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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • geordiemick00
    Free Member

    Thing is on her own Facebook page she’ll not be challenged….
    Not surprising. Even on here she never answered most specific questions asked.

    Pleased someone other than me noticed. Tad pathetic attempt to avoid the real issues in her processes and procedures by making ridiculous accusations.

    I’m guessing she’s gone quiet cos she’s got an emergency appointment at Gateshead Trading Standards to ask why they didn’t draw up her fag packet contract properly

    Free Member

    Thing is on her own Facebook page she’ll not be challenged….

    Free Member

    That’s the work I was looking for.

    You mean word surely??

    Obviously you’re the person Ling employed to write her contract…

    £10,500 of finance over 2 years isn’t something to duck out of lightly…

    But thanks for your useful contribution

    Free Member

    I agree with the 14 day cooling off stage for what its worth and think its pretty shady of ling to ask £500+ for… (actually i dont know what its for anymore) although the OP is also wrong to say they will pay said ‘fine’ then back out. That website is a true reflection of what web designers can do on a ton of acid. Lets keep this thread going by taking it in turns to back out of buying a car off ling,

    Ling is adamant a 14 day cooling off period doesn’t apply to her….. She’s backed by Gateshead Trading Standards remember, who when approached to confirm this gave a firm :roll:

    I can’t speak for the person who signed the form, however, day to day he is surrounded by lawyers in his work, so maybe he knows enough about the law to realise that such loosely termed nonsense on the order form that has absolutely no links to any company T’s & C’s and no specific amount was probably made up by someone who doesn’t work for Gateshead Trading Standards and actually is a cleaner at Gateshead Primary School and he a) didn’t think it would be cancelled due to the fact at the time of ordering we had no plans to cancel and b) thought that if we had to then it would have been in a well documented cooling off period covered by fairly common distance selling rules that apply to pretty much everybody, except Ling, in her mind.

    As the car (to her own admission) was never ordered then she doesn’t really have any real loss. Her loss is the same as mine and SC’s which is the loss of time discussing which stock cars where available and the time spent on here establishing that her process is back to front, she has a total disregard for data protection and how she handles sensitive data and after the phone call that’s just been had with the FCA, very little respect for the FCA code of conduct.

    With regards to the website then I’m with Ling on that one, it is amazing…. I can’t take that away from her (apart from a huge lack in T’s & C’s stating any cancellation process whatsoever..

    Now she is stalking my bestie/BIL/proposer on LinkedIn and basically trying to satisfy her crazy self obsessed notion that he has applied for finance illegally, then it’s time to bring this to a close because quite frankly her accusations are libellous, incorrect and her conduct is falling way short of the FCA’s code of conduct. He has now taken legal advice based on the screen dumps of everything on here and this is going to get quite snotty now.

    I can take all the snotty, judgemental comments in the world on here, people have obviously cottoned on i’m a loser who has a history of backing out of things, so fill your boots, it blows right over my head *most of the time*

    He on the other hand, has no active part on this forum, has filled in documentation she has requested using his own information and acted completely within the boundaries of the law and her website yet he is being touted as a joker who has fraudulently tried to obtain a vehicle and lied lied lied. And now she’s sniffing round his LinkedIn profile (obviously trying to verify his work info) then that takes shit to a whole new level, so its time for that to be nipped in the bud.

    So not only are Trading Standards, FCA (awaiting a response on IC), my mate is too.

    Meanwhile I may fill my time looking out for some other people who’ve had incorrectly applied ‘fines’ from her for backing out… Could be a nice little earner.

    over and out.

    Free Member

    will be self employed on a £4k a month contract as of November…
    I thought you said you were going back into employment because your partner had pulled out?

    Going back into employment is an option, but she’s not pulling out, she’s delaying it again and it’s making me consider my options. Within the next three weeks i’ll either be back in employment or self employed on a contract.

    Free Member

    No, that’s where i started to turn. But she’s entitled to ask for money in recompense for being messed about both in the agreement and subsequently. The customer is legally entitled to tell her to sLING her hook (just thought of that) but morally, I’m also not so comfortable with. It’s a bit like people who know the speed rules, exceed them, get caught and then try to get off on technicalities.

    But if morals come too far into business dealings; morally, how do we sit with someone charging £500+VAT more for a car than they know some other dealer charges. Is that morally ripping off the buyer because they haven’t done enough research?

    Her fee is £199, that what she makes for providing the lease….

