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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • GDRS
    Full Member


    It’s the usual thing – there looks like lots to explore, but have until now kept to most of the obvious rides around Ex and Dart.

    Another ride (other than up to Dunc Beacon) has been requested by Mrs GDRS.


    Full Member

    INTP – so I am going to think about it 🙂

    Full Member

    Cinnamon Girl – I think you ‘organised’ the flash mob style thing I went to at Swinley the other January. Bitterly cold but great fun and a very impressive turn out……

    Good vibes all round.


    Full Member

    I ride there quite a bit – but can’t for a while as I have a few weekends in other places planned. Just riding the place is fun – and people do put you onto the better sections if you ask…….

    However – I think you can take a safe punt.

    I would Ride on a Sunday Morning – get set and ready to ride at 10am from the look out carpark. Once you have got your permit (don’t be cheap) ask someone if you can tag along. 10 am seems to be time when many riders muster in the car park, either waiting for friends to show up – or fettling.

    I have never done this at Swinley – but I have in other places. The worst that can happen is someone says no.

    Failing that – put an add up in the forum for a ride. Back in the day there were a couple of flash mob style rides at Swinley organised by CG. The one I tagged on to was well supported, and even though I thought I knew the place well I was shown some great sections ‘new to me’.

    Place a request and see what and who turns up……

    ramble ramble I must do some work before I leave the office.


    Full Member

    Bump thing

    Full Member

    Good call on sitting tennant Hora……..

    Full Member

    Just a couple of thoughts from me.

    A lot of this advice is sound. The only thing I would add is it is a good idea to amend your paper work asap.

    For example people often forget to amend items such wills etc during the interim period of seperation (both from marrage and partnership). If anything happens to one partner (sickness / death)family can become involved and this can make things very strained.

    This happend to someone I know and she was left to deal with her ex’s parents………….very messy.

    Also (and from my own experience) getting out of the property is best and provides closure for everyone.

    If communiction between you is strained go through a solicitor (worth the money in my view to ensure everything is done properly – and it does show intent).

    It might be best to offer her the first option to buy – and set some time lines / deadlines for her to arrange this. If she is not going to buy you out – are you interested in buying her out? That’s one for you. But be clear with her on the outcomes you want – buy from her / sell to her / sell to a third party.

    Closure and clarity of outcome are the best things to aim for.

    Good luck.

    Full Member

    Hmm. Singlespeed. If you don't get it – don't worry about it.

    If you have had a go and it's not for you – well it's not for you.

    If however you had 'fun' pushing your singlespeed up that big hill the other week at SSUK…….. please don't try and explain it – our tents are getting further away from the bar every year…..;)

    Full Member

    Spesh on the geared. Not an inline post (it's a regular Thomson).

    After consultation I am informed that SDG has not been looked at – and the note on comfort has been taken.


    Full Member

    The rails- they either bend or where saddle and rail at the rear join / bond (generally left side). Never happens on her geared bikes – just the single speed.

    Full Member

    Just a thought as I work in insurance…….

    Check your policy to see if there is a new vehicle replacement entitlement (i.e. if the car is under 12 months old and in the event of a total loss the insurer replaces your vehicle like for like). If so don't worry so much about gap (which is after all gauranteed asset protection)as you basically have it covered (BUT read the small print for exclusion clauses).

    If you do not have a new vehicle concession / the car is 13 months or older have a good think about gap, as in the case of a total loss you will not find yourself in the position of being on the end of a pay out where the value offered is paid at what the car is worth at time of loss less any moneies owed in an Hire Purchase arrangment. If a car is purchased 'new' and on finance you can be left with:

    1. No car.
    2. No money to buy a car.
    3. Still Paying off the balence of the finance for the vehicle written off.

    My own view is work out the rough depreciation of your car / the money you owe on it (if you owe any) and shop around for a product that balences the cost versus hassel of being without a car.

    Might also be worth checking out the forum on the moneysavingexpert site for deals etc…..

    Anyway – that's my view – it may be not for Tony G – but for any lurkers on the post who don't want to get stitched at point of sale – but do want to cover themselves in the event of a loss.

    Take it easy.

    Full Member

    bump again – just to see if anyone missed this who might know of some routes.


    Full Member

    bump bump bump

    Full Member

    Ash –

    That all sounds good. I have to work out some dates as work has pushed back on when I can take leave – but looking like back end of July.

