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  • Chain Reaction Powers The Singletrack Forum
  • GJP
    Free Member

    And here was me opening this thread to think it was going to be a serious discussion about Schizophrenia and MTBing. Few on here coming pretty close to borderline personality disorder though 😯

    Free Member

    Current cabinet member maybe. You don’t need to be too bright or have many skills to devise the sort of policies we have seen from this sham of a Government in the last few weeks

    Free Member

    Anybody know when those Ragley ones will be available?

    Free Member

    Contact Garmin. Their aftersales service is fantastic (which it needs to be cos their products are not the most reliable IME). I have read on here that they provide a fixed fee replacement or similar.

    Free Member

    PGreen – Member
    Currently at Loughborough, Agree on above point about alot of arrogant jocks.

    Not much has changed then in what must be close on 20 years for me.

    Free Member

    Sheffield University – BSc Special Honors Mathematics. I had a great time drunk loads, then drunk loads more and did a bit of studying. If I had my time again I would probably have used my time more constructively. I really liked Sheffield, nice city, University a civic one but also had a nice campus feel. Generally, sheffield people were very student friendly. Good mix of people from all backgrounds.

    Lancaster University – MSc Operational Research. Nice enough place to spend a year, but glad to move on at the end. Perhaps now I have discovered MTBing I would feel differently. Living on campus was pretty isolating, but they had good sports facilities and I was able to play Squash, my sport at the time, 1-2 times a day.

    Loughborough University – PhD Management Sciences. Well at least it was near the M1 and I could drive by now. At the time, and it probably still does, had one of highest proportions of public school educated students, most undergraduate were either arrogant jocks, or arrogant business students or a combination of both. Had a very different feel to both Sheffield and Lancaster – perhaps it was the lack of cultural diversity – all the undergraduates seemed to have the same or very similar outlook on life, and one somewhat different from my own.

    I would echo what OMITN says, study something you really enjoy and want to study, better a good degree backed up extra curricular interests, than struggling for 3-4 years on something that doesn’t really interest you and then come out with a lower class degree etc.

    Free Member

    Is he related to Ryu Murkami? I thought at first it was the same person but google confirms that your reading is somewhat more highbrow than mine. Although TBH I thought “In Miso Soup” was pretty crap.

    Overall though still disappointed to discover that this thread is not about Japanese pr0n.

    Free Member

    I also put my hand over the bar light. But if I also did what TJ did I would most certainly fall off

    Free Member

    Another vote for KMC here.

    Free Member

    At the end of the day of course it is only worth what someone is willing to pay, but I think this 50%+ off for a new frame would be aiming a bit low.

    Assuming, we are talking of the HT carbon frame, then I expect a comparable 2011 frame could be had for around £1300 (Scott Scale 20 is £1350).

    This would suggest less than £650, at this price I would expect people to be biting your hand off for it. Given it is not the current version and comes with no warranty will clearly affect the price. If it were me I would probably be happy with about £750.

    You don’t need half a dozen buyers willing to buy it just one serious one.

    Free Member

    It is something that has never appealed to me one bit, and I sort of think Ti bikes with Ti seat posts and stems look a bit Sh1t. I always think a bit of black shows off the frame better.

    However, and just a thought, is there any noticeable flex in a Ti stem? If so this would seem like a big drawback. May be they are too short to provide and detectable flex.

    Free Member

    Spelling doesn’t look too bad to me. Yes a number of mistakes, but not appalling – there has certainly been links to e-bay items where the spelling is laughable – but I wouldn’t say this was one.

    If it was nicked would he really go to such lengths to make the bike look so odd, or is he just cunning.

    Free Member

    About 40-45 for me running with tubes. 30-35 when I experimented with tubless. Roadie at heart to struggle with super low pressures.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member
    You’ll have a degree and still don’t know that a dilemma can only have two options?

    I didn’t know that and I have a handful of university of degrees. The Oxford online states two or more – but in origin only two (dating back to the 16th century or so it says)

    Free Member

    Option 1.