    Before the cooling off period the order was cancelled, yet the order could only be placed before the finance docs were sent and unseen. She claims her exit costs are the £500 + VAT fee, yet it’s also clear in the comms that the car wont’ be ordered until the finance docs are returned.

    £600 sound fair enough for sending an A4 piece of paper out and ringing her local Skoda dealer??

    Not to me or the proposer.

    She thought her illegal contract would protect her in this instance and is probably why she operates in this way cos she can bully £600 out of people for doing FA

    Free Member

    What I am still amazed by, is someone who is skint, would consider pissing £440 a month against the wall on a Skoda.

    That’s the maddest thing on this whole thread.

    who’s mentioned being skint? I’ve been unemployed and will be self employed on a £4k a month contract as of November… as previously pointed out on numerous occasions.

    Free Member

    Well neither of those are terribly moral things to do, even if they’re legal (I suspect trading standards might have something to say…)

    Yep. Deeply concerned that a contract is being sent out for signature a) before finance is in place b) no cooling off period c) attempt to swerve B by claiming the car is a special order when comms clearly state its a stock car in the system.

    Free Member

    I also wish, generally, that more people stood by their moral obligations but that ship has sailed it seems, for now at least.

    Sadly, the moral obligation also lies with a business wanting to penalise an individual for cancelling an order that blatantly falls within a consumer act that has been totally side stepped….

    Free Member


    How can I change my user name to ‘Shady Prick’?? :lol:

    Free Member

    So has anyone seen the M-Sport Transit recently?

    Sorry, forgot to reply!! Was sold in April. It was a Sport not an M Sport. My 5 Series was the M Sport…..

    Free Member


    If your T and C’s are found to be contrary to trading regs will you be handing back the punitive fees you’ve extracted from past customers that had to cancel with you?

    Just a thought as your not one to fib about such things?

    This has already been noted, Facebook page and domain already being sought to raise awareness and claim back costs from other people in this situation.

    This will be the worst £600 invoice she’s never sent….

    Free Member

    I though trading standards were organisations run by local councils, not the actual laws they interpret then enforce through the courts?

    Ling claims Gateshead TS have approved her paperwork….. They were contacted yesterday and completely distanced themselves and advised to ring CAB…

    Free Member

    Yes. The OP lied about so many things, along with his mate/bro in law (whatever). Lied to me, lied to this forum. Lied about his identity in the post. Lied about the reason for cancellation. Lied about his employment status on my system, lied about “needing a week” to think, lied to me about the “my ploy is to say I disagree with the T&C’s” thing, probably lied about if his “mate” is his brother in law. Lied about me knowing it was an accommodation deal. And probably so many more lies that I can’t be bothered to trawl through and identify.

    I really don’t want “customers” who lie. My business is based on trust. I have 1,000s of very happy customers (inc many members of this forum) who don’t ever raise any of your complaints. Because they are lies, that’s why. My customers love my system, my up front attitude, and the way I look after them.

    The OP knows that if the finance company knew the truth about who the car was for, they would have declined to fund it, in a blink. THAT is the truth.

    I would never knowingly allow a car to be applied for on a false basis like this. Thank goodness, due to the OP’s own employment/self/employment/unemployed excuses, it has been cancelled.


    I thought this was drawing to a conclusion? Can I go and talk to some real customers, now. Thanks for all the kind comments. I’m off to be quiet (again).

    Ling, you really need to stay away from the keyboard now when you’re making the sort of accusations you are. We both have conclusive proof you’re aware we were both involved in the deal and the fact the approval to make the application was my initial contact is your only way of muddying that water.

    My mate/BIL?proposer has had ZERO contact on this forum but you’re claiming he’s lied on the forum. That’s defamatory.

    When he cancelled he didn’t give a reason for cancelling… Do we need to drop that screen dump in here to prove it? Like you claimed the vehicle was bespoke yet we have proof it’s a stock car..

    If the finance company is so hot on accommodation deals then why don’t you screen them out on your application process, or even when it’s right under your nose and you’re actively messaging two people who are wanting to order a car and it be delivered to a different address. Surely at that point your alarm bells would be ringing?

    You were asked for a week as we wanted time to clarify my situation, but you’re aggressive threat as an immediate reply pretty much set the tone so it was decided to cancel it.

    Asking here the legal position about not sending the finance docs back wasn’t the get out clause, your obvious serious breach of consumer laws is the get out clause.

