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  • Team GB squad for MTB World Champs (plus how to watch it for free)
  • Gee-Jay
    Free Member

    Oh & the live recording of Live Wire when you can hear the amps come on and the buzz before it starts

    Free Member

    So many to chose from, have always loved Sin City, but also Night Prowler and Ride on, however 1st single I bought was you shook me all night long, so that’s a favourite too & HTH & back in black and for those about to rock

    Got to go & lie down in a darkened room now with nothing but the hifi & big speakers, not the ipod headphones

    Free Member

    Got to go out 🙁

    Thank God for sky+ 🙂

    Free Member

    Sit in a chair like Jim’ll Fix It & let them come to you

    Free Member

    Oh no, much better places for beer than in tartiflette 🙂

    Free Member

    Joolsburger & Lunge beat me to it

    Serves: 4-6
    Preparation time: 25 minutes
    Cooking time: 1½ hours

    50g unsalted butter
    175g bacon or lardons
    1kg waxy potatoes peeled and sliced to a 3mm thickness
    Salt and freshly ground pepper
    250g Reblochon cheese
    568ml carton double cream

    6 bottles of Amstel beer


    Open beer

    Heat oven to 150°C/gas 2. With half the butter, grease a shallow baking dish, about 25 x 30cm.

    Add chopped bacon / lardons to a frying pan. Fry for about 5 minutes until crisp and brown. Remove and drain on kitchen paper.

    Open beer

    Toss the potato slices with salt and pepper. Arrange half in a layer in the dish. Sprinkle with the bacon. Top with half the cheese, season again (remember the bacon is salty already). Top with the remaining potatoes. Pour enough cream over the top to just cover the potatoes – you may not need it all. Dot with the remaining butter.

    Bake for about 1¼ hours, whilst drinking 2 more beers, or until the potatoes are tender. Dot with the remaining cheese, and return to the oven until brown and bubbling (about 15 minutes). Remove from the oven, cover with foil and leave for 10-15 minutes before serving with remaining beer.

    Free Member

    I was wondering something similar a week or so back about all the snakes that go into hibernation & then the floods come, what happens to them? Do they wake and move or does the cold water slow them down so much they cant really.

    Lots of adders around the local pond and all the surrounds are excessively wet at the moment

    Free Member

    I have to confess to quite enjoying watching Polly depending on what she is wearing; the bikes did make me cringe a bit but the skiing even more so, she was not good on ski’s, then at the end he said she was a really good skiier, kind of makes me wonder if all the stuff I don’t know about has such off the mark reporting.

    Still my 9 year old loves it

    Free Member

    Mine were playing with the microscalextric from about 3 & had no issues with speed… flat out everywhere & the cars stayed on

    Free Member

    I’ve got a rocket ron on the front & a panaracer rampage on the back & had no issues but then I am not that good or fast

    Free Member

    Just got back from having a pootle in the general area

    Some quite deep muddy puddle areas otherwise fine but heavy going. I didn’t ride the course but with careful planning it should be mainly ok.

    Not sure about after tomorrow though

    Free Member

    I appear to have reached the point where I will shortly need varifocals and my optician said it would be good to go for a set now so I could get used to them… then said it would be £600!!!

    Due to family issues with glaucoma I have always used the same opticians, they know my eyes & have records inc pics going back years, I am not planning on £600 though

    Free Member

    Yeh, the not skiing is really not an option for him, he did a really good job having smashed his elbow & burst an artery, they only just managed to save the arm so we are not taking risks for as long as the surgeons say so. (Thankfully other than the fact that he is not allowed to do sport for a full year and some rather large scars he seems to be fully recovered with no side effects).

    Am liking the scuba diving idea. That’ll not help this holiday but will give him something to aim at and improve his swimming which the consultants said he should do

    Free Member

    Anybody a Les Arc’s vet? I am going in Feb and need to find something or a 9 year old boy who is not allowed to ski next year due to injury.

    I need something fun but non contact or fall overish – ie MTB’s, skiing, snow board, bob sled


    Free Member

    It will take off, the surface it is on is irrelevant

    Free Member

    I’ve used justhost for about 4 years now, no dramas except at renewal time but just tell them you will go somewhere else & they seem to take a sensible view on it

    Free Member

    Shame, I liked his radio show

    There must me many many “celebs” and rock stars running for cover & hoping for the best

    Free Member

    P1010087.jpg[/url] by imnotthealien[/url], on Flickr

    From last nights ride

    Free Member

    Les Deux Alpes for a couple of seasons, loved it, time of my life etc etc (the stories still seem mad now), however I was 28/29 at the time & I have to say those who were much older didn’t fit in quite the same way so I would hesitate to do it again… like an old girlfriend etc, never go back.

    My liver has almost recovered after nearly 20 years

    Free Member

    Only Mrs Fox, Pike, The Vicar, ARP Warden Hodges are still going.

    Free Member

    I feel a Dad’s Army watching fest coming on.

