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  • GJP
    Free Member

    I would say you are certainly not too old, but whether it is the right thing to do is a different matter.

    I don’t know the industry/field so I don’t know whether it is one in which higher qualifications are seen as an asset or not. If not then you need to have a really good think about what your true motivations are.

    IME PhD’s are really hard work, not necessarily intellectually but in terms of self resilience and maintaining a single narrow focus for 3 or more years, something you will probably only do once in your life.

    Have you thought about other more general careers?

    I have always thought that Engineering Graduates are very well respected across most fields, Engineering degrees are some of the toughest based on my friends experiences compared with my own, although I am a lot older and in my early graduation days the competition for graduate level jobs was nothing like as stiff as I am led to believe at the moment.

    Free Member

    About £150 per month, 90% commute to work I expect.

    Free Member

    He seems like a reasonable bloke to me, although his performance on X-Factor does seem a little too polished. Looks to me like he has had a fair amount of coaching with respect to his posture, body language and affect.

    Free Member

    One of my friends took a 7 year old JL shirt back which had started to fray. They looked a bit puzzled as they could not trace the code on their system., but they still refunded him in full

    Free Member

    Nonsense – I am not a GP I am GJP 😆

    Free Member

    Nonsense – Member
    Think you’ll probably find Moat may have suffered from a Personality Disorder rather than a treatable mental illness. In any event I don’t think he was actually shot by AFO’s with anything other than a taser round. He actually shot himself in the head. Might be wrong though. Or I might not.

    I think you may find that (Borderline) Personality Disorder is a medically recognized mental illness 😆

    Free Member

    There are several million people in the UK who live with mental illness, very very few go on to kill people by virtue of obsessive jealously, and there are many more people without a diagnosed mental illness who do commit murder.

    I doubt very much that an inquest will do anything to serve the interests of those who suffer with mental illness in the UK.

    At the end of the day he was just one more narcasistic (sp?) MF. A statistical outlier, I struggle to see what lessons can be learned that will have more general application.

    Free Member

    Large multi-national.

    Staff are on reasonable daily allowances that very by country, set at levels where an employee would not be out of pocket. Although it is amazing how many staff complain that the allowance doesn’t quite stretch to most hotel breakfasts, yet lunch and dinner are very generous in comparison. Cake and eat it or what? On extended trips it can be a little money earner even without scrimping when you take into account you have to feed yourself anyway.

    Management grades are on actuals and provided they are reasonable I have never had any problems. Although it does pee me off when I see some of my managerial colleagues from regional offices asking for a receipt for the 75p bowl of breakfast porridge from the already subsidized canteen at HO, FFS.

    Hotels are simply what they cost although I assume the Four Seasons would not be acceptable (never tried it mind) , but the standard 4* business hotels are the norm.

    Free Member

    geetee1972 – Member
    No maybe about it.


    Free Member

    Missing doses of ADs is not a good idea – for some people it will make very little difference and for others it will disrupt their mood, anxiety, mood swings etc. No way to tell, some people can come off them easily when the time is right and for others it can be hell.

    As others have said if it all settles down now you are taking them regularly then no worries if not go back to your GP.

    My 2p worth.

    Prozac has a very long half life compared with other ADs so in theory missing a dose or two should not have such a significant impact. You don’t need to do too much googling to see the drastic effects of missing a dose of Venlafaxine can have on some people which has a very short half life. But everyone is different and this is just a test tube theory. The plus side is Prozac is one of the easiest to wean off because of its long half life. And the literature abound with cases of GPs first switching to Prozac from another AD before stopping. Not saying it is prevalent or common practice but it is not controversial

    AD’s also act very weakly on the brain, far less so than coffee, or alcohol or even paracetamol. Yes your body gets used to it, but my mood and energy improves significantly after my first Cappucino.

    The future lies in Lamotrigine and anti-epileptic drug but also used as anti-depressant mood stabiliser 😆 But there is no evidence of its effectiveness in unipolar depression, but it has been a life saver for me and really turned my life around.

    Best wishes MM and let’s hope in a few months time you can be drug free.

    Free Member

    FARK Me I’m 47 in the morning – Happy Birthday

    Free Member

    Time to cut a bit off the seatpost?

    Not much help but I would be in the same predicament as you with an Anthem, although my legs are a little longer. 18in definitely too long and little standover, but think I would get away without cutting the post, but 16 would be on the small side.

    Free Member

    I have a seatpost that will fit that if you are interested – email in profile 😆

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone. Overwhelming support to stay with my current DA 7800 stuff.

    Free Member

    njee20 – Thanks for clarifying that. Given the mix I have at the moment the only component were i have any flexibility is the rear mech. So it is either stay as is or move to 6700, ignoring what c/set I decide to go for.

    Out of interest how much did you get for you 7800 STIs and what condition were they in? I suspect yours had seen more use than mine 😆

    Free Member

    njee20 – Haven’t looked as Di2 in any detail, but just saw the price of the F/Mech and it was pretty off putting.

    I thought the newer series and older series were not perfectly matched? Can’t really remember whether this was STis and Mechs or STIs and brakes, or it was just LBS BS.

    Currently the DA bits I have are STIs, brakes and both Mechs and the chainset is Ultegra, so the mix and match option is biased towards Ultegra

    Maybe I should just think about switching out the shifters, my mate wants to buy the DA shifters

    Free Member

    Yes if I were being pedantic I would sat the results had improved by 14 pts, but it does seem clear from the context what is the net improvement.

