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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • gnusmas
    Full Member

    Yeah, unfortunately I completely get where you’re coming from. Have no one I can properly speak to, haven’t done for many years. The past few years troubles have built on top of everything that was already festering and feel I’m now my own worst enemy. Anxiety and depression definitely doesn’t help matters either.

    Ironically though I’m more than happy to listen, apparently I’m quite good at that and I’ll always give advice or help if I can. Maybe that’s why I find it difficult to talk to begin with?

    Full Member

    @dirkpitt74 congratulations!
    I was over the moon a few years back winning the weekly competition of hope parts. He used his discretion and allowed me to get a bike instead after I broke down on the phone (it had only been a few months since she passed away) and he learnt of what happened. With birthday and Xmas money (and some extra from family) I paid the extra and opted for an aeris.
    Really nice bloke is foxy, well done again on the win. Not sure what I’d chose in that position though

    Full Member

    @twonks Just commented on it but haven’t used the new classifieds before so not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if I need to do something else lol

    Full Member

    @twonks I’d be interested in them as a job lot, use them quite a lot on various bikes. Will have to keep an eye out for your listing

    Full Member

    I was contacted via email by a STWer saying they had a 20″ wheel bike I could have and asked for my address to send it. To my surprise this was followed up by a tracking number and delivery date of tomorrow! Really wasn’t expecting anything that quick when he said about it lol

    really appreciate the offer, thankyou very much. I do know of someone in need of that size bike too though, my girlfriends daughter ironically. If your very kind offer still stands, I would be extremely grateful and can sort both kids out between the 2 bikes.

    I’ll send you a message if that’s OK? Again, I really appreciate the offers and help you’ve made regarding parts for the bikes.

    Full Member

    @MrOvershoot no worries at all, hope all is going OK with you too. If you make it up this way then definitely have to try and meet up. Although I’m sure 3 kids will leave you wanting a holiday afterwards 😂

    I’m pleased that the counselling is at least being planned, just waiting for the dates now. Having been in this situation a few times already I’m still sceptical about it actually happening but I will get on to them if I don’t hear anything by the start of May now I have a name and number to be able to do that.

    I’ve said before if anyone ever needs a chat, vent or just a listening ear please get in touch. Happy to help in any way I can. And if anyone is ever near Carmarthen and I’m around, let me know and I’ll pop the kettle on.

    Full Member

    @jeffl no problem at all, look forward to receiving them. Thankyou so much again

    Full Member

    @jeffl wow, if you’re sure that would be amazing. Ironically that’s the sort of thing I’ve already been looking at. I’m happy to pay something towards it as well as shipping costs though. If its easier to discuss, my email is hoodahell At hotmail Dot co Dot uk

    Thankyou again for your kind offer, I genuinely appreciate it

    Full Member

    Thanks for that, really appreciate it. I’ll have a look at those suggestions and a read of the article too

    Full Member

    Thanks all, really appreciate the responses and they genuinely mean a lot to me. It’s still tough but they keep me going, can’t say what would have happened without them here. I’ve definitely needed them as much (if not more) as they’ve needed me.

    if grief top trumps didn’t sound so dreary it could be a pretty good game lol. I’ve always said life isn’t a competition. People have their own struggles, which to them could be catastrophic that they suffer with. No matter how big or small these are, they shouldn’t be compared to everyone else’s situations. I’ve thought about you too and your situation, really hope you’re doing alright and are coping OK. And it’s a lovely bike and a fitting tribute.

    yep, still doing that. Didn’t manage to do much last year though as my infection properly took hold and I felt rough for months, still feeling side and after effects now and trying to work out what’s what. But 4 bikes went last week and I’ve got a load more to do once the kids are back in school, gives me something to do. Bits and bobs are always useful though, really appreciate the offer. I started another thread looking for recommendations for bikes/frames for Liberty and Shelby too so will need to sort them out in the middle of all this.

    not really had any help myself if I’m honest. But if they get some help I’m hoping it will ease the pressure for me and in turn will help me too if that makes sense.

