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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • gears_suck
    Free Member

    Cheers Stu. You too mate.

    Free Member

    Human nature, ego, insecurity, competitiveness. Whatever? Lets face it, no matter what you do or in this case ride. Someone is right there ready to tell you how you should be doing or riding something else. Like most people here. I’m all for riding. Not a care in the world what it is you’re on. So, if I see you out on the trail riding a shopping bike or your e-unbike. All you’ll get from me is respect. There’s room for everything and everyone. If you think there isn’t. Stay home and make some.

    Free Member

    I know one lawyer who uses it to help concentrate when reading long documents.

    Only one eh?

    I used to be more focused when drawing plans for jobs. Was less distracted. Not had a smoke for a long time now, mind.

    Boy, I’d love to see those plans.

    I know a few pro guys who ride and are mixing it up with the top 30% in the EWS who smoke more joints in a day than I ever could. One on each uplift last time I rode with them.

    Dude, this is fricking hilarious. Keep it coming. Top 30%. Brilliant!

    Free Member

    Gears-suck you sound like an evangelist preacher. What’s next, rock music and pre-marital sex?

    Curious…. You sound like someone trying to bolster a poorly laid out argument. The OP asked for opinions, I have one, as do you. Mines just better!

    Free Member

    So you’ve never had any yet you know its sh*t……..? You’re stoned and talking sh*t more like. How can you say that with certainty? Now that is incredibly irritating. If anyone on hear should have a spliff……..

    Perhaps if you hadn’t smoked as much you would be able to understand English a little better. I guess pot is your first language. I didn’t say I’d never tried it.

    The OP didn’t ask for it to be compared to other drugs, including alcohol.

    The title of the post is. “Talk to me about weed.” It was a while back. Do you remember?

    Free Member

    It’s shit and I never have and never will need any. I find people who are high incredibly irritating and try very hard to avoid engaging with them in any way.

    Life is hard enough without the complications of sourcing an illegal substance from dodgy bastards and finding a way to get it into your system while simultaneously attempting to function on some level and avoiding detection under the influence while doing something important, like driving, working or parenting.

    I watched several people close to me slowly whittle away intellect, memory, personality, inspiration and most importantly, motivation.

    It’s a brilliant tool to **** up completely things that are already difficult enough. Other than that, yeah. Knock yourself out. Society will pick the pieces.

    Free Member

    Come on Mike, it’s not fair to ask the ad hominem gammons reasonable and logical questions!

    An elaborate effort to condescend and at the same time self stroke a tiny minded ego. I bet you dream of spooning Mike every night.  🙂

    Free Member

    The best way to stop a criminal with a weapon is to shoot them. They have no regard for the well being of those they are robbing and have repeatedly shown that using their weapons to inflict serious injury or death is always an option. If you choose to engage in this type of criminal behaviour, the sooner you learn your own death or serious injury may be an occupational hazard, the better. In my opinion of course.

    Free Member

    Its in the eye of the beholder.

    Free Member

    So many to choose from it’s hard to pick a winner. But they are American so taste and style are non existent.

    This comment offers nothing to the conversation except to show a high level of ignorance.

    Free Member

    Some thermostatic showers need hot water on the left, some on the right. You have to get this right or you’ll get scalded.

    No they dont. The standard in this country is: Hot on left an cold on right. If your hot and cold are not like this, the plumbing has not been fitted to the common UK standard . These standards greatly help conformity and also provide consistency for visually impaired users.

    Although the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations do not specify which side the hot and cold should be on, all of their illustrations show hot on the left. Also for the purposes of manufacturers, it makes sense to adhere to the historically adopted British standard of hot on left.

    Not that this has any bearing on what you’re doing but just wanted to clear up this point.

    Free Member

    Condensing back boilers are available. They no longer allow gas fires to be front fitted. Electric fires work much better.
    Check Baxi. They still make one with a flexible twin walled flue and integral condense pump.
    You’ll need a plumber who doesn’t mind heights though.

    Free Member

    CEX. Used, cheap and guaranteed.

    Free Member

    I suggest that this would be a case of.
    “Your problem does not constitute action on my part.” Kind of response.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    If your bike is as you say for short trips and local riding, I think a 125 is fine. In fact, I’ve ridden for many years and owned a range of bikes from 150 to 1200. Currently I don’t have one but have been seriously considering a 125. I think it’s the riding that is fun, not straight line speed. Many of the modern 125’s look great and handle brilliantly.
    Top 10[/url]

    Free Member

    I know it’s not PC to just let it go here but, FFS squirrelking, what are you on?
    He’s talking about shining the pipes using wire wool or like, not applying tcut and car polish.

    Free Member

    Damp you ask. On an bellow ground level wall with earth behind it?

    Free Member

    Looks like a Cedric to me.

    No. Definitely a Bernie.

    Free Member

    The reason I am so incredulous it is is literally irrational and when you choose this option you open yourself up to ridicule whether it is insisting in creation or the world being flat or any other number of factually incorrect accounts of reality.

    What is actually incredulous is your inability to grasp concept of faith and your hangup with someone else choices. Regardless of vulnerability, to ridicule is a choice. Does the opportunity presented demand the act?
    I would stop concerning yourself with others well being, you’re not very good at it.

    Free Member

    so the point of the story is not whether it is true then? I also think your account is false. if i declared a miracle folk would ask for proof. this is not unreasonable.

