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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • gingerss
    Free Member

    2) If your telly has HDMI-CEC you can use your TV remote to control the PS3. HDMI-CEC generally branded based on the manufacturer, e.g. Anynet+ (Samsung); Aquos Link (Sharp); BRAVIA Link and BRAVIA Sync (Sony);

    Works on my Samsung – not tried any other makes.

    Free Member

    It sounds to me like she is in control of the situation but not in a suitable emotional state to be making ‘big’ decisions.

    I suggest the first thing you do is take control. You need to decide whether the relationship is right for you. If it is then…

    Lay down what you want to happen, what you want from the relationship and what she needs to do to stay with you – e.g. stop threatening to walk out, stop doing the other things that hurt you. Obviously this is all in a supportive context as it does sound a bit cold – it shouldn’t be. Give her a bit of time to calm down and take it all in. After that really make an effort and try to make things work.

    Most importantly I suggest you agree a time limit (3 months?) on returning to happiness and if it’s not achieved be decisive and walk away. Be strong here – as already stated it might hurt but if it’s not right for you then you need to move on.

    Free Member

    I made a light once with a hood that made sure most of the light went down on to the trail. I kept hitting branches at head level.

    Trout – the light looks ace.

    Free Member

    builder has told me it WILL BE legitimate

    Yeehaa. (smells a cowboy)

    Building control is what you’re probably after. Speak to your BCO (building control officer) at the council.

    Free Member

    When I did it the whole job took about 2 hours, including draining etc., and about £60 in parts. The new filling loop in Stoner’s pick shouldn’t be necessary unless you have some weird setup on your boiler.

    Free Member

    I was really trying to put this from the perspective of the big man. He knew none of this before taking action. The guy could have been vulnerable and ended in all sorts of difficulty. What if he had been vulnerable and we were now seeing his mum on TV in tears because he’s not been seen since? What would we be saying about the big man now?

    It sounds like in this instance the fare dodger got what he deserved, but this isn’t a civil responsibility moment where you tell some scrote to pick up his litter, it’s a step too far.

    Free Member

    We don’t know what the fare dodgers story is, and his situation leading up to this. He might have some disability that doesn’t come across in the video, and even if he doesn’t the big man wouldn’t have known. How do we know this person wasn’t down to his last quid stranded away from home and didn’t have any other choice.

    So in perspective he had no right to chuck the bloke off the train. There are all manner of factors that could have led to the situation in the video which I would imagine none of the commenters are aware of.

    In my opinion the conductor was inflaming the situation and it could have been handled much better by either phoning ahead as has been suggested, or if he doesn’t have that support letting the matter rest.

    Free Member

    Ah, I didn’t realise there were restrictions on vented systems either.

    OP, tbh your first mistake was involving BG. Do that check on the existing valve, there shouldn’t be any water at all. If you don’t feel up to fixing it yourself get an independent in and ask BG for a refund. I wouldn’t expect it to cost much more than a couple of hundred quid to get someone in to fit a new vessel.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately you’re not allowed to fit one in the CH circuit yourself

    Since when? Seriously is this disallowed now? I did one in my house a couple of years back to resolve this exact issue.

    Free Member

    You may also just have a leaky valve on the pressure vessel. If you press the valve and get nothing then it may just need a top up with air and a new valve core.

    Free Member

    Doh! Double post.

    Free Member

    It should be easy to detect a perforated pressure vessel. Find the shraeder valve and let a little air out. If you get water it needs replacing. Replacement can be a ‘replacement’ which might be expensive to buy and expensive in labour, especially if it’s tucked in the back of your boiler. A separate vessel will be just as effective plus potentially a lot cheaper.

    Free Member

    God or no-God?

    I’d hope Brian Cox has…?

    Free Member

    thats life moaning at me on the interweb wont help, giving yourself the power to take charge of the situation may

    Agreed. Always provide feedback when incidents occur. Don’t let people get away with not cleaning up after their dogs either, tell them to pick up and take pictures of them.

    My park has a notice board so I’ve considered doing the pictures thing and popping A4/A3 print-outs of the owners in there in a name and shame kind of context.

    I’d hate to be a responsible dog owner, it must be a constant embarrasment.

    Free Member

    Did we ever resolve the issue about cats in bins?