    Full Member

    Just in case……

    Full Member

    Thought it was about time for a happier post from me for a change.

    Full Member

    @chi11i just emailed you as requested, thankyou.

    Full Member

    Thanks @5plusn8! Really appreciate this.

    I would love to take you up on this offer, I started a thread not so long back about rebuilding and rehoming bikes locally and giving them to adults and children that need them.
    Could possibly be an upgrade for liberty though.

    Full Member

    Thanks everyone, really appreciate your thoughts and comments.

    What makes it more difficult to deal with is the past month or so plans were being made to have her home as she was doing really well, so it wasn’t expected at all.
    Last arrangements are being made today and the funeral is tomorrow at 11:30. Like all my grandparents and my son in January, I am going to be a bearer for my mum too.
    And it has been arranged that mum will be buried next to him in accordance to her wishes, so they will have each other for eternity ❤️

    Full Member

    The only thing Mum mentioned to Dad previously was she wanted to be buried next to my Son. The reason? She didn’t want him to be alone 😭
    RIP Mum 💜

    Full Member

    My spares pile has just grown a bit thanks to some extremely generous STWers donating some parts through one of my previous threads.
    I started building and rebuilding kids and adults bikes over the past couple of years and giving them to local people that need them. It gives me something to do in my lonely days, it’s also a way of me being able to give something back but mainly I find it very therapeutic so it helps me a lot mentally too.
    Spares are always handy to have and usually needed here.
    And yes, they are in tesco crates as well 😂

    Full Member

    Just in case…..

    Full Member

    I’ve been keeping an eye on the updates on this through Facebook and it looks pretty good. Once my health improves a and youngest practices his riding a bit more then the gnusmases will be invading there at some point. We’re only down the road in Carmarthen so probably be visiting more than once.

    Full Member

    Just in case……

    Full Member

    Really sorry to hear this news TJ, please accept my condolences and best wishes, you’re in my thoughts. Hope you’re doing as best as you can at the moment.

    We’ve spoken on the phone after you instigated the gnusmobile journey but never met you personally, something I’d like to do one day. If you ever need a chat, vent or anything please get in touch. Not saying I can do much but more than happy to listen and help in any way if I can.

    Full Member

    It’s also bittersweet knowing the baby is the final link to my Son outside of us, the next generation. I can only hope he’s looking down as proud as anything at the life he helped create.

    Full Member

    @StuF no worries, I appreciate the thought and the offer. My email address if it’s easier is hoodahell AT hotmail DOT Co DOT uk


    Full Member

    Remember wanting a Mission Cycles Battery frame (I think that’s what it was called) too after seeing it in magazines, never seen one in person but looked pretty amazing

    Full Member

    I’m now a month or so into having my own room and things have been OK. The first few nights were difficult and weird but the difficulty eased off relatively quickly and is now OK. Having to consciously make the decision to go upstairs to bed instead of just lying down whenever I wanted is a good thing. I wouldn’t say I’m sleeping any better, but having my own room to retreat to is actually really nice.

    There have been positive changes with the kids as well. Whereas before they would get into my bed and watch tablets whenever they wanted and not do much else, they don’t have that option anymore. Now, they play and interact with each other more and spend less time on their tablets. It’s really nice to see this happening which reassures me in my decision and that it was definitely the right thing to do.

    TLDR: I’m glad my TLDR made a few of you chuckle

    Full Member

    Spoke to my Dad yesterday about it and he asked me to say thankyou for all your suggestions and help so far. He really appreciates it all and is pleased there might be a way to get it sorted.

    that is pretty amazing, thankyou for doing that.

    sounds promising, thankyou

    honestly didn’t know that could be done. Will put that to him too, hadn’t seen your reply before I spoke to him.

    thankyou for the link and info, sounds like an option to consider too

    Thanks again for all your suggestions and help so far

    Full Member

    An update of sorts……

    I’ve had my results back from all my tests and everything was negative, which is good to know. In one way it would have been nice to have something found to know how to move forward, but I’m pleased all has come back fine.