    Put simply.
    It requires no proof. You claiming to have jumped over a bus (or three) That would also require faith on our part should we have miss the event.
    The frustration and anger that someone elses choice of belief causes some of you reveals underlying issues.
    If you don’t want to see it or hear it, step away. If you don’t want to visit, go somewhere else.
    If you see the title of a thread and think. Ooo, just what I’ve been waiting for. A chance to put down someone. You need help.
    The demeaning bravado is childish and pointless. You won’t change someones mind by belittling them or their faith and I really don’t get the impression the ranting here is trying to do that anyway.
    As soon as the subject of religion is broacher here, along come the same old faces, droning on with the same old put downs. This post wasn’t put up to encourage a debate, It was put up in order to laugh at someone. To put them down and to ridicule them.

    Free Member


    No still worried how people can be so easily led to believe obvious bollox

    I’m sure they neither require nor appreciate your heartfelt concern.
    Move along hater.

    Free Member

    paulosoxo – Member

    …..and if its a primatic cylinder, cry as it implodes and ends up looking like a crushed beer can
    In the unlikely event that is the case and you have one of the few primatic cylinders still in use :roll:, call a plumber.
    As you have previously drained the system, I’m betting you’d know if you did. They’re more often a complete arse to refill after a drain down. Simply look for two expansion tanks in loft, or if you have a three port valve, you’re good to use my method for creating a vacuum. Some say you can open more than one end, I recommend only one at a time. All you need anyway really. Proceed with caution. If you fail to make a good vacuum, you can always drain down anyway.

    Free Member

    It’s very simple (Switch off system at spur) Cap the vent with a 22mm cap end. Push fit or otherwise. Block the feed with a bung, rag, etc. This will involve getting your hand wet in the expansion tank.
    Close the lock shield and crack the nuts on the TRV side. Have the new TRV valve ready. Disengage the trv from the rad side and quickly lift off pipe. Replace imediately with new valve and tighten nuts. (You’ll be using the existing ones.)
    As long as your plug in the feed is good you should get minimum discharge from trv. Yes there will be some, have towels/dust sheet under work area.
    Note: It’s important to bleed all rads on the system before you start work. Any air in them will be under pressure and will push water out of the open end. Provided your plug and stop end are good, there will be a minimal water loss.

    Free Member

    If you build it, they will come.
    Plus, it gives you lot the opportunity to berate. Feel better about yourselves yet?

    Free Member

    Anyone considered alcohol could have been a factor? He looked to me like he didn’t even know it was a train. Or perhaps he’s simply lacking in usable quantities of grey matter??

    Free Member

    There is absolutely no reason to drain the system to replace a radiator valve.
    You don’t even need to drain the radiator. This applies to gravity fed, or pressurised systems.

    Free Member

    Steel, but los perros huevos[/url]

    Free Member

    Solid. If it’s for infrequent use be flat every time you come to use it otherwise.

    Free Member

    You’ve used an 11 speed chain.

    Free Member

    I don’t get it. Time was there were no gears, no fat tires, no disc brakes, no bla blaa blaa.
    You get one, you ride it. This whole fanfare bollcocks about gurning and whiskey and all manly of manly things is superfluous bull crap. It’s no harder than anything else. Just a different mind set. You’re not special or harder or better than anyone else.
    Oh, and Stu’s misses could kick all your asses on one.
    So, get over yourselves, get your leg over the bike. Go out, ride and enjoy it.

    Free Member

    [/url]20140524_182726 by gears_suck[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies. Normally I don’t wear any armour and I’m a pretty confident rider. The trip is Munich but riding will be just across the border of Austria. I’m not sure where exactly but mountains will be involved. To be honest I have agreed to get this stuff to placate my friend who suggested it could be worth while. He’s using some of the gear I linked to in my first post due to the fact one of his friends lost a spleen after a trail belly flop.
    TBH I do have a peppered history of body damage although, I believe non would have been avoided by the use of armour. Not sure how to proceed now except of course the knee and elbow pads are a must. Unfamiliar trails and all that.

    Free Member

    Cover the top of the wall with boiled sprouts. Everyone hates them.

    Free Member

    If it were me, I’d remove the liner, flaunch the top of the chimney and insert a couple of air bricks on the side, a course from the top.
    Venting as you describe at the bottom won’t present any issues as far as I can tell. You don’t need to sweep the chimney as it was previously used for a gas appliance and would have been swept before that was fitted. Even without a vented suspended floor, there should be enough adventitious air to keep air moving through. (Edit: I can’t imagine the suspended floor would not be vented…..)
    Check the rest of it isn’t degraded inspecting the pointing for any signs of decomposition because this is the perfect opportunity to ensure you don’t have to go up there again for a very long time.

    Free Member

    I think you need to persevere and maintain your composure. The most important thing is to get your money back if the problem is not resolved. Much better have someone on your side for that. Making enemies in the customer service dept’ isn’t a great idea. It’s not often you call and get the same person twice but, it does happen.
    Keep trying and eventually you might be lucky enough to find a “Can Do” helper instead of your run of the mill, give a toss agent.

    Free Member

    Oh, how darling and naive. You must be a real cutie.

    Free Member

    I feel condescended to when the lloyds ad comes on. That could be my inferiority complex though. Not sure.

    Free Member

    Sell them to a reclamation dealer/shop/yard/thing.. Might not get much but you’ll know they will ultimately not simply be thrown in the landfill.
    I have visited such places purely for the purpose of buying reclaimed doors in the not to distant past.

    Free Member

    I’ve taken my bike to and from the US many times using a variety of carriers. Always showed up with it at check in and paid each way separately.
    Once on a US to UK flight, I wasn’t charged at all. They just said. “Bike?” I said, “Yea.” They said, “Have you let the air out of the tires? I said, “Yea.”
    They said, “Cool, have a nice trip.”

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