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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • geordynige
    Free Member

    @midlifecrashes – that is good news!
    I’m going to listen to my Chiropractor and have 2 more weeks off the bike before I start any riding again. Thanks again all for all your help & advice 🙂

    Free Member

    @midlifecrashes – when do you know when it is ok to get back on the MTB? I don’t seem to have the traditional stabbing pains just dull aches and strange breathing

    Free Member

    Thanks all, really good advice in there. I’ve gone from approx 75 miles per week off road to 0 pretty much overnight ! I might be being overcautious but as @ashat says I really don’t want it to get chronic.
    I have never had the real sharp pain so lucky there I suppose but do have the dull warm ache which subsides when i rest but comes back if I do any exercise and the feeling that I have a bad chest infection and breathing is restricted. This initally came with all the palpitations and panic attacks but after ECG, chest scan, blood tests, etc that were all clear they are under control.
    Whilst not riding is a big shame & the weather is getting better I think until it settles down I will stay off the MTB & road bike.
    Interesting to hear that ibuproven slowed your progress @kimura54321 – Dr recommended using them but Chiropractor said no as it shields the pain & recovery. I have decided to go with them for 4 weeks and then stop.
    I also had a deep tissue massage yesterday which has really helped.

    Sounds like this is going to be around for a while, another challenge to overcome!!!

    Cheers Guys

    Free Member

    Thanks Houns,
    Are you managing to ride the MTB then and just managing the pain with ibuprofen?

    Free Member

    Bit of an update fellas, limp has pretty much gone which is good news as the limp was giving me left knee pain. Arnica gel seems to be helping with the bruising dissipation. Its now that fine balance between doing too little and too much!!

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, so glad it’s coming into winter as don’t think I’ll be back on the mountain bike for a few weeks! I’m going to try a little road ride at the weekend and see how it goes.

    Free Member

    Thanks Trumpton,
    That’s kind of what I’d read online but I was sure there would be people on here that have experienced it ! Never had a hip bruise before & it’s interesting how the body works to protect it.

    Free Member

    Can you recommend where to park?

    Free Member

    Thanks Guys

    Free Member

    Hi guys,
    Does anyone have a gpx of the Rose dale railway loop?


    Free Member

    Perfect, thanks guys 😀

    Free Member

    Thanks for all your help guys & sorry for the late reply. I did manage a ride on my own in Thrunton woods and a couple of road rides along the coast with my Dad but we didn’t manage a family ride as the boys had too much fun playing on the beaches 🙂 We did though do a family hike in Thrunton Woods which prompted me to go back their on my own and have some fun. I only had my Trek 29er hardtail with me but would like to go back to Thrunton on the full suss as it was lots of fun 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Thanks. Our plan was to ride today & weather forecast looks pretty bad! Rothbury trail a better shout then? Thrunton woods by foot instead?

    Free Member

    Cheers all for your help. We have two boys 7 & 6 so you think Thrunton is not a good idea?

    Free Member

    Thanks both,
    Have emailed mtb Bulgaria, om their website it says they are not doing any tours at all this year due to personal circumstances.

    Free Member

    Hi dknwhy,
    Thanks for your advice. I am not bringing my bike with me so will need to rent one. Any advice on where to rent?


    Free Member

    Hi all,
    Update if anyone is interested. Popped to Decathlon first, can’t believe how cheap some of their stuff is in there!! Bought a pair of the £4 glasses, had a good ride around and although much better than the ones I was using they were still letting air in around my eye and was causing my left eye to continue to water due to the twisted tear duct. I took them back and headed to Screwfix for the Bolle trackers. They are so much better, I took the inserts out as they make the glasses quite heavy but rode approx. 5miles home and no watery eye – weyhey!! For £12 they are a pretty solid pair of glasses and in super windy days I can pop the inserts back in for the extra protection, just a shame they don’t do a photochromic version.

