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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • geordiemick00
    Free Member

    get what you pay for……

    Free Member

    They didn’t seem to be impeding the flow of traffic


    You didn’t hear the car hit the horn at the other car for “swerving into the fast lane”

    I wonder why?

    A ball roll out into it’s path?
    A flock of Geese started to cross the road
    Maybe Robocop was breakdancing in lane one?

    None of the above, simply two dickheads deliberately antagonising motorists so they can upload it to youtube is of course the correct answer.

    Free Member

    Cyclist perfectly in the right – that road is not wide enough for two cars and a bike so a single bike should be in the middle of the lane anyway. Tosser in van, bikes in the right.

    I’m sure being ‘technically right’ will be a great excuse when a Policeman knocks on the door to deliver the bas news to loved ones……..

    When will some of the cycling fraternity just wake up and admit it, we are at the bottom of the transport food chain and we can mumble under our breaths all we want, most motorists would be pissed off by riding like that because all it appears to most is two blokes taking up far too much room than they need.

    If you want to ride two abreast and talk about the highway code go and find a nice country back lane, not a dual carriageway, which is hardly the most enlightening place to ride in the first place…

    There;s a meteoric rise in cyclist filming themselves as they feel it offers some ‘protection’, whilst it may help apportion blame in certain cases it doesn’t stop a fookin big truck running you over…

    Free Member

    I hate to say it but I think the conductor was in the wrong for making it everybody’s problem in the first place. Why should everybody else be inconvenienced because First Scotrail are out £10? The whole thing could have been dealt with without stopping the train or requiring a member of public to take matters into their own hands…


    I got the feeling the ticket inspector was trying to belittle the lad by continually shouting out ‘why should all these people pay and you not’ which is incitement?? Once big man heard that it was translated as “I’m on old man and can’t do my job so would someone who likes to throw their weight around please help me out?”

    Granted the young oike’s response isn’t polite, helpful or respectful but I can’t see why the inspector invited everyone to shame the kid in public. If it were my son I would have given him a dry slap for behaving like that and then removed his toys, university overdraft and written to scotrail and volunteered him for toilet cleaning duties to payback his sentence. IF, he was fare dodging.

    Free Member

    I think “HD Ready” is criminally misleading

    as is ‘tubeless ready’ :roll:

    Free Member

    a few interesting links that i’ve found by those that make that paper I find on trams and the like…

    Vicky McClure (lol) is stunning in real life, Rosamund Hanson (smell) is still damn fugly

    Free Member

    When I was selling my four month old three times ridden mint condition £1000 road bike I was filling my pants with man fat at the thought of 148 people watching it. I was expecting it to shoot past my expected £600 sale price and it went for £480 less £48 sale fee.

    I put some new £200 inline hockey skates on ebay and again 102 watchers and the highest bid was £42, about £70 short of reserve.

    The country is in shit state and the only people buying aren’t wanting to pay what things are worth.

    Free Member

    i’ve been to twatt on the Orkneys.

    Free Member

    I’ve fitted an Alternative

    Free Member

    spending £15K in a year behind the wife’s back. She thinks each bike cost about £400 :lol:

    Free Member

    Very reminiscent of a one I did for a bit of banter going on in our local club last year. I roadie came onto the forum and was giving it loads of shit, he could blow anyone out of the water on any ride etc etc. We have some very seasoned riders and one who’s referenced is Kiwi (aka Johnclimber on ere) who is a massive 29er Geek, fat bike extraordinaire. Essentially, to be a full member you have to do a ‘newbie ride’ to assess you’re fitness and capability is sufficient not to a) slow everyone down and b) have them waiting around for helivac’s.

    This video was done showing the roady (Itch) turning up to do his newbie ride with the ride leader Artillerydave..

    Free Member

    As in the other case alcohol clearly involved and the videos don’t show what instigated these events. Who’s to say she wasn’t provoked????

    just saying like

    Free Member

    or in her case they do..

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I thought this was abolished now and you can got to a recognised garage no necessarily a VW, unless there’s some sort of cop out they have.

    2002 block exemption. VW are very good at ignoring it. I had a 32 month old Passat that blew it’s turbo and wiring loom. Took it to VW and they wanted £4500 to fix it. it had 57K on clock, it was obvious that they didn’t want to pay and refused to citing it had had 1 service outside the dealer network. I pointed out that it was serviced by a VW specialist using VW parts (as per BE rules) and they still refused.

    I sent their legal dept a small claims court form for the £4500 saying that they were contravening 2002 Block Exemption Rules and neither the wiring loom or turbo are serviceable parts and wouldn’t have been serviced even if the car had gone to a dealer anyway.

    Three days later the car was fixed free of charge. Out of all the dealers VW have been by far the worst. I had a 2003 A6 V6 TDi in 2003 and it blew three engines in 10 months, they couldn’t have been more helpful and transparent about why it was happening. My last car was a Toyota Avensis and 90K in two years had nothing other than routine servicing and tyres. A temporary BMW i’ve got blew it’s flywheel at 70K.