    I’d now urge you to put your money where your mouth is and send the invoice your threatened to have to Simon by yesterday morning or just go about your business and change your processes and stop being libellous about someone who’s done nothing other than supply legitimate data you’ve requested and sign your very dubious paperwork.

    Free Member

    franksinatra – Member

    I thought you were unemployed because they paid you off after being too awesome?
    So awesome they didn’t need any more sales staff for two years, but are now advertising for two sales managers.

    Fair to sure you clearly have no idea what you’re on about.

    The company who paid me off have never had more than one sales manager and that was 2015, they appointed someone earlier this year and i was talking to her and my ex boss two weeks ago at an exhibition…

    obviously my arrangements with previous employers are our business, but if you’re going to try and be clever then at least be accurate. The only previous employer who would at the moment be looking for two sales managers, I left, to start my own business which I stopped when I became unwell.

    But thanks for your concern.

    Free Member

    Poopscoop are you the bil/friend by any chance?

    Lol, but the BIL/friend/SC/Proposer looked on here last night and basically saw that 5% of this whole thread was relevant and was disappointed that total strangers are happy to be judgemental twunts and brown nose other judgemental twunts…

    Free Member

    So awesome they didn’t need any more sales staff for two years, but are now advertising for two sales managers.

    Who are??

    Free Member

    wrecker – Member
    Though the only person I definitively wouldn’t do business with is andyrm – I don’t like nasty people.
    This is waaaay wide of the mark. So far as I can see he’s been perfectly respectful and hasn’t made it at all personal despite being called a w***** and a c*** by the OP. He’s just disagreed on ethical grounds which has a pretty sound basis.
    The only person in this thread who I never wish to meet and certainly wouldn’t do business with is the OP. He’s a classified name and shame waiting to happen and considering his aggression, if anyone deserves the nasty title, it’s him.

    So he’s taken the time to dig into my previous posts and found the worst to try and paint me as some sort of failure and serial time waster….

    That doesn’t sit well with me at all hence my replies back in the tone they were.

    He’s happy to interrogate my decisions in the past (one of them was merely purchasing a product off eBay incorrectly) and display them out for all to see to try and taint my character.

    Dragging up my financial status of the past to make me look like some dead beat.

    I’m in the situation i’m in now, unemployed at 43, first time in my life because I had a bit of a mental breakdown, which is now in the past and i’ve recovered and fighting to get back into employment.

    The problem I have is it’s fine for people to sell their products/services with blatant disregard to consumer law but it’s clearly not acceptable for someone who uses ebay once a year to hit the button on the incorrect product. FWIW that seller cancelled the sale and sold me the correct one outside of ebay and we both won out of that deal.

    Shouldn’t admit to it but when people look down on me when i’m recovering from the last two years of hell, I motivate myself by knowing fine well when i’m looking down on them when they have their moment in life that i’ll be offering the hand to help them up, not the condescending patronising person all too ready to stand on their fngers as they’re hanging from a cliff edge.

    Put yourself in the same camp.

    Free Member

    Even if Ling was in the right, I wouldn’t side with her.

    She voted for Brexit.

    So morally she’s wrong already.

    To be fair, if i’d known this I wouldn’t have even clicked on her site….

    Free Member

    Morning all, think it’s time for a recap on this because you’re all baying for blood and after 774 posts i think the situation is clear. The last two days have been stressful AF and it’s time to move on from this, but last night the moral judgement got to me a lot and I think now the legal position is clear and i’ve had to time to read the shitty comments about me and SC – the proposer of the finance it’s time to timeline the facts for all to see.

    When I posted this I didn’t want the expected judgement of holier than thou types so I typed that ‘I’ had ordered the car… so yes I obviously lied, but for good reason, I really CBA to wade through judgmental comments to be honest and to be fair my financial arrangements with SC are of nobodies business. So, yes that’s a lie but that is the only lie in the last 774 comments.

    At the time of discussions with Ling I was due to start a contract on Nov 1st, making the car affordable. As I’ve been out of work for a while the proposer offered to finance the car. I contacted Ling’s by phone and discussed my intentions with them, their employee L**Y went off and got the position and I was told as long as SC’s on the insurance as a named driver then all OK. I could be the main driver which suits the insurance requirements. Nothing out of the ordinary at all and i’d had quotes that were on the basis.