    Love to be shown around – but def take you up on route suggestions.

    Full Member

    SSUK 08 – took me up that way. Hard work. Good fun.

    Check out the flickr pool to see how much!

    Full Member

    Car goes for free offer – nice. Might get onto the ferry booking later to see if there are any offers a about. Might have an influnce on dates if there are offers…..

    Did you have parking arranged in Denmark with friends etc or did you chance your arm?

    Sorry for all of the questions – but I am just trying to get the gist of what we wnat to do together – before anymore sense of a plan is developed.

    TM – if you are still following the thread – I am interested in the maps…..



    Full Member

    Again thanks for the steer – will look that book up.

    Mrs GDRS has a cold – so not much discussion on the matter last night – other than for her to confirm that 'we are doing it' and ' book the time off work'.

    This is pay back for the last two trips to Italy and France dropping off things……

    One more question for the massive – safe parking in Harwich?

    Suspect we will drive the kit up to the ferry and then get cycling from the port.


    Full Member

    Thanks Guys.

    All food for thought…….Mrs went into a kit panic last night – and started to worry about the weight of things – so she must be serious.

    Think we are going to do it.


    Full Member


    Great – I need to speak with the S/O tonight to make sure she is still up for it and it wasn't the long weekend talking!!

    Drop you a line when I have checked with the boss.



    Full Member

    Thanks for the link to your blog – looks like I think we imagined it might.

    One more question if that's okay – did you ride mostly on the road – or were there 'by way' options and were all the back roads tarmac.



    Full Member

    That's great.

    Malmo is not the end destination – it's just our friends that live in Stockholm visit thier folks who live down that way. So a hook up was on the cards. But a train is not out of the question to cover distance.

    How long did it take you to ride to skagen? pootle or pace?

    Cheers for the route link as well.


    Full Member

    Several times Gatwick to Nice…..

    Gatwick staffed by gram counting pedants.
    Nice – piff paff poof pas de problem. Continuation of gossip with colleague.

    Full Member

    A bit of a recycle – but I have just lent my 1991 Cannondale M500 – pretty much original spec to it's third trustee.

    Every two to three years when it gets given back to me, I find someone else who needs a bike and promises to look after it.

    Once upon a time an 18 year olds university grant light weight purple wonder bike – now a dad's keepie upper for runs out with the kids now they have bikes….where have the years gone……..

    Full Member

    Not that this is going to help anyone – but in 1996 when I was travelling I sent three parcels from Kat to my parents in UK.

    Two small Parcels arrived about eight weeks later – and one containing some books (which I had to get sewn into a hessien bag (which is another story) took about five months to arrive. Oddly two letters and a post card never made it.

    Anyway if any one at CRC comes across the letters in their dispatch office – it's okay my parents know I am safe and sound, so their is no need to forward them.

    Full Member

    Nice idea DT78

    Tracey – those look the ticket.

    PP – lean away man – but the wall thing is not working for us anymore. Which is a shame as that would mean I would not have to unleash my cack handed drilling skills onto an otherwise perfectly fine wall.

    Nice work guys – the forum always comes through.

    Full Member

    :-)To each their own – and everyone is free to read what they like. Which is cool.

    Anyway, what I wanted to say was this. At SSUK08 I saw the ST wheels (rubbish ford escort estate if I rember rightly) and it had a sticker on the back that sums this all up for me – SINGLETRACK – THE LARGEST CLIQUE IN THE WORLD )or some such similar phrase.

    Made me laugh – I had a copy of the mag in the car. And on the day that was bang on.

    I think the magazine is pitched well (it lands square with me) and here is the other thing to note – my wife takes it to the loo for a read as well. This is high praise. High praise indeed.

    Keep on doing more of your own thing – I think we like that 🙂

    Full Member

    The tall one from Trevor and Simon (I can't rember which was which) – I rember seeing him on TV in the eary 90's with an arm in a sling with a bust collar bone after a 'mountain bike accident'.

    Swinging your pants off road. Respect.

    Full Member

    Just found this post. Me and SO fancy a tag along. Had a few weeks off the bikes so this looks like a good way to spend a sunday.

    Still on. Still 10 am still Richmond Bridge?

    Full Member

    Its a good day out in the summer – did the Ldn to Brigton BHF offroad last year.