    I think cats can go in bins as long as they’re dead first. How they become dead is a matter for further discussion.

    Free Member

    Group ‘A’ – Mostly arseholes, who fail to control their stupid Mutt, let it shit everywhere, chase and scare kids and abuse anyone who dares to question to their control over, or suitability to own the Witless, Bastardised, Descendant of a Pack Hunter…

    Group ‘B’ – Responsible owners, cognisant of the fact that their animal poses a Potential threat due to its inherited biological imperatives and instincts, and hence actually control the animal. This group also always pick up and dispose of their Dogs faeces properly (not just the ones other people happen to notice)…

    Dog owners: Put yourself in a group, A or B, then decide who’s corner you are fighting. I’ve not seen very much criticism on this thread aimed toward groub B.

    Free Member

    How often do any of these horrendous acts actually occur?

    In my experience if I go to the park for a picnic with the kids there’s pretty much 100% chance that some dog will come and try to stick its nose in the sandwich box.

    Dogs approaching my daughter and frightening her by being too big, too fast or too yappy (and in all cases out of control) is maybe 50/50. Bearing in mind that my daughter really likes dogs, this is saddening because she is developing a fear even though we will often stop and let her stroke the odd under control dog with the owners permission.

    Free Member

    Oh my god you got muddy how awful

    Not awful, just irritating. I could have been the ‘whinge on about cleaning bills type’, but I just gave some polite feedback to the owner and moved on.

    I am not anti-dog. People have dogs and that’s fine, we live in a free society and people are laragely entitled as they please. Just keep your dog under control – i.e. train them well and keep an eye on them so they will always respond to verbal commands. If they aren’t trained they need to be on a lead.

    Free Member

    I have knowledge and experience with dogs, that’s why I don’t want one I don’t know off it’s lead near my kids.

    I do not know you, I do not know how you have trained and treated your animal, and I don’t want to feel on edge when I’m in the park with my kids. I don’t want to ever see dogs crapping in public, it’s anti-social even if it is cleaned up – which it never quite is. If took a dump in the park but responded, it’s ok I’ll put it in a bag it wouldn’t be ok. I don’t want your dog to jump up on me and leave mud all over my new top just as I’m on my way to catch a bus in to town – this happened to me last year.

    I don’t get why folk can’t understand how it can be that others don’t want to deal with dogs and the consequences of dog ownership.

    Free Member

    That’s interesting to know that the Samsung TV works with w7, so definitely the better option.

    I have a 2008 server so for me Serviio is best.

    Free Member

    Some movements in the right direction, in Leeds at least.

    Some parks are already subject to dog bans, and I like the four dog maximum, though it could do with being fewer in order to keep the people who walk dogs for a business out of the public spaces.

    Free Member

    If it’s the same as mine then no. Serviio is a free download so I’d install it on a PC then see if it appears in your sources list under the DLNA heading. If it does you’ll need a custom profile but I can send you the one I use.

    1-2 mbps broadband isn’t enough for HD streaming. My broadband just went up from 7mbps to 14, and prior to that I wouldn’t get reliable HD streaming.

    Free Member

    I had a dodgy back brake once and it eventually locked up. Luckily I want going at speed. I didn’t check if it was an avid at the time.

    Get it checked.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 6 series TV, and although it does have the odd stability issue streaming is generally excellent. I wonder if your iplayer it’s configured for a higher quality level than the laptop. There’s a video quality settings under the setting menu at the bottom of the screen.

    As an aside, if you can get serviio installed on a PC somewhere you can stream films etc to the TV, which is nice.

    Free Member

    Here’s hoping for another Arab spring, but with north Koreans rather than Arabs.

    We could have a British spring, but even as I detest old shiny face he hardly compares to a proper dictator, and besides someone voted for him…?

    Free Member

    ourmaninthenorth: this is just how many of us non-dog people feel, but I (we?) accept that owning a dog is something other people enjoy so we put up and shut up. It’s when irresponsibility creeps in that things come to a head.

    The comment is true for *some* owners, but they can give all owners a bad name.

    Free Member

    Loving the concept of teaching children ‘tricks’. Oh and children aren’t owned and haven’t been since the children act introduced in the 80’s.

