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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • geordiemick00
    Free Member

    Just off the M6 at Preston is Brockholes nature reserve, kind of a floating visitors centre. Not cheap but cheaper than Moto services :lol:

    Free Member

    Gob of the Tyne will be along soon to confirm Gateshead Trading Standards approved eBay’s T’s & C’s..

    Free Member

    we find out the devastating truth that Mick is actually a Scouser.

    Never gonna happen that , laaa

    Free Member

    I’m the most open most vocal, transparent seen most on youtube and well-known people in this industry.

    With any other leasing company, you have no idea who owns them, or how they work.

    Really? I found out your home address in Low fell easy enough, I’m sure every other lease company are Ltd Company’s, except their directors are a bit more shrewd and would declare their correspondence address as their offices.

    Interesting that whilst you’re slating my credit rating that your company has a few charges against it registered? I’m not so sure your business is the healthy business you claim, presuming you’re mortgaged to the eyeballs to keep your face on youtube…

    I’m deceiving no-one.

    Apart from probably most of your previous customers with dodgy paperwork, that’s not dodgy but you’re now looking into it.

    If something is rubbish, I say so, I don’t hide behind words.

    No, you hide behind Gif’s, hyperlinks and youtube videos. for at least 59 pages you’ve been asked to answer questions about your claim about the paperwork being fine.

    Everything is plain and simple, like my order form; no 5,000 tiny words of T&Cs.

    Sometimes in business, them tiny words are necessary, probably more when you’re in a position where you are arranging big financial commitments and in the process giving yourself opportunity to claim fraud in the event of you not getting your own way.

    And yet from the un-disclosed real customer – SILENCE.

    He’s making as about as much noise as the noice of your £600 invoice has hitting his door mat….He’s sitting back and collating the Lingshit… I hope you’ve got a big fan at Ling World HQ to catch it all :lol:

    Free Member

    Sorry to labour the point but if you’ve not bought anything Mick, why do you need a cooling off period?

    because the financial industry has a bit of a reputation for being shady pricks, so consumer protection was brought in to protect people. Obviously in this case it’s to protect me from myself…

    Whoever signs that agreement for £10,500 of finance would be covered by financial regulation. Ling claims it doesn’t cover her, well in that case then why would she need a consumer credit licence?

    Intereslingly the FCA thinks she should and that’s why they were referred by trading standards.

    Ling’s is 663330 for transparency…

    So what’s the consumer credit licence for the Ling if you’re not bound by it, but the dozen or so more reputable lease companies I’ve asked on Facebook are??

    Please put all our minds to rest by actually telling us how you manage to avoid being bound by the act when you are arranging leases of high value.

    Free Member

    Are Trading Standards aware that you are *NOT* my customer?

    They know the situation for sure. Look up the definition of customer, in English too… Neither of us are your customer, we’ve not bought anything. The IC and FCA are dealing with me too. They all know you’ve been communicating with me and SC and are aware of the circumstances. FCA don’t see either of needing to be a customer for you to have broken any rules.

    But YOU? How can I deal with you? It would be a data-breach of the first order (as you point out again and again), as my customer is Simon, not you.

    You still seem to be giving the impression you are the customer.

    I’m doing the arguing on here because I put the post up. It’s not in Si’s nature to log onto a cycling forum and argue to the toss with you. I do however feel aggrieved that you have somehow managed to pigeonhole this as some sort of fraud deal, so i will continue to comment. Each time you reply you seem to gift me more material to be used in a libel case, a concerted effort to have you hauled over the coals by both the IC and the FCA.

    Free Member

    Ling, the only other thing still drawing me to this thread is that I want to believe the distinction you made between the car…. and the finance.

    So you get the finance approved in theory, then get the order form signed so you can get a VRN to then enable the finance to be finalised. Is that right?

    She’s admitted she didn’t order the car, if she did then she’s a muppet for ordering a car before having signed docs returned.

    I morally think that you should 100% have the right to cover yourself in that grey zone between the order form being signed, the car being registered and the finance agreement commencing.

    and legally should be offering a 14 day cooling off period as proper lease company’s do.