    So as advised I then did as instructed and started to make enquiries as to what cars where available either in stock or for quick delivery. I was offered a few Focus’, then settled on a Golf GTE. When the news came back of lengthy lead time I was offered a list of cars that were off a stock list and the Skoda that was eventually ordered was on that list and it was due in first week in November.

    At this point the negotiations between myself only and the company was then stopped and SC the proposer was added to LINGO and as shown in previous pages, Ling herself was aware of this. We sat on the paperwork for a few days before we were chased to see if we still want the car as it was available for sale and may not hang round for long… but it cannot be kept on hold without the finance in place … The proposer SC then filled in the details on their website and he was told that someone would call him to make a proposal on the phone…

    For two days this didn’t happen and he messaged Ling asking if it didn’t happen soon then we’d look elsewhere as it was blatantly obvious that Ling’s role in this was to merely arrange a phone call to a dealer. Then suddenly the finance is approved without aforementioned phone call he was promised.

    The order form was sent to him through Lingo, he signed it, putting my address on for delivery and that was it. He was told that finance docs would be sent in the post and he’d have to send them back with driving license as ID. He then pops off on holiday

    A week later my potential employment situation is looking like it could change and given the finance is in his name I thought the safest thing would be to cancel, or postpone until I’ve started and the situation is stable. I also had offers of interview so my options have changed, so it was agreed we’d cancel and revisit in a month or so. The car was cancelled and Ling was told it would be re-visited shortly… which is when this kicked off.

    Did I jump the gun in getting a car ordered too soon?? in hindsight, obviously..Should’ve waited until my contract started.

    Is that illegal? No.

    Is someone getting a contract hire car in their name and allowing someone else to drive it illegal? No

    it could be my BIL, LING’s BIL or the babysitter, it matters not as long as the proposer is under the understanding that they are liable for the payments and the vehicle is insured adequately.

    Does my current employment status have any bearing on this?? No. The proposer has liability for the car and entered his own verified details into the system and was entirely comfortable with the arrangement. Yet Ling is being defamatory in stating he has lied on his finance app. This alone has made his apoplectic.

    Was Ling’s made aware of this arrangement? Yes, although it’s not on LINGO because we only went onto LINGO when we started to look at cars available which was after the verbal go ahead was given.

    At the point Ling could blatantly see two men, with separate email addresses, a proposers address and delivery address 165 miles apart were part of the deal then she could’ve asked for clarification… which she didn’t. There was no misleading here, the comms were fairly open and transparent. Photo on previous thread clearly depicts her aware of this and agreeing to had SC to the comms for him to order the vehicle.

    Ling claims we should have notified the finance company of the arrangement…. we’ve misled them. OK, how can we advise them if the paperwork from the finance company is only sent after the car is ordered and the proposer is committed???

    When filling in the finance application on Ling’s website it doesn’t ask such question. There are also serious concerns about how the data got from Ling’s to the dealer who seemed to have approved a finance application without contacting the proposer. Serious data breach there Ling….

    So you have to commit to signing a vehicle order with substantial cancellation costs that are not displayed before you get to see the T’s & C’s of the finance deal. So you have to agree to lease a vehicle before you even get to the see what you’re signing for….

    Despite the fact the order form has the exact car details, Ling can’t tell you how much these costs are knowing fine well where the car is coming from? Don’t you know your arrangements with your own suppliers Ling?

    Are their any descripitve terms and conditions on the vehicle order form?? NO. Ling’s posted the actual order form on here, read it for yourself. *you may be charged some money* isn’t acceptable in UK consumer law

    Is the car bespoke?? Absolutely not. The car was clearly stated by Lingscars as being on a stock list (evidenced in previous pages) but had options selected. I had a choice of a few more of the same car without options but all were due at the same time.

    Comms prove this car was in the system with this spec, it wasn’t specified by me or SC to the spec, we were offered it and took it as it basically had the nicest spec available. It’s got ISOFIX front seat FFS, why would I spec that when my daughter is 5’9″ and 16 year old….

    They’re blatantly cars put into the system by Skoda hoping they’ll be sold before they’re built. All manufacturers do this, so this car is far from bespoke and as such falls under the consumer contracts regulations 2013 meaning there is a 14 day cooling off period, that has now been extended to 12 months and 14 days because the contract is in breach of the above regulation.

    So, the proposer was asked to sign for a vehicle that’s not bespoke, using an order form that’s designed for a bespoke vehicle and as such states no rights to cancellation and no specific cancellation costs, knowing fine well where that car is supplied from and how much *if anything at all* that supplier will charge to cancel.

