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  • giantalkali
    Free Member

    Plant your seeds on new Year’s Eve.

    Airing cupboard to begin with, until you have seedlings
    then small pots on windowsill
    then larger pots on windowsill
    only put outside when there’s no chance of frost
    put into large pots and feed like a tomato plant

    You could do competition by circumference x weight = winner as bonnets are very variable shapes. If you grow a couple of bonnets then remove all fruit aside from one plant, this allows the plant to make one fruit only into a monster. Numex are bushy and very heavily laden, most chillis on plant might be a good one here.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Original Mini with A-series engine.

    What sort of lunatic puts the radiator sideways? No other car before or since was such a flawed guff-crumpet.

    Free Member

    Just give it to me, I’m going that way, I’ll hand it in for you…

    Free Member

    Ssend me a little 40g jar and i’ll wang one of mine your way when the crop’s in. Nice work.

    Free Member

    A selection, Hungarian on the left, Scotch bonnet And a Komodo dragon

    Chili products coming soon…

    Free Member

    Repot them into very small 42ml jars and give as gifts / sell not as jam but as a cooking item?

    Incidentally, what chillis were you growing? I’ve a crop im about to harvest…

    Free Member

    Calm down Jeremy clarkson

    Free Member

    Been made in china and assembled in USA for a very long time. They even arrive in bags with Chinese writing on them which are carefully removed before sale.

    Free Member

    I just wonder if they could hook me up with a pigeon or two.

    Free Member

    Those telling you that you’ll adapt quickly are either deluded, lucky or perambulators. If you have time to think Right = Rear then you’re riding with my Grandma. Either swap them or don’t ride anything more challenging than a towpath.

    Free Member

    How about Krav Magar for a 40 yr old? There’s a club near me.

    Free Member

    You’ll die

    Free Member

    Athiest here, yo. Who was there to witness all the Old Testament goings on? Did Adam and Eve make notes on their downfall? Blind faith in a book is utter cobblers, nowt wrong with assuming a code to live by but there’s any number of good thick books that could be analysed and each scene made a Parabel. Take Lord if the Rings for example. It’s teachings include eat a second breakfast and don’t **** with big spiders. Food for thought I’m sure you’ll agree…

    Free Member

    ^ Is there no standard anymore?

    Free Member

    Respect to all who have posted a taste of their own playing. I doubt anyone here will say anything unnecessary.

    Free Member

    My mate used to do some modelling work, jumpers, jeans , t shirts blah blah. He got a call to do another shoot as he had ‘ long hair and a great figure’ . turned out it was a lingerie shoot, but not even very saucy stuff, just a slim dude wearing girls clothes. Fairly strange, and mediumly well paid.

    Free Member

    councilof1 –

    Kart technique? I’m a Kart afficionado as the poise and balance achieved through correct use of leaning styles is sublime, and yes it’s a technique that takes time to learn but their use when making a hooning a bend cannot be ignored.

    Free Member

    Sidwell Street’s got more homeless than pigeons, just sayin’…

    Free Member

    Lean the ‘wrong’ way in the corners (or just don’t lean), it puts as much weight / grip onto the outer wheels as possible, feels weird to begin with but it will give you more grip than expected. It also allows the inner wheel to slip, remember that Karts don’t have a differential so something has to give. Keep your weight back in the seat to get the rear end as grippy as possible too.

    I am a Karting god

    Free Member

    I bought the £20 macallister b&Q one a few weeks aback, it’s fine, very powerful and comes with a grinding disc. You will need ear muffs and eye protection for sure. It does have a lock so you can work at tricxky angles with no prob

    Free Member

    Are you King Sodding Louie? Do it in the loo FFS

    Free Member

    I could Fiat my caravan in a gap Alfa the size

    Free Member

    nice one plumber

    Free Member

    How is plastic cooler than cardboard and paper

    When the packet has an eagle on it. I expect he doesn’t care about recycling any more than left foot braking.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    He plays with Ernie Balls.
    I play with Elites on my bass, but this forum is chock full of honkies so that won’t mean much.

    Am I allowed to be offended by ‘Honkies’? I love to play with Ernie’s Balls.

    What Tom B said, get 9-42, totally normal strings, it makes bugger all difference on an electric anyway. Usually about £6 or so and comes in a cool packet.

    Free Member

    He spoke to the lumberjacks today, dude freaked out, my mate’s gotta shift all the wood back. I’m busy this week so he’s on his own, sucker.

    Free Member

    I knew I should have asked my elders.

    Free Member

    Now the trees have been cut, my mate has a clearview…

    Free Member

    Surely that’d be Sister Rita and her filthy habit

    Free Member

    I used to eat sausages when they were cool

    Free Member

    Well, if he shares it with his neighbours he’ll be more poplar.

    Free Member

    If the fuzz come knocking I’ll tell them they’re barking up the wrong tree.

    Free Member

    I think there’s a criminal at larch

    Free Member

    I hope the stolen gwoods dont get seize-oned

    Free Member

    I think I might be for the birch.

    Free Member

    I know my way round the blues scale of course, as anyone who listens should

    Sounds like you’re quite the dandyman and not the n00b you initially claimed. Get thee to a music teacher!

    Free Member

    Exactly the same, some might be a pain, others less so. Definitely trickier than a proper tubeless tyre though.

    Free Member

    i think making jokes here is bang-er out of order.

    Free Member

    So what does everyone think of Slash?

Viewing 40 posts - 561 through 600 (of 949 total)