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  • New Affordable Shimano ESSA, Short Reach Levers, and Cross Compatibility
  • glupton1976
    Free Member

    A 2008 study that compared 284 dedicated runners with 156 nonrunners also found little evidence that exercise causes arthritis. After a remarkably long 21-year follow-up period, the runners experienced significantly less musculoskeletal disability than did their less active peers — and the runners also enjoyed a 39% lower mortality rate.

    The research is impressive, and it confirms earlier studies. Former varsity runners, for example, are no more likely to develop arthritis in their legs than former college swimmers, and champion runners are no more likely to end up with arthritic hips than nonathletes.

    Free Member

    You said move about but stay short of pain.

    Yes, but you interpreted that as move around pain – avoid movements that “might” cause pain. Two totally different things.

    So from that how do you aim to repair a ruptured Achilles tendon for example. it has to be stretched and held for a period of time to elongate the tendon back to its pre broken state.

    This can not be done by carrying on as normal and stopping short of pain.

    I feel that you might have been experiencing discomfort, but calling it pain. Bit like the rest of the population and a big part of the reason that obesity levels are sky-rocketing.

    Free Member

    How did you get from:

    Got pain – move about but stay short of pain – your body will do the rest.


    If one thinks that the way to repair and regain use of damaged body parts – in particular muscles and tendons – is to not stress them and simply move around the problem, then one is going to suffer in the long run.


    Free Member

    The above statement is frankly short sighted and the reason a lot of people have ailments and restricted movements within muscles etc.

    The statement in question was written by a physio who works in elite sport.

    If one thinks that the way to repair and regain use of damaged body parts – in particular muscles and tendons – is to not stress them and simply move around the problem, then one is going to suffer in the long run.

    Show me where I said that.

    Stretching into the pain zone and holding it is what is needed in a lot of cases, and avoiding it is about the worst thing one can do.

    No, not ever. This would just serve to increase tension in a muscle and increase pain. Stretch reflex anyone?

    Free Member

    is merely looking for an opportunity to reinforce his own superiority complex

    My superiority complex doesn’t need reinforced. 😀

    Free Member

    Is it trolling if it’s true?

    Free Member

    Naaah, it’s only stuff he’s read in books, just do your own research and save a few bob.
    I mean who needs professional advise when there’s Google and Wiki

    Absolutely – Physio is another simple thing complicated by people who want to make you think you cant sort your own injuries out. Got pain – move about but stay short of pain – your body will do the rest.

    Free Member

    Cycling is a simple activity. Everything about it is simple. Some people want to make it appear complicated so that you think you need to purchase their specialist services at premium prices.

    A very limited number of those specialist services – the ones that I would pay for – strip everything back and show you just how simple cycling really is. They tend to be the ones that people rave about and get most from.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    What injuries do I have then?

    Pruritus Ani.

    Free Member

    I don’t. Nothing whatsoever.

    Good, I’m pleased for you. Don’t believe a word of it though.

    Free Member

    But I completely understand that some people have niggling injuries

    We all have niggling injuries – whether we choose to moan about them or let them effect us or not is a different matter.

    Free Member

    You could just as easily say See the meddling war mongering USA and it’s overseas policy? – nuke it – all of it and be just as wrong, there’s decent folk everywhere you look,

    I went for a more realistic option. 😉

    Free Member

    See the middle east – nuke it – all of it.

    Free Member

    Scoop and ride.

    Free Member

    Sod that for a carry on. Unhook the wire on the sticky side, bend it out the way away from the arm then hook it back in.

    Free Member

    but unless I tighten it as tight as possible by hand, the post will slip down.

    Sounds about right.

    Free Member

    This is a bit tongue in cheek (again, excuse the pun)

    Tongue in cheek – you kinky bastard.

    Free Member

    Hold on a minute – I’m an experienced car fitter. I’ll charge you $50000000 for a 60 minute fitting – how does that sound?

    Free Member

    2 STW is a very mature and grown up audience

    Free Member

    Do you live in the ghetto or something?

    Pretty much.

    He’s 7. Not only is he going to get a rep, he’ll be getting a pasting pretty soon

    He’s 6. But aye – he’ll end up hitting someone that is too big for him.

    A wideo in the making

    Far from it.

    Free Member

    Get wife to put a post on FB about how shite that charity is and why you think only a mug would raise funds for it. in for a penny in for a pound.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Right – middle child got his bike stolen this evening. Oldest son found the older boy who stole it, kicked the crap out of him and got the bike back.

    As much as I think that the boy did good, he’s going to get a reputation as a troublemaker. That would be about the exact opposite of what he’s like as he’s a big stickler for rules.

    Moving is not on the cards for the next couple of years. 🙁

    Free Member

    6 if you’re chewing the stem. 😀

    Free Member

    You’ve only got 3 contact points; the pedals, the saddle and the bars.

    5 contact points. 😉

    Free Member

    It’s a throw-away line of no particular merit… uh… that’s it.

    Thanks for the analysis, though.

    Seems like my comment was bang on the money. 😀

    Free Member

    My grandfather must have been Buster Gonad.

    That is either a very poor attempt at trying to claim you have big balls, or you need to let off a little steam more often.

    Free Member

    Sunday, That’s exactly the bits I’m talking about. However, It appears that it’s £10.34 inc vat for one for each side and they’ll be here tomorrow – cant really complain about that to be honest.

    Now just need to get some fuel tank straps (rusted through pretty much, a rear flex brake pipe, bleed the brakes, fit a new sump (the sump plug is rounded and the oil must be like treacle by now) and we’re good to go again.

    Free Member

    I have the paper version of the book of lies. Cheers anyway though.

    Seems it’s a dealer only part. Bugger.

    Free Member

    Racist. It’s not big and it’s not clever.

    Free Member

    42:18 on 700c.

    Free Member

    I can’t get my eyes out on stalks like glupton obviously can but I guess, as he says, it’s a bit like dentistry – once you know the principles you can do it yourself.

    WTF are you talking about?

    Bike fit = aye – that feels about right. Home Dentistry? You been trying to numb your mouth and gone straight into your brain?

    Free Member

    She’s clearly a girl

    Clearly a girl dressed as a boy. You have issues. 😉

    Free Member

    that only happens on porn sites.

    Free Member

    The chariot suspension works brilliantly. It’s kind of like a leaf spring with a bump stop.

    Free Member

    I know a man who rode a 300km audax on one of those. Finished not far behind the first person home either.

    Free Member

    The cost of a bike set up is a hell of a lot cheaper than the physio sessions needed to straighten you back out if you get it wrong.

    Utter shite.

    Free Member

    Also, anyone missing a black orange 5? One of the local scummers is riding around on one.

    Free Member

    TJ would like to add “shibboleth” to the list of annoying words.

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