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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • gingerss
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    The best ones don’t seem to travel. Leeds best, Leeds pale, Ossett brewery have an array of very good beers as do Wharfebank.

    Free Member

    Azam from Microsoft suggests Windows update

    Need some context around this. New system? What’s changed recently and what were you doing at the time?

    You could do with installing SP1, not that it’s likely to help this particular issue.

    Free Member

    Car drivers don’t need to carry ID so why would anyone else? I can drive another persons car with their permission provising I have my own insurance. I have access to a pool car at work. There is no law that says I need ID to drive a car, and nothing necessarily linking me as an individual to the vehicle.

    A couple of benefits I can think of are:
    – As already mentioned to ID you in event of an accident
    – As a way of registering a bike against you, so if you’re stopped and are on a bike that’s not registered to you then questions can be asked. Tbh I’m thinking here about cycle theft though there are legitimate concerns I’m sure about mis-use etc.

    The thing I always come back to with these debates though is how it might affect me. I’m often in a rush and can be forgetful. Do I really want to get myself in bother because I forget my ID card. Kind of breaks that sense of freedom we cherish.

    Free Member

    Funkydunc – in answer to your question

    The corridor along the canal with the woodlands along it and features such as Salts mill could easily encompass a lengthy and probably quite good network of cycle paths. The trouble with Bradford is it’s not flat so can be a baptism of fire for the unfit.

    Don’t forget that Bradford isn’t just the city. The district encompasses a much wider area, e.g. Ilkley.

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    Free Member

    shaggmeister, be careful what you offer (pictures half of stw turning up in Hebden on friday to learn some skills)!

    For non-pro riding there’s a high level of skill in these vids and well above the average of most riders I see. I’m sure there will be a few folk who can ride stuff better, but they will be a minority.

    Keep them coming.

    Free Member

    Just think about how hard you worked, or how many hours you did to buy that bike. Then this guy decides he deserves it more than you and is now making a quick few quid at your expense.

    I’m sure there’s some good advice on previous posts about how to deal with this exact situation. I guess the outcome you want is for him to get nicked…?

    Free Member

    Why on earth would you do nothing?

    Free Member

    SheffieldYorkshire is already something of an MTB centre for England, if mostly consisting of good natural trails aided by what seems to be better than average access.

    Dalby, Gisburn (well, almost Yorkshire), Stainburn and all the other stuff the Singletraction guys work hard to deliver all help with this.

    Free Member

    2009 – I can hear it cracking already.

    Excellent hooning bike and not too bad at climbing either. Admittedly I do also like my 456 more, which is probably a testament to on-one rather than a criticism of Commencal.

    Free Member

    IT professionals in’t north, surely not.

    Free Member

    Excellent skills!

    What’s wrong with a bit of colourful language especially with all that adrenalin running through ones veins? Must be a north/south thing. Lighten up.

    Free Member

    Good tip dan1980. That web site suggests that by now it’s launched just about everywhere except Scotland.

    Free Member

    I had a truck driver hurl abuse at me once for having the audacity to use a pedestrian crossing thus causing him to slow down and stop. I noticed on the front of the truck was a big Leeds City Council logo.

    I dropped in a complaint to the council and expected to hear nothing more on the issue. However a few weeks later I got a very apologetic letter notifying me that the driver had been disciplined and due to previous ‘stuff’ had been dismissed.

    I felt bad about this, but then he was driving something upwards of 10 tonnes in a fairly unsafe manner.

    EDIT: I should point out that I wasn’t on the bike when crossing.

    Free Member

    Went through a period of it being 50/50 as to whether something that looked to be of value, especially something like a birthday card or credit card would get delivered. Apparently Stourton was another ‘black hole’.

    Don’t seem to have had any problems more recently though.

    ALWAYS at least ask to speak to a manager immediately if you are having any difficulty with a front-line person. Often they’re not even allowed to go to the toilet without permission, let alone use their initiative to deal with a complaint.

    You’ve got to be calm and *very* assertive – i.e. talk in terms of what you expect rather than asking questions, and absolutely don’t let these things pass. I’d eventually be going down the small claims route but not until I’d written a letter explaining that would be my next course of action.

