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  • NBD: Airdrop Edit MX/27.5, Intense M1, Whyte E-Lyte
  • GJP
    Free Member

    I believe there is a question to be answered first as to whether an individual has a right to take their own life (i.e commit suicide). I believe this is singly perhaps the most important right within any true liberal and democratic society.

    Once this is addressed then I believe the issue of selfishness is no longer relevant. Indeed the selfish act is being committed by the very people who say the act of suicide is selfish itself. It is these very people who seem to wish to burden others with the thoughts of being selfish for simply exercising their fundamental right to take the own life.

    Free Member

    ton – Member
    maybe i am being a bit harsh saying it was selfish.
    i just cant understand a bloke with kids, who he was still spending time with,
    wanting to do this.

    I think here lies part of problem with people’s understanding. People do not want to commit suicide, it is not a matter of choice, they simply feel they have ran out of options. When there are no options and choices left, but one ….

    Free Member

    I am with Houns on this one. I can see or understand why some people see it is a selfish act, but unless you have personally experienced severe and debilitating mental illness then you have no idea and you never will.

    Knowing someone who suffers even if it is your spouse or children does not make you qualified to comment.

    Free Member

    I like the simplicity of a CD player, choosing one to play, reading the sleeve notes etc. I have an external DAC and stream music to it via iTunes, but 99% of the time just use the CD player through the DAC

    Free Member

    Yes no offence meant, it was tongue in cheek – my smilies went astray

    Free Member

    My first impressions are that it looks sh1t

    Free Member

    2011 Scott CR Pro £1200. Seems a reasonable price for a big american bike co frame only. 950g frameset. Albeit £1200 is not loose change

    Free Member

    I am SOA Architect working on CRM and Commercial programmes for a big company that flies planes with big comfortable seats at the front.

    Free Member

    When I had it it was down to putting one of the tri-align caliper washers on the wrong way around. Simple fix.

    Free Member

    So long as one of the side effects is not Priapism then I don’t worry about them too much! Although Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis are pretty nasty.

    Free Member

    atlaz – Member
    psychle – Member
    Simple competition and ‘market forces’ at work I’d guess?
    Nah. I asked the same question a few years ago and after all the bullshit about exchange rates, fuel costs etc, my MP got them to admit they can charge what they want and are legally allowed to price fix to a certain extent.

    Explain price fixing. Airlines are not allowed to price fix as this would be anti-competitive and would result in £300m plus fines (as BA were fined a few years ago). As Psychie says it boils down to pricing economics and competition.

    Free Member

    Toe overlap? Very short wheelbase IMO, as AP says. short and tall.


    And splash out and buy yourself another bottle cage.

    Free Member

    Chrome bumper NAIM + 1

    Free Member

    Winterfold, the Alchemy is a medium (55cm TT). To the best of my knowledge they are the same geometry as the new Enigma Ti frames. I may be thinking of selling the frame and forks in a few weeks. email in profile. Gary

    Free Member

    2006 Omega Alchemy – barely used as I much prefer carbon.

    Free Member

    We may learn that time slows down if only we were all to stop fannying around on STW.

    Free Member

    Not so much what I read into them but straight contradictions.

    “In mint condition” …… to be followed later by “one small dent in the down tube etc”

    “Brand new” …. to be followed by “only used a few times”


    Free Member

    I would be very surprised if you can get a 54 to fit.

    My thoughts would be 50 or 52. I am 5’8″ but with short legs 29″ but either a long torso or arms. A 50 would be too small for me in reach, a 52 about right depending on specific geometry. A 54 would be fine in the TT but standover would typically be an issue.

    Free Member

    A3 is a bit tight in my opinion for bikes compared with the Golf Mark IV. I opted for a A3 sportback when I shifted the Golf on. Me and roof bars simply do not get on.

    Free Member

    I was paying £250 per month for a 4 1/2 year loan on a new Audi from my bank. Interest payments were less than 2 pints of beer a week (nearer a pint) and I don’t drink anyway so no great loss there.

