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  • Do I Need Bike Insurance? Your Bicycle Insurance Questions Answered
  • GJP
    Free Member

    Radius – rather than Radix thanks drew.

    I would probably rather have had the all Ti Radius rather than the Ti/Carbon Alchemy – but at the time I got the higher model for a lower price than the Radius – so couldn't complain too much.

    Free Member

    There is a guy (JoB, I think) who has a couple – a steel elite and another, I assume a steel, single speed CX. The CX is on Enigma's site in the users bike's section. Not seen him post on here for a while though

    A guy at work also has a steel elite with couplings. He speaks very highly of it he also has a Colnago C50 and a Van Nicholas so know a bit or two about bikes. Only complaint he had was that their lead times for custom are little on the long side – but that may not be an issue for a stock Ti geometry.

    I don't have an Enigma but have two Omega's (Ti Alchemy and a carbon one) from what was then Mark Reily's own company. Two friends also have Omega Radix's I think which is in effect what evolved into the Echo. All of us are very happy with them – although to be fair for my friends these are their only serious road bikes.

    I am looking for an excuse to buy one – but thinking more along the lines of a steel one. I am at that age 😆

    Free Member

    simonfbarnes – Member
    If you have a true depression you will have physical symptoms, such as reduced or increased appetite, sleep disturbance (sleeping more or less than is usual for you), mood changes such as feeling extremely low, irritable, angry, hopeless, helpless, anxious etc. The list goes on.
    excuse me but surely mood is not physical ? I never had any physical symptoms and had perfect appetite and sleep throughout, just 1, 7, 8 & 9 above.


    Depression varies considerably in its severity. If someone is suffering from severe unipolar major depression then they will most certainly show very noticeable physical symptoms.

    They will be unable to function on just about any level that people take for granted. They will not be in work, they will neglect their person (e.g. forgoing washing, shaving etc), they will derive pleasure from absolutely nothing, they will have little if any social engagement with their friends, and they may have only left their bed or home out of absolute necessity.

    If someone's depression is this severe, and it is not uncommon, then they will be unable to summon up the energy or motivation to even watch a little TV or listen to the Radio etc. Giving such people a book by Dr Burns will achieve Sweet FA. Medication has it place.

    Energy and Mood are not unrelated and it maybe argued that it is a case of which came first the "chicken or the egg". However, anti-depressants do not change the way people think per se and generally it is believed that they work by first restoring the physical symptoms (sleep, appetite and energy etc) and over time the mood gradually lifts. This could be why it is generally regarded that they take 2-4 weeks to work, even though experts believe that they can see the effects of the drugs within a matter of a couple of days if you know what you are looking for.

    Free Member

    I was always taken with this at Wiggle. Good spec if they still have your size

    Felt Six Pro[/url]

    Free Member

    RustySpanner – try I have never used it just taking a look now. Gary

    Free Member

    Lloyd Cole and the Commotions – Rattlesnakes

    Free Member

    Never used CRC, but the one pair I bought from Merlin were equally, if not better, built than those I bought from Wheelpro.

    Free Member

    Eh.. 😕

    Free Member

    Give her a "tach" and she could be a double for Jimmy Hill. Yes she may have classic facial features and fine bone structure but I really doubt I would even notice her in the street (assuming she was wearing suitable outdoor attire)

    Free Member

    That lass would be alright with a bag on her head, but I would still be more inclined to ride my bike on a Sunday morning. I guess if she is an M&S model then it isn't her face and looks they are paying for.

    Free Member

    At £250 I would grab the Easton's quick but they have non in stock in the Shimano fit and the Campag ones are £499.

    Free Member

    FWIW I just picked up a very old Naim NAC 42 pre-amp for a song – close on 30 years old but sounds "non too shabby" at the moment and I just love the old chrome bumper retro looks.

    Free Member

    45 – Business Architect for an Airline.

    Free Member

    I have just put on Leftfield Leftism

    Free Member

    I would look at Royal Mail Special Delivery (next Day by 1pm). This includes £500 worth of cover and up to 10kg I think for £20. Reliable and insured. You will get cheaper for delivery and £50 cover etc but will then need to pay for the extra insurance

    Free Member

    I would resolve this matter promptly and to the full satisfaction of your employee, otherwise your company will end up in deep s**t.

    I would have had no hesitation in contacting my own insurers there and then, it would have been well within my rights, and if you had tried to get into any negotiation about the extent of the damage, then I would have been on the phone before you had taken your next breath.

