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  • gears_suck
    Free Member

    You’re obviously a fan so you will probably like it. There will always be douches on here that will put whatever you like down. For a tenner, you can’t really go wrong. So ignore them and go watch you some Star Trek.

    Free Member

    Dreadful. About as amusing as as swarf in the eye.

    Free Member

    Jamie – Member
    I must admit, I am curious to see what the bike actually looks like. I am sure the OP will post a pic once he’s done copying and pasting his posts over several forums/threads.

    Don’t know what your problem with the op is. If it was your bike you’d be crying all over your keyboard. I’m sick of all this washy washy bull scheisse. If the op wants to report crap service and complete lack of care. He has every right to do so, whenever, wherever, however and as often as he likes. If you don’t like it…… Move along.

    Free Member

    I was not aware Napoleon was a habitual wall paper licker. Interesting. 🙂

    Free Member

    “What gives?” Who the heck says that?
    Nothing gives! Certainly lead being neutralised by phosphates. That doesn’t give. Regarding dust management. Isn’t that what I’ve been talking about.

    Free Member

    I give up!

    Free Member

    sweaman2 – Member
    Does it think it has achieved the requested temperature? If yes then faulty sensor or thermocouple.

    Electric ovens do not have a thermocouple. That would only be present in a gas oven.

    Free Member

    Conway Twitty. Peter seems to like him and that’s good enough for me.

    Free Member

    The hard lumps that are left after removing the tick from your dog is either an allergic reaction to the enzyme the tick uses to prevent blood at the point of the bite from congealing or a infection from mouth parts left behind as a result of not removing the tick properly.

    Free Member

    footflaps – Member
    On Topic, wouldn’t using a heat gun on lead paints be stupid?
    Lead is very toxic to babies and children and a lot less so for Adults. I stripped all the lead paint in my Victorian house with a hot air gun and no mask and survived pretty much unscathed….

    That makes you stupid, and perhaps fortunate. Although in truth, you may not have lead in your system. It is possible that you had/have increased levels in your blood and do not realise. It is true lead is much more harmful to children but as Wikipedia will tell you.
    Quote: No safe threshold for lead exposure has been discovered—that is, there is no known amount of lead that is too small to cause the body harm.
    Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Mind you, it’s good to know that to some degree, natural selection is still working, in spite of all our advancement.

    Free Member

    When coming towards someone from the front. I slow to a moderate pace and say hi, or thanks if they also make an effort for a smooth transition. When approaching from behind I call, “right behind you.” From about 15-20 meters. If no response, I call again when closer. Usually people move aside. I find saying left or right only confuses. If dogs are present I just use judgement and pass accordingly. However, I rarely thank dog owners because… Well, frankly I can’t stand them.
    Stuff that in yer pipe and smoke it. That’s the beauty of freedom I can dislike you for apparently irrational and unreasonable prejudice.

    Free Member

    maccruiskeen – Member
    If theres reason for concern don’t sand it at all, use a chemical stripper or a heat gun.

    Chemical stripper maybe. If you use a heat gun, you should have a mask specified to protect against lead. Vapour from heated paint containing lead will have lead in it. If you sand, most sanders can accommodate a vacuum attachment and this will help reduce dust. A decent vacuum will have hepa filter that will trap lead particles. Also a damp cloth on surfaces afterwards to remove any dust which escapes the vacuum is advisable. Make sure you practice good hygiene as most lead poisoning nowadays is due to ingestion. For example. Not washing hands properly after handling lead or lead products before eating or smoking.
    Edit. Don’t be concerned about absorbing lead through the skin. Lead molecules are to big. This is why hygiene is so important when handling lead.

    Free Member

    It’s “Warranty” gad dumbit.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You might want to consider why the wall has sunk. This is definitely a bigger issue than the bouncy joists which are a result of a bigger underlying problem from what you describe.
    There could be a broken drain or some other reason there is subsidence. Either way jacking up and packing the joists is not a permanent solution unless you can confirm the subsidence has halted or been resolved.

    Free Member

    Yea. The colour scheme is somewhat curious. It looks like after Sunday dinner vomit. Not sure of your objective, but hey, if it works for you…..
    Also, the steerer looks dangerous.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Right there see? You just did it again!

    Free Member

    Fry some onions and garlic in olive oil brown some strips of tender fillet steak. Hollow out the marrow, throw away the innards. Throw away the outer. Eat the aforementioned.

    Free Member

    _tom_ – Member
    Nant yr Arian is my favourite trail centre out of those I’ve been to. We only did the Summit and Pendam trails – really wanted to do the Syfydrin but my mates weren’t up for it.

