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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • gears_suck
    Free Member

    Pain and nausea are common during migraine headaches although not always present. As are visual distortions, but again, not always present. Some people get the visual part with no pain. It differs greatly between sufferers. They can come on at any time, including while you sleep so waking with one is not uncommon.
    The best advice you can get is to consult with a doctor who will be able to examine you for other causes at the same time.

    Free Member

    I’ve got one and I Like it, a lot.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    In a year or so time when the copper has oxidised, it’ll be much less noticeable. in fact, in less time than that you will get used to it being there and stop looking at it. I’d do nothing. The plan you have will look far worse.

    Free Member

    A lad did the same thing when I was riding up from behind him. I stopped and asked him why he had done so. He responded by going purple in the face while screaming f### off, I’ve got anger management problems. I agreed that he obviously did but that had nothing to do with being a complete c##t.
    The outcome was not productive so I resolved to just call a c##t a c##t in future and keep on moving.

    Free Member

    I thought my issue was the secondary heat exchanger for so long but after finding a way to test for it I then knew it was the expansion tank.

    I’m curious. What test would you perform to find this out other than feeling and looking around to see if water was leaking from it?

    Free Member

    Part of a boiler service (combination or any with an internal expansion vessel) is to establish the pressure vessel is within the tolerance specified in the manual. i.e. it’s divider is not perished and the whole thing full of water. The air side should be at the correct pressure when tested at the schrader valve. The only right way to do this is to relieve the system pressure first and drain the boiler. Had this been done at the service, whether the vessel was faulty or not would have been established.
    As for a day to change one or replacing an internal one for an external one because you can’t be arsed to or don’t know how to take the faulty one out. Well, that’s just amateurish and typical of the advice dished out by messers on here.

    Free Member

    There is NO solution. Just that. You cant solve an ideology.

    Free Member

    Oh yeah. I forgot about the flick knives. Good call.

    Free Member

    No, the more sophisticated type.
    Ah yes. The second hand tank, converted 1989 toyota pick up, and faulty rocket launcher, dealers.
    Not forgetting. “How to be a Coward for Cowards” handbook and the ever popular Exploding Vest Emporium. I believe they are taking Paypal now.

    Free Member

    There’s a shitload of arms manufacturers creaming it in anyhow…

    Are you referring to the “used machete and tired AK47 dealers?”

    Free Member

    Are you the grim reaper? Cus if so, I’m giving you nought.

    Free Member

    I know exactly what you mean. It’s very irritating, particularly when you’re trying to get to sleep.

    Free Member

    Bear – Member

    Grout is not waterproof, never ever tile on plasterboard in a wet environment like a shower.
    Amazing! how many millions of homes are living examples this is total BS?

    Bear – Member

    You could fly some 6mm tile board over the top of the plasterboard.
    This one must be some kind of Air sea tile rescue service.

    Free Member

    More likely related to a problem with the external wall. Poor damp course, or non. Poor pointing. Lime mortar will definitely be porous if its original. If if the wall is exposed I start looking there.
    Condensing washer dryers catch almost all of moisture they produce, so I’d doubt its that.

    Free Member

    Go with the advice of your tiler. You might not have a problem, but if you do, you’ll feel pretty stupid and it will cost much more in the long run. After all, that’s why you chose a professional to begin with?
    There is a million and one tiles to choose from including ceramic. There has to be at least one you can agree on.

    Free Member

    Floor is simply lovely.

    Free Member

    I see your point mrblobby The savings between the bottle cage and the studs would no doubt be the decider in your sprint finish along the Champs Elysees

    Free Member

    Yes, and you’ll be aware of a lot more things that have no relevance to your needs because answers here are based primarily on speculation with no knowledge of your site or real needs.
    How are you going to know which answers here have any real meaning for you?
    That’s why consulting a professional who can do a site visit and understand your needs will actually provide proper worthwhile advice.

    Free Member

    Its hard enough finding the cage when your knackered and going 15mph on a lumpy road or single track. Finding those bloody things would be a nightmare.

    Free Member

    The comment about the slot being slightly off set is pretty black and white really.
    Its a silly idea. Reinventing something that already exists with something that is crap in comparison. And the mud in slot worries would be my concern too. If I had one, which I probably would not.

    Free Member

    I love these questions. They make for the most entertaining reading.
    Basically, you ask a ridiculous question, get a load of conflicting answers and go off on many tangents, add more information, people re-comment with revised advice.
    You end up non the wiser??

    Free Member

    Some sound advice right there. All except defeating the boilers safety device (thermostat) and letting it boil?
    Most helpful comment is isolating one rad and forcing air to it. I always check every rad on initial start up and there’s usually at least one getting hot first. If others are struggling, I shut off the trv or valve on the hot one and check around again. Isolating each one that’s getting hot until all have had hot water through them. Bleeding air as I go. Finally opening all valves and letting it run. As previously stated, this can be a bit of an art and quite time consuming because it needs to have the rads balanced once all the air has been purged . Another reason we plumbers get paid ridiculous amounts of money.