    Free Member

    thetabber – Member
    Made redundant from town planning job two years ago. Now in Probation but more cuts to come, worrying times.

    On first reading at read that as on probation 😆

    Free Member

    Question in my mind is what is the potentially new employer offering you that your current employer doesn’t? If you can’t answer this then why even consider moving at all?

    For a salaried position I can’t see much room for negotiation based around what is one company’s standard contractual working hours versus another, the only lever being pay? And what are we talking about here a 35 hour contract versus a 40 hour contract? Both seem reasonable, within standard norms, although the trend does seem to be downwards.

    Yes one is more attractive than the other on face value, but what is the true relationship between contracted and actual hours worked?

    May well be a case of you want the job or you don’t? But as Morgs says let the Agent do his/her job and negotiate, but what parameters do you want them to negotiate on?

    Free Member

    I’m also in aviation, but not the same outfit that Flaperon works for.

    It never looks too great to me and even when the times are good you know it won’t last for very long at all.

    The outlook can change very quickly as the industry is very exposed to so many external influences. Not saying other industries or not, but they seem to hit quicker and deeper for the airlines.

    Free Member

    RichPenny – I also have an old but perfectly working Marantz CD 63SE, one of my 3 CD players. One of course is a Naim. What ideas do you have for Sprucing up these older Marantz players? Gary

    Free Member

    I am in not too dissimilar a situation to those of the OP and Rich Penny.

    Mortgage of £80K or so, which I guess these days is considered small, but it is still a burden and my flat has very high outgoings to the extent of being approximately 50% of the mortgage payments in service charges

    No other debt. I have a good income but high outgoings with very few options to reduce them so my disposable income is perhaps not as high as those on lower salaries.

    So as long as I have a good job then no problems. But if I lost my current job, and it is a real possibility at the moment, then I would still need to earn what many people would regard as a very good salary to cover my basic outgoings.

    Oh the Joys of London living 😆

    Free Member

    The Pioneer A400 amps go for good money on e-bay. IIRC £100-140. Well worth taking a look at the closing prices.

    Free Member

    A wet dirty bottom perhaps?

    Free Member

    Should be fun for those old women and their tricycles!

    Free Member

    Couldn’t we just outsource their indefinite incarceration to some dodgy third world state?

    Free Member

    i sold an old Olympus OM20 SLR to a shop for a very good price a while back, and I was very pleasantly surprised with how much I got, but it was the original Zuiko lens that the guy was paying for and not the body.

    Free Member

    Barnes is very nice, a little village really, and especially so for the wife and children, but unless you like the feeling of everyone looking down on you like a leper then I would look elsewhere.

    Free Member

    I sometimes include my school just to show that I am not some privately educated tosser and my outstanding academic achievements are down to my own abilities and not my parents wealth 😆

    Free Member

    I like them, but my arse can cope with most saddles. Seem to last well, one of mine is 4-5 years old but still in great shape.

    Free Member

    Siemens would also get my vote. They seem to have found the balance between price and quality. Miele are overengineered IMO, nothing wrong with that per se but not at twice the price.

    Avoid Gaggenau IMO, looks the DBs but not worth the money based on my friend’s experiences, certainly a case of style over substance.

    Free Member

    Their behaviour is totally unacceptable and constitutes to “harassment and bullying”, technically harassment. You have an obligation to report the incident(s) to your line management immediately.

    Free Member

    Being able to have a new pair of Levi 501 jeans for £1.22 a week for 20 weeks. Nothing short of legalised loan sharks!

    Free Member

    Thanks Nick.

    Free Member

    Am I the only one who thinks that someone who has skills that command £700 per day ought to have sufficient insight so as to be able to write their own CV 😆

    Free Member

    It almost seems like there are two different forums on STW these days. The bike and chat forum with the usual members and then the For Sale forum where I am lucky if I recognize 1 name on a page.

    Pretty sure a couple of years ago it wasn’t like this? I haven’t bought or sold for ages from the classifieds, partly because I don’t really need anything, but also because of the hassle and distrust. Tis a shame.

    Free Member

    Never ever were a short sleeved shirts for work FULL STOP. Nothing does more to undermine the thin veneer of corporate professionalism.

    If one of my team came to work in a short sleeved shirt I would send them home without further ado. Any confidence I may have had in their abilities would vaporize immediately.

    Am I the only one who thinks this way?

    Free Member

    You could take a look at a Burls custom jobbie?

    Free Member

    I always stop and ask if its just one or two people or they seem to be in trouble etc. No problems with me giving my tube away as I always carry two spares plus patches and pump and CO2 canister, its hardly surprising that I am so slow 😆

    Once when just out walking near my house I met a guy with a puncture and took him back to my place to fix his puncture for him. We chatted for a couple of hours, he had an interesting career, turned out he was now working for Evans!

    Free Member

    Something completely different maybe? As neither approach says what you achieved in terms of results that impacted the bottom line. This seems key for a Sales job.

    What was your contribution? Your impact on revenue, yield, new customers, growth, beating your targets, customer satisfaction, deal closure rates etc etc.

    just a thought as I am never quite sure how to get the balance right between stating what you were responsible and accountable for versus your achievements

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