    German’s don’t make quality cars no more, they are trading on their history. The interiors are well screwed together but mechanically they’re shit.

    Free Member

    It will most likely be a mk5 Golf, or maybe a Leon as the missus likes the way they look, doubt we will go for an A3 as they aren’t as good value

    it will when you come to sell it on, the Leon will depreciate like a citroen, the Golf will be not as good as the audi but you’ll have to deal with dealers that are behaving like they’re selling veyron’s, The Audi anyway for me but it wouldn’t be 1.4 TFSi it’d be a derv. Too thirsty.

    Free Member

    Most modern diesels now have dual mass flywheel’s and anything with a juddery, overly heavy or a clutch that feels like an on/off switch will be a £1000 repair bill.

    My 70K 118D M Sport has just had one changed but BMW did it FOC , but the bill was £1500

    Free Member

    i wonder if he gets paid to do that….

    love the round of applause. I wonder if the free loader kicked the shit out of the old fella once the train departed?

    Free Member

    I was suprised how few children were shown on high ground. They must have been around.

    my thoughts too, i suspect a lot of them were at school and I know for sure if a Tsunami warning went out there’s no way on my life could i get mine from school in 22 minutes. I fear a lot of them will have perished and no doubt a lot of parents rushing to get them too. The only hope is whole families went together :(

    Free Member

    I got a Tom Tom XL Live, can’t fault it. I’vehad ‘plumbed in’ sat nab in my last two cars and didn’t really want one this time and for £170 it’s brill.

    Free Member

    If I count the last twelve months we’re talking circa £15k, in 2011 takes it down to £12k.. Sold most of it, after going through a Cube Stereo Race (£2700), Trek Rumblefish 2 (£3300), Niner Air 9 (£2200) Cube Peleton road bike (£900) I settled on a Lappierre 514 (£2700) and a £1000 On One Inbred single speed.

    On top of that I fell for all the marketing shit and bought every buzz product going, go-pro, Garmin, reverb, AM45 shoes, mobi washer, £200 jacket, £500 lights blah blah blah. Hired the Beard for the day at £215 and spent numerous £90’s on sets of maxis tyres…

    The result is I now hardly ride a bike, I was using cycling to tackle depression, I got out of a bad relationship that biking was distracting me from, I’m now in a happy relationship and the bike(s) don’t turn a wheel.

    Interestingly this post has made me reflect on the last twelve months and here’s a link to my garmin report, i’ve done most of my mileage up until about June, it all goes wrong after that…

    must get out more and stop wasting money!

    Free Member

    it’s exceptional to be awarded cost in a SCC…..

    If you lose the judge normally awards each party to cover their own costs. It depends on the figure, someone must have brought this to court and put a figure on what they are suing for. You don’t to to SCC for honour only money.

    Free Member

    it’s worth what people will pay…

    Free Member

    perhaps if people drove dangerously more often then they wouldn’t need to pay £25 to get to the top of the mountain on a slow chugger….

    Free Member

    The sum involved doesn’t warrant a bad credit rating, etc

    If you can afford it and you’re dragging this out because you’re pig headed/principled then it may be easier paying up because in my experience it’s who’s face fits on the day unless there is a blatant breach of a black or white contract.

    if you lose and pay within 7 days the CCJ isn’t registered, but pay on the day to prevent the court admin from ‘forgetting about it’ because once it’s registered you’ve no hope of getting credit even with a certificate of satisfaction.

    Free Member

    I’m viewing this from an ipad in comet!!!

    she’s at the age where all of her home work is still paper bassed, she loves apps and music and the ipad could sync with my mac for all that gubbins. I’m drwan to the ipad mainly because of the educational apps, games and no need to buy anti virus crap etc…

    thanks to you all for a healthy debate!!

    Free Member

    Laptop, the ipad might look nicer but there will come a time when she will be using windows products at school and home access will be very beneficial. If you buy the ipad, you would probably end up getting hassled for a laptop as well in the not too distant future.

    that was at the forefront of my mind as she’s using excel now….

    Free Member

    I don’t think there is any vitriol, just surprise that people think spending £400 on fancy electronic gadgets is a reasonable budget for Christmas presents for a 10 yr old.

    and how many of us on here ‘tell porkies’ about how much our bikes/bits cost as out other halves could probably start a similar thread thinking what we spend is unreasonable.

    She knows the value of money and has been saving up herself for the last six months and has £200 saved up. She’s asking us for money to put towards it, she’s not expecting one and me being the Dad who wants her to do well will tell her to put her money in her savings account that she can’t have til she’s 21.

    You have blatantly got me confused with your friends sister who seemingly ‘showers her children with expensive gifts’, I don’t. She has what a lot of kids have these days, she has a decent £300 bike which she cleans weekly and doesn’t leave out to rust and she has a blackberry which all of her mates have as it’s a) a way of keeping in contact with me (who doesn’t live with her) b) it was cheaper than topping up her PAYG phone and costs £10.50 a month, a relatively cheap way of keeping in contact with her friends and family.

    Free Member

    They are thankful for whatever they get, we don’t need to spend a shed load of cash to show how much we love them.