    But let’s be realistic here, the car was never ordered in the first place because as per earlier comms it was stated the car won’t be ordered until finance is in place. Finance isn’t in place because the proposer hasn’t signed it and returned it.

    What have we learned here??

    Lings process is back to front. Get the customer to commit to a vehicle before the finance mechanism is in place. Seeing as she only leases vehicles then this is pretty important, unless you can now lease vehicles without finance?? :?

    The order form needs to be specific to the particular deal. A generic order form doesn’t cut it on this occasion. CCR 2013 rights quite clearly apply in this case. The law even states that a product that has options
    available from a list of options isn’t bespoke, so that probably makes m most of her leases null and void, unless she’s flogged a few top end Rollers….. which to be fair, won’t be bought through that sort of outfit.

    Cancellation costs should be clearly outlined and justified. The customer is ordering a specific car, Ling’s know where that car will be procured from, therefore, knowing the cost of exiting that agreement.

    Ling is prepared to be breach data protection act and exposing customer conversations and order forms on a public website that she has since shared on her Facebook page for good measure is breach of data protection act. This also falls under misconduct under the financial conduct authority too, i’m fairly sure she needs an FCA license to trade….

    Did I jump the gun and have SC order the car too soon? Not at the time of ordering, but situations change and consumer laws are there for a reason. I’ve learned from this and shitty judgmental comments on the last few pages have certainly got me thinking that’s for sure, but to take you all back to the OP, i was never defamatory about Ling and still think her website is the best. Her processes have gaping big holes in them and i’d be happy to tighten them up for £500 + vat…

    SC awaits your invoice…

    Complaints to the FCA, IC and trading standards pending.

    EIDT: This is MR typing this, if you want to send any legal correspondence my home address is the delivery address on the order form.

    Free Member

    just hope our paths never cross personally or professionally.

    Free Member

    I’m done here now, thanks to all who’ve helped and messaged me kind words of support, it’s quite clear this is just now a place for people to get personal and sniff about business that’s quite frankly not theirs, crack on folks, i’ll update you when this shit gets to court…..

    Adios Amigos.

    Free Member

    Mick, intentionally or not you do seem to present different versions of the truth. I’m still not clear if you are the potential driver, leasee, best mate, brother in law or what
    It matters not, lincompoop has suffered no financial loss unless the screen shots of the chat are an elaborate photo shop.

    It’s no different than a person walking into a shop and saying, hey I wanna buy this thing, do you offer finance?

    Shop says Yeh.

    Person says nah, actually.

    Shop says that’ll be £500 plus Vat.

    Person says waaa?

    Shop says I’ll sue you bitch!


    Free Member

    But not enough to just lend you the cash

    He wasn’t lending me anything, he was putting a car in his name and i’d reimburse him the money month by month.

    I’ve got a 2 year old Rav 4 which is in my name but being driven around by my ex under the same arrangement, it’s nothing new, exclusive or immoral.

    Free Member

    Mick you seem to get very angry when challenged. Is this because you have something to hide, or other pressures in your life bubbling under?

    Why were you pushed out of that sales job when you were billing 150% of target?

    who’s Angry? I just think you’re a troll and a bit of a see you next tuesday.

    I wasn’t pushed out, I was bought out because the company I worked for was s small family firm and I landed them the biggest project of their history which meant they didn’t want any sales representation for a good year or two so they bought me out, which paid my debts off…..

    Free Member

    Gotta say, if the OP has a mate who is willing to enter into a PCH agreement for a thirty+ grand car on his behalf, it either speaks volumes about the trustworthiness of the OP or about the gullibility of the mate.

    If you had a friend of 25 years and an exemplary credit rating would you risk it by helping a friend/family member who would actually put it at risk?? No, but he knew that’s not going to happen because he’s been deeply involved in the scenario up until I decided that it would be better to play safe and advise him to pull the plug NOW whilst the car was still in a suspected cooling off period.

    He knows he’s have his money every month because he’s been privy to discussions. He hasn’t built his own fairly envious net worth by being gullible.

    Free Member

    Mick, intentionally or not you do seem to present different versions of the truth. I’m still not clear if you are the potential driver, leasee, best mate, brother in law or what

    There’s only one version of the truth that’s been put forward by me in the last 20 pages and on the messages between Ling and I and Simon and Ling.

