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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • glupton1976
    Free Member

    Onzadog – good that you’ve finally got an accurate diagnosis and you can set about treating in now.

    Free Member

    Did somebody say something? ;)

    Free Member

    That wee block user tab that I have is coming in handy. :D

    Free Member

    i just reversed out of the way until he eventually hit the bank at the side of the road, and drove round him up the hill with no dramas at all.

    Did you stop to help them? What would you have done if someone was behind you and you couldn’t reverse out of the way?

    couldnt get the cars off the drive and up the street

    Did you try digging the car out? And what was it like getting back in once there’d been a bit of a thaw during the day and a refreeze as it got dark and you’d turned the snow to ice? :D

    Free Member

    How often do you get the chance to drive on snow or ice that isn’t slush full of grit? An hour/yr?

    And do you trust the ability of other drivers, when it comes to them not driving into you, on snow and ice covered roads? I don’t.

    Free Member

    I ran Vredestien winters last year and the grip you get when you stand on the brakes is remarkable.

    Free Member

    So don’t be a hero and think you can drive in any condition with whatever tyres, because you cannot.

    Don’t be a hero and think you can defy the laws of physics…

    Free Member

    I honestly don’t understand why people think it’s fine to drive around on summer tyres in cold weather and/or snow and then flash me as I’m zooming everywhere!

    Ooooh I do, I do. See aforementioned fudd comment.

    Free Member

    Not driving like a fudd makes more difference than any tyre could ever make.

    Free Member


    Other than with health being a devolved matter there was never any threat to the 1% payrise for NHS Scotland staff…

    Free Member

    From what I can gather the therapeutic effect comes from high-frequency oscillations which are present in eccentric but not concentric contractions.

    I think that most people follow the eccentric only exercises as treatment due to the idea that doing the concentric part would simply load up the tendon, increase wear and tear and tighten up the calf muscles.

    That is certainly why I get people to only do the eccentric part.

    However, I am open to any new evidence which might change my practice.

    Free Member

    Risk factors for Achilles Tendinopathy – by Seth O’Neill

    There’s a wee link to a post about the risk factors of achilles tendinopathy.

    Free Member

    fast lane of a crowded motorway

    What lane? :D

    Free Member

    Are those burgers or faggots that have been steam rolled ?

    This is my new favourite STW sentence of all time.

    Free Member

    As a result we have people you wouldn’t trust as first aiders on the top of their pay bands!

    My missus is on the top of one of the highest pay bands – I wouldn’t trust her as a first aider. She is a bloody good physio though.

    Free Member

    Well you miss out on some bargains then.

    Possibly. But then there are plenty places where the risk of getting ripped off is less and the prices more realistic.

    Free Member

    And this is why I have never bought or sold anything on the classifieds. People are wanting new stuff for 2nd hand prices, and there’s a number of rip off merchants preying on that. Not that I’m saying injured flanker is one of those people.

    Free Member

    Apply to work at a different place then.

    Free Member

    It’s not nearly as revolutionary as the man’s trying to make out and it’s probably unwise to take his opinion as gospel because he’s offering so little as a substitute for the ‘myths’ he purports to dispel.

    I would not agree that he’s trying to be revolutionary or trying to sell anything. I’d say that he’s merely trying to point out that a load of stuff that people are selling is utter nonsense. He’s a consultant in sports medicine, so pretty highly qualified.

    Having had running injuries in the past I’m actually quite glad I didn’t take the advice to see a physio because the problems generally resolved themselves along with a bit of self-care.

    Body in healing itself shocker…

    I’m increasingly coming to the conclusion that physios have got quite the racket going on.

    I’m guessing that you’ve never been seriously injured…

    Free Member

    Whereas there are some of us who get to pick and choose from various short contracts every week and get paid more than the regular permanent staff. (Not that I’ve bothered to take any NHS work yet…)

    Free Member

    I’m with Molgrips on this one.

    Have you ever tried driving with a car on cruise control in this country? It’s a bloody scary experience and your hand is never off the button which changes the speed. It is impossible to drive in this country at a set speed for any distance because the rest of the muppets on the road are doing a yoyo drive.

    Free Member

    Running utilises different sets of muscles to cycling.

    I see this line trotted out quite regularly on here, but despite being a physiotherapist I do not understand it. Can you please explain it to me?

