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  • gears_suck
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    woody74 – Member

    New boiler fitting is a complete rip off. They always install in a day so at most labour should be £250 ( that’s a good day rate ). God knows why it is always nearer £1000. We paid £2300 for local plumber to fit a decent sized boiler for 4 bedroom house.
    I don’t know what you do, but your comment is very general and completely incorrect. I replaced a boiler last week. What would be considered like for like. Vertical flue and new condensate where previous boiler was not condensing. It took me 2 1/2 days and I charged 430 plus materials at 80. (Customer provided boiler, flue and stat.)So before you insult someone and what they do. Not all people in the same profession operate the same way.
    I could fit a boiler in a day if I didn’t do it properly.
    Also, I resent you dictating what you think my day rate should be. Unless you’re paying me to work for you. Mind your own damn business!

    Free Member

    Beans With a heavy heart. Your first mistake was buying a Rhema boiler. Reviews here. The second was employing British Gas to do anything to it.
    Sorry for your woes but by now I would have thought their reputation should finally be starting to precede them.

    Free Member

    joshvegas – Member

    Maybe if you jack it off the lights will cum back on?
    The post should have ended right here.
    Best response ever.

    Free Member

    The message I’m receiving from all of this is never to get my boiler serviced.

    I love getting calls from people who think this way. They start by saying, Do you do boiler servicing?” To which I reply, “Yes.” They then proceed to explain how theirs is not working.
    It goes quiet when I explain the difference between a service and a repair.
    It’s precisely for the above reasons it’s important to follow guidelines and service your gas appliances.
    Under normal circumstances most minor leaks on a boiler case will not result in a problem. But should the boiler fail in some other way, it could compound and become a much greater risk to health.
    But hey, I’m all for strengthening the gene pool.

    Free Member

    I absolutely hate the smell of geraniums. Just as well because chocolate, in my opinion, should taste like chocolate. Anything else is simply sacrilegious.

    Free Member

    Good luck. If you’re getting a fibre kit. I would recommend one with at least a basic microscope for viewing your connector after termination. At least you be able to see the quality of the polish and that’s generally a good indication of how it will perform.
    Alternatively, you could buy more expensive pre terminated connectors with index matching gel. You then simply strip and cleave the fibre cable and it locks into the connector.
    Good times.

    Free Member

    Not necessarily cheaper to use fibre. Can you terminate it yourself. Is it indoor or outdoor? Suspended or buried? Do you have the means to terminate and an OTDR to test your work. A poor connector will rubbish your data speed.
    Lightening arrestors are expensive and consumable should they take a hit. Like you mentioned, there is other the need for a substantial ground also.
    Either way there’s no easy solution.
    Are you extending the back bone, or just a work station.
    Why not a wireless link?

    Free Member

    Manufacturers state clearly that boilers and components should be installed and fitted exactly to their design specification. Any alteration, modification or incorrect installation practice will void any warranty and could present a dangerous situation. Gas safe also states manufacturers installation instructions are to be followed above all other instructions.
    Therefore, if the moron who fitted your boiler had looked at the installation manual, he would have seen the correct location for cable entry to the connection points.
    Having said that. There’s no reason why a permanent repair to the hole should not be performed and as long as it can be shown to bring the casing back to the manufacturers original spec. I would be happy to reconnect it.

    Free Member

    Must have been fitted by a data analyst.

    Free Member

    These start at around 12 quid and go from there. Make as good a shot of coffee as the grind you put in it. If your coffee is naff out of one, it’s only your fault for buying nasty coffee.
    I’ve had all manner of machines and worked as a barista. I use one of these daily. The process is very therapeutic with a reward at the end. What’s not to like?
    image here

    Free Member

    There are usually isolators on the inlet and/or outlet pipes of the pump. You mentioned the shower is pumped?
    I should stick to data. 🙂

    Free Member

    If you know the manufacturer, which it seems you might. Find web site….
    Call tech support and see if they will accept a photo of your valve via email for identification.
    Sounds to me like the cartridge is shot.
    These companies are sometimes quite good a providing support. There are service kits and replacement parts for most decent quality valves.
    I dont have any experience with Cruze but have had help on several occasions from Bristan and Grohe. If it’s a Italian or Spanish??
    Best of luck.

    Free Member

    they’d come out in the sink but they don’t.

    As I said before, they aren’t much for swimming and will not make their way through a water trap like the one under your sink.
    They come in during wet weather for the reason as given above. They don’t swim or make their way through water obstacles!
    Often climbing walls outside and entering through air bricks or small openings.
    I have even found them in attics, the underside of slates and other weird places. Gravity isn’t much of a problem for something that can stick to most surfaces at any angle.

