’s not allowed a boyfriend when she’s older til she’s 29 so we’ll see how that works out.

    You know my real first name, I think very few know my surname.

    I think nearly everyone here knows my first and last name by now.

    Full Member

    Thanks again for the messages and support. @tjagain thankyou for your gesture, I shall message you shortly. @Ambrose if I’m not out with the kids the kettle can always be on, be nice to catch up with you. And to anyone else that is near or around Carmarthen.

    I think I need to expand a bit. The kids all have after school clubs they go to, managing to pay for them at the moment which is good so they’re all pretty active and have a social life outside of school. I wanted to make sure they had something, it’s not fair on them to miss out because I feel like this. I try to take them swimming at the weekend too, it’s hard work with 4 of them but they enjoy it. When the weather gets a bit nicer I’m hoping it will help a bit more to want to go out. I always put the kids first and try my best to make sure they do as much as possible. The down side to this is it emotionally wipes me out and can take up to a week to recover from it, then it starts again.

    As far as I am concerned, if I have an appointment, meeting etc then I do go. Outside of having to go out, I tend not to. This is what I was trying to explain, think I worded it all wrong. Everything else is as I’ve said. The whole thing is a massive traumatic turmoil of events. I just needed to vent. I wasn’t expecting the reactions from everyone I got, I’m sorry if I made you feel bad or upset. It was just an update as I haven’t put anything up for a while. Now I feel guilty for doing it. The joys of depression I guess.

    Full Member

    I have an original bigtrak trailer unused in the box at my mum and dad’s house. Forgotten all about it til I saw this thread. Mum and dad bought me a bigtrak and trailer when they came out but the bigtrak was faulty, remember being really gutted at the time. It got sent back and no matter how many times they tried to get a replacement it never materialised. They eventually got a refund but couldn’t get hold of a bigtrak afterwards. They always said they would get me one but it never happened lol. Enjoy.

    Full Member

    I put on a little, really struggling with daily life at the moment with so much going on and reverting back to my old ways. Desperately trying to stop but not succeeding yet. Doctor has referred me to the national exercise referral scheme so should be starting that after half term. Hopefully with some motivation from them I will have some progress then.

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