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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • GJP
    Free Member

    Left to go and work in New York for 3 years. Probably not the daftest thing, but a somewhat impulsive knee jerk reaction to being dumped. It worked a treat mind, and I have never looked back.

    Free Member

    Mulholland Drive. I must have watched it a dozen times and still none the wiser 😆

    Free Member

    IanW – have you a source for that information. I would be genuinely interested in reading all the apportioned costs that are taken into account in arriving at such a figure and conclusion?

    Free Member

    s2s. Things were complicated by the fact that I had paid for the car in full earlier in the week and it had been registered in my name as the first owner when I went to collect it (obviously). i didn’t want to walk away after waiting 2 months, and no doubt then neither having a car nor my money until all resolved, but as you said it was disappointing that somewhere in the chain the order got screwed up.

    Mudhshark has a point, the dealer;s contract as you would expect protected them against not being able to deliver the exact specification car, but how much scope is in this is not clear. You would assume they would need to deliver the right car and model designator and in the right colour, but factory fitted options they can say were not available and refund, a different colour dash was a zero price option, so it seems even less clear.

    I believe the dealer has just offered me the standard VW £299 3 year servicing deal, but waived payment. Anyway I ensured I had something in writing. I think the dealer has been fair, they simply asked what I wanted to do and they gave me what I wanted.

    As others have said no big deal on a £10k city car. If it happened on a £30k car that I had specified carefully then I may have felt very different.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the constructive advice (a targeted thanks).

    Dealer and I reached a very amicable agreement of 3 years free servicing, but would not budge on a new handbag and shoes 😆

    All in all a win. A gloss black dash although more staid will not offend s/h buyers in a couple of years time.

    So £20 a year road tax, costs about a a pint of beer a week to insure, petrol costs will not be more much than my water bill and now no servicing or other maintenance costs for a least 3 years.

    Not exactly “bangernomics” but I have’t had a s/h car for nigh on the last 20 years. I know they have moved on a great deal in terms reliability, but my family still seem to be jinxed by them (albeit they have got some fascination with French cars and that may well be part of the problem)

    Free Member

    Yes I apologise, perhaps the thread title is a little sensationalist on second reading 😳

    Free Member

    I picked up my new road bike on Friday night. Should I open a book as to when it will be dry enough to take it out for its maiden voyage 😡

    Managed to get out yesterday on the MTB without too much rain, but today I just pootled down to a local cafe for some breakie in the miserable rain. Off work all next week and it looks as this shite is set to last all week

    Free Member

    I think my only gripe is that you can’t save your card details on their site, so no 1-click payment, or is that just me being a muppet. However, in hindsight that may be a good thing 😆

    They did just send me the wrong Uitegra brakes, grey rather than silver, but that might also be me being a muppet. But all in all I think their service has improved in the last 12 months and it was was pretty shit hot to begin with.

    Most certainly always my first point of call.

    Free Member

    How many years in the clink do you want? I am not an expert in the anti-competition laws, probably due another online course at work, but this falls foul of the law IIRC. That said OMITHN is a lawyer and he seems more circumspect.

    Free Member

    Are you sure it shouldn’t have a Q plate. It looks like two different “cars” badly stuck together 😆

    Free Member

    Does this mean she will be topless next week 😆

    Free Member

    I will replace mine when they break. Same here on the bike for the last five years, but no major offs (touch wood)

    Free Member

    Ordered Sunday night. Email at 9:3X on Monday to say it was dispatched. Early risers up North.

    Free Member

    I would like to know what happened to my first proper girlfriend, the one who ditched me for a guy with only one leg.

    I know in this modern era of Political Correctness that should not bother me, but as a horny 17 year old, all those years ago, it seemed a little surreal, as inexperienced as I was at that time, surely I was not that bad in the sack. 😆

    Unfortunately no one at my school could be arsed about a reunion so it never happened.

    But hey ho, I now have a very successful career in IT to look back on

    Free Member

    Generally for simple trips ABA, ABCBA type journeys with no open jaws then it will be cheaper to fly on one airline than a of mix carriers, and especially for ABA trips. This is is because two competing carriers fares will not generally combine, and thus either only a fully interline or IATA fare can be used to price the itinerary. IATA fares are industry fares set high and accepted by all carriers.

    For more complex trips including connections then it is not so clear cut. Airlines working together under anti trust and revenue or profit share agreements may follow the principle of metal neutral selling, and therefore the price will be the same whether it is the same carrier throughout the whole trip or a change of carrier. However, the availability of the seats may still give rise spot price differences either by routing or carrier.