    Nobody disputes that. If the car had arrived, been registered then we would have expected fair exit costs.

    Read above.

    Yet everyone is still maintaining that this is illegal?
    Is it?

    Yes, she has incurred no loss. She didn’t order the car and can’t enforce a contract she’s made up in cahoots with Gateshead Trading Standards.

    So are the dealers who take a deposit at that point also acting illegally?

    Nope, but they’ve got the business acumen to actually have a cooling off period built in and i’d bet 99.9% of them will refund within the cooling off period, or justify their expenses outside of it.

    Free Member

    (I will say that my customer “Simon” aka the BIL… seemed, and was extremely credit-worthy, for the avoidance of doubt.)

    Yet another data breach there Ling. He’s on his way down to Wigan today, he’s going to read through this whole thread, the poor b8stard. You’ve just put another nail in your consumer credit license coffin with that revelation.

    Let’s be honest. If me and SC wanted to fraudulently obtain a car from ANY leasing company, then would’t he just put the proposal in himself, deliver the car to his own house and insure the car in his name only then give me the keys after adding me to the insurance??

    Why would two potential fraudsters use different email addresses and state two delivery addresses on the **order form** and hope it gets through the system.

    All this fronting bolluex is a very convenient diversion for Ling to start some sort of trial by social media.

    I’ve coughed up for making my OP discreditable by not relaying the full facts because I just knew if I’d put the truth trial by STW would’ve been probably more judgemental than it already has been.

    Ling, can you please tell me what your complaints process is?? TS have just rang me giving me advice on the what to do now and your all linging all dancing website doesn’t (conveniently) seem to have any sort of complaint procedure whatsoever…

    Free Member

    If everyone holds their nerve I think this can get to 3000

    In less than 14 days I reckon, that way we can all retract our comments.

    Free Member

    I’ve kept out of the meat of the thread, but how is your case not similar to either example 1 or 3?

    Example One: Person A’s name is on the finance documents and the V5, but Person B is keeping the car and making the payments on the finance agreement by sending a Direct Debit to Person A every month to cover the payments.

    This is illegal because Person B has not been authorised for the finance agreement and may be of a high risk to lenders. If they fail to make the payments they may not only damage Person A’s credit report and put them at a risk, but in the worst case scenario the finance may not be paid. If the finance is not paid, the lender would seek to repossess the vehicle as they still own it until the finance is settled. If Person B is keeping the car, it could be difficult for the lender to locate them and repossess the vehicle as they only have the details of Person A.

    Firstly, we would’ve never seen the V5, it’s a contract hire car. Secondly, SC never got any finance document
    Whatsoever until the order form was signed. It stillahdnt been read as it’s not even been opened because the transaction was stopped before that point. Seeing as he as an impeccable credit rating then the payments would’ve always been met regardless. So that situation is a non starter in the first sentence alone.

    Example Three: Person A takes out car finance, then changes the name on the V5 document to Person B. Person A is paying the finance, but Person B keeps and drives the car.

    Again, we’d never see the V5, so this doesn’t apply.
    Net fact was Ling was aware of the situation and was consulted. She’s got the ability to deny it as it was clarified by phone call before being told to start to chat on Ljngo.

    Reinforces the notion she knew fine well what was going on and felt safe in the knowledge that if this deal fell through she’d at least fleece us for £600 with her unfair contract….

    Free Member

    I know little of borrowing money, but the first hit on google for “fronting finance” gives this result:

    Thanks for that Sbob. Up until Ling accused us of ‘accommodation’ activity neither of us had heard of it and following reading that link we wouldn’t have fallen into any of them scenarios.

    That said, the scenario of fronting is something Ling has come up with in an effort to discredit us and vehemently accuse us of to continue avoiding addressing the questions and claims she’s made.

    SC is reading through all this today as I’ve notified him to Ling’ threat to harm his credit rating, which he’s now taking seriously.

    Still begs the question, how can we breach term of a finance agreement we couldn’t see until we had ordered the car on an unfair contract and on an agreement that’s not even been read or taken out of its envelope for signing yet?!