    Free Member

    UR, I think there is almost a pecking order of who has a right to be there, it goes something like:

    – us, people that is – because we are top of the food chain, and in the context of the OP this includes children
    – native species, i.e. wildlife, foxes, robins, badgers and grizzly bears (in Canada that is, not Yorkshire)
    – introduced species, dogs, dairy cows, grey squirrels etc.

    Sometimes there are conflicts, e.g. cows vs badgers, but mostly it’s fairly clear to me. We all have a responsibility toward our wildlife, and we have a responsibility to care for any animals we introduce.

    So in answer to your question a fox is native and has a right to exist and behave in it’s natural manner, including taking a dump some part of Edinburgh I’m not familiar with. I’m not concerned about your dog being off the lead as long as it’s under control, which pretty much means it’s obeying your verbal commands.

    Free Member

    Just googled ‘Fenton’. Excellent! What a muppet.

    Free Member

    Sorry, I’ve never seen David Attenborough narrating a documentary on poodles. Where exactly is it that they are native?

    Oh, and if somebody strolled up with a wolf or hyena on a lead I wouldn’t think twice about picking up my little girl rather than pondering whether she was being viewed as food or a petting opportunity.

    Free Member

    I’m really glad several voices of responsible dog ownership are coming out here. It’s all I would ask, and when the majority are practising it’s so much easier to forgive the odd ‘moment’.

    Free Member

    A dog as we understand it arrived here through selective breeding. Just trying to differentiate it’s right to freedom relative to other animals that exist in our environment.

    Whether I am a fool or not is obviously a matter of your opinion, just have some consideration for others when you are or with your dog, and I will have consideration for you and your dog.

    Free Member

    Yes I did. I wouldn’t ever condone violence to an animal or person. I would certainly challenge any person who I saw doing such a thing, but threatening to knock someone out as retaliation for hitting a dog is ridiculous.

    Free Member

    Really? Ffs it’s a dog. An animal that has no place in our natural environment and exists only as a folly for a minority of people and you’d commit a criminal act without any concern for the build up of events that led to the preceding situation?

    Free Member

    Check inside the connector on the charger wire. A friend has one where the wire came loose and just needed tightening.

    Free Member

    I’ll assume you didn’t intend to compare children to dogs. Kids are people, they presumably do have a right to be there, they have the right to be free, and they are entitled to enjoy themselves providing they are not breaking any laws.

    A dog has no such right and should not cause a nuisance to others.

    We all make mistakes but just have a little consideration for others.

    Free Member

    What is it with dog owners not taking responsibility? I don’t understand how it is that a child does not have a right not to be intimidated by uncontrolled dogs.

    My daughter loves animals, including dogs, but we often get dogs bounding up to her in the park and frankly she is sometimes terrified when they are the larger breeds.

    If you have a dog it is your moral responsibility to stop it intimidating and frightening other people, especially small children.

    I would suggest that just as we MTB’ers should expect to cycle considerably when around others, maybe owners of dogs that do not respond to commands should expect to keep then on a lead when around others. Most dog walkers I see are in control of their animals, but there’s always the 20% who aren’t.

    Free Member

    I guess leftyboy’s response assumes a more ambitious approach than mine and if you’re certain that your idea is worth serious investment then get some help.

    OOP is object orientated programming. You can get away with ignoring it for simple apps, but investing the time to learn and understand OOP will pay dividends once you step beyond ‘Hello World’.

    Free Member

    As a layman you could probably get a book and write a few simple apps without to much trouble, but it is the kind of thing that requires a good level of knowledge and experience to get in to writing more complex apps.

    That said it all depends upon how committed you are and how much time you’re willing invest.

    I’m not a java developer myself, but that does seem to be the place to start. Android device apps are java based and it also runs on most other devices I can care to think of.

    Free Member

    You’d be surprised at the weight differences in some of the more peripheral components such as bars and bottom bracket. I can’t imagine you saving much weight by swapping the frame. I’ve noticed the biggest difference to how heavy my bike ‘feels’ is in the tyres, and I’d question the logic of going tubeless to save weight. The UST tyres have thicker sidewalls adding just about as much weight as a tube, then you might also add some latex solution too.

    I think you’ll notice a considerable difference by swapping to lighter forks and getting a wheel set and tyres that are not overly burly for your riding style.

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