    Free Member

    As slugs are not renowned for their scuba capabilities, I would seriously doubt they are making their way through the saniflow. Most likely they have found a damp spot somewhere in the room (Under a cupboard, behind a skirting….) or are coming through an air brick or gap somewhere and emerging when the coast is clear.
    Adopt and coexist. 🙂

    Free Member

    If it’s constantly loosing water through the TPRV and not loosing pressure, there is a problem with the filling link. Either it’s not closed or it’s allowing bypass.
    The system sounds tom me like it’s at mains pressure constantly and therefore will continue to fill and maintain the limit on the TPRV. Hence the water bill.
    That’s my best guess without a visit of course.

    Free Member

    It’s amazing that this is even a question. I don’t understand the,”who can I blame for something so I can get paid” attitude.
    It’s hard enough to make a living already and then there’s the odd customer who is looking for a reason to not pay, or get some back.
    This is why a smart workman/woman covers the bases.
    It sucks to be out there doing difficult technically challenging and careful clean work, when you’ve got someone looking over your shoulder just hoping you screw something up so they can have reason to get something for nothing.
    How long is the grace period for a fitting to fail?
    How long is the test period for a pressure test?
    Are you going to pay the plumber to sit around for 5 hours on the off chance something may fail?
    While the system is drained and filled with air to pressure test, are you going to be happy without your services for 24hrs?
    You do know the test for pressure loss is with air, right?
    Why isn’t the responsibility falling to the bloke who assembled the pipe that failed?
    Is this the kind of customer…
    Like the one who asked me to fit an airing cupboard door with a roller ball catch. She called me back because although it held the door closed and functioned perfectly, it didn’t click loudly enough when the ball engaged the catch plate. It took me nearly half a day mucking around to source and fit one with a stronger spring. At my cost of course.
    When does one responsibility start and end?
    Simply ridiculous to hold this plumber responsible in your scenario.

    Free Member

    Hire someone who knows what they’re doing.

    Free Member

    It’s not unheard of to have problems on previously gravity fed pipework after fitting a mains pressure system.
    These situations are impossible to predict and it would be unfair to hold the plumber accountable for a non visible joint he did not assemble. If Plumbers insisted on upgrading every pipe and fitting in a property before performing such works, they would likely never win a quote.
    I always add a disclaimer to this type of job which states any existing pipework incorporated into the new system is not warranted. Most people understand and are quite accepting. Others insist on complete refit but they usually expect the hit financially too.

    Free Member

    Don’t mention the war!

    Free Member

    All art is quite useless…

    lol. Funny guy!

    Free Member

    It’s sparked debate, so in that regard, it’s doing what art does. Exposing our divisions.

    Free Member

    Not an answer to your problem but, why did you need to remove the rad to do your floor?
    Edit: And what Hammyuk said.

    Free Member

    Your budget will determine your choice. You already looked at what will probably be favourite round this neck o the woods.
    Hyundai and Toyota also are good build quality but I don’t think much compares to the VW on a like for like basis.

    Free Member

    You want to do a good job or bodge it some more? The rad needs to come off and it’s not a difficult job for someone who knows what they are doing.
    You’re trying to shortcut and you already know it’s going to end up a crappy repair doing it the way you are suggesting.

    Free Member

    Just having lithium ion batteries does not constitute a good deal. There are many varying capacities and what will work for you best will be determined by the work load and frequency with which you’ll need to recharge the battery/ies.
    As with most things, the items that appear to be the best deal are often not so.
    Watch out for deals with low capacity batteries. They are rife at places like screw fix, b&q and the like. A decent drill with 1x 4 Ah battery is better than one with 2x 1.3 Ah.

    Free Member

    Thanks for clearing that up. I’ll sleep OK now.

    Free Member

    mrsfry – Member

    Keep in mind that America was built on mass genocide,slavery and paranoia. It’s just a way of life.

    And of course we just drank tea and everyone we colonised was happy to invite us in and take on our values with open arms.
    Or are you just trying to garner some support from the rest of the Luddites who pretend America is the only country that’s ever taken something from someone?
    What relevance that idiotic comment has regarding gun ownership has passed me by.

    Free Member

    footflaps – Member

    They look like a bunch of redneck hillbilly inbreds.

    That’s probably because they are.

    Truly terrifying that anyone can buy and own as many guns and ammo as they like in the US….