    Outside of alliances then you are into the world of bilateral interline agreements and the special prorate agreements agreed between the carriers. More or less attractive agreements will be reflected in the validating ticketing carriers own pricing.

    The pricing of multi city trips is not going to be any easier, especially if you are travelling into obscure places where the carriers do not have interline e ticketing agreements with each other. For example, the big European flag carriers the many domestic airlines in china. This would mean not only would multiple carriers fares need to be used to price the trip but the itinerary would need to be ticketed on multiple carriers ticket stock.

    It seems likely to me that comparison sites do not handle these complex cases very well ( lean thinking around runners, repeaters and strangers may suggest why bother with the complexity)

    Sorry if all of that didn’t make any sense 😆

    Free Member

    A number of my colleagues have done it in the last 2-3 years, based in the South East. Never had the balls to do it myself, plus never been offered the wedge.

    I get the feeling out of my experience the more senior people do better (i.e Architect level folk). not sure if this is because developers can be sought through global sourcing?

    It is certainly one way of finding out your market worth, you may be surprised how much people think you are worth. I was taken aback by some of the speculative figures put in front of me last year.

    Free Member

    I am Bipolar.

    So, some basic questions. Who has diagnosed you, your GP or a Psychiatrist? I assume the later as I would be a little wary if a run of the mill GP had made such a strident diagnosis and put you on Lithium? If so I would ask for a referral.

    Have you been diagnosed as Bipolar 1 or Bipolar 2, sometimes called classic or hard Bipolar (1), or soft bipolar (2). The main difference is the severity of the highs or manic phases. Not sure if there are strict diagnostic characteristics between the two, some say it is whether full blown psychosis is present.

    I am bipolar 2, so fortunately for me I do not completely lose the plot, although when I am manic (strictly hypomanic) life can be difficult for me and those people around me. I can become close to homicidal.

    I spent over 2 years under the care of a GP experimenting with any number of ADs and wondering why I was never stable then spent about 2 years with a Psych in a state of denial following my formal diagnosis, but things then got really really bad again, so I finally accepted my diagnosis and accepted the advice of the Psych.

    It has taken my Psych just over 2 years to get me stable and find the right medication for me (Lamotrigine, which is better suited to people with BP2 rather than 1 as it is mildly anti-depressant whilst also “so called mood stabilising” i.e. it slows the brain down)

    So my advice would be if life really has been hell then work with the Psych, although it is perhaps easier for me to say as Lamotrigine has a pretty benign side effect profile but from what I understand Lithium is not too bad either (or rather it has been around forever and is well understood at least).

    So all well at the moment, but I do feel I have lost the best part of the last 6-7 years.

    As for a lifetime on drugs, then that it not what I have been told. I was original told, once I was stable then it would be advised I should stay on meds for 5 years before considering stopping, but last time I say my Psych it was only 3. However, I would rather be relatively stable and on meds than run the risk of being really ill again, so I am happy to stay on the meds indefinitely. But, if I were taking an antipsychotic I may feel differently.

    It may be different if you are have classic bi-polar, rapid cycling etc etc.

    Personally I do not believe Stephen Fry’s documentary shows a true picture of the illness. On the spectrum the severity of my own illness is pretty mild, but it interferes with my life far more than the impression I was left with of the impact on his own life.

    For many people it is a major major problem with a life time on a merry go round of ever increasing cocktails of drugs and an existence on state benefits.

    It is only a year or so ago that we lost one of our own and loved forum members through this illness, so please take care of yourself.


    Free Member

    Are you in the retail sector? What does your contract say?

    I have had male friends who worked in retail who were asked to move on 24-48 hours notice. Worked in one store on a Sat to closing time and expected to work in another store on Monday morning half way up/down the country. No expenses or relocation.

    Another friend worked for M&S. M&S pretty much deliberately tried to break up his relationship with his girlfriend, by sending him to work in Belfast in the “old days”, after a few extended stints there, they finally gave him his bullet proof vest. They never did break up his relationship.

    I made a mental note never to work in retail.

    So, I think it is unreasonable and underhand, in some sectors it was pretty much the norm when I graduated, but I am showing my age!

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    Free Member

    barzy38 – I may be interested in buying some Vinyl, finally got back into it after 25 years. Obviously Mooly has first choice. What genres do you have?

    Free Member

    ScottChegg – Member
    Are really ace!
    Thank you !