    Free Member

    If the numberplate had been 500VAT that would be perfect

    Full marks

    Surely L1 NGO….

    Free Member

    OMFG :lol:

    Free Member

    It hasn’t escaped me that the dodgy car sales/lease person keeps attempting to switch the subject rather than being straight forward and honest, and answering the pertinent questions raised.

    This is now just free advertising for them.

    Has ling even filed a claim against the protagonist yet?

    I’d bet it will never happen for the various reasons already outlined.

    It’s getting boring.

    All of the above.

    This has been a fantastic journey, not enjoyed the relentless judgement but it helps with my therapy as I come to terms with what has been a very tough year, as i’m nearing the end of the turmoil.

    I’m sure Ling’s had her £600 worth of free advertising and SEO from her opportunity to post GIF’s/ YT videos at every opportunity but the hard fact is over the last 2000 comments she has:

    Insisted that me (GM), the OP and her customer are the same person… Later to backtrack after she’s snooped around her database and LinkedIn to confirm we are not the same, flagrant disregard for personal data.
    Been libellous towards someone who hasn’t done anything wrong whatsoever and acted as directed by her in her Lingo chat logs(the proposer)
    Blatantly lied about Gateshead Trading Standards approving her undeniably unfair and unenforceable contract
    Accused SC of making a fraudulent credit application
    Plastered this thread all over her social media to boost traffic to her site
    Admitted that her contract is now being looked at – Biggest climbdown/U turn ever in the history of STW
    Not delivered on her promise to get an invoice sent out next day for £500 + VAT
    Threatened to damage SC & my credit rating on a public forum
    Linked a YouTube video about her ripping a company off by putting in a shady clause about it only being relevant in China, ending in her storming off set.

    I think the legal situation is quote clear hear and as myself and SC/BIL/Proposer are going to meet tomorrow to discuss this it’s time for me to stop adding fuel to the fire now, we’ve taken out of this all we can and yes there’s a lesson for me in all this and I hope there is for Ling, but most people have a mouth/ears ratio of 1:2, she has the opposite as she fails to hear anything anyones said cos she can’t hear for talking at people.

    Massive thanks to those people who have chipped in with constructive advice and seen what Ling for what she is.

    We’re off now to monitor an innocent persons credit file and watch the letterbox for that invoice landing on the door, albeit a tad late.

    Thanks again folks, it’s been emotional.

    Free Member

    What I have gathered is that op asked for advice on how to avoid paying a charge and succeeded

    Shouldn’t that be a fictitious charge levied too soon and without any foundation whatsoever?

    Free Member

    On what basis are you making that accusation?
    Andy proof yet

    Not a drop, cos there isn’t any.

    Her contract policy is clearly “let’s hope they don’t notice” – see Kempt Games YouTube video for proof of that.

    Her defence on serious FCA breaches is to blame proposers and keep chucking enough shit hoping it sticks.

    Free Member


    Read my lips…

    YOU ARE NOT AND NEVER WERE MY CUSTOMER. You were the 3rd party in the accommodation deal.

    Which bit of that do you need me to repeat? Therefore I can’t *POSSIBLY* discuss such sensitive information with YOU. …as the Information Commissioner will tell you, too.

    – Ling

    There was no accommodation deal. If there was then you clearly set it up, cos you authorised it. Now you’re saying T’s & C’s we’re broken, so how can T’s and ac’s be broken when at the time of you stitching someone up in an illegal contract there was no finance company named or no finance application even made?? The actual application was made by YOUR company.

    Chat logs state you’ve said someone will call SC to propose (even after he’s put chapter and verse into your website) and then suddenly it’s all approved.

    Yet again though, like the Gateshead TS question you’ve been REPEATEDLY asked to confirm, you refuse to confirm how that application was made.

    Now you’re trying to shut me down by saying I’m not the customer, yet earlier on in this discussion you’re quite happy to accuse me of being so..

    Stop avoiding questions and trying to switch the attention.

    Free Member

    Don’t feel unloved.