    To the OP – Cycling is not really a weight bearing activity, but running is just that.

    Free Member

    Molgrips in overthinking everything shocker. :D

    Free Member

    So you come to overtake mr morrisons lorry on a nsl single carriageway. He’s being a good boy and doing 40 as he should. You find a nice straight section, pull out and begin to pass. Mr chav in his scooby follows you, indicator and headlights on: he clearly is in a hurry and will probably come past you once you’ve completed your manouver.

    Only you get 1/2 way past mr morrisons and you find out he’s not such a good boy after all and being a typical uneducated arse he’s decided to accelerate up to his limited 56 to block your overtake. He’s empty, he’s got 3000nm of torque, this happens pretty instantly. Your speed differential is now just 4mph. In the distance you see a headlight. Captain power-ranger on his gsxr thou. He’s doing god knows what speed as they do. You can’t brake cos you’ve got inadequate chav man 3″ from your bumper, but you can’t accelerate because you’re at your limited speed. So you continue to bimble past completely in the right. You make it, just. Chav man doesn’t, you’ve just arrogantly, self-rightously killed two people. Well done

    Only I haven’t just killed two people. I’ve seen that the Subaru driver has been too close behind me and aborted the overtake before it becomes an issue – knowing that if I was to continue it and somebody else did something stupid I wouldn’t have an escape route.

    The other option there would be to hold back from the lorry and take a run up so that I don’t have any acceleration time to take into account as I would if I had been closer to the lorry before starting my overtake. This would probably ensure that the Subaru driver had overtaken me first before we got to overtaking the truck.

    Free Member

    Go down to Cramond and have a walk along the seafront.

    Free Member

    Probably best to not miss the flight. :D

    Free Member

    If I was to take up employment in the NHS I would start on £11/hr. Today I am doing a very similar job and making 4 times that. NHS physiotherapists are greatly underpaid (with the odd exception of those who are hiding in the NHS because they are incompetent and wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the private sector).

    Free Member

    So you can’t imagine a scenario where having two viable options (brake or accelerate) for avoiding an accident would be beneficial? Go read a book called Road Craft, the police driving manual. Then come back to us.

    No I can absolutely not ever think of a situation where more speed would avoid a crash. More looking ahead and processing information correctly always works. If 15% extra speed would make a difference to your dodgy overtaking manoeuvre, to the point where it’s crash or no crash, then it was never safe and you’re an arse hole for trying it.

    Free Member

    Molgrips earlier:

    Free Member

    Mobile – endomondo or strava – stick phone in the back scratcher – go for a run.

    Free Member

    I blame swivel office chairs. People sit with their heels on the base – do that for long enough and everything tightens up and gives you pain.

    Free Member

    I have a beer jacket on does that count?

    Free Member

    Private company.

    Free Member

    UK Gold.

    Free Member

    Molgrips – do you ever race?

    Free Member

    It’s odd, half the population/media seem to be convinced cannabis will be legal, the other half that smoking will be banned entirely.

    It may be news to you but there are ways of consuming cannabis that do not involve smoking it. For example space cakes.


    Free Member

    Didnt see the signs.

    I went and had a look tonight and the signs in that part of the car park are at a height where if any cars are parked in the space with the sign in it you cant see the sign.

    Free Member

    Did you got to school with a guy called Matt who was into surfing?

    No, but the guy on the right of this picture was our school running club’s coach.

    Free Member

    Ok, so I think good technique means

    a) you’re comfortable over several miles
    b) you can keep form over several miles
    c) if you’re generally fit, and you are working hard, you’re doing more than say 9.30

    Whereas I think good technique is:
    You’re not landing heavily with limbs going everywhere,
    You’re not spending all your energy going up and down,
    You’re enjoying it and you’re relaxed.

    Free Member

    So why would I have changed my style, and at what age?

    No idea.

    And how young are we talking about? Are you saying that ALL young kids have good technique?

    Given that you adopted the zombie shuffle at 10yrs old I’d say 9 and below. I’d also say that all able bodied kids without impairments have good running style.

    So you’re cadence is consistent from mile one though to 26?

    Pretty much. Stride length gets longer in the 2nd half of a run as I like to do negative splits.

    You’re obviously a very good runner. With excellent technique and ancillary strength.

    I was surrounded by top quality runners, including olympic gold medalists, as a kid. It’s like riding a bike – it never leaves you. :D

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