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  • NBD: Starling Beady Little Eye, Carbon Wasp Truffle-120, Norco Sight VLT
  • gerti
    Free Member

    <span style=”color: #444444; font-size: 12px;”>I was shitting bricks for days after eating red meat for the first time in 6 weeks. apologies but that is the best analogy. don’t miss it at all</span>


    Free Member

    @howsyourdad *drools* I couldn’t say no to a warm cinnamon bun either.

    I wish the “I’m sick of being fat” feeling would pop up in the evenings and stop me from my post dinner binges, unfortunately it seems to clear off about 7pm. Good luck with getting a B this week 🙂

    I had roast lamb for dinner last night, the first time I’ve had red meat since 2nd Jan and this morning I have that horrible heavy tummy. Can’t say I’ve missed red meat much at all and the kids haven’t noticed, so maybe I’ll keep it up for another month, or longer. It hasn’t helped with weight loss but I’d been having IBS pain/symptoms for a few months and they totally disappeared with the removal of red meat from my diet. Interesting.

    Free Member

    On my commute, I mingle with runners, walkers and dog owners.

    There are two mutually exclusive encounters.

    1. See other path user, as I approach I slow down, ring bell (if approaching from behind), we give each other space, both parties smile, I say thanks, we all carry on with our lives having not been assholes.

    2. See other path user (in this case almost always a dog owner), as I approach I slow down, ring bell (if approaching from behind), path user stands in my way, I ring bell again / say “excuse me”, path user now stands aside with a face like a slapped backside (if dog owner, dog stands aside at other side of the path, ready to run across path as I pass), I smile and say thanks, path user glares at me as if I am tresspassing on their path, I lose my good humour and say “cheer up, a smile won’t kill you” and we carry on with at least one of us having been an asshole.

    Sounds like your wife was a number 1 and in no way deserved to be shouted at by the asshole MTBer. Idiots in all walks of life, eh?

    Free Member

    singlespeed shopping trip

    rear hub shot

    no mudguard fitted

    Free Member

    0.5 lbs off this week, better than expected, but bit sad to deviate from the deblobbing graph in the spreadsheet.

    Happy weekend damage limitation chubbers 🙂

    Free Member

    Nope, but hoping they also update the colours for the 2018 Flare.

    Free Member

    Rubbish week here. Increased exercise, increased hunger, decreased willpower. Not hopeful for this weeks weigh in, but will try and view it as just a blip and try and see the long game.

    Free Member

    Mmmmm, Ferrero Rocher.

    Have eaten my way through 40 of those chocolety nutty crunchy balls over this past month.

    They must be good, sure they used to feed them to ambassadors…

    Free Member

    Default tag – chicken breath?

    Harsh STW, harsh.

    Free Member

    First time I’ve successfully inserted an image!

    Free Member

    Looking good on androooid 

    Free Member

    Radio 4 is on in our kitchen pretty much 24/7

    Where else do you gain information on random stuff like the history of sweetcorn or 1950’s trouser fastenings, etc etc. This sort of thing interspersed with news (PM – Eddie Mair fangirl klaxon) and a smattering of pretty decent comedy programming?

    Although it will never be quite as brilliant since the death of Steve Hewlett 🙁

    Free Member

    Any tips for getting rid of belly?

    When you have no control over what you eat, you can still control how much you eat. So just cut back on quantities where you can. Say no to that biscuit, say no to second helpings, etc. Every little helps.

    At least you’ll have made a start for when you get into your own place again. Good luck 🙂

    Free Member

    Is it OK to say that I cringe when I read rubbish like that? Sometimes women just need to WTFU and ignore stupid words shouted by stupid males.


    I do not fall into the delicate snowflake desciption of women cyclists in this article. I have had my fair share of abuse, but I doubt it’s any more or less than any other cyclist who dares to take up space on the road.

    Free Member

    I hadn’t planned to consume that little all week, it just worked out like that.

    Ah right, fair enough.

    Still aiming for 1700/day here. Seems to be providing a steady 1lb loss per week, but work shifts and weather mean that this week I’ll get a decent amount of biking done, so it will be interesting to see how that effects both hunger and weightloss.