    Don’t worry, after I’ve finished calming my local Trading Standards and the FSA down, you will have lots of time to appeal the markers the fin co might just apply to your credit file and Mr S, for the accommodation deal attempt.

    – Ling

    wow, now this is probably where this thread needs to stop and get locked now. Thing is, I spoke to Mr S (who’s actually Mr C) and his concern is that a) you’ve not sent him the invoice yet (taking as long as it takes you to get finance documents out b) you’d be trying to mess his impeccable credit file up by making such an accusation.

    The very fact you’ve just typed that now means that it’s time to stop using this forum as a mouthpiece and driver of traffic to your site and start the legal process.

    The problem is, you knew who was proposing, as you invited him to make that proposal as per this convo:

    So, please do tell us which finance company YOU passed his details onto then. Because from what we can gather you have forwarded his sensitive details on to a complete stranger to propose.

    The last four vehicles I bought (last one being 2016) I had to sign a pre contract form to agree to the proposal.. So, what has Gateshead TS advised you to do in that process then?? Or, maybe the Information Commissioner. He’s extremely worried that you’re falsely accusing him of what you are yet you have a flagrant disregard for personal data.

    You just keep digging and exposing HUGE flaws in your processes and keep coming up with an agenda YOU think will get you out this shit. It won’t work.

    Free Member

    Sssssh, Geordiemick00.

    They’re fighting between themselves again.

    – Ling

    Nice distraction technique there… They’re just the people at the boxing match fighting in the stalls, ready to watch me and you slog it out. It’s not their fight to have.

    I’m looking to book the O2 Arena for ours, I reckon we’ll do a better job than them Klitchko/Joshua types, problem is I’m worried about signing the contract to hire it. Do you think Gateshead TS will advise me on if I have a cooling off period before I go ahead and book it??

    *asking for a brother in law friend.

    Free Member

    Indeed, you have a lot of work to do to rebuild your reputation….

    agreed, it’s fairly obvious i’m a bankrupt morally bankrupt shady prick who is one of life’s winners, then losers, then wins again, then loses a bit, wins a bit more then sells it all off whilst in darker times. Depression’s a bitch at times but i’m happy to report that the last 8 months have robbed me of everything but given me time to get the treatment that people have thought for a decade I needed.

    That said, in 23 years of sales I’ve had many many people cancel on me for various reasons and never once threatened court with them. Maybe that’s where i’ve gone wrong?

    Free Member

    Fun fact. Mick reported the card stolen just after making the payment.

    Chargeback incoming

    it was my BIL’s card… do keep up :lol:

    Can’t use Gift Aid on the dole Mick

    Come on, you really do need to start reading the T&Cs

    may need to contact gift aid then and be threaten with a £600 invoice for asking for the £2.50 back!!

    i’m going to have to do a gofundme now to get that tenner back!!

    Free Member

    Still, let’s keep this thread going, it’s been comedy gold.

    For some….

    It won’t mean the failings found during it will go away.

    Free Member

    ling by Geordie Mick[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    GeordieMick00: Hold my beer.

    Nice one wwaswas :lol:

    Free Member

    hMMM, I haven’t had many legal disputes, so you are probably much more familiar with these legal disputes on STW than I am. I do understand some people here work as paralegals in their spare time.

    The last dispute I had was ages ago… with Kempt Games Ltd. Chris Kempt tried to charge me for a game. Damn him.

    Business Weekly interviewed me:

    Just goes to show, you can’t trust anyone, eh?

    – Ling

    This really speaks volumes…

    You place an order upon a games company to make you a game, you then conveniently slip into the contract an very underhanded condition that the contract is agreed under Chinese law and *presumably* after they’ve spent quite a lot of time developing the game you calmly claim it’s yours and it cost you nothing…

    Your legal defence is “well, he didn’t notice”…

    It is very honourable of you to know actually acknowledge the fact the I (the OP) is not your customer, finally, despite accusing your customer of lying and fraud all over social media. There’s been ONE lie on every single word typed and that’s my OP, for the simple fact that I didn’t want MY personal business to be the epicentre of the post, but as the STW judgemental types have, they’ve milked it. When I typed it I was in hurry on the way out the door and my god I wish I’d now taken the time to write out the true story, because it would have not given you the leeway to accuse us of breaking the law, especially given your communications in relation to us both being included in the communication.

