I have two of these at the mo, a runner and a non runner which is in storage waiting for me to start working on it. Unfortunately I spend so much running the good one I haven’t got time or cash to do up the other.
If its a V reg I doubt it’ll ever be worth 20k no matter what, that sort of money is for splitties and occasionally an original early bay up to 72/3. You’d have to spend 20 to get 20. Personally I’d get rid for a decent price – obviously depends on the condition but renovation projects still fetch good(daft) money and get a van that does more than 25 mpg and doesn’t need constant maintenance, oh and has a decent heater….
Have a look at http://www.kieftenklok.nl for top prices of buses.
Having said all that I’ll never sell mine…..although I understand Marko!