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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • gixer.john
    Free Member

    Bike ride – done
    Dinner – done
    Pudding and cuppa – done
    Mrs Gixer – done her part of the deal :lol:
    One happy Gixer -done

    Free Member

    Good to see a little bit of distraction helping you. We are still waiting to release the balloons and will send the pictures when done.

    Free Member

    My tuppence worth – there are no hard and fast rules with mixed tenure(private and affordable) developments, some are succesfull while others are not. I work for a large national contractor doing private, HA or mixed developments and have seen plenty of them from adjudication level through to completion and visited a few a couple of years after completion.
    A successfull development which i have been working on for 6 years is in Meir Heath on the Western side of Stoke which involved demolishing a load of post WW2 pre-fabricated houses and building a mixture of bungalows, 2&3 storey houses – some of which would be used as housing stock for the existing residents. The area was notorius for crime, vandalism and anti-social behaviour. As we started rehousing some of the locals in the new properties there were incidents of vandalism, burglary etc, what happened was the “good” locals who could see the benefit of the new development and the nice new houses they could possibly get, started to kick back against the handfull of scrotes who didn’t wan’t the new development. Within a short time there was a real sense of community and the scrotes were left very isolated. As part of the regeneration scheme, there was a lot ofconsultation with the existing residents and their views and requests were considred and implemented wherever possible. We have had quite a bit of success with our private sales as well, and the houses we have sold, do not suddenly have “For Sale” boards appearing once they realise they are amongst social / affordable housing.
    We have another development in Camp Hill Nuneaton – that is the complete opposite, an absoulute nightmare.

    Free Member

    Balloons delivered this morning, will wait for an appropriate time to release them while thinking of wee spongebob – thoughts and best wishes to Brudders clan. x Gixer family x

    Free Member

    Went on safarri in July 2011 as part of our Honeymoon. We booked a 2 week all inclusive holiday with Hayes & Jarvis, our was in Mombasa and booked the rest by internet. If you book your safarri as part of your hotel package, you have to vacate your hotel room and take all your luggage with you. You can save a shed load of money by organising things from over here. We booked a 3 day safarri to Tsavo East, Amboseli then Tsavo West, a day snorkeling on the Pili Pipa dhow ( and a day at a nature reserve, mombasa and an orphanage.As we were on our honeymoon we paid a bit extra for our own driver and Landcruiser as we didn’t want to be in a minivan with others incase we didn’t get on. Our trips cost the same as a 3 day safarri in a shared minibus booked in the UK, so for the same money we got our own vehicle and guide plus two extra day excursions. Everything was booked through – check out his website and tripadvisor reports , absolutley top quality service.
    We had 3 days at our hotel to chill out,on our 1st day we were contacted by Julius ( of JT safaris) to confirm all bookings and times. On day 4 we were collected at our hotel by our guide for 3 days Boniface, what an brilliant guide. Day 1 was a drive to Tsave East and within ten minutes of being in the game park we had pulled over to watch lions basking under a tree, then onto giraffes, elephants, antelopes, hundreds of different birds etc. We stopped for lunch at the lodge then out for a late afternoon drive which ended at a waterhole with around 70 elephants around us as the sun set – magical and MrsGixer started crying because it was such a beautiful momemnt. Back to the lodge and sat on our verandah listening to elephants trumpeting away by the waterhole, lovely meal then crash out listening to all sorts of wildlife noises.
    Day 2 early breakfast and on the road to Amboseli – this is when having your own guide and vehicle paid off as Boniface got a bit bored driving on the “highway” and asked if we would like to take a bit of a cross country route – we both said deffo and he pulled off the road – the next 4 hours were exhilirating and frightening as we traversed a riverbed and tracks that i thought would be impassable, simply amazing. we arrived at amboseli and had a bit of a drive around looking at hyenas, warthogs, elephants, hippos etc before going to the lodge to get dinner. Then an eraly evening drive around the reserve – again wathcing the sunset over a waterhole – more food, bit of relaxation then crash out. early morning rise and a convoy drive to Tsavo West reserve – nice drive with Mt Kenya and Kili on our right hand side. At Tsavo West we had a walk on a lava field then to the Lodge, when we got to reception we were informed that we had been given an upgrade to the Kilimanjaro Suite as we were on honeymoon – what an amazing suite – 20ft wide sliding balcony windows which looked over the plains to Kilimanjaro – stunning. We just stood there watching monkeys playing, birds swooping, giraffes gamboling, then the elephants trumpeting as they came to the waterhole as the sunset over Kilimanjaro, we just stood with our arms around each other in awe – we knew we would never get a better room or location ever again.
    Next day was an amazing blast around the reserve chasing lions and leopards, Boniface had his race head on and it was the most thrilling car chase i have ever been in ;-)
    Next day back to our hotel in Mombasa and a few days chilling again, then a day out to the city and a nature reserve, crocodile park and orphanage. Another couple of days chilling at the hotel then a day snorkeling on the Dhow – lokking at a rainbow of fish, manta rays, giant tortoises, octopus, dolphins etc.
    Then back to the hotel for the last few days of rest and relaxation. We did not weant to leave at the end of it, amazing country with brilliantly friendly people. If you book the safari through JTSafaris, you do not have some European middleman skanking him for a big percentage, it is all going to the local economy.
    We took hundreds if not thousnads of photos when we were there, from hipposm fighting elephants, to us feeding giraffes, to monkeys with massive bluse bollocks, sea eagles, hyenas, ostriches, leopards etc, etc. Just do it.