    Free Member

    I had a couple of Honda Civics from 1994 to 2000. I loved them both and they were faultless. But I hit a certain age and income and wanted something more desirable.

    So i bought a VW Golf V5 very well built, reasonably reliable but a dull car to drive and despite its bhp and wonderful 5 cylinder engine soon ran out of puff though the engine was free running.

    I how have an Audi Quattro 2.0T FSI, build, fit, finish etc is about as good as it gets before you spend ££££, engine is a peach and the 4WD is great fun. It had been faultless, not even a blip in 6 years.

    But I put a lot of value on the feeling of quality in terms of interior finishing, the weight of the doors etc, probably more so than how it drives, but I expect it to be mechanically and electrically sound. Yes some cars drive better than others, but I can’t recall driving a really bad car for 20 years or so, but perhaps a manual 4 cylinder BMW 320i came close

    Rightly or wrongly I have bought into the idea that Audi, VWs and BMWs etc are better than all other cars and find it hard to believe any other manufacturer will be able to convince me to think otherwise and be prepared to spend my money elsewhere.

    FFS I have just ordered a VW Up for commuting !!

    So to answer the question VW for me.

    Free Member

    To quote the OP

    ” ….I originally started on the meds as I had been feeling very lethargic irritable and sensitive for a while – now I’ve actually used the meds I’m starting to feel depressed on top of everything else …”

    ” …. just generally feel angry and tired,with 0 motivation to do anything including ride. ….”

    Classic symptoms of depression IMO, irritability and anger is very common in men whereas tearfulness is more common in women.

    I would ask to speak to another GP at the practice. Three drug interventions all from the same class of SSRI doesn’t add up IMO, so you could ask to try a drug from a different class. Although I can see why if the GP thinks it is an anxiety disorder he/she keeps plugging the same drugs. A fresh pair of eyes can not do any harm.

    Also NICE guidelines were pretty clear the last time I read them three interventions and after that you should be offered a referral. If it wasn’t for the stigma around mental health issues then I bet you would be jumping up and down for a referral for any other ailment.

    IME Community Psychiatry services have been very good. Clearly there are good and bad shrinks like all walks of life, but you will at least be offered a proper lengthy consultation rather than 10 mins in a busy schedule.

    I am still of the opinion once you get past the GPs our NHS is excellent. Its the first step that can be so variable from one practice or GP to next.

    Free Member

    Hadge as I am new to vinyl can you please recommend some good online shops for vinyl and especially 180g stuff. Thx Gary

    Free Member

    Zokes, that TD124 is a beauty in a very very retro way. I know nothing about the Thorens lineage, but I can only guess that pre-dates the TD 150 by a few years.

    Free Member

    vim_fuego – Member
    Got a Thorens TD160 mkII myself with Audio Technica cartridge into Naim pre/power amp.
    Yep, flat earther me..

    We could be brothers 😆 running mine into a Naim pre/power combo. Very impressed so far, but buying s/h LPs is very hit and miss I have found out today, and I can’t believe I just paid £25 for an LP FFS!

    Free Member

    I just picked up a Thorens TD 150 MKII this evening with a few mods and Goldring 1024. No vinyl nor phono stage at the moment but that is what Sat is for.

    Built I believe in 1972, so almost as old as me and in better health by the look of it.

    Free Member

    How sure are we that your wife is suffering from depression?

    People with depression have good and bad days, or perhaps some days are better than others and some a worse than others. But my reading is that your wife can have quite marked mood swings from one day to the next? But I may be reading to much into your original post. Is this depression? Just a thought?

    Diagnostic criteria of persistent low mood for at least two weeks etc.

    Free Member

    We also talk about setting “improvement plans” which make me giggle. What can I do personally to improve my “sickness levels” as it is beyond my own direct control. Also, the whole verbiage of plans, I feel like strangling them and saying ok then where is the plan, all you are doing is setting is a target, plans are there to help you achieve targets.

    Free Member

    We have a similar scheme where I work. Two periods of sickness in any 3 month period, more than 10 days in any 12 month period etc.

    It seems reasonable but it can put undue pressure on good people to come to work when they are ill, which I do not believe is in anyone’s interests. And there are those people who think it is their god given right to come to work and infect everyone with their germs so they can have a 100% attendance record.

    I had to laugh the other day when I met one of the staff from the occupational health team on the bus who gave me a hard time when I wanted to come back to work after one of my manic/depressive phases. I said I hadn’t seen her for a while, and she replied “oh I have been off sick for the last 8 months”.