    Thanks for all your help guys

    Free Member

    Well guys, STW hits the spot again!!
    Thanks for your advice about the Berwyns, they were amazing!! Some superb climbing & even better descending, exactly my kind of riding open tracks, non manufactured trails and super steep rocky technical fast downhills.
    Thanks again, just wish I had more time to play up there 🙂


    Free Member

    Thanks guys,
    I am going to pop to Decathlon today to get a clear lense pair to try. if they work I will also get a coloured lense pair for the sunny days 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes I saw these Bolle ones but from the reviews it sounds like they steam up a lot ?

    Free Member

    Sounds perfect, thanks

    Free Member

    Cool, thanks. I will probably drive as I will be riding when the rest of the family are asleep & if the weather is nice get a good sunrise in. Any ideas where the best place to park is?

    Free Member

    Thanks all – where do I find more details about the Berwyns?

    Free Member

    Thanks guys.
    The plan was to ride from my front door as I usually only get an hr or so. May just enjoy the lie in instead
    & play on the bridlepaths with my 4 yr old 🙂

    Free Member

    Okay guys here is my full story from the outset – June/July 2013 develop irritating pain on the outside of my right knee after a couple of long road rides in Spain. I come back and go to see a private physio on the recommendation from a cycling friend. The physio gives me exercises and stretches as he thinks the pain is a minor cartilage tear. I try the exercises for a number of weeks and the pain starts to get gradually worse (dull toothache and pins and needles). The physio refers me to visit my GP and as you have both said this should have been my first course of action, my bad!
    I go to my GP, he sends me to an extended scope specialist through NHS who thinks it is ITB syndrome. He gives me exercises and stretches to do which i do diligently for 4-6 weeks and the pain is still there. He then sends me for an MRI scan. MRI shows meniscal irritation and minor synovitis on the outside of the right knee. The NHS extended scope guy recommends me for NHS physio. I go for NHS physio and this is where the NHS lady doesn’t really know what is wrong and recommends I ride through it. I try this and the pain gets worse where I have a week working from home on my bed with ice and heat every hr. I stick with her exercises and the pain gets worse and worse. Back to the NHS extended scope guy who recommends I go and see a rheumatologist through NHS. Rheumatologist thinks it is mechanical probably bad case of ITB but there are no real ITB symptoms – no sharp pain, no pain when going downstairs, etc. He gives me a steroid injection which doesn’t do anything so he recommends that I go and see a surgeon.
    I go to see a surgeon through the NHS and he assesses me, pushes his thumb on the outside of my right knee and I am in excruciating pain. He, yes the NHS doctor recommends the arthroscopy surgery. I go back to my private physio and he agrees that the surgery will do no harm and will eliminate any tears or bone chips, etc. The NHS physio also agreed so against my better judgement I went ahead with the arthroscopy in Aug last year.
    I would not recommend arthroscopy as my knee is not right since the operation.

    With no support from the NHS after the arthroscopy at all I go back to private but a new guy who look at the whole body and not just the knee. he was recommended through single track forum. He found pain in my lower back that I didn’t know I had and with treatment from him it got better. I also started strength work for the first time in almost 18 months as my knee would allow it and things were looking up. Fast forward to end of Feb where I go to centre parcs with the family and ride 2-3 miles per day and then 6 miles on the Friday and my knee seems to be close back to where it was before the operation, constant throbbing and pins and needles down the right shin.

    Okay I may not have followed every single exercise that the physio had recommended, but I have given it a really good try and the knee was getting better so I tried a slightly longer ride.

    I am now booked back in to see the GP on Tuesday and lets see where we go from here.

    My biggest regret was going to see the consultant because the consultants tool is surgery so he/she will recommend surgery. When I asked him after the operation why he recommended surgery when nothing was found he could not give me an answer.

    If you see my history I followed the NHS route right through to surgery and met who two of the top knee doctors in Cambridge and I am still no further forward. I went back to the private physio for advice but always followed the GP route.

    I have now gone back to private as I didn’t rate the NHS physio and I think that the private physio is helping as he has found something going on in the lower back.