    I remember hiding behind the sofa at my Grandparents aged about 4 hoping they wouldn’t spot me there so I could watch it & still enjoy it now.

    Free Member

    IMG_2502[/url] by imnotthealien[/url], on Flickr

    The local pond – needs a longer exposure but I ran out of time.

    Free Member

    As always a treat to look at this thread every morning.

    Grum, excellent as ever. Olympus I like that a lot

    Free Member

    According to The Sunday Times yesterday it looks as though Kimmage may well now sue the UCI & use the fund for what it was designed for… getting the sport clean

    Free Member

    I use both, Lightroom is excellent & deals with pixel manipulation ie altering shade or tone. Also image cropping straightening and cataloging… however if you want to change elements of the picture (no pun intended) such as cutting out one bit to blur the background or change the colour of a certain part of the picture then Elements is better.

    90% of the time I just use Lightroom, it is certainly easier to change white balance or exposure issues

    Free Member

    I still have my livestrong baseball hat and it is very comfortable but I feel more & more like a chump when I am wearing it.

    Free Member

    When I read his book, I thought he came across as easy to admire but difficult to like. His constant lying & bullying makes him more difficult to admire.

    However he did put the miles in, he did train as hard as anybody (I guess) & he did win 7 TdF’s against people who were probably as doped as him. Amazing dedication.

    I wouldn’t buy him a pint if I was standing next to him in a pub though or even go in the pub if I knew he was in there.

    Free Member

    I had a couple of blue screens & then the c drive dropped out so I figured it was that. I had 4 hard drives in it anyway so not really an issue reinstalled os on a different one & started again. A couple of days later everything just stopped, and the internal speaker made a nasty siren like sound.

    I took the sides off & tried to re-boot, all lights are on, drives sound as though they are starting up but nothing more happens, inc the fan on the cpu which appears to have blown.

    I tried putting a new fan on incase I had tripped an overheat switch but it will not start at all – once again drives sound as though they are spinning up ok.

    Powerpack appears to be fine as all the little led’s etc are ok so I have a box with an ok powerpack, decent video card that appears to be fine & 3 or maybe 4 good 500gb drives in it so would rather replace the motherboard than buy a new machine

    Free Member

    PS I went fot he cheaper version of infinity to start with & blew through the limits for traffic (I have an online backup). The full fat version is much better for only a few more £’s

    Free Member

    Just speedchecked mine, it says 52.16mb down, 15.35 up so not quite there at the mo, it has been in the past though.

    My pc is slower than my net now, normally any issues are me streaming stuff & doing other things

    Free Member

    Also “the hungry cyclist” – really enjoyed that

    Free Member

    MrSmith, you made me laugh there 🙂

    Free Member

    Reading the Hamilton book at the moment and finding it very interesting, it does fill in some of the blanks about how things are done and why.

    Free Member

    I think media sharing is good, somewhere to put music and photos so I can access from all home computers & kids can back up homework etc.

    I like the sound of sat under the stairs for 3 years with no need to touch it.

    Free Member

    Agreed on Hugh Porter & I do find the fact that we call him the Manx Express others call him the Manx Missile annoying, just call him Cav & be done with it, he doesn’t need all the media labels

    I like Ned though, he’s getting better & better on the cycling stuff. Doesnt take himself or it too seriously. Enjoyed his book too

    Free Member

    He was a legend. RIP

    Free Member

    You are not wrong alex222, I shall not bother with the rest of it. Shame really

    I may still comment though ;-), although most of these posts that turn into are they, aren’t they tend to end up going in the same circles so I try to stick to only 1 or 2 comments per thread.

    One day perhaps we will know, perhaps drug testing will catch up with the dopers (although I doubt it, the money is in the wrong hands) & retrospective testing will make all clear.

    Until then
    Millar, seems to be doing the best he can without making too many enemies, enjoyed his book
    Armstrong, used to be a fan about 10 years ago. His book made him easy to admire although difficult to like. Looks like he has got his comeuppance not worth stripping him of his titles though, who would you give them to? Just put an asterisk next to the results and say dirty race.
    Walsh/Kimmage, glad they have been proved right
    Contador got off easy with his backdated suspension wish I could believe in him as he has a great style but after yesterday I cant
    Vino – god help us all
    etc etc

    Free Member

    I watched yesterday partly in amazement but with a very large part of me thinking “just after a rest day” 🙁
    I think the lifetime ban for a 2nd offence makes a lot of sense.

    Free Member

    I have it & works very well. When I started I had the cheaper package but found with watching tv down it & on line back ups I soon went over the data limit so now have the expensive one..
    Does what it says on the tin & generally speaking buffering is a thing of the past.
    Now need to upgdade my pc as I am trying to do too many things at once on it 🙁

    Free Member

    zbonty, it was my son that asked for AC/DC to be played… next year maybe 🙂

    Here are some pics from me, they are probably a bit more family/us orientated but some night shots I am pleased with

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