    Are you sure they’re your mates. Seems a bit harsh to blame it on them. Surely you could have done it by yourself while they had a cup of tea. Had you REALLY wanted to do it of course.

    Free Member

    I don’t see what the problem is. I think you just wanted to get on here and torment us with tales of your ball bag.
    Next thing you’ll be crying cus you lost your balloon. It’s stuck to the back of your head incidentally.

    Free Member

    BBB tristop pads will help a lot. Canti’s will never be anything but rubbish. They’ll slow you down when you really need them to, but if you need to stop, you might want to plan ahead. This is partly why cx is a sport where skill and control is very important. Also where mtb skills will be of great benefit. Something you might want to consider more seriously if you’re racing cx.

    Free Member

    a reflection in a spoon.

    Free Member

    chewkw – Member

    Dude, are you high?

    Free Member

    Love my xt. Pretty much the same as slx. Loads of confidence and, yes, one finger braking. Super control and less effort. Win win.

    Free Member

    It’s a fascinating subject and I agree we all display obsessive compulsive tendencies to some degree. The spectrum is indeed difficult to define. I’m more of the opinion that we are all just people.

    Free Member

    kevj – Member
    gears_suck – Member
    Why you’d consider being able to remember somewhere you visited only a year ago autistic like, is beyond me.
    A poor choice of description.

    I generally have a high regard for your posts but this makes me question whether you have had any real life dealings with an autistic person. Poor form.

    I have two nephews here in the UK. One is aspergers cyndrome and the other is severely autistic. I’d say I have first hand experience in the subject. It’s pretty clear that as children we will remember the things which have a deep impact on us, such as family holidays and unusual people or places. Then, as adults we remember the things that interest us most, like obscure bike part specifications, as above. This does not mean we are on the autistic scale.
    A touchy subject for me I guess. No offence intended.

    Free Member

    Why you’d consider being able to remember somewhere you visited only a year ago autistic like, is beyond me.
    A poor choice of description.

    Free Member

    I was bored at EX721

    Free Member

    Granted. That’s pretty obvious.

    Free Member

    And btw class does have a bearing on a person’s intellectual capacity, there’s nothing “ridiculous” about it. So you’re wrong on that count too

    I’m not at all sure how that conclusion has been reached but obviously you’re way ahead of me so, we’ll done you.
    I’ll shit up and go back to my stupid corner. Having grown up on a council estate I must be intellectually inferior.
    Oh wait. Perhaps you meant that class has a bearing on a persons access to education and may leave them without opportunity because to infer that they would not have the capacity to learn even if presented the opportunity would of course be frankly ridiculous.

    Free Member

    To suggest that class distinctions were abolished 200 years ago, as a previous poster has, is quite frankly ridiculous.

    To read this from my post is, quite frankly ridiculous.
    I’m merely making the point that to infer class has a bearing on a persons intellectual capacity is, frankly ridiculous.
    Apology accepted.

    Free Member

    A lot of both lower and middle class British people say this to me, and it’s exactly why the system is how it is – the government knows that the swivel eyed loons are a big vote and to secure it they must be seen to be doing something to keep people with coloured skin out of the country.

    “Lower and middle class”. FFS. What are you from the 1800’s or something?

    Free Member

    See those buttons at the top of the page where one says bike forum and one says chat forum?
    There’s one that says for sale too. Amazing I know but If you want to filter some threads, it’s that easy!

    Free Member

    4,379 miles. Bought a gunnar ruffian on eBay from a guy in Louisiana. Had him ship it to my buddies bike shop in Fayetteville Arkansas and picked it up when I got there. Brought it back to Stourbridge in a flight case on the plane.

    Free Member

    Ok then. You cleared that right up. Are you sure the evidence isn’t speculative rumour? Cus I don’t believe he ever wrote that down or was photographed in a compromising position. And just so you’re clear, he is actually dead. Hitler I mean. As far as I can tell, the pope is alive.

    Free Member

    Curious and unintelligent response. Especially as neither the pope is German nor Hitler gay.

    Free Member

    oliverd1981 – Member
    So, in the eyes of the pope – can gays use contraception now? And if it’s okay for gays to prevent STD’s why not everyone…?

    Dope! He didn’t say homosexuality was ok. He just said who was he to judge some one and basically gays should not be discriminated against.

    Free Member

    Don’t you think those those posts are telling you something?

    Free Member

    If you’re getting bitten by horse flies, you’re not going fast enough. Just saying!

Viewing 40 posts - 681 through 720 (of 944 total)