    It’s alarming that you’re now quoting accommodation rules on finance paperwork that was sent to us a week after placing the order on your form that has no cooling off period. How on earth could we see the T’s & C’s on finance agreement that we’d never seen?

    I’m a shady prick according to some, but tell you what, I can honestly say that in business I’ve never stitched anyone up, mis-sold anything and been very transparent about my dealings. If I hadn’t I wouldn’t have kept myself in continuous employment for 27 years.

    You claim you work on trust, you’re actually working on hope. Hope that customers aren’t as savvy or as devious as you to notice MASSIVE failings in your processes and approach to consumer law. The hope that when someone does *order* that they won’t cancel but if they do you know your aggressive shitty attitude will mean that you’ll suck the life out of them until they pay.

    Just like you had the life sucked out of you in that interview in the youtube video above and you spat your dummy and ran away.

    I’m not one to shy away from a debate, i’ve spent a lot of time looking into the legalities of this so here’s a challenge…. Let’s have a debate, you get your fancy marketing people equipped with their finest DSLR and lights, dig your best life jacket/yellow body warmer out and come equipped with your paperwork… Let’s make another youtube video for you to plaster all over social media and let the public decide who’s the villain in all this.

    Agreed, i’ve been a good earner in the past and also had times in my life where my purchasing habits have been affected by depression. I’m sorting that out and doing so has taken nearly a year out of my life, but i’m nearly through that process now and light is at the end of the tunnel.

    You, on the other hand, you’re a narcissistic mouthpiece who thinks financial turnover gives you power. It doesn’t. The fact you’ve leased £80m of cars is irrelevant. You keep quoting this car is £30K, SC wasn’t buying a £30k car, he was committing to £10k of finance. You’re brilliant at twisting stuff to make yourself look better. As it’s been shown in the last 5 pages, there are better deals available, with far more transparent companies.

    FWIW, because i’ve been looking at deals on FB, every single advert is a bloody lease company. I’ve asked every one of them this single question:

    “are your leases covered by a 14 day cooling off period?”

    Not surprisingly they all answer “yes” and most mention the FCA rules HERE

    Do please tell us why they do exactly the same as you but you refuse to use these?? I can only presume your comment about checking your paperwork now is in response to this fiasco. I’m sure you’ll be suing Gateshead Trading Standards for mis-advising you… Let’s hope they didn’t drop into their terms about their contracts only being admissible in China, eh??

    I see you Ling, I F****** see you.

    EDIT: congratulation for donating £100 to the GNAA, it won’t however, stop a lot of us on here seeing proof of your claim of Gateshead TS approving your paperwork.

    I’m on the dole at the moment and if you do then I’ll happily give them next weeks £72.10

    Free Member

    i’m back… think i’d left this at safe 38 expecting it to die of death but here goes to another 24 hours :-)

    Free Member

    Just as you did with the ‘hidden’ balloon payment on the van

    The balloon payment on the van wasn’t hidden, the balloon given by the rep was substantially different to the finance paperwork. I bought another van the day after from another source… this van argument is getting a bit boring now.

    The reason why I’m being bullish is because she’s decided to use this as bait for her website and in the process accuse my mate of fraud. As mentioned, our original stance was to delay a little but she came in all guns blazing with threats of court.

    Tables have turned now, if she hadn’t have used it to her gain to drive traffic to her site and been slanderous then I’d be long gone out of here. She even had the power crazed audacity to suggest she’ll sit on it and send the invoice when she decides….

    During the course of trying to (legally) help a mate out she now has made it look like he’s made a fraudulent application which is a serious allegation. She’s used the data he’s submitted for the finance application in a very dubious manner and again used that data to check him out on LinkedIn. She now knows that I and him aren’t the same person yet she persists with her campaign and makes no effort to either acknowledge her failings (I’ve acknowledged mine and Christ the STW righteous are raping me for it) but meanwhile she’s not come forward with any explanation to her claims nor an apology for her blatantly incorrect accusations.