    If relationships are meant to be they are meant to be. Some friends of mine managed theirs over 12,000m one in SYD and one in LON. Helsinki, seems no distance whatsover, although travel may be expensive. There must be many people in relationships within the UK who are more than 4 hours apart. Your situation is unusual but far from unique?

    I echo Tonyg’s point above. Doing a PhD is nothing like your undergraduate studies. Came as a shock to me even after Masters but so glad I did one. Has made SFA difference to my career mind.

    Free Member

    Thx – I have always used a courier before. It is just that WFH is a bit problematic for me at the moment.

    Free Member

    Generally, the cold does not really bother me.

    As others have said once you get going and warm it doesn’t really have any effect, although my toes are an exception no matter what I wear. But those first 20 minutes can be hell and there are an infinite number of times I have wanted to turn around in those first few miles.

    Mixed in is also a sense of achievement that you are out in all weathers when lesser mortals are still under the duvet.

    All that said, last winter was a bitch for me. My asthma was bad between mid oct and mid dec so I couldn’t ride. Come mid december the temperature was god knows how many degrees lower than it had been 2 months earlier and I just couldn’t get my head around it.

    I think I need a gradual reaquaintence with the cold weather and not a short sharp shock.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Hand built wheels from Merlin would be high up my list using Hope Pro II hubs, although they may not be the lightest.

    My Merlin wheels have been faultless and much better built than those from a certain very highly regarded wheelbuilder who used to frequent these parts.


    I also agree with what the others have said above. Hope hoops are probably a little cheaper.

    Free Member

    I have always used the Cateye wireless ones (Micro for me – don’t think the strada existed when I last bought one). Never had any reliability problems in close on 10 years.

    Free Member

    Not a Tory by any stretch of the imagination, but the bottom line is the State are still prepared to pay a family £20k per annum (after tax in effect) for their housing.

    Whichever way to look at it, if you qualify for anything close to the max, you are being very well looked after by the State. Many many people do not earn that Gross FFS.

    If you need to upsticks and move to Wales then so be it.

    I would happily support the idea of a transition period to help those who may fall on difficult times, but not into perpituity.

    Free Member

    I also got one. I have only spent £10 with them for the last 2 or 3 years on an avid service kit. CRC is my choice of last resort after Wiggle and Merlin. This might just get me order something of value again.

    Free Member

    Checking doors and windows are locked.

    I can be back and forth to the bathroom half a dozen times in the morning checking that I have shut the bathroom window. I do this even 10 or 15 seconds after I last checked and knowing full well the window is shut.

    I will then take the car out of the garage drive to the exit from the flats and then reverse the 75 metres or so to the back of the flats again to check the bathroom window is shut and that I have put my bike back in the garage.

    Please do not get me started on how many times I need to take my camelbak off to check my keys are in it, after checking religiously that they were it in before I put the camelback on.

    There are others, hand washing, but I don’t think I am too fanatical about that one (go through phases on this one). The others are chronic.


    I can add the even numbers (car volume, seretide inhaler) and tyre checking to my list

    Free Member

    Can’t decide between these two

    Wilier GranTurismo

    Colnago M10

    Free Member

    I use a small fanny pack 🙄

    An unusual approach, and must contravene the Rules, but no-one has ever remarked upon it.

    Free Member

    M&S Gold here or Twinings breakfast tea if shopping at Waitrose. Failing that anything but Tetleys.

    Free Member

    I have one of these

    Topeak Dual Touch

    Free Member

    I, like many, have been struggling to find my words. As a fellow sufferer of bipolar disorder this tragic news has touched a raw nerve.

    I didn’t know Ray (Jahwomble) in person, nor do I believe had we exchanged any significant banter on the forum, but I always took a moment to read his posts. Secretly, and without him knowing, each time I took away a small amount of inspiration to help me fight my own daily demons.

    RIP Jahwomble


    Free Member

    [/i]molgrips – Member
    chapeau molgrips – you’re a **** maths genius.
    Did that work?!

    Nah .. still a Sh1t load of algebra.