    And so are mine, they don’t get given the latest games as soon as they are released, they don’t wear expensive branded clothing and are polite, well mannered children. One is about to be signed up as an artistic skater and the other has been signed up for a premiership football youth team at aged 11. I show them my love by telling them daily, by doing 50k a year driving between the North East/West taking them to rinks/football fields etc

    why should I feel guilty for putting £200 towards a present for her?

    I should have really started the thread with a disclaimer inviting ‘envious people need not reply’……

    I went through my whole child life living in a council house, scraping coal off the beach as a ten year old in the miners strike, getting a packed lunch from the NUM every day for two years. Am I a bad father for not wanting them to have nothing??

    Yes I agree kids don’t know they’re born these days but the difference is some kids stamp their feet if they don’t get it and other kids show appreciation without expectation.

    Free Member

    If you actually read around the posts commenting on your affluence, there are actually some helpful-ish posts.

    I’ve noted them and thanks those who took the time to dig them out.

    Free Member


    I didn’t take it as a personal attack, but i’ll explain… The present is between me and the estranged ex, she’s on £60K a year and I’m on £40k a year, so £200 each is fortunately affordable. We both had childhoods where we got sweet FA because she had tight fisted parents and mine were skint, so we both want our child to have nicer things in life now that we can afford to. I lost my job in august and have had to sell some bikes off to tide me through christmas but as pointed out by other nobody has questioned me in the last twelve months when I’ve spend £15k on mountain bikes…

    she’s extremely intelligent, very low maintenance and way ahead of her years and never expects stuff, she’s willing to earn it and don’t moan if she doesn’t get. She’s very adept on a pc/mac and looks after her personal belongings. The ex and her have two dogs and two horses, she handles them all, feeds them, trains them and takes her responsibilities seriously.

    I have no issues with giving her an iPad as I know it will be fine, the reason for putting this post up was to merely find out if a lap top is a better alternative to an iPad. So far a dodgy Dell website that can’t get me to the good deal offered and a Sony netbook sized lap top have been suggested but please feel free to carry on discussing what I came on here for…

    Free Member

    Well my kids use them for school work, games, googling the hard questions and Moshi Monsters

    £400 on a christmas present?!
    And for a 10 year old?
    What does she need one for that can’t be done on the PC in the living room?

    it’s split in half between me and her mother (we’re estranged) and she don’t have a PC in the living room, the only other PC is the mothers work PC which is a Dell and shit too.

    looked at the Dell that Jamie kindly linked me too and the website just doithers repeatedly, wether viewed through Chrome or Safari. Not looking good for Dell……

    Free Member

    Dell, dell everytime.

    NEver again, I bought daughter A one last year and it was utter shit, 5 minutes to boot up fresh out of the box, awful product.

    Why not ipod?

    She’s got my old one and needs a decent web browser..

    Something along these lines.

    Cheers Jamie

    Free Member

    Get a laptop. £400 would buy you something very handy.


    any links/specs appreciated of course

    Free Member

    nice one


    Free Member

    I’ve got 780’s and no probs, a few narrow places near the start but you’ll probably get caught up in post Xmas ‘I got a new bike from Halfords for Xmas and going to ride it and the only trail centre for 100 miles’ queue for most of the way around….

    or stuck behind lots of wannabe FIVE owners on hire bikes

    Free Member

    Dog causes damage, dog owner liable. the dog has to be under control at all times and if it knocks someone off who is riding lawfully and reasonably then the dog owner is liable with no real defense

    6 or half dozen….

    in these circumstances it’s down to one party to prove and the other to defend. Look at the PI industry, people making thousands simply by threatening court action and in the vast majority they never make it to court. So in reality it’s not who was truly at fault but who’s got the bigger nads to take it the furthest.

    In this instance I think the dog owner has been very civilised in offering some compo.

    Their has to be a point at which we all accept or even expect to endure these situations at some point in out riding careers

    Free Member

    and if it knocks someone off who is riding lawfully

    Prove it.
    the cost of taking it to court outweighs the rewards.

    If I ride in a place where humans can roam I expect their best friend to do the same.

    If the OP was wiped out by a sheep would he pursue the farmer?? Doubt it.

    Free Member

    Do any of you know if anyone does a slack 29er with 120 to 140 travel, F/S or H/T that would be good for some agro xc, Glentress, and Laggen trail centers??

    My trek Rumblefish 2 was perfect for ‘aggressive’ trail centres, but being a trek they used whatever cheap rims they could squuze their suppliers for and fitted it with a low volume shock so when i climbed hills it squatted and even with max psi in it, it couldn’t achieve more than 40% sag 8O

    Trek refused to change the shock (that Mojo said was for a small framed 26er not a 19″ big wheeler) so I sold it to someone who wasn’t more than 12 stone….

    I replaced it with a Lapierre Zesty 514 which was fitted with large volume shock and is most excellent.

    I had a Niner Air 9 HT which was awesome too, but being scandium was rock hard and destroyed my back

    Free Member

    did they guess that 99.9999999999999999999% of people wouldn’t GAF?

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