    She’s dipped back into here to defend the DeLorean subject so she’s obviously watching this and still replying on social media.

    Free Member

    It just so happens that the charge may be illegal but that doesn’t absolve him from his desire to renege.

    That makes complete sense, commit to a £10,500 deal on an illegal contract because a piece of paper was signed… cool story bro…

    Free Member

    Absolutely it’s business…….but if there were penalty clauses involved, once again, legality issues aside, if you agreed with them, and signed documents to that effect, would you expect to comply with those clauses?

    A penalty clause should be specific, Lings is ambiguous to say the least. The order form at best is really a statement of intent in the eyes of the law. Her process means you have to sign the form before you get access to the finance documents meaning you’re illlegally committing to an amount that’s not been specified before you get to see the terms of the finance agreement, that’s vary before the horse business.

    And if your personal circumstances changed, through no fault of your own, would you expect the person to not apply those penalty causes?

    Clearly documented the car won’t be ordered until finance is in place, which it’s not cos the agreement wasn’t signed or returned. At the time we were cancelling a car that hadn’t been ordered and under the impression the ‘penalty’ would be justified by Ling and only if the order was placed at the factory. This was a car from a list of STOCK vehicles.

    Would you then attempt to make an excuse about some other part of the contract, to avoid paying what you had agreed to? ‘Business’ again?

    Her response was immediately agressive. Threat of court with 100% success rate isn’t the approach to this. We were exploring avenues to proceed with the sale and wanted time to consider them. Her bullish attitude and greed to force a cost on us we knew fine we’ll she hadn’t incurred took me to this site for advice…

    I’m not saying what Ling has done is right either, but if you muck up before finding a loophole by accident that you weren’t aware of, don’t go big gun deflection on the other party.

    Read the OP. I haven’t bad mouthed Ling, I Lourded her website as the best out there and until the point she’s started to be extremely libellous, shared the shit out of this all over her social media then we would’ve happily paid her real loss which is her £199 doc fee.

    She’s (in typical Ling fashion) used any publicity whatsoever to her advantage and took herself off to her safe little bolt hole of Facebook and Twitter and in the process made serious accusations about my mate BIL making a false finance app, despite the fact she knew about the arrangement.

    Her conduct has been nothing but provocative and in typical STW fashion the trolls have dragged this into a personality assassination of the OP.

    A little tact at the beginning could’ve gone a long way but her ‘money money money’ mantra came to the fore and at that point is when I felt the need to ‘wriggle out of an unfair agreement’

    ‘legal advice please……turned down for lease car with no reason?’

    Nobody was turned down, delivery was arranged for 27 November.

    Free Member

    Wasting the time of leasing companies again? You monster

    Not really, just selecting who will get an order for a car.

    Obviously once I’m back in work, been paid for 12 months and have the permission of the STW righteous

    Free Member



    Pretty much the flavour of all the replies to questions I’ve asked on Facebook…..

    Free Member

    Unfortunately the impression (rightly or wrongly) gained here doesn’t support this. The impression gained is of someone serially dodging commitments made

    PMSL. I cancelled a van sale because the salesman tried to hide the pathetic balloon figure of a van, so I bought a different one elsewhere, so yes I backed out for good reason….

    I bought the wrong tablet, wanted advice and after that advice I messaged the seller who then cancelled the sale and sold me the correct one.

    In the last 5 years alone I’ve bought SIX new vehicles worth over £120k, didn’t back out of any of them and my ex is still driving one of them.

    Bought 4 motorbikes in 3 years, not backed out of one of them.

    Bought 7 high value cycles in ten years, no issues.

    Sold shit loads on this classifieds, not a single issue.

    Everyone wants to hang their hat on the fact that I’m backing out of his deal cos my potential new business venture has been delayed.

    In doing so it exposed someone sending out contracts that do not have a coooing off period.