    Free Member

    yes to the balloons – bearneccesities i will contribute to the cost for the 200 balloons just ping me an e-mail and i will sort some money out, it’s the least i can do.

    Free Member

    I’m struggling to type anything thinking of your families sorrow – i keep on welling up. You don’t have to be directly connected to feel your pain, i wish i could offer something to help.
    When we went out for a curry tonight with our little 7 month old boy, as we walked out of the door and seen the full moon beaming down on us, i thought of your little George smiling down on you – i shed a tear which fell onto my wee lad.
    He has had two teeth come out in the last couple of weeks, and we got him a wee tothbrush and toothpaste so got him to brush his teeth for the 1st time tonight.
    I held him extra tight as i rocked him to sleep, thinking of you and your family.
    If you are ever up near Cannock, and fancy dropping in for one of my wifes home made curries and a beer / cuppa. Just let me know, you and the family would be more than welcome.

    xx The Gixer Family

    Free Member

    the employer can not assess every work location at all times, what they would do is a generic assessment with forseeable hazards. Accessing icy footpaths would be forseeable and they could implement a control measure such as wearing boots with the addition of snow chains / socks which attach to the sole – with suitable information, instruction and training your mum would be able to decide if they are appropriate for the specific environment. Would then be down to her to get out of the van and walk or not.

    Free Member

    Well Col, i am 47 with my first just turned 7 months. As most say above, the little buggers can’t be pigeonholed and different parents think their way is right.
    Our little fella has been breast fed since the beginning and he is a little lump of a lad, full of energy, moody, playfull, in pain with his first two teeth, loves being in the baby Poco carrier outside etc etc.
    The only way to find out what is right is by trial and error.

    Mrs gixer lets me know quite bluntly when i am not doing enough – i just shrug my shoulders and get on with it, no point in arguing.
    Mrs Gixer is still as horny as before being pregnant, so no break for me 8O
    I don’t get out on the bike much, as i try and spens time with Junior when i get back from work.
    It is a brilliant feeling when wee junior starts shaking with excitment and shouts as he sees me coming in from work.


    Free Member

    :wink: Tome to be flamed.

    Due to nagging from her indoors, i had to de-clutter the living room. B&W CDM1se’s, Myryad Amp, Atacama speaker stands, Project Debut, QED cable etc all were sent to the gagage or loft.

    Bought a Ruark r4i as it was compact with no cables, easy to fit underneath the telly etc. For a small box it is surprisingly capable.
    Might be worth going to a local retailer and listening to one. Comes with FM, DAB,DABPlus,CD,USB, I Pod dock and Auxiliary inputs.

    I know it is not going to be as good as a seperates set-up, but it now does for me.

    Free Member

    Best – birth of our son Kyle Robert on 12-06-12, me being 46 at the time was a bit of a worry, but i am coping a lot better than i would have when i was a young tearaway. 1st wedding anniversary. Little fellas 1st Christmas with his gran up in Scotland.