    Borrowed 50% of new car value, about 20% p/x and 30% from savings.

    I certainly wouldn’t want to be in a position to have negative equity on a car, but in the same breath I wouldn’t want to tie up a significant portion of my savings tied up in one

    Free Member

    I used to travel first class to Vancouver pretty much every other week on business. It was absolute misery I tell thee 😆

    One of my favorite cities/places in the world, although not a huge amount of touristy things to do compared with other cities.

    I didn’t think anyone used travelers cheques anymore, at least not in North America. I took some cash (a few hundred Canadian Dollars) and just used my debit card in the ATMs to take out money. Never had any problems.

    Robson Street is the street for shopping, but it is no 5th/Madison Avenue. Staying on or ideally just off Robson Street nearer to the Museum/Art Gallery is a good central place, but Vancouver is a tiny city so as long as you are not at the extremes pretty much everything is within walking distance.

    I generally stayed the Marriot Pinnacle, preferred the Metropolitan. A sales colleague of mine rates the Fairmont very highly. Generally some good deals on Expedia but Vancouver seems to be more expensive than it once was. I would go there for a few days break as the hotels were much cheaper than San Franciso.

    Yaletown has some good restaurants (it is not a town just a few streets). I think the Quayside was my favourite. IMO Vancouver is probably the best place for good Suishi outside of Japan – so Japanese places are also worth a try.

    It is pretty crap for bars/pubs Opus hotel in Yaletown for pre-dinner cocktails and there is a place near the Fairmont/Art Gallery, but there are a few steam brewery pubs in one on the edge of Gastown and and one in Yaletown easy to find. Otherwise lots of Irish/sports bars.

    Cafe Artagino (sp?) is probably my favorite coffee shop in the whole wide world!!!

    Places to visit are

    Stanley Park,
    Grouse Mountain
    Er there must be others

    Bike shops were very expensive when I was last there but that was before prices in the UK rocketed.

    Canadians are friendly and laid back. Tipping – probably 15% are per USA, but I can’t really remember. I used to live in NYC so tipping was just second nature to me.

    Be prepared to see a lot of vagrants/drug addicts on the streets all over the central areas at night. I found this a little unsettling, not because they were threatening or anything, just because it seems out of character with the rest of the city.

    IMO one of the safest places on earth, so no worries wandering around anywhere at night. No doubt the city dwellers think the crime rate is high, but it is all relative.

    Free Member

    xiphon – you are right “stress” is not an illness. It is generally a term GPs put on sick notes as an alternative to stating Depression/Anxiety. Check the NICE guidelines Depression and Anxiety are real illnesses.

    IME experience people do not take time off work for stress, they take time off work because they are severely depressed and/or highly anxious, often the result of chronic stress. It doesn’t take too much googling to see that there are clear physiological links between chronic stress and clinical depression.

    They are ill. So ill in fact that they are not only unable to work, but they are unable to do anything. They can be unable to wash and shave, unable to eat, unable to do the simplest of tasks without becoming so exhausted whilst also acutely anxious.

    Think of a being in a permanent state of panic 24 hours a day, no rest bite, where jumping in front of a train seems like a completely rationale choice as a means of putting and end to the intolerable pain that you are suffering.

    Clearly you have never suffered in this way and I hope you never do, but to say things like consider yourself luck to have a job or MTFU just shows you up as being ignorant.

    Free Member

    I have no hesitation in taking time off with stress, but it is not something I take lightly.

    I had my first full on “nervous breakdown” 5 years ago, the result of chronic stress. I was off work for 9 weeks. I have never properly recovered and the episode triggered bi-polar disorder. Not typical for a 40 year old, although perhaps there were signs in my teens and mid to late 20’s.

    Since then I have had two further major episodes where I have been too ill to work and taken time out typically 4-6 weeks, but really every day is a major struggle.

    Bottom line is look after your mental health. The mind doesn’t seem to heal as well as other organs/limbs etc.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bother after 4-5 months without why bother – you don’t need it.