    Also complain to every relevant body, post on their facebook page, write a blog – even if it’s not widely view the’ll see it as a potential reputational damage thing, just make loads of noise.

    Free Member

    Red chilli is also good. If you can travel Sukhothai in Headingley or Chapel Allerton are both good. Loafs of other choice depending on what you want but just watch the ones with over inflated reputations, e.g. bibis, akbars etc.

    Free Member

    Commencal have been plagued with frame build quality issues. I’ve had 3 of which 2 have cracked. The one I have now seems OK – it’s a 2010 Meta 55 and it looks to be of much higher quality than the 2009 it replaced.

    Personally I wouldn’t go for another one unless it had a significantly longer warranty than the standard 2 years.

    Free Member

    Well following bigjim’s suggestion I used a second bike tyre. I removed the valve core and put it in one end of a length of washer hose then attached the other end on to the coreless valve stem and inflated to 60psi. Once inflated used some mole grips to kink the hose.

    Removed the valve core on the tyre to be inflated and attached the other end of the hose. So now I have 2 tyres attached to each other via washer hose with only the mole grips preventing equalisation of pressure.

    Removed the grips and seconds later I have 2 inflated, and most importantly seated tyres. Removed washer house and both tyres inflated no problems using the track pump.

    Thanks all for your help.

    Free Member

    Cheers 69er, there’s a thread from yesterday that seemed to conclude that I should buy a compressor. I do quite a bit of diy so maybe not such a bad idea.

    Free Member

    jambon, I’m with you but I was of course talking comparatively. Usual bike related inflation of course but what’s the alternative? I suspect commoditisation of the market leading to a reduction of variety and virtually no R&D.

    RRP is over £50 and most shops have them around the £45 mark. I got these from Ribble Cycles and I believe they still have some at this price.

    Free Member

    I got them for £36 each so I’d be happy to sell on for that. Not received them yet but by the time I’d phoned up they’d shipped.

    Free Member

    Make sure you align it using the marks on the back of the caliper rather than using the ‘pull the lever and tighten where it sits’ method. This never seems to work on the M4, probably on account of it being 4 cylinder.

    I have 2 M4’s and once aligned properly are absolutely trouble free – almost fit and forget. Proper Hope sintered pads last for an age too.

    Free Member

    Copper pipes expand when they get hot, and by more than you’d think, especially on a long run. With the regular knocking you describe my first assumption would be that this is what’s happening. Maybe you have a pipe that is hard up against a floorboard or maybe too tight in a notch etc. If this is the case you should be able to locate roughly where this is and maybe lift a few boards to see if it goes away.

    Free Member

    I lived maybe 200m from a busy dual carriageway for years and rarely heard anything apart from the odd crash or near miss. There were a lot of trees and the road was in a cut-out so that helped. It all depends on a number of factors.

    If there’s nothing but fields between the house and road you may well get noise. If there are ‘obstacles’ then it changes…

    Free Member

    PS3 is technically better, but the xbox seems more popular with the kids. Online play is what it’s all about now, so most importantly find out what his friends have got.

    The xbox seems cheaper up-front but is actually more costly because you will need to buy a subscription to the online service. With the PS3 the online service is free but Sony will occasionally give all your personal information away to hackers.

    Free Member

    I’ve had phones work perfectly well after a good soaking. Not tried the rice thing but last time left it in a warm place sans battery & sim etc. I do believe phones can have an irreversible indicator when they get wet for warranty purposes. Not sure what it looks like but a label that now says void seems reasonable.

    Free Member

    The blame claim stuff is about people seeking compensation for all kinds of spruious things. The commentary on here has merely related to receiving compensation for the cost of damage so as not to be out of pocket. Personally I wouldn’t bother about personal injury for a few bruises and scratches etc and would want to be reimbursed for the cost of damaged kit. If I lost earnings as a result that would be different.

    Free Member

    It’s also a problem ‘lack of personal responsibility’ society. I want to do this, it impacts others but I don’t care because I want to do it. Take responsibility for your dog and its actions – train it properly and clean up after it. Why should a person get injured because of your choice to get a dog and not keep it under control as the law requires. I would maintain that a good definition of under control is whether the dog responds to the owners commands, if the answer is no then it is not under control and should be on a short lead.