    Doctor said yesterday he feels it could possibly be lactose intolerance or IBS. I tried some probiotics and introduced a milk related item a few days later but same things happened again.

    On the upside, my snacking has drastically reduced. This has been really difficult to do but have persevered with it because I’ve had to. Been comfort eating the past 3 years or so which isn’t healthy I know, but couldn’t help it. Since I haven’t been eating anything with lactose in it and had to change what I would normally eat, I’ve lost 4.7kg in weight in the past few weeks. Guess there’s a positive side to all of this too.

    Full Member

    Well this has taken an unexpected turn, I honestly don’t know what to say. I’m completely blown away again by all your generosity, thankyou so much.

    shim has turned up, thankyou very much. Will hopefully get on with the bike tonight all being well.

    honestly, a reverb? You sure? That’s amazingly kind of you, thank you. I’m in touch with Ambrose pretty regularly so no worries there. Again, thankyou.

    very kind of you too, thank you very much.

    that is amazing too, if you’re sure and you definitely don’t want them, they would be amazing. Thankyou so much

    that would be brilliant, thankyou so much. Will PM you shortly.

    Looking forward to getting some more bikes done and hopefully making more people happy, and all of this will certainly make things a lot easier and should be able to get them done a bit quicker now too. Thankyou all again

    Full Member

    @5plusn8 over the past year/year and a bit I’ve begun building bikes to give to people that need them in my local area. No reason for it, other than giving something back and gives me something to do in my spare time. All usually done from free parts, scrap bikes or as cheap as I can find them at the time. Over the past year or so I’ve built/rebuilt/rehomed/given away 6 or 7 adult bikes and 9 or 10 kids bikes of varying ages. Better than landfill or scrap and gives the bikes a new lease of life and hopefully joy and happiness to the users. So parts and consumables are always needed lol. I’m also upgrading my kids bikes slowly so always looking for some parts for their bikes too.

    Wheelsonfire is sending me a list of parts he has that might be useful but would also be interested in anything you might have too if that’s ok?

    Full Member

    Forgot to add, mech is 34.9 and need a shim to make it 31.8.


    Full Member

    I live in Carmarthen and my dad lives near Aberystwyth. He’s happy to send the watch to someone that’s good and able to do it, not sure if there is anyone near us apart from the likes of timpsons. I think after what Rotary have said he’s worrying a bit because of the parts issue they mentioned.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    @stwhannah is there a past timescale for this? My new bike day was about 2 years ago lol

    Full Member

    @tthew nope, as cute as he is there’s no way I’m letting him loose with a chainsaw. Likelihood is it would be too heavy for him to lift and he’d probably sit on it and ride it 😬😂

    thankyou, he’ll be back from school in around 15 mins and will be really excited for his presents. An evening of carnage and destruction I’m guessing lol

    Full Member

    Sorry I disappeared, tablet was losing battery while on charge and suddenly died. I made sure it was fully charged before the start of the chat too.

    Enjoyed tonight, a nice break from my usual very quiet and lonely nights. Thanks guys, look forward to the next one.

    Full Member

    Hopefully I’ll be there again and try to chat some more this time. It was brilliant fun last time but need to improve from last place.

    my kids crashed the party last time on and off and it was fine. Think they enjoyed saying hello to everyone

    Full Member

    Has anyone tried the various milks for starters? Didn’t realise there was so much choice and I haven’t even looked at other foods yet.

    Full Member

    On a side note, I’m thinking about some biking related picture/print/canvas ideas to decorate my new room, so please feel free to suggest anything. Thanks

    Full Member

    Saw these the other day while searching for the same thing myself. They have a square taper, 104bcd and they’re available in 140mm,150mm and 160mm length. Only thing I’m not sure on is the ring offset.

    Full Member

    @poly really appreciate the offer, would definitely be interested in that, thankyou very much.
    I enjoy building bikes and tinkering, it helps pass the time and is quite therapeutic. Even if its the next size up, I have a garage I can keep it in til he fits it so that wouldn’t be a problem either.
    My email is hoodahell (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk if its easier than messaging through here.
    Thanks again.

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