    Not so good – very little cycling due to MrsG being preganant then see above^^^^^^.
    Being put on redundancy notice, haver since been kept on, but the company is a bag of sh**e so have accepted an offer from another company – jobs are further away, so less time with the family :-(

    Free Member

    We have just bought the Besafe IZI combi as we had decided to get a rearfacing seat for GixerJnr. We needed it to fit in two cars and found this was the only one which was compatible with a 2006 Picasso with floor storage compartments in front of the rear passenger seats.The Besafe was the only one which we could extend the leg far enough to reach to the chasis floor once the lid of the storage compartment was opened.
    Make sure you try any seat while the drivers seat is in it’s normal position – the Besafe takes up a lot of room and i can’t slide my seat any further back in my Insignia, so might be a problem if you are tall.
    MOTHERCARE service was absoulute SH**E, wouldn’t come outside because it was wet!!!
    We had bought a seat from one store and drove an 90 mile round trip for the other store to fit and they didn’t want’t ot come out – the woman did reluctantly, had a cursory look over then effed off. So on the following Saturday we had a 200 mile round trip to Milton Keynes to the In Car Safety Centre. There the ladies spent loads of time with us, and showed us how the Mothercare woman had wrongly installed the seat – bloody worrying.

    Free Member

    Rolling Stones – Get Off Of My Cloud Was Number 1 in both UK & US charts

    Free Member

    Frozen mud under icy puddles and sloppy mud combination. Mate has a couple of nice cuts on his face after sliding off tonight. Difficult to judge what the front wheel is going to do :-() we don’t ride over the dog or monkey side, so can’t comment on that side. I only crashed twice !

    Free Member

    op – you might want to get sealskin type windproof socks as your feet will be effin cold.

    might want to cosider some sunglasses if the sun is low, i use a dark/ black visor but wouldn’t buy one if it is only for a 2 hour session.

    rider height and bike capacity is not really an issue when above about 15mph or so, i am only about 5’3″ and currently have a bmw k1300s & cagiva v-raptor 1000. Just sold my 1700cc MT01 and Fazer 1000. Most of my incidents are when MrsGixer is getting on or off the bikes, loose footing and bike topples over :oops: bloody expensive replacing the exhaust shields and end caps on the MT.

    Free Member

    mda – YGM

    Free Member

    Live just outside of Cannock

    Free Member

    We were in a fish restaurant in Fowey the other week, MrsGixer was having a look through the menu, i was walking around with BabyGixer having a discrete look at the two attractive young waitresses when BabyG puked all over the floor – young waitress numebr one was not impressed. i handed BabyG over to wifey, sat down and rolled up my sleeves to have a look through the menu – the little sh*t had managed to puke inside my sleeve, not nice.

    Last week MrsG was on the phone to my mum, i’m lying on the floor playing with the little fella, holding him above my face when i see the white projectile leaving his mouth as he smiles at me, can’t throw the little blighter away, so i have to flick my head to the side – baby vomit in the ear – i swear he targets the hard to reach places 8O

    Free Member

    Binners, 5 month old baby was quiet so it was a grab soemthing quick while the wee fella is peaceful :wink:

    Free Member



    Free Member


    would there be any chance of trying your demo spider for a couple of night rides? I will pay for the postage.


    Free Member

    Don’t underestimate the driving times to get what looks like a reasonably short distance on the map. Last November we drove from Balmacquien on the Troternish peninsula over to cycle up the Bealach Na Ba, we left at 7am with no traffic and it was still a full day out.

    Free Member

    We were over the cemetry – stepping stones side last night, slid off the trail 3 times in the mud as the front tyre just washed out. Filthy, cold and soaked by the time we got home. Time for some grippier tyres – Rocket Ron’s don’t handle those conditions too well!!

    Free Member

    Was on the road bike – don’t see mudguards making much of a difference if the water is running straight down my legs.

    Free Member

    Am expecting to change mech, chain and cassette

    Free Member

    Pye Green Chippy – just beside the big TV tower @ Cannock

    Featherstone chippy

    Both run by Greeks, seem to do a better job of doing fish and chips than most nationalities.

    Tried Nardinis in Largs the other week, everyone had been saying how good the F&C were, ques out of the door – very dissapointing, overpriced, fish not great – Harry ramsdens do a better F&C.

    Free Member

    We bought a Jonathan Shaw original with some of our wedding gift money – it was the only artist that we both liked. Similar to the painting above, but with more red and some darker blues. we got to name it to which was nice.

    We got it for the same price a some of his limited edition prints, so we thought it was a bit of a bargain.

    Free Member

    Hadn’t seen the james whitam one for years, that was a gpod start to the day. guy on the pillion was taking a bit of a chance!!

    Free Member

    Mix and match has worked for me : carrerra leather jacket, forcfield back ,elbow and shoulder protectors. Tcx race boots, spidi gloves and joffama/ halvarssons armoured jeans. Rst kit works well, look at bsb and other race series where lots of riders use their leathers. Always try before you buy, dont forget to sit on a bike as you are trying the gear, it is a bit different from standing in a shop.