    Free Member

    One of the three physios was NHS Physio and she recommended that I ride through the pain

    Free Member

    Thanks guys really much appreciated. I feel this has escalated from what was an irritating pain on the outside of my rig knee two summers ago to lower back pain and throbbing / pins and needles down my right leg. All I want to do is ride my bike 🙁
    I have seen four independent physios and only the last one looked at my back as the cause, the other three went between itb syndrome & cartilage tears. Against my better judgement I had an arthroscopy last August and they found nothing wrong.
    I was starting to get better and then a gentle 6 mile ride triggered everything off again
    The latest Physio is really good but I seem to get to a 30min / 5 mile threshold where I can’t get any further. Two summers ago I was racing 80km xc races.
    It is good to just talk about it with like minded people as I miss riding a lot!,
    Thanks again

    Free Member

    Hi maccruiskeen,
    I have an appointment with the doctors in a weeks time, how do I get to the position where they recommend I have the nerve function test?
    Also what is your experience of this issue?

    Free Member

    It was only expensive because I looked at going private – I am assuming there will be a waiting list to go with the NHS if it is possible?

    Free Member

    Thanks, someone recommended pilates could help, what do you think? What is your experience of nerve pain as it is really getting me down

    Free Member

    Thanks maccruiskeen, I looked into getting a nerve function test which was really expensive – do you know any other routes that I could go down?

    Free Member

    I had exploratory knee arthroscopy 8 weeks ago for a suspected cartilage tear but they didn’t find anything.

    Unforts I cannot really ride as the original issue (inflammation of the outside of the right knee) was caused by cycling!!

    So it is walking, swimming & core work for me until the swelling settles down. Some days it feels so hot!!

    How long before the knee feels normal again?

    Free Member

    @ Willard
    Get your physio to look at your body as a whole and not just the knee!!!

    I went to see MSK yesterday and they believe my knee problem is caused by trapped nerves in my back!! He also said that the key hole was a complete waste of time!!!!

    Only time will tell but a big lesson learnt is to find a physio you trust and get them to assess your whole body & not just the knee.

    I could be being led down another wrong path but at least this guy & the company seemed to know what they were talking about…..

    Free Member

    Yes went to see Tom at core Cambridge which is now called MSK – he was really good and he reckons that it is all related to the nerves in my back!!

    He also said that the arthroscopy was a complete waste of time so yes a lesson learnt – do not have surgery unless you necessarily have to!

    I am hoping that in a few weeks time I will come back and tell you my knee pain has gone 🙂

    Could foot flaps say what his name is as Tom asked who he was recommended by?

    Free Member

    Going to see these guys tomorrow !!!

    Free Member

    Bit of an updated again if anyone is interested.

    Went back to the consultant at Addenbrookes last Friday to go through my arthroscopy results. Knee is fine!!! No tears, no synovial issues, no inflammation……

    ….so the diagnosis is – ITB Syndrome – which was the initial diagnosis a year ago!!

    ….lessons learnt here guys – don’t have surgery unless absolutely necessary!!

    …so back to the ITB exercises and see the new Osteopath tomorrow to see if we can get this fixed once & for all

    Free Member

    We’ll guys, a small update. I have booked to see an osteopath & am also seeing a Physio who specialises in Pilates. Am doing a one to one session and then joining her class once a week

    Also,seeing the knee consultant again on Fri so will let you all know how I get on

    Thanks again for all the help & encouragement, it has been a tough year 🙂

    Free Member

    Clover, you have hit another point that I didn’t mention! I did get a new car in July last year and this coincided with the increase in pain. Unforts current job is business dev’t so lots of driving is required

    Free Member

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for your advice, I have tried 3 different Physio companies in Cambridge and none of them have really helped. If anything I think they may have made the situation worse.

    I will go and see Mr Stockley and explain my history and hopefully build a relationship with him so he can help me get back on my bike.

    I miss riding my MTB so much

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