    Ling was making such a big issue of it being a £30k car. We weren’t buying a £30k car, it was a £10k finance deal… what finance deal in living memory isn’t subject to a cooling off deal??

    The reason I’ve turned up the heat is because (as others have noticed) she point blank refuses to answer questions and insists on being libellous towards my mate/BIL/proposer…

    She’s gloated about her paperwork being approved by trading standards yet won’t prove it.

    I’m getting tired of justifying myself to people who want to take the moral high ground because they’ve never had moments in their life when they’ve made a bad decision but that doesn’t distract us from the fact someone is doing business in a very dubious manner and when challenged manages to make the issue a popularity contest and wholesale avoids haltingly obvious evidence she’s breaking the law.

    But this has gone way beyond a legal related post and just a blank canvass for people to spit vitriol from their keyboards…..

    Free Member

    Can some one please shut this shit down and just start a new thread when it’s all resolved please.

    That’s too premature, I’ve not quite been vilified enough yet…

    Still no invoice as of yet but formal complaints now submitted so expecting invoice as a retaliation once Trading Standards and the FCA have visited..

    Free Member

    I’m up to page 12.

    Worth carrying on?

    It’s only like warm at that point….

    Free Member

    Not a chance, she is off on honeymoon right now…

    I’m sure it’s for less than days so her Groom can back out :P

    Free Member

    – Geordi mick is off the classifieds selling list..

    This sort of comment annoys me more than anything Ling has said to be honest. Unfounded pathetic comment. Anyone who actually knows me knows I don’t stitch people up and anything and everything I’ve sold on here or eBay (10 years 100% feedback) knows they purchased products that were perfectly fine and given I’ve spent well over £20k on bikes and bits and sold them all on and had ZERO comeback means I’ll sleep easy at night,

    As a side issue… because I’ve been looking around for cars my Facebook feed is littered with lease deals, so taken it upon myself to directly ask the suppliers on their pages if there’s a 14 day cooling off period and surprise surprise they’ve all been very transparent and all said yes and pointed me in the direction of this:

    I’m begenning to wonder if the number of breaches in Limgs processes are going to match the number of comments on this page….

    Free Member

    It’s all about what you prefer at the end of the day, but having an income to support which ever method is key, something the OP chose to ignore.

    It’s comments like this that spoil this place at times…

    There’s many personal reasons why me and the proposer embarked on this method of purchase and it goes like this.

    Cars are money pits, hu can’t make money on them. We’ve both had car allowances and 45/25ppm arrangements in our employment and both gone out and bought fairly decent cars as we both did fairly high mileage.

    We’ve both been in sales and in my case I worked in an industry which was solely reliant on the NHS. Despite the fact I blasted my target, I was bought out by the company and left with a car on a PCP… it cost me £2k to get rid of it.

    Leasing wouldn’t work because I was doing 40k miles a year, so I bought it and whacked the PCP up to 35k a year to get the payments as high as possible to get some equity in the car.

    Problem number 1 was I had all the risk and when I was paid off, yes I got a very handsome payoff but I had to put money into selling the car…

    Problem 2 was when I went for a mortgage my car shows up on a credit file as a huge loan, the mortgage company don’t factor in most of that is in the car and they don’t factor in the car allowance as if you lose tour job the income isn’t there but the liability is.

    So despite the fact I was earning more than enough to be in the 40% tax bracket my borrowing capacity was significantly reduced because of a bloody car.

    As pointed out earlier many employers stipulate all sorts and a 3 year old car max was one of them.

    With regards to the VW T6 I ordered last year… I cancelled simply cos the salesman lied. When the finance came through the balloon figure was nowhere near what he claimed it was, so I bailed out. I bought the Transit Sport instead as it’s total purchase price was less than the depreciation of the VW over a 4 year period. I had it for 12 months and sold it end of April.

    The reason why we went lease this time was because the absolute max liability is 24 x 437 and the costs are fixed. Additional to that 50,000 mile lease i factored in 2 services and a set of tyres.

    Having been long term unemployed I knew I wouldn’t get finance and as the arrangement I have as of November is on a self employed basis then that would kill it off too.