    Free Member

    CG – I cannot answer your question directly, but have you checked the NICE guidelines which should give you an overview of how your condition should be treated?

    So, if the GP has made a number of “interventions” in accordance to the guidelines, then it may be reasonable to be referred on to a specialist etc

    Of course, if you think your GP is way off track with his/her diagnosis then this may not be much help, but then neither would being referred to the wrong type of consultant?

    Free Member

    For me it is Faith. Everything else after that doesn’t even come close in comparison. I recognize there are some wonderful songs on the later albums, but as for an album on its own Faith really stands out for me.


    Just read OP original post again. If you like what you hear in flims then perhaps Faith is not the place to start. Also, when listening to it keep the sharp knives, razor blades and prescription drugs under safe lock and key. It has to rank as one of the most miserable, depressing albums of all time, makes Morrisey look likes he is going through a manic episode. That said, I find it somewhat uplifting.

    Free Member

    Think I will have to give it another listen. Bought it today, gave up half way through 🙁

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member
    Haven’t got sky and can’t remember last time I watched bbc.
    Pray tell, what do you watch?

    Pron, maybe a possibility?

    Free Member

    S/h Rega planner 2 or 3 are the standard s/h buys. They come up on e-bay every week – just look for a well cared one and be prepared to wait for a good one to come up. If you don’t take to it easy to sell on without losing too much etc.

    Free Member

    DezB – Member
    Can I ask why? You may have good reasons and all that, but I’ve found 10 speed a total waste of time. Came on the new bike, so wasn’t a choice one way or the other, but I never, really NEVER have changed one gear at a time. On the 10 speed I’m always shifting 2 or more cogs every time.
    Can’t see the benefit of it meself!

    I think I felt like this for the first few rides especially when moving to a lower gear, but soon came to love the closer ratios.

    Free Member

    mudshark – Member
    alpha+CD, audiolab 8000A amp
    Ooh I had that combo, upgraded to a Naim CD3/NAC72/NAP140 combo which was an improvement but the Alpha+ had a smooth sound for sure; previous CD player to that was a Marantz CD40 which was very harsh in comparison.

    Mudshark – are you still using the 72 or have you now settled on the 102? Gary

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bother changing until it breaks unless you are thinking major upgrade etc. Marantz make fine players, if they are as good today, as they used to be.

    I have an old CD-63SE a fine player in its day and it is not far behind a £1500 NAIM one, albeit the NAIM has seen much more use. I have been told CD players do lose their edge over time, but that could be Hi-Fi twaddle.

    Free Member

    Same here just discovered him “proper” aged 46. Difficult to know where to start.

    Free Member

    I tend to be very frugal to the point of it being almost ridiculous on the smaller things, like buying a magazine, a cd, or some new socks etc.

    Yet, I will spend several hundreds or thousands of pounds on some expensive new bit of kit that currently takes my fancy (TV, bike, hi-fi etc) without a moment’s thought.

    I don’t drink, smoke, buy fancy clothes etc etc so I think I deserve a few luxuries.

    Free Member

    If it were me I would get the NAIM Nait 2. They are in essence collectors items these days, you will not lose any money if you decide on something else down the line.

    I have had an all NAIM system for over a decade. First Olive and now Black. The Olive amps are more forward in their presentation than the newer Black series IMO.

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit – Member

    Naim Amp = NAIM speaker cable. I can’t believe you have had a NAIM Amp for 20 years and not used their cables. But, admittedly I used Nordost for 10 years with a NAIM amp before I saw, or rather heard, the error of my ways 😀

    Free Member

    If buying new then I would also take a listen to the Rega Brio as joolsburger suggests. I would also look at taking a punt on a s/h amp. £250 should buy you a nice Cyrus, a Nait 3 etc etc.

    Free Member

    Roast Potato butties, or fish fingers, never at the same IIRC.

    Free Member

    Could be Exercise Induced Asthma, but I would expect you to be a bit wheezy etc rather than just a straight plain cough?

    Free Member

    oldgit – good to see that Pearson is being put to good use as God intended 😆

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