    It fascinates me when information is gleaned from Google and purveyed as knowledge.
    The level of ignorance exhibited here regarding firearms and Americans is mind boggling.
    The desire to belittle American culture is still alive and well on ST and being peddled with ever increasing fervour.
    I don’t understand the English desire to condemn what they don’t fully understand. And the feeling that anyone who doesn’t live like they do is somehow not living right.
    The hypocrisy of condemning someone for their culture.
    That after all is what’s happening here.
    Admittedly the family photo is pretty ridiculous, but they are hardly a reflection of the majority of American families.
    Most people would never know if someone they were visiting had a weapon or not. It’s not mainstream to put your firearms on display in this bizarre manner and to use this families example to make encompassing critical and insulting remarks shows pretty high levels of ignorance.
    A lot of what’s being said is in humour. I get that but, come on

    Free Member

    Apparently, all you need is a ballpoint.

    Free Member

    Simple work ethic for self employed.
    The customer you are with is the only customer you have.
    I always try to think this way. They dont care if I have other commitments. Why should they?
    Show up, work hard, work well, leave no mess, be respectful, drink the tea(even if its horrible) Pet the dog or cat, (even if you don’t much care for them)
    All these things should be genuine and natural.
    If you dont have a deep respect for yourself and feel pride in all you do. Go on the dole and leave the work to those that do.
    If you are rushing to get paid and need to move on to the next job, call the customer ahead and postpone. The one you’re with is more important. The other will wait, or not. I’m only one guy.
    Some people want you to do things that you know are crap and if there’s a chance what they want me to do will compromise my standards, I walk away.
    Stuff like: Can you fit this gas fire I got off my mate. Or, can you plaster over my artex it’ll help to hold up my sagging ceiling. I’ll fit the kitchen units, I just need you to fit the work tops and hob….
    Also, If I go to look at a job and get a bad vibe. I walk away. I’m not obligated to explain myself. If I don’t reply it’s because I didn’t want the job you’re offering. TBH though, I normally tell someone if I’m not interested.
    Some people are just d*cks though and I leave it at that.

    Free Member

    If someone on here told you you were wrong to feel nothing would you be able to feel any different? Trying to asses the validity of your feelings based on comments on a cycling forum??
    I ain’t trying to be funny mate, but it’s questionable therapy. Go see someone who can actually help you. And good luck. I hope you get yourself sorted.

    Free Member

    An interesting article for those interested in what areas are commonly considered Black Country.

    Free Member

    Anyone got experience of InterGas boilers?

    I fitted one against my better judgement. My uncle decided he wanted it. I’ll never fit another.
    WB or Vaillant every time. Glow Worm if on slightly lower budget.

    Free Member

    PS I am not a plumber or heating engineer

    That’s why he should wait to see one on Wednesday.
    There whole load of variables that could be the cause.
    Most commonly, the item used to regulate the temperature of the domestic hot water coming out of your combination boiler is called a thermistor. A plumber/heating engineer will know that and it might be one of the things he tests to try and diagnose the fault.

    Free Member

    With a combi, you definitely want a thermostatic valve. Your plumber needs to check what’s happening at other hot water outlets. It’s pretty simple to determine if the problem is with the shower valve or the boiler.
    Either way, it doesn’t sound like something you have the skills to resolve. So leave it to the plumber. He’s coming on Wednesday.

    Free Member

    Was just wondering if I could take out the thermostatic cartridge and run it as a standard mixer tap or would that not work?


    Free Member

    I have a set of Rothenburger pipe grips from a previous life. One of the most useful tools I have ever owned.

    Yea. If you’re a plumber or pipe fitter. Anything else they’ll chew to pieces. Not even in the same tool category as the ones the OP is talking about.

    Free Member

    Aluminium frames can still condensate in some areas and in certain conditions. The bigger issue is that aluminium is a cold material unlike plastic so it will feel cold to touch.

    What a load of rubbish! As above all new aluminium frames have a thermal break.
    Of course condensation can form on cold surfaces. It can form on plastic just as easily.
    Aluminium frames with thermal break will be more or less the same temperature as the ambient air. Same as plastic frames. Besides it’s not like you go up and caress them or spend time lying against your window frames.
    All building materials have to meet standards required for energy conservation so they will perform very well regarding insulating quality.
    Get what you like most. Buy the best quality you can afford and have them professionally installed by a FENSA registered company so the warranty is valid.

    Free Member

    I’m going to try to fit our new kitchen myself.
    Doesn’t sound like I could do a much worse job than some of the Muppets mentioned above?

    Lol. I’m almost certain you could.

    Free Member

    What stumpyjon said.

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