    Up to now I’ve been hiring cars from rental on a month to month basis which for a corsa/Focus has been around £450 a month. I’ve been all over the country for interviews and public transport just isn’t viable on most occasions. So for the last 6 months I’ve been paying £450 a month for a fiesta/corsa type of car.

    The ability to pay the £437 a month was never in doubt, if it was I wouldn’t have accepted the offer to help me out. As a fall back, the proposer has a fairly old car which he uses for his job and seeing as he would have to be on the insurance he’d take the car back and make him the main driver and he’d use it, but only as a fall back. Nothing wrong or illegal in that, the car would be paid and insured in accordance with the obligations he took out.

    As of November the 1st I was due to start working with someone I know really closely who’s landed a property portfolio which from day one has an income value of £15k a month. She intimated this may be delayed slightly due to reasons behind her control and that was the point where I got nervous and decided play safe and tell my mate we should consider cancelling or postponing it for a month.

    Did we jump the gun?? Possibly, but during the discussions of the last three months regarding this opportunity this date was as good as 99% and as I type this now it’s probably down to about 98% but later in the month.

    When we discussed it my decided that he’d get a value on his car which also needs a ton of work done on it, so we asked Ling to allow us a week to establish the position.

    He was going to see about wether he’d take it on for himself and I’d establish the new start date as well as wether I may go back into employment because I’d been contacted by two companies I’d been interviews by earlier in the year. So very quickly the landscape had changed for me, but my mate was thinking of taking the car on if it wasn’t going to pan out for me…

    When he asked to cancel he was expecting some sort of “can we talk about this” but instead he got a an immediate threat of an invoice for £600 and a guaranteed win in the small claims court.

    At that point we asked for some more time to consider the options which she agreed and he went off to get valuations for his car with a plan of putting that cash in an account and paying the lease with it and I came here for my perspective which as we know was how to get out of it. This could’ve well transpired into the ‘sale’ going through but her reaction and conduct on here killed that offf immediately.

    Now she’s sniffing round his LinkedIn profile she’s brought herself into question again because the there’s a big cloud over what she’s doing with his sensitive data regarding his employers details etc.

    Her insistence that he’s made a false finance application has probably led her to check on LinkedIn who he works for but this and the constant accusation he’s a fraudster has taken this to a whole new level so it’s going to rumble on and on….

    Obviously it’s left me wide open to judgement on my financial management but SC knows my situation and had no qualms about it as it was above board.

    This will have far reaching effects for us all no doubt but I’ve deffo taken something from this and I hope she has too…

    Still no invoice though, apparently according to SC.

    Free Member

    I’ll bet he doesn’t. Take a look at the lingscars accounts and decide for yourself. It looks like a very well run business to me

    I will sleep well, I always do.

    I have no doubt the business is ran well, apart from unfair contracts and serious concerns over data breaches and libellous comments,

    Free Member

    ‘m sure the OP will sleep well tonight knowing when he starts his new job, he will be making more than Ling does.

    I’ve seen that video before and the fact that she only made £30k net profit had escaped me, so you’re not far off the mark there :lol:

    I’ve been very good at making money in the past and despite what Andym thinks I’ve made it ethically and without having to punish people with extortionate and dubious business practices.

    My problem has been letting that money fritter through my fingers on expensive bikes, cars and vans.

    I didn’t come to this thread for relentless judgement of my financial situation but I can’t deny it’s been an issue. I can’t hide the fact 2017 has been a total stripdown and rebuild for me and I’m not there yet, but with a diagnosis of depression I never saw coming, time on my own and help from my mate I’m close to getting out of the hole I’ve put myself in.

    I just have to be more self aware of the times when I feel the need to spend spend spend and learn to save save save.

    But first I need to earn earn earn…

    This post is probably a big learning curve for myself and ling to be fair and I hold no malice towards her.

    Peace out.

    Free Member

    even after all this i’m distraught Ling hasn’t spoke to me like this chap :lol:

    Maybe we have a future after all…****.pdf

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