    Free Member

    chapeau molgrips – you’re a **** maths genius.

    My first thoughts were to do it the way JonT suggested but I couldn’t be ar$ed with all the algebra.

    Free Member

    I always found applied maths too full of “compromises and inaccuracies” at degree level.

    Applied maths simply held no beauty for me compared with linear and abstract algebra (especially convex sets, groups, rings and Galois theory) which is where I specialized in my final year.

    And as for statistics, then as far as I could tell that was there for the less able students so they could get a degree after three years.

    Where I studied 2nd and 3rd year pure maths seemed to be the courses that really shuffled the pack. The strong students sailed through the courses whilst the weaker ones sunk without a trace.

    Pure maths also seemed to get easier each year as the underlying patterns repeated themselves across topics. My third year at University was by far the easiest of the three. Perhaps that is why a liked it so much, whereas before university my interests seemed to be more aligned to applied mathematics, although at that level the differences are perhaps not as clear cut.

    I haven’t done to badly out of it, although I don’t use any aspects of any of my degrees in my job.

    Free Member

    Pure maths helped give millions of people their freedom from WW2, by enabling Alan Turing and his team break the German’s Enigma Code at Bletchley Park.

    Free Member

    Richmond and cheap, not in my experience of 13 years of living in the area. Try to pull a student in Kingston, they are rather easy and have their own places usually.

    I live in Kingston, but can’t really say I have found the students easy 😥

    Free Member

    Damn threw my old one out on Sunday evening without checking. Got £1800 invested in my new one but I feel that’s not quite what you meant 😆

    Free Member

    IMO it is hard to say as the list is pretty much endless and will vary significantly from individual. My initial symptoms were general tiredness even though I was sleeping like a baby.

    However, in my book chronic stress = depression end of story. There is some scientific support of this in that elevated cortisol levels for long periods are really not good for the fine tuning of the brain’s neurotransmitters (especially serotonin) needed to keep you calm, regulate your sleep and appetite etc.

    So, I think you have done the right thing going to your GP to hopefully get to the root of the problem.

    Also, against most of the advice your will hear, then if you are severely stressed then I would not recommend exercise, or at least not intense exercise, a good hammering on your bike for 3 to 4 hours will put a tremendous amount of stress on your already overstressed body.

    Free Member

    will be blummin expensive I think, £70.00 last time it happened.

    So just who is making a habit of this, you or your mate?

    Oh and you should pay IMO.

    Free Member

    I might as well only have one. For the last 15 months the only bike I have ridden is my Spesh Epic. Still have a Whyte 19 carbon HT never ridden. Absolute travesty 😳

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety et al, I will be the first to admit that when it comes to cooking I am lazy. And other than frying a steak or grilling some salmon I rarely cook for myself. I am not a great cook, but I can cook, but living alone I find it hard to find the motivation to cook for myself, especially during the week.

    However, writing everything down, has been helpful to me, as I can now see where the money goes, and as you say there is a lot of spend on tasty snacky bites.

    Free Member

    Bunnyhop – Member
    GJP – go apple scrumping.

    What every week 😆

    I think the Olives, Parma Ham and Hummus need to go – no more pre-evening meal snack for me for now on.

    Free Member

    Thankfully, I may have overestimated but not by much. I reckon this would be my typical spend

    Milk £2
    Eggs £2
    Apple/Orange Juice £4
    Musili Bars £5
    Nuts/Seeds £4
    Olives £5
    Hummus £3
    Parma Ham £6
    Roast Ham £4
    Fruit (Bananas £2, Apples £4, Clementines 2 packs at the moment £4) = £10
    Herbal Tea £1
    Soup £1
    Fish (Salmon) £10
    Meat (Steak) £9
    Chicken (£5)
    Ready Meals (£4)
    Prepared Vegetables/Lentil Salads etc (£10)
    Yoghurt (£2)

    I think this totals £87. Which is probably a good estimate. I typically shop 3 times a week and typically spend £30 +/- a little each time

    Any ideas on how to reduce this would be gratefully appreciated.


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