    I’m not going to sit up all night re-iterating stuff i’ve said already.

    Time this thread was locked now cos it’s only becoming a blank canvass for holier than thou types like Andym to spit his venom over…

    Free Member

    As a hiring sales manager, the only reason I’ve ever had to get rid of a good biller is because of unethical conduct that might not quite step into “misconduct”. So you manage them out.

    23 years of sales and absolutely ZERO misconduct issues here, but thanks for your concern and unfaltering judgement based on a few posts asking for help and of course, not one single moment in my presence.

    Maybe if you were in my circle of friends (doubt you have any) then you may realise that i’m the first person to jump to other people’s aid in times of need instead of relentlessly reminding them of their mistakes in life.

    I can only presume the only thing you sell is condascending patriotic advice, presuming you’re as minted as Ling is at shifting motors for £200 a pop.

    Free Member

    Is that version number 5 now?

    Nope, its what Ling agreed yesterday, until she saw this and cancelled it cos she can’t work out form her own messy ineffective messaging system who said what….

    Free Member

    OP – don’t back out now.

    No option, Ling has cancelled the order herself! :lol:

    we were waiting for a week until the position of my employment is clearer but she took it upon herself to pull the skoda from under the yoda :-)

    Free Member

    Sounds to me like someone wants something they can’t afford (at the moment), gets someone else to finance it, realised they can’t afford it so changed their mind. Not sure why the lease company should take all the risk in this instance, just from a moral perspective.

    The lease company isn’t taking any risk, they took an order for a car and then ordered it from a dealer before getting all their paperwork back. That’s the crux of the matter. There own chat log stated it won’t be ordered until the paperwork is returned. She wants me to pay £600 because they can’t wait to place an order with a dealer until the paperwork is returned.

    My situation has taken a sudden turn and it was best safe to cancel within a well documented cooling off period but Ling’s seem to be above the law….

    Free Member

    I’m a little disappointed you weren’t expecting the judgemental comments

    It was hard not to take them personally when you’ve had the week I have…

    Free Member

    So what is it? Best mate or brother in law? Hmmm. Or is this just another lie to me when the car was applied for?

    Ling it doesn’t matter two cahoots what relationship he is to me, the fact is, YOU have HIS details as the proposer for the finance that he completed and an order form with the delivery address of mine.

    I spoke to your staff to get the position on this before we were forced onto your LINGO system. There was no lies, no misleading and as I showed earlier on, you were fully aware someone else was proposing the finance. At the point that we had agreed a spec YOU clearly say Simon will have to propose it and if you care to look at your LINGO you’ll see that’s when the conversations with me stop, and they start with Simon… How hard is that to comprehend?? Nobody has hoodwinked anyone, we made the application on the basis of your employee’s advice. She place me on hold whilst she asked the question so i’m guessing she’s referred it to you..

    Legally, as long as the car is insured correctly and he is in a position to indemnify the finance company if I couldn’t pay then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this situation. It’s a contract hire deal, would Northgate (a proper company) be asking Northumbrian Water who’s going to be driving their contract hire vehicles??

    If the Poop hit the fan and the payments were missed you’d be nowhere to be seen anyways, so please don’t pretend like someones tried to steal money out of your bank or defrauded you. You make £200 off each car to your own admission so let’s play down your involvement in this, you simply ring up your local dealer and pass on a lead to them.

    Your attempts at trying to muddy the waters are getting futile now and a huge distraction from the fact that you have illegally offered a contract without a cooling off period. .

    Re all these people suggesting the finance status of the person using the car is “OK” as long as the car is paid for.

    It’s not OK.

    Finance information to a finance company must be truthful. Dreadful things happen when people lie. It exposes people. Like lying on an insurance application.

    The integrity of any system relies on people telling the truth.

    If a finance company found out they were lied to, they would probably reject the finance and likely put a marker on a credit file.

    Are you for real??? Knowing his stature and his net worth I somehow doubt he’s lied to the finance company. Every bit of info he’ll have provided would be checked anyways, so please, stop making this out to be some sort of fraud, it’s absolutely pathetic.

    Errrr…. it was him who started this thread, not me.

    I’m duty bound to provide truthful info, it’s not a matter of lying to a finance company until they are “satisfied” and then saying “DONE!”

    Again, you’re clutching at straws and forming an opinion on nothing other than stupidity and bitterness. If his info was inaccurate or uncheckable then it wouldn’t have got through with a pass would it?