    I know I should take satisfaction at other people’s health issues, but it certainly put a wee smirk in on face. I just hope it wasn’t too obvious. 😆

    EDIT I think that last sentence should have said shouldn’t

    Free Member

    Sex, Height and Age. But the biggest difference is in Sex. A woman’s peak flow for same height and age is considerably lower than a man’s – probably only 60-70% or so. The charts can easily be found on line. So 400-450 is not unreasonable for a woman. I thought the advice was a fall of 50% was a call to the emergency room?

    Free Member

    I like to think that I will explode into a rage and use the worst language know to mankind to make it clear to them just how much they are pissing me off, but then I normally just cycle around them.

    Free Member

    I was about 27 or 28 when I was diagnosed with Asthma. Mine came on after a couple of really bad respiratory viral infections.

    The steroids should certainly calm things down over the next few days, but you should have a follow up with your GP so they can determine a plan for you. Whether this be just carry a rescue inhaler, or take inhaled steroid daily as a preventative measure. Modern asthma medications like Seretide, mentioned above, are very effective.

    Free Member

    I strongly suspect that he couldn’t give a flying **** that you were unable to sell some of his DVDs on the bay

    Free Member

    Spanish Airport Taxes

    It does look like the Spanish Government are considering rises airport taxes significantly. I work for BA but I am unsure whether any tax change when introduced applies to travel dates or sales dates. But I can talk to one of my colleagues on Monday. It could very possibly vary by country etc

    Retrospective collection of taxes from previously sold tickets would look like a nightmare for some carriers depending on their distribution model (i.e. not all direct sales). Perhaps not such an issue for RyanAir?

    Free Member

    br + 1. Let the insurers sort it out

    Free Member

    Out of your original list it would be a no brainer for me and it would be the Audi 1.4 TFSI. I was very pleasantly surprised when I drove one. Then engine is a cracker.

    If you are prepared to look at the Fiat 500, then I would also look at the new VW Up!

    No laughing at the back now but I have just ordered one for my daily 20 mile commute, 1/2 of which is motorway driving.

    I took it for a long test drive including a good motorway stretch and the 75 bhp engine was fine. The 3 pot engines are very smooth and quiet when up to speed and I like the way they sound on pulling away. Quieter for motorway cruising than my 200PSI full fat Audi Quattro. 60 mpg quoted, reviews say you can easily achieve mid 50’s, cheap as chips to run etc.

    My question would be length of commute and is the next size class of car up required. I have decided to take a punt, whats the worse that could happen?

    Free Member

    Not so much advice but, my rules are never allow a company to collect payments either on your CC or debit card as it out of your direct control to cancel

    A standing order would be preferred but I expect a lot of companies would not accept that and they would prefer a pull collection mechanism rather than a push mechanism from the customer for obvious reasons.

    So all in all I would always expect to pay by direct debit, which you can cancel very easily through an online account. No written notice to the company, blah blah blah etc. If I wish to cancel the DD mandate then I will, if the company think I owe them money then they can come chasing me.

    I am not trying to be dishonest, but I would never agree to a payment mechanism that I could not cancel solely by my own direct intervention. Online banking serves people very well in this respect.

    Free Member

    I of course would accept that it was petty, and Boots should probably make if clear that if you pay for a 24 hour service then either they are not available for collection until the next day, or at the very least there is no guarantee that they will be available for collection

    But the margin difference is huge £83 of additional margin, not revenue but margin, straight to the bottom line. As cynic-al says no company would want to educate a market in thinking it can pay for a 24 hour service and in return get a 2, 3 or 4 hour service etc.

    Perhaps Boots should introduce 1 or 2 more products (2, 4 hour service sort of thing). Years ago in the days of film they had several services. I wonder why these no longer exist, other than there must be no market for them.

    Personally I can not see many people pay the premium for a 1 hour service, but perhaps the figures are distorted by Pook’s large print run. Would I pay 5-10 times as much for a single print then yes, but for 100 then no?

    Anyway I have a broom to rub down, before an early start in my new job in bedmaker’s local PO.

    Free Member

    Boot’s position seems very reasonable to me you were only prepared to pay for a lower priced service but you expected a higher value and higher priced service.

    In any business it would be at their discretion as to whether they were willing to take the hit on revenue dilution. IMO the staff were not being a jobsworths at all they were protecting their company’s margins and shareholder value, but I accept that you personally may not agree with this. It their business and their judgement call.

    I can’t help but think that you seem to have the misconception that spare and idle capacity should result in lower prices, an easy mistake to make.

    Just offering a different perspective 😆

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