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  • Mental Mondays #14 – Let there be love
  • genesiscore502011
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    Free Member

    Eddiebaby – what about Nike and Oakley??

    Free Member

    Man U – rubbish brand

    Free Member

    I believe these are still regarded the best. Expensive and always seem out of stock when I search

    Free Member

    Thank you all. I will try all the products one by one to find a solution.

    Free Member

    +1 richmars

    Free Member

    Why would Eddie Howe take it – apart from money and the old classic “when your national team comes calling it’s hard to say no” Eddie Howe is a young manager with the cut and thrust of daily weekly monthly management requirements and challanges. Manage England Eddie and play 5 ish games a year. Have your players one week before kick off and one maybe two days after final whistle. Have club managers having a strong influence when players are available. Don’t stay put and continue to do an amazing job with the limited resources and finance available to you. Oh and your opportunity will come to manager a “bigger club”

    Free Member

    I believe the story will continue to run. A few club managers will be worried about the next revelations.

    Free Member

    1 – coasters!!! Rather pleased with that. Only got the coasters as my Mum bought them for me for Christmas!!

    Free Member

    250k life and CIC level cover. Maximum cover for both elements at a premium we are happy to pay. Mine is heavily employer discount rated mind due to employee benefits

    Free Member

    Update-been away in Wales no signal :(. Absolutely no fault on sellers side. He met me half way to view the bike which was very good of him. We had a chat whilst I looked over the bike and he did explain he hoped for more on the auction. The bike was very good and in hindsight very much worth my winning bid and also a very fair price for his estimated value. I however got cold feet a little about spending that much. We agreed to let things lie had a coffee and a chat and then went on our way.

    Free Member

    Update… it for 840.00

    Free Member

    Bri72. Have your email and will come back to you

    Free Member

    It looks like my original budget was a little low / ambitious!! – Thank you all for the ebay advice. I have increased my budget ( it is pretty much all ready at my first budget) to 1000.00

    Free Member

    You can complete a transfer of equity / title. So long as the leaving party agrees and signs the legal papers. Your quoted fees are correct. With the lender it is subject to standard lenders underwriters. It should not affect rates etc.

    Free Member

    Yes i am interested please bri-72. My email is in profile if you can send pics.

    Free Member

    Done – purely posting to keep post near the top

    Free Member

    Ah – thanks slackboy – just seen the link 🙁 hey ho at least as I have bid I can keep tabs on it….i might be lucky and as mentioned on prev post could send a message through ebay if does not meet the Gumtree price

    Free Member

    Made starting bid!! Fingers crossed.

    Free Member

    Stealth Ad!!! I had to work what that meant at first!!! I am afraid I am not that clever!!!. It has caught my eye as only 100 miles away from me so within collection distance. I do appreciate 25 quid is not a huge amount for postage. I simply have not seen them about before (I had heard of them) so was just getting some experienced comments of them.

    Free Member

    I appreciate that I might be out bid. But if it went over £800 I could not afford it anyway. Plus I can’t afford to risk £800 on something that is not a good ride. Goggling for reviews are thin on the ground.

    Free Member

    Sorry per year reduction 4618.76. Times by 2 is estimated reduction over 2 years. I have 2 beers!!!

    Free Member

    If your mortgage was interest only then 88742 at at 2.09% would be £214.46 per month. Your 528.28 – the 214.46 is a/the capital repayment. 528.28 – 214.46 = 313.82 BUT only really valid for first payment. 313.82 x 24 = 4618.76 capital balance reduction over 2 years. But is a slight under estimate as 313.82 is the first payment only.

    Free Member

    Not sure what lender you have used in the past but you would not “usually” get that from a lender. Many years ago Halifax used to provide it but it does fall outside of FCA regulation hence I would be very surprised if you got it now.

    Free Member

    Because your only guaranteed rate is the 2 years. Who knows what the rate will be after the 2 years for the next 15. So lenders would not provide/publish this to you as part of your mortgage application / offer.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Maybe Hunt wheels??

    Free Member

    A regular cycling friend has bought the Tarn 20. It is great fun.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    DezB Well, I sort of understand the whinging, but to me it seems a bit like people deciding they suddenly like Queen after Freddie died… why didn’t you buy the stuff while Middleburn were still going?”

    I think the thread is talking about replacements for existing gear, chain rings etc, that are specific to the gear they all ready have and in the future how can replacements be obtained.

    Free Member

    why not cycle on the path” is hopefully a troll

    If it’s not a troll it’s someone pretty thick. Or maybe they just ain’t a cyclist

    How rude – my apologies for asking a question.

    Free Member

    I work for Santander as a Mortgage Adviser

    Free Member

    Not a troll-what a standard boring reply to someone who raises a point/question you don’t like! I do not do group/club rides so have no experience or education on this. Just personal experience. If a cycle path is available I always use it and not experiencing club rides ever did not understand or appreciate why you would not use the dedicated path. Also the cycle paths in my area are excellent – it is the roads with potholes, raised and dropped drains, broken glass etc that are the problem.

    Free Member

    The Driver is a certain individual – but why not cycle on the cycle path? Surely safer?

    Free Member

    A mortgage can be arranged in the UK but it will not be a UK mortgage

    Free Member

    If the equity is there and the income available raise money on a UK property to cash buy abroad. No UK banks offer a mortgage in this country secured on a property in a different country as it is different purchase laws. We only just manage in England to lend for Scotland!! Some UK Lenders will not even lend on UK islands. Isle of Man, Jersey etc. Santander UK will not lend in Spain.

    Free Member

    Who did you use clodhopper??

    Free Member

    Didn’t buy a RS8 for my second bike last month as I was waiting for a small bonus to be paid this month and so not putting it on a credit card. Missed out now :(. Silly me.

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