    Free Member

    I updated the network infrastructure in the hospital just outside town some years back. There was an administrator with a name plaque on her door. Ora Lee. I hung around but she was out that week.

    Free Member

    There’s no test and no pass/fail. You are required to attend, stay the duration and participate. That is all. It’s worthwhile going and I guarantee you will learn something. I’ve done it and it makes you realise the importance of maintaining your focus and adhering to speed limits. Of course there are always those who think they know better and those that cant accept they are wrong but, if you’re a little humble and agree you got ticketed because you broke the law, you’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    BTW cabinets will normally allow for wastes to enter from floor or wall.
    Position is critical though and this is why a bathroom switch is never a simple one out, one in process.

    Free Member

    How anyone can tell you what you should be paying without knowing anything about what you want, other than a bathroom, is beyond me.
    Costs vary widely just as in any other trade. However, going through Home Base, B and Q or the like will probably cost you more.
    Within reason, the size of the bathroom is not the factor. Most of the time, its more complicated to fit smaller bathrooms than larger. Tiling is more difficult and slower partly because the fashion trends toward large tiles. There are many more cuts and getting them dead flat (if you care) is time consuming. More and more porcelain is the preferred tile material, also harder to drill for pipe penetrations, shower screens and fixtures etc.
    There is an awful lot of labour involved and the quality of the job you require will reflect in the cost.
    Sure, get a mate to do it. That helps keeps us in business. I love it when people tell me as I show up to stop leaks and replace crappy sealant or poorly fitted parts that they or a mate did the job.
    I’m not suggesting that it’s impossible to do it yourself, or that its not possible to do a good job when plumbing isn’t your first trade but, if you have doubts at all, think twice.
    One of my customers wanted to save some money so he had me put in the hot and cold supplies and shower tray for a new shower. He said he was ok to do the wastes and tiling. A couple weeks later I had to go back because water was coming through the ceiling. He had tiled (horribly) the floor and there was no access. I had to remove a section of the ceiling bellow to find he had assembled the shower trap and left out the rubber seals.?? They weren’t in the box from the supplier and he didn’t know they should be.

    Free Member

    What muscles do you think you’re using when climbing if it’s not your quads?
    Sitting back on the seat on hands on tops will not offer the same control as tip of seat and bars securely held. Also will be less likely to prevent front wheel lift.

    Free Member

    Steep seated climbing. Butt on nose of seat. You are comparing apples to oranges.

    Free Member

    In my opinion the best thing to do in NY (I’m guessing you mean City) is leave, and go up state.

    Free Member

    I believe it is cpt.

    Free Member

    Sorry. You said what?
    I’m asking for opinions. I’m not making a judjment call either way. Simply looking for views like your own. Not sure how you conclude my whereabouts during that period but, oh well.
    Also. Why release an album in a modern setting and not expect modern perspectives. Or would you only understand if you were there?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Two very intelligent responses there.
    Granted its lacking in some practical elements but, it is after all a concept and this is mostly from where new technologies spring.

    Free Member

    If you are gas safe registered care to help out?

    I totally agree with your logic regarding wanting to do this and I don’t doubt that you’re perfectly capable of performing this relatively minor repair.
    The problem is that the regs are really in place to meet the worst case scenario. Unfortunately there are many users out there who will unwittingly put themselves and other in grave danger.
    You would most likely have to buy the part on line because a lot of gas spares suppliers will not sell to joe public these days.
    The whole house insurance thing is a bit far fetched but, you never know what those buggers will dig up when they’re trying to avoid a payout.

    Free Member

    Little bit unnecessary with the personal insult there old chap.

    Integral casing:
    Many appliances have cases which form a seal around the gas carrying components e.g.
    burner, combustion chamber, etc as well as being decorative. If removing the case involves undoing a
    number of screws, this normally means it is a functional case and it should not be removed by the consumer.
    or a person who is not Gas Safe registered.

    I think you’ll find the 15 RI case forms a gas tight seal for the purpose of containing the air used for combustion and preventing that air from being drawn from the environment directly around the boiler.
    But of course you’d know that if you were gas safe registered.
    Personally, I could care less what you do.
    But when you post a question, people will reply. Sometimes you will receive answers you weren’t expecting. There’s no need to be rude though.
    Edit: JAG. You’re probably going straight to hell. 😆

    Free Member

    It’s a gas appliance and therefore you are required to be gas safe registered to remove the cover and perform any work whatsoever on the boiler.
    That said, if you are the home owner I guess you are free to do whatever you like. Unless you’re considering turning yourself in?

    Free Member

    Thanks Mike. Certainly more within my price range.

    Free Member

    14+ years without using a bag here.

    Opening myself up here but, How long is a piece of string?

    Free Member

    That is the sort of thing thanks. However, the price is re-dickerus.

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