    Your defamatory claims are seriously borderline libel now. You have ZERO basis to make these claims.

    The truth here is your website gathers information on finance applications in a very dubious way and how you forward that info on is of great concern.

    Ling does have a certain way with words, but if the OP wasn’t a serial chancer who **** people over and thinks it’s ok, he wouldn’t even be in this situation. He needs to knuckle down, pay his own debts off, stop living beyond his means and messing people round. Do all those things and he won’t face the wrath of people like Ling. Simple really.

    excuse me?? serial chancer how **** people over?? You clearly don’t know me and on the basis I’ve cancelled a T6 because the salesman lied to me about lead times and i’ve bought an incorrect tablet in the past?

    I don’t have any debt, not thats your business…. But tope marks for being a judgemental w-anchor

    This has ran it’s course now, i’ve wasted a day defending the legal position and of course some fairly shitty judgemental comments from strangers who just want to put the spoon in.

    The legal position has been established on here, via trading standards, CAB and a few generous STW legal eagles, so if this goes to court then it’ll be interesting to see the outcome. Either way thought, she’s getting a visit from trading standards cos A) they’re not happy she’s claiming to be supported by them and B) not happy she’s distance selling non bespoke vehicles and not offering a mandatory cooling off period.

    Free Member

    Would you help a friend get heavily into debt buying a car the clearly can’t afford ?? I wouldn’t

    Read the posts, as of next month I’m on a £4K a month contract. The car was ordered by BIL to coincide with funds being available.

    The reason for cancelling is because I have concerns it may be delayed.

    If he wants to finance it in his name that’s his business and he knows the risks, his choice.

    Free Member

    Jamie – Member
    I’ve lost a full day sealing
    You monster!

    `Sorry, clubbing…

    Free Member

    Legal technicalities aside, I still think there’s an ethical issue here. There’s something VERY wrong that GeordieMick (or his mate, or his not mate who is actually him – I’ve lost track) thinks it’s ok to cancel on a deal, leave a business carrying a cost/charge and potentially someone out of pocket on a sales commission. You know, the money a person making a sale gets at the end of the month to feed their family.

    How about someone canceled jobs on you and your business partner if/when you get your business up & running, and say you should go whistle for any costs (either physical up front costs or opportunity costs)? How would you feel if the boot was on the other foot?

    TBH it’s a shitty thing to do to a company and a person, and wriggling out on legal technicalities is just a bit of a coward’s way out in my opinion.

    25 years in sales, must’ve had £10k of commission taken from right under my nose, shit happens and you have to deal with it at times. She’s turning over £80m of cars but i’m expected to stick with a £10,500 finance deal just to let her get her £200 commission?? The £500+vat is just plucked from thin air.

    In one of her many naricssitc youtube videos she admits to bannatyne she makes £200 a car which is probably the £200 doc fee she could’ve charge up front when she took the order like everyone else does. Like I’ve said, we had genuine reason to pull out of the deal and from the get go she’s been accusing us of being fraudulent, jokers, and denying knowledge that both of us were in the arrangement. I’ve lost a full day sealing with this nonsense so at this moment in time, my ‘bothered pocket’ is empty.

    Free Member

    Mick, from your OP, would this have been clearer if your mate cancelled with Ling not you?
    Or are we past that bit…Who cancelled with Ling?

    My mate did, under my advice. When i made the OP i didn’t really want to reveal that my mate ordered it for me because I knew the STW judgemental massif would be all over it… I shouldn’t have posted it until i had time to give it chapter and verse and then let people pick the bones out of the full unedited version.

    But i think it’s fair to say the true situation is out there now.

    Free Member

    Post the entire transcript.

    to be fair my mate has most of it, i have what was leading up to that point when he signed the order.

    Interestingly, when i logged on earlier to screen shot it someone from Ling’s had just been into it.. #paranoid

    Before this it was just a week’s worth of questions about availability that could’ve been answered in a 15 minute phone call tops.

    Free Member

    Do you need some Aloe Vera, Ling? You just got BUUURRRRNED!

    I’m sure she’ll be hitting the report button now to bring this to a natural conclusion…

    I’m just getting getting warmed up.

    Free Member

    And with regards to the car being bespoke…..

    So, we’ve established Ling WAS aware that my mate was buying the car and we’ve also concluded that the car IS NOT bespoke….

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