    What for a miserly £500, that is a nothing to get any sort of body work/ paint work done to a car. All in all count your blessings it wasn't worse and someone wasn't injured or killed and take use the incident as a learning opportunity.

    Free Member

    Is there any downside to taking legal representation, in that they could take their offer off the table should it all start to "get nasty"?

    Also what are the tax implications of such agreements? If/when the treasury take their cut then 6 months does not look that attractive? No £30k tax protection as in redundancy or do they fudge that as part of the agreement.

    But, I think everyone will have their own position on this depending on their current circumstances, personalities and convictions.

    Free Member

    I got it in my mid thirties and got off pretty lightly judging by other peoples accounts. The flu like symptoms for the first 24 hours were pretty bad.

    Then spots and itching but no complications or scarring. The week off work was nice.

    Free Member

    I like the last sentence "prior experience of conducting research into the female sex industry". Does being a "john" count I wonder?

    Free Member

    ackie – Member
    GJP shee's beaut! Bit small for me though
    Did you buy the frame only? If so dare I ask how much?

    I bought the frame only. 2009 price was £1150 which I know is not cheap but considering what Spesh and Trek where charging (especially Spesh) it seemed like a "no brainer"

    I thought the cheaper of the two full build 2009 models was good value (XT spec) – but I already had the wheels, brakes, some of the XTR kit and finishing kit etc so frame only seemed a better option.

    I found I needed a 410 mm post to get a sufficient level of seat post insertion and that only just seemed long enough- but I was probably being over cautious on how much post needed to be in the frame.

    Free Member

    This is my baby small one. I never demo'd one – thought it was steal at the price(!). Waited along time for it. Ordered Dec 08 arrived May 09

    Free Member

    Only experience of the their low end road wheels, the racing 5's.

    For the money I thought they were excellent compared with their competitors – probably because they appeared stiffer and I thought this in part compensated for their weight penalty over a lighter Mavic high end wheels

    Free Member

    the_lecht_rocks – Member
    GJP – what size is it ?

    Its a medium -size 55cm. Same geometry as the current Enigma Ti range.

    Free Member

    It would be, and is, and probably will always be a NAIM for me. I have had mine for 10 years (olive series).

    I listened to a Cyrus a few months ago and thought it was nothing short of awful. Yes perhaps it had not been 'run in' but I couldn't see how that would even start to bridge it short comings. It was just bright, forward and in your face – all the time.

    I listened to a Linn Accurate DS, Naim 252 Pre, Naim NAP 300 and some new PMC FACT speakers at the weekend (just to see the DS in action). It was awesome and I can now sort of understand why some people (not me) are prepared to pay £20k plus for a hi-fi.

    If you are prepared to pay cyrus 8 money then you could buy the NAIT XS rather than the straight NAIT.

    I am in the process of upgrading and I am looking to sell my Naim Pre and Power Amps if s/h is a consideration.

    Free Member

    This is mine. Not the best picture and also not been ridden for so long now perhaps since summer 08. Looking for an excuse to buy an Enigma but very difficult to justify one.

    Free Member

    If I had the money I would be looking at Seven, IF, or Serrotta over any if the other American Ti builders

    At the other end of the price scale it would be an Enigma – about half their Ti range is now made in the UK and they are also talking about sourcing UK Ti tubing. They are also looking to use 6/4? rather than 3/2.5 or whatever it is which will increase the stiffness.

    The price premium for an Enigma over the likes of Sabbath and Van Nicholas is not that great and the workmanship and finish is much higher. Not knocking Sabbath and Van Nicholas but they are quite industrial in their design and finish.

    I would also be tempted by the Engima XCR stainless steel jobbie if you want something of timeless beauty.

    Free Member

    Mark Reilly at Enigma. Not London but Sussex so not too far away. Not sure whether they will only repair/alterations to their own frames though.

    Free Member

    Mine went earlier in the year. I went for a Siemens much cheaper than Miele so no second mortgage required and a 5 year guarantee. Never heard of ISE.

    Free Member

    Do people actually still have/use chip pans? I don't think I have seen one in use for 25 years.

    Free Member

    Fine you lot fight it out over Rhianna. I reckon carbon337 and I could work out deal where we share Alicia.

    Must admit though I was not too impressed with her singing – she seemed to be trying to hard

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone – I now seem to be sorted. Removing the preferences file and starting again seems to have done the trick.