    Going too fast* on a shared trail is out of order, as is allowing a dog to be out of control such that it causes a hazard to other trail users. It’s not just mtb’ers either – I know some of the horse riders have trouble with dogs too as some horses are quite nervous of them.

    *What is too fast is another debate. I like the see to stop rule, but also just going at a steady pace on busy sections or when around other users.

    Free Member

    I don’t know your wife, it was just the feeling I got from what was written, but I’m sure you’re right.

    W.r.t. your question in return, on the first point I think that’s a very different scenario, so I’d have to question with the person whether they really wanted to share that information with the group, I’d also need to consider whether the person had really got over the trauma. You see the difference here is that the original post was about a persons choice, whereas this now becomes about something that was done to someone and the resulting impact on that person. Who knows what I’d do with the second revelation, can’t see it ever coming up in conversation?

    Free Member

    I don’t understand some folk.

    I’m of the opinion that if a person holds a paticular view or belief, or if that person does something that has no intention or implication of harm or malice to others, then who are we to judge. We meet others every day of whom we have no knowledge of their life and experiences up until that moment, and some of us feel compelled to make a judgement in that split second.

    I don’t understand transgender, or whatever the correct term is, but then I don’t need to because it doesn’t affect me. All I need to do is accept – and this is the important bit. If I just accept that somebody has chosen to do something because they feel so strongly about their own personal identity, then I can treat them as an individual and not feel compelled to insult or belittle them.

    Reading the OP’s comment it’s almost as if it is his wife who is attention seeking. Why make an issue of something that wasn’t an issue. Sure the other lady might have been attention seeking, but let others judge that rather than assuming editorial rights.

    There is far too much other stuff going on in this small world of ours to be worrying about what people choose to do in their own personal lives.

    Free Member

    northshoreniall, sorry but this issue makes me angry. I’ve had this happen to me too many times now though admittedly it’s not ended in damage yet. Fed up too with getting abuse from dog owners when I almost run their animals over.

    Elfin has it right, people take precendnce over animals. Letting your dog off the lead in public is fine as long as it’s under control – i.e. when you tell it to do something it actually responds.

    I don’t understand the relaxed attitude the OP has, hats off to him for the calm and relaxed attitude. I’d have been hopping mad.

    Free Member

    Definately fault as dogs should be under control in public. If it was a wild animal e.g. a badger that would be different.

    Free Member

    An interesting range of responses… I think the best course of action for me is to get involved with the process. I did attend a laf meeting at Leeds but couldn’t at the time see how I could add value, but I do think it’s worth doing if not just to see how the system works and put my two penneth worth in.

    Free Member

    Ooh, extra technical trail features for free!

    Free Member

    I think normal household lighting it’s in the 3500k range, and the brightest leds are 5000+. I don’t think it’s quite so bad as 1/2 lumens, but it is a significant drop. I understand that using a head light alone can lead to a reduced depth perception, so maybe that has an effect on your issue?

    Free Member

    I’d have thought if you ask Troutie he might be able to help, but as a rule of thumb the higher the colour temperature it would seem the higher the efficiency, hence the brightest lights have a blueish tint. See cree data sheets for evidence of this.

    Free Member

    Do you know what happened with that bw? Not sure if it affects the route I’d normally take around that area but any downgrade is bad news. Am I right in thinking though that there’s a time limit to contesting the definitive map, and that limit is imminent? Either way I’ll stick to my own interpretation of what I should ride until something changes.

    Free Member

    I should add that both Leeds and Bradford have *a lot* of things to prioritise over trail maintenance.

    Free Member

    Of particular concern to me are works in Leeds and Bradford. E.g. Baildon moor. There’s a path near me that was in reasonable condition except a 20m section of bog, so the council hardpack 1km of bw, but guess what, 2 years on and the boggy bit is returning. So my argument would be spend the time/money on the bog and leave the remaining 0.98km of sustainable trail alone.

    Similarly Baildon had some boggy bits, but most of it was ok.

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