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  • Fresh Goods Friday 664 – World Champing At The Bit Edition
  • GJP
    Free Member

    Yes two spacers the mavic (roughly 2mm) spacer and the thin 10 speed spacer if using a 10 speed cassette.

    My advice is based on Shimano – **** knows for Campag 😆

    Free Member

    Are you using Ventolin before you ride? That's what most of us Asthmatics do.

    Don't know a lot about this Cough variant asthma, but a persistent dry cough is/can be a symptom of "bog standard" Asthma

    Free Member

    Based on today's performance I doubt it will stay up long.

    Free Member

    Is this Germany's reward for bailing out the Euro?

    Free Member

    Worst : Senior Partner at PWC to me when a project wasn't going too well "…… You F******G C**T". He just burst into a meeting I was having with two female colleagues and ranted and ranted for a while and then delivered his finale!

    Best: On arriving in NYC (obviously now not working for PWC). New boss to me "…. I want you to find somewhere nice to live, where you will be happy, don't worry about the money …." 😀

    Free Member

    One of the theme tunes is taken off the latest Massive Attack album Heliog… or whatever it is called.

    Free Member

    I was in Liverpool last weekend as it was my Dad's 86th Birthday.

    Normally when up north I head to Manchester to kill a few hours but this time I went into Liverpool. Must be 10 or more years since I went to the city and I was very impressed with the new Liverpool 1, Albert Dock etc and how it all flowed together unlike before.

    It was a nice sunny day which also helps – but next time I am up north I will go back to Liverpool rather than Mancs.

    Free Member

    Well I can safely say it will not be me as I work for BA 😆

    Free Member

    i am with pop larkin. The covering letter should sell your key strengths and experience – I would look to highlight my transferrable skills and experience. Good luck.

    Free Member

    loulouk – many thanks GJP (I no longer feel like a leper)

    Free Member

    I would love one to – if there are still any going spare 😀

    Free Member

    If you fancy a coffee in Vancouver then this place it perhaps the best I have ever had. The shop on West Hastings is my favorite.

    Vancouvers Best Coffee Shop

    Free Member

    Remember to take some toilet roll 😯

    Free Member

    I rarely agree with TJ but on this one he has my support 😆

    Free Member

    I try to always breathe through my nose, until the terrain goes up then nose, mouth and ar$e.

    Free Member

    Looking forward to the obligatory pics. What colour have you opted for?

    Free Member

    You have checked that the little tri-align spacers are all the right way around? I had the same symptoms as you and this was my cause. Simple fix?

    Free Member

    Gabrielle Union from FlashForward. Not sure I would be able to keep it a secret though!

    Free Member

    I am also waiting on Wiggle to dispatch two of my orders – one ordered over the weekend. Most unusual based on all my previous experiences

    Free Member

    I quite fancy one of those myself – but without the TT chainset 😆

    Free Member

    Q – This has been going on for close on 5 months. I would say to hell with this softly softly approach – nip it in the bud so you can get on with your life.

    Inhaled steroids are a preventative maintenance treatment for asthma. During asthma "flare-ups" even doubling the dose etc may not prove effective in getting things back on an even keel, and even when they work in such circumstances it will take a number of weeks to really have an effect.

    Oral steroids are nasty drugs, if you are on them for any length of time (months), but a short course ( a few days) will have no long lasting side effects.

    A typical short course of Pred (say 40mg per day ) is perhaps 100x more than 4 puffs of a steroid inhaler. Plus, it has the benefit of getting into the blood stream and to the lungs. Perhaps only 50% of an inhaled steroid reaches the lungs using a standard MDI.

    Whenever I have taken Oral Steroids and it has not been very often (3 times in the last 5 years) then there has been significant improvement within the first 24 hours.


    Free Member

    I developed late onset Asthma – I was about 26 or 27. It followed two back to back really nasty cold type viruses. I went from not taking any medication to taking regular medium dose inhaled steroids in a couple of weeks.

    I suffered with it for about 3-4 years and then it just seemed to go away for the best part of a decade (ie. no medication not even the odd puff of ventolin). Then about 5 years ago it came back again.

    Like you the last winter has been a real bitch for me. I have had cold after cold, each resulting in a chest infection which triggered my asthma. It seemed no sooner had I recovered from one bout then the next was just around the corner.

    My GP tends to hit these things hard. Short dose (5 days) of Oral Steroids, a course of anti-biotics and a stronger inhaled steroid (Fluticasone / Seretide). Dose for dose this is more effective/stronger than I Becotide (beclamethasone sp?) – the brown one.

    I was unsure about the antibiotics, but it was those that seemed to really clear things up for me this time.

    Free Member

    I did read a few years ago that Gilette invested over $1bn in R&D into one of their new razors. That is a f*** of a lot of money to invest in a razor.

    So to understand their profitability you have to look at the overall profits from the product over its lifetime and that includes the substantial R&D sunk cost.

    Razor innovation is a cut throat business each manufacturer leap frogging their competitors every six months or so.

    Do you see what I did there 😯

    Free Member

    Never used Campag stuff so can't comment on that – but the new Ultegra 6700 is a great groupset and the older 6600 series was non too shabby.

    I seem to prefer both the old and new Ultegra over the older DA 7800 series. It may all have been down to set up but for me the DA brakes had too much modulation for my liking, perhaps this is how they should be, but I always preferred the sharper feel of the Ultegra brakes.

    Free Member

    What pay rise do I give my cleaner was my predicament earlier in the week.

    Decided, in the end, on 25% – she must be the highest paid cleaner in leafy SW London 😆

    Free Member

    Not sure richmars is taking into account the curvature of the earth.

    Free Member

    Never happens. It always seems to be some morbidly obese person who is riding past me these days and then I am definitely in camp 2 😆

    Free Member

    5 feet 8 – 17 in off-road, 52-54cm on road

    Free Member

    One of my team was recently suspended. We just found out he has been charged with prostitution and human trafficking !!! Its always the quiet ones.

    Free Member

    You should have taken CAPS LOCK off

    Free Member

    No its not imagined. Mr Woppit will no doubt come along and put us both straight – but NAIMees leave their electronics on all the time.

    Free Member

    jabbathehut – I would suggest that you go and visit your GP and talk things through with them. Your last post suggests that you may be suffering from Depression rather than purely the symptoms of transient stress etc.

    Free Member

    This was mine. For some reason I spilt it and sold it one before even taking it for a spin.

    Free Member

    **** off back home is the obvious thing that comes to my mind.

    Free Member

    Not so much a recommendation but panasonic have a nice new range, or at least I like the look of them.


    Free Member

    I have used one for years and for me it is as comfortable as any other saddle I have used. I have never used a saddle with a relief area so can't comment on that. I use an SLR on my road bikes.

    But, not sure my bum is particularly sensitive to saddles though. I'm a hard a$se. 😆

    Free Member

    The tallest chicks in the world wouldn't even give me the time of day when I visited there :(.

    Free Member

    Herbal tea. Listening to Laura Marling's first album

    Free Member

    Sorry if this has already been mentioned but I haven't read every single post. Has anyone mentioned giving the "Argies" a damn good kicking.

    Free Member

    Short of staff or not, it was not one or two single failings that led to Baby P's death but repeated failings of her team over a 17 month period IIRC.

    She is without a shadow of doubt IMO culpable for these failings. If she had felt all along she did not have the resources to deliver the service she was accountable for then she should have resigned a long time ago.

    You simply cannot can not keep on accepting the benefits of your position, fail to deliver and then cry wolf when it is far too late. As said above she was Head of Children Services FFS not some lowly employee.

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