    Free Member

    Bazooka – that would be good, just send it ot the e-mail in profile


    Free Member

    The ktm will settle on it’s suspension, so should be ok. It is quite light, so easy to flip from foot to foot. I am only about 5’3. Or 5’4 and ride a bmw k1300s, just got rid of a yamaha mt01 which was 1700cc, so height is not always the issue

    Free Member

    Bazooka, can you forward the policy please? the employees use their own bikes and claim a milleage allowance. Bgrahams – not really interested in your inability to access a car safely 8O

    Free Member

    Some people are a wee bit touchy – an employer and employee have duties under various acts of law such as HASWA 1974. I am just looking for some examples of what people have experienced at work, not leisure.
    What is the “norm” now when someone has an accident at work – how can i make a claim, where was the company risk assessment, what was the company policy for using that piece of equipment at work. :roll:

    Crikey, chill it’s a nice sunny Monday morning!!

    Free Member

    If anyone has any links, or could forward them to me at


    Free Member

    Try and relax and enjoy thetest, just think of it as another lesson. That seemed to work for me more than 30 years ago :( if you are nervous and uptight you wont be as comfortable on the bike. Good luck

    Free Member

    hi kev – wont ask if i’m a numpty or not ;-) yeah a few years since Gallifords, you keeping ok? I’m a bit busy with our 4 1/2 week old baby boy!!

    Free Member

    Tazzy – maybe you could post a link to shp mag showing the accidents where safety cut outs have been overidden or bypassed causing life changing injuries or fatalities. The guy that got killed the other week as he leaned out of the bobcat and the atm came down crushing him, the 53 year old asphxyiated in a trench collapse last week, maintenence man who got roasted inside a commercial oven etc, etc,etc. i have to carry out accident investigations and it is a pisser when you see the consequence of complacency and ignorance.

    Free Member

    Today i was called to site to advise the team on demolishing concrete canopies and supporting brackets. The site team had over complicated the process as they were scared of our temporary works procedures. I spent a couple of hours on site, sat with the project manager and site manager producing a risk assessment and method statement – the guys on site and the client were thankfull for the help. Teamwork!! It was then onto a tight house building scheme in a busy urban street to look at loading out roof trusses from the public carriageway. See it is not all about clipboards and preventing the job from being done.

    Free Member

    having experience in the industry you are wanting to be an h & s advisor \ manager is usually a prerequsite. The nobbers that bleat on about h&S stopping threm doing their job don’t look at the big picture and realise the regulatory requirements on employers and emloyees. i was an marine and piling foreman before coming into the h&s side of the industry. The department i worked for did not want me to leave, but i had made the decision – so not all h&s managers are without management skills and have a problem solving attitude raher than dictating legisation. It woud be difficult to get “buy in” from groundworkers, scaffolders, brickies etc unless you understand the build proccess rather than just the legal side. With the current commercial climate, lots of people try to take short cuts because margins are so tight, this is when common sense goes out of the window and accidents occur. People turn a blind eye to unsafe work practices until something goes wrong – then they all stand on their soapboxes bleating on about how the managers allowed it to happen.

    Free Member

    Speed Triple’s are great for general riding – hooning around, weekend blasts, surprisingly good loaded up for trips to pyrenees / pico’s etc. But they are gash above about 80/90 on sustained commutes or longer journeys. Too much windblast, even with the flyscreen fitted.

    My mate has a Speed Triple, Daytona 675, Buell xb9r, Rocket and a Multi Strada. He now rates the Multi Strada as the best all rounder he has ever had. 142bhp twin engine can shift across country, put panniers on it for touring, can commute along the M6 through Brum, comfy for his Mrs on the pillion. I was going to buy one, but i was too wee and couldn’t reach the bloody side stand. He is 5’11 ish and is on his tiptoes. Definatley try and get a test ride on one of these.

    You could also try one of the K13 BMW’s, i have the K1300s. Bags of power and torque, fast enough to keep up with most sportsbikes on normal roads, comfy for the motorway riding with the extras like heated grips, ESA, traction control, quickshifter etc. Much better riding position than a Blade, R1 etc. The only problem is trying to be resist playing with 175BHP when you see other bikes passing ;-)
    The K13r is basicly the same bike without the fairing, so the higher speeds may be more apparent and would slow you down a bit.

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