    Free Member

    I did 1200 kcals for a couple of weeks before going on a beach hol earlier this year. It was AWFUL. I don’t think I could function on 1000. Good for initial weightloss, but presumably this isn’t a long term thing dirkpitt? Or maybe you bike so much you actually eat quite a bit?

    Not having a go, genuinely interested.

    Free Member

    As above, my daughter uses my elbow pads as knee pads.

    Free Member

    My shifts are completely random. I can have 4 different shifts in the space of 5 days, ranging from 0430 starts to 2315 finishes – totally destroys me. But I think ‘proper’ overnight shifts would actually kill me.

    Sorry, no advice, just sympathy with how crappy shift work is for your health and wellbeing.

    Hope you get a routine sorted OP.

    Free Member

    Another team tortoise -1 lb.

    Quite liking following the wee line on my chart, will be almost disappointed if I get a 2lb loss some week and drift off it.

    Well done this weeks losers 8)

    Free Member

    Drinking tea
    Listening to R4

    County Down

    Free Member

    <not helpful post> Never ridden a soul but my 2012ish 26″ BFe never fails to make me grin like an eejit </not helpful post>

    Free Member

    alpin wins weigh in and life in this weeks installment of CC (even if he has put weight on).

    January in the UK is beyond crap.

    Free Member

    Well impressed with the dhb stuff. I have a pair of dhb thermal bib tights for under my baggies. Think I paid £40, which wasn’t a huge discount, so you can prob get them cheaper.

    Free Member

    We pretty much live on M&S tinned chilli when we go on our Scottish west coast sailing holiday every summer.

    Heat chilli, mix with boil in the bag rice, mayo and cheese.

    Even the kids love it.

    At home, Nigella’s chilli recipe FTW IMHO

    Free Member

    Superb! 8)

    Free Member

    You’ll get about 25 runs in a full day of uplifts, if that helps compare to BPW. Good fun, but only the blacks have any Gnar, the blues and reds are flowy jumpyness. Great burger at lunchtime and all the craic on the uplift truck. Good for a bike fix in the middle of a non bike hol IMO.

    Free Member

    I had to google hip padded shorts.
    I wasn’t aware such things existed.
    Sorry, not much help.

    Free Member

    Had that nasty cough with occasional sinus thing for about 4 weeks. Slept on the sofa for pretty much my entire 2 weeks of annual leave. Went back to to work on Monday and instantly felt much better. FFS.

    GWS everbody!

    Free Member

    I’m 36 and I now make noises when I get up off the floor 🙁

    Free Member

    Morning! Great job on the weight losses!

    Only 1 lb off for me this week. I would’ve been expecting more for the first week, but I had a couple of pretty serious binges due to poor planning, so I can’t complain.

    If I can keep up the 1 lb/wk I’ll still reach my end of March target. Slow but steady. Team Tortoise here.

    Free Member

    Gonna be a Saturday weigh in for me, forgot to do it this morning at 0430 when I got up for my early shift. Zzzzzzz.

    Free Member

    Sold my 26″ FS. Got pathetic amount of money for it. Wish I had kept it for my daughter. Really wasn’t worth selling.

    Having said that, I get LOADSA smiles from riding my 26″ BFe in the winter, only miss the FS in the dusty summer months.

    Free Member

    Forgive me, I have sinned. Massive pizza and choc biscuit binge last night after getting home from work late. Hey ho, such is life. Food planned for today and a bit of a pedal later.

    Free Member

    Jamie 😆

    Free Member

    I’m still full of lurgy, but 14 miles of brisk walking this weekend meant I managed to work a bottle of red into my calorie allowance over 3 days. Not sure this was a good thing though, didn’t enjoy it as much as I should’ve done.

    Free Member

    That St Peter’s stuff with or without alcohol is awful!

    Free Member

    Would be rude to walk past jonnyboi

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It’s Day 3 in the calorie counting house. Going pretty well. I’m sure the enthusiasm will wear off by about Wednesday. 1700 kcals not too bad tbh, I’ve tried 1200 in the past and that’s just stupid.

    How’s everyone been else doing over the weekend?

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