    Thought it would be the easy flat spin to Guilford along the wey – instead it took a 'diverted' route from Weybridge to Wisley – over the A3 and across an old airfield. We avoided Guildford – ending up on the North Downs near Newlands Corner. A little road – but mostly bridleway.

    Not too sure of the route – but I made a note on on the route cards they gave us. Certainly added bite to the day.

    Anyway I am signed up again for the BHF ride this year with some guys from work – and we are going to have a crack at beating the £4K we raised last year.

    Full Member


    London is okay – there is enough stuff to get to easily by train – and loads of options if you have a car.

    Plus for an increased carbon footprint there are loads of cheap flights from the many airports that ring the capital that make long weekends abroad cycling in the sun very easy if you are that way inclined.

    However, you do need to be orgnanised in the winter. Sunday trains – rubbish weather and limited day light mean you need to commit.

    Looking out the window and seeing a break in the weather and getting away for a couple of hours never seems to happen (unless you live within easy reach of Richmond / Wimbledon).

    Oh yes – you can buy a lot of mint bikes second hand. People do buy some very nice bikes and never ride them…….

    Full Member

    Much to think about. Thanks. We’ve just got in from an afternoon’s singlespeeding around peaslake and we saw a two women on Titus’ – anyone an owner – they looked the part.

    The Ventana looks sweet – Mrs GDRS is riding a Ven singlespeed purchased from these fine pages three years ago from YoGrant – so a matching set appeals….

    Lots more for Kelly to mull over whilst I clean the bikes and wash the kit. Much appreciated – any more thoughts?

    Full Member

    Agree with Stoner – last long tour I did with Mrs GDRS I towed the ‘off road’ trailer (BOB) and used the altura clic-fix as my essential stuff holder – real easy to unclip and carry (or use the supplied strap) for cafe stops and food shopping stops.

    If you have risers not sure you will get the click fix on.

    A side thought – Mrs GDRS had paniers (pain the rear) – the joy of the bob was being able to see all your stuff and to be able to get at it quickly. The down side was if you needed to catch a train and the platforms were up lots of stairs……Bomb scare in Toulouse as a result of BOB trailer being left for a few moments in a platform underpass is a stressfull moment in time that will live with me few a few more years yet….

    Full Member

    Agree about the snakes Chris.

    I used to like Chi Ma Wan – but as Martin and Sue lived right under the trail it was hard to beat.


    Full Member


    I pay – the value of Swinley to me is that it is an all year venue. When the North Downs are a mud bath – or we have only got 2 or 3 hours to ride Swinley is a great resource to have to hand.

    My views on paying for things have changed as I have got older – if I can I will, especially if I can see the benefit.

    It would be a real pain in the arse if pay and display appeared for cars in the car park for those that drive there (I tend to come 50% of the time on the train) – and as for insurance etc it would be the worst outcome if the health and saftey brigade got a look in based on a balence sheet outcome due to a / some large liability claim(s).

    It all good – Mrs GDRS can have a pre-ride pee in the warm – and there are tea and buns at the end. Not all related to the forest and the riding I know, but the power of a toilet when you have your wife as your number one riding buddy is, men on here take note, not to be under estimated.

    Drink five pints of larger less and it has paid for itself. Bargin.

    Full Member

    Bikey – I was in your group (red inbred).

    I might be able to do the morning (10 ish) for a couple of three hours. I ride Swinley a bit – and I know some other spots that Fu did not ride.

    Although, I have no idea how to get to the last bit (the cork screw). But if all else fails I could churn out a copy of the ride we did in minus seven.

    I’ll know if my folks are coming to London on Friday – so can let you know by lunch time if you are interested.

    Full Member

    Ah. Nostalgia.

    I have loaned out my original bike 1992 Cannondale M500. Rigid. Purple – with a 1994 ‘retro’ fit of XT thumbies for a touring project. The current user has a son who is just old enough to want to take it to the woods – and dad wants to keep up. Enter the Dale.

    It’s still the nicest bike I have ever had – mostly because it was the first bike I spent any serious cash on – and as I was at university I could ride the daily rides of someone with not a lot to do in their day if they had a bit of a rubbish degree to amble through. We bonded.

    I cut the bars down and added as many light weight bolts as I could afford. Sweet. It did and does still make a slight ticking noise. Should bother to find out what that is some time.

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