    Free Member


    I think you know this for yourself but it seems like it is time for you to go back to your GP and talk through your feelings. Go and see a different GP if you felt your last one lacked empathy. Find an experienced one, one who you can't get an appointment with for week or two. Experience tells me there are good reasons for this.

    I can understand your reluctance not to go back on anti-depressants especially if you have bad experiences or bad side effects before. God knows I have been there and done that and have pretty much needed to try all the different classes of drugs over the last few years. However, unless you go back and speak to your GP to discuss the effects then they are not in a position to try a different drug. They all have very different profiles, what suits one may not suit another and even for experienced GPs it seems to be a case of trial and error.

    They needn't be a long term solution. For many people they are not and well for others like myself I have had to come to terms with the fact that I will most probably be on them and/or some other medication for the rest of my life.

    Do I like the fact then no, but neither do I feel any shame or think that it is a sign of weakness and frankly I couldn't give a flying **** what other people think, its my life we are talking about not theirs.

    A fact, both alcohol and caffiene act more strongly on the brain than anti-depressants (very bad grammar) so
    why should I listen to anyone who tells me I should look to "resolve my issues" with a coffee in their hand who will drink a couple of bottles of wine at the weekend.

    In my experience the mental health professionals who have supported me over the last few years have been some of the most pleasant and supportive medical professionals I have encountered.

    Good luck, with the support of a good GP and perhaps also the community mental health team, things can and will get better.

    Email in profile

    Free Member

    tegski – The iPod appears in the list of devices, but when I click on it the info with all the tabs does not appear in the main screen which it what the online tutorials show.

    tumnurkoz – I will try that. I am new to Mac so not quite as comfortable with faffing about with these files as on a PC but slowly getting there.


    Free Member

    Audi TT?

    Free Member

    peteimpreza – Member
    Have you exceeded the capacity of the touch?

    Ha Ha Ha …. no only put about 8 albums on it to date which makes it even more frustrating.

    Looking at one of the apple tutorials it would appear that somehow iTunes is not properly recognizing the iPod as a device.

    I hvve re-built the music library but to no avail. I think the next step according to the apple site is to un-install iTunes and re-download and install. According to apple that is the last resort.

    A job for tomorrow.

    Free Member

    I have been very very close on a couple of occasions in the last few years.

    I am bi-polar and seem to lapse into very acute deep depressions which seem to come from nowhere although I suspect that chronic work related stress may very possibly a trigger. It is always the anxiety that accompanies the depression that drives me to the brink, although I am not much better in my manic phases and am equally at risk of self harm during those phases.

    I don't really think that I really want to die – but during these phases my brain just isn't working right and I would be willing to do anything to stop the pain and the only solution seems to be to end it once and for all. In such periods the drugs seem to be as much of a problem as they do a cure and talking it through either with friends or professionals isn't really of any help.

    I am certain in the knowledge that knowing how much pain it would cause my elderly father is what has perhaps prevented my from taking any action before.

    In the end I decided that I couldn't go through the wild mood swings any longer and decided to take the professionals advice and have been taking a mood stabilizer for the last 6 months.

    Free Member

    I had tried turning the iPod on and off – but not the Mac. It is a Mac after all!. Have now tried turning everything off and starting again – but it is still not syncing.

    iTunes recognizes the device, and iTunes and the iPod start up when you insert the USB cable to the Mac.

    By Permissions I assume you just mean iTunes – Preferences – Devices.

    Judging by the Apple Support site you should be able to say auto sync Music but not Photos – although it is not immediately clear how you could do this.

    Free Member

    If your new to road biking then I would only ever buy a road bike having being measured by a good shop as fit it much more important and generally there is less scope for tweaking with seat posts and stem lengths etc (see the steve_b77 post and you will quickly see why).

    Also, a lot of new road bikes (racing bikes) these days have very short HT lengths which are not really suitable for people with either poor flexibility or people who are not racing each weekend but just ride long weekend leisure rides. Look at a few geometry tables and you will see that HT length varies quite significantly across manufacturers for bikes with the same TT length even even excluding sportive specific geometries

    For a 6 footer you seem to have relatively short legs but also not a particularly long reach? Finger in the air I would be expecting a fitting to be a 58cm but I can see why you may be thinking more 56-58cm.

    Free Member

    A size 52cm you say that is my size – but I am seriously skint – I think I may have to go back to work full time to fund my bikey habits 😡

    Free Member

    Mick – did he buy it on your advice? Hope you didn't tell him it was a long term investment. 😆

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