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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • GDRS
    Full Member

    Just a thought – but I like the executive complaint route for problems.

    Do a google search / linked-in for CEO / Head of Marketing and any other executives you can find for SRAM (Merlin might also be an option).

    Copy them all into a very clear email that summarises the issue – and explains that you have exhusted other options (and you can send copies of the emails etc).

    Also direct all recipients to the negative feedback that is being generated on this forum.

    Two things tend to happen with this approach – some one high up the foodchain delegates this to someone who will make you go away. Or someone from marketing steps in to stop you generating more bad PR.

    If nothing happens – well you tried!

    Full Member

    I had an off on my own many years ago in Hong Kong on Lantau whilst searching for rideable routes on the peak – opened my left leg up from Knee to ankle. On my own – and with no phone. Long story short I struggled out – the wound had swelled so much it could not be stitched and I have been left with a very nasty scar….

    Since then I have seen this as a ‘lucky escape’ and I really do think about what extra I need to take for each ride in addition to the standard kit I leave in my pack at all times.

    Things I to add the general list of items people have been offering up – a wooly hat in the winter, good head torch (torches have been mentioned). Leg warmers for a man down in shorts / cover a bad cut.

    Full Member

    I have had a bit of trouble when people buy from overseas – as postage is quoted for post in UK.

    I have had some guys buy stuff from me in Australia, and bale when I have asked for the difference in the postage ahead of sending. In fact I am having a problem at the mo with a guy in Tasmania who has purchased a hope hub from me…….And if you are on here mate – you know who you are – pay up or pass up today!

    Full Member

    Do it. Enjoy it.

    Let the whipets go. Let the MAMILs go. And and then a natural selection of sorts takes place, and your race will be with the other people that you end up clustered with, who funnily enough are a lot like you……or like me. Baggies, Hydration packs not bottles, flapjacks not energy gels, Riser bars not flats – and a wife and small child watching in the trees somewhere!

    Or……buy a singlespeed – and wait for the non-race that is SSUK – (or if that falls on it’s arse – join the non-competative group ride in Dorset organised splendidly by Mr C Bikemonger this last year).

    Full Member

    I once startled some illegal immigrants on a trail in the new territories in Hong Kong. They ran off in the direction of some Gurkhas who I had just passed, who gave me a friendly wave and said mind how you go.

    Also in Hong Kong and mor than once…snakes warming up themselves on the path.

    Full Member

    Hmm. I have to say I was very anti change at Swinley. However, have had a ride of the new trails a couple of times, and if you accept they are what they are then it’s a fine way to spend some time.

    I am sure that in the depths of winter I will be more positive.

    I have ridden at gone six pm on a Sat (totally empty) and at 7.30 am last sat (to avoid the heat more than the people) and I saw maybe 10 riders on my way round (mostly when you get back onto the blue).

    For more natural riding I am off to other spots….but for a 90 min whip around on a singlespeed it’s more than okay. And plus one for thisisnotaspoon’s points!

    Full Member

    Mrs GDRS and I did it a few years ago. From Toulouse to the Med over a week.

    We did it on rigid mountain bikes – Mrs with Paniers and I towed a bobyak. we camped. We got to near Toulouse on the ‘bike bus’.

    I would actually say don’t underestimate it if you have not done any cycle touring before. There are no shops between towns – camping involves leaving the canal path for extra KMs at the end of the day (unless you can find a spot to camp ‘au savage’).

    Take good lights as finding shops and places to eat often involved a bit of cycling after you pitched tent etc.

    Campsite in the centre of Carcauson is great (location and value). And Time your depart from Touluse for a morning. We went in the afternoon and got a bit stumped for a place to camp at dusk (truck stop next to autoroute – not ideal).

    It was great fun – the cycling was relatively easy – it was not at all congested – the bit at the end near the med is the worst section (path, people and camping options near Sette and Cap d’Agde have lots of rules – and can involve nudism…….)

    Full Member

    double bump

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Waking up warlier at the weekend to go riding than you can manage in the week to go to work – 20 years and still going strong on that one!

    Full Member

    Head to the voges – we went to lac blanc as a stop off to somewhere else and had Mrs GDRS and I had a good time. It’s past Lux – but it’s not the alps…..

    Full Member

    A bit of a hijack – can anyone recomend me a good set of brake levers for using with canti’s (Frogs) – but for a single speed set up. Currently have some diacompe jobs – not good at all.

    Full Member

    I used to ride around the ‘old’ swinley ‘with added fun’*TM on 32/18 – a bit spinny but helped out in the steeper bits and boggy sections……

    Went to the ‘new’ swinley ‘less fun, less mud, hard shiny motorway’ *TM and I might drop back to 32/16 as it is not too testing and what ever happens you now know how many K’s you have to ride.

    Sh*T – this is not about gears – I am just down about the Swinley development. Sorry.

    Full Member

    Yeh – I am to do it again now……

    Full Member

    Oh yes – I forgot – kevlar tyres – keep you rolling through the glass of central london and the sharp flinty stones of London’s parks

    Full Member

    Ha Tonyd – I was just going to say the same thing!

    I do Surbiton to Waterloo now (previous Teddington to Waterloo / and Balham to London Bridge)- and my only into / out of London tips are:

    1.Work out some alternative routes with less traffic. Sometimes it’s a bit quicker – sometimes it’s a little slower – but on the whole it’s safer. A Sunday recce pays off in the following weeks.

    2. Be alert. Be seen. Lights on & lumi reflective clothes.

    3. Watch out for non-uk reg vehicles / trucks. New drivers to London are often in the wrong lane / lost – and a big risk if you are trying to squeeze by.

    4. Have fun. If it stresses you out stop doing it.

    Full Member

    It depends when you go…….At night when the road is closed to cars it is great – but I recomend taking good lights after ‘proper dark’ to watch out for deer on the roads – and the odd dogger near to the various main gates…..

    But as there is no street lighting at all you do feel alone for an hour or two. Mrs GDRS and I used to take the gravel path round the outside for a lap or two on the singlespeeds. Nothing technical but it does stretch the legs.

    Full Member

    I do the commute thing – appart from the laptop /papers /clothes I always take a bungee cord with me in case I need a bit of exra space and can bungee something to the top of the rack on my way home(clothes / shoes in plastic bag type thing).

    Full Member

    Put loads of grease under it when you fit it – as this has been a source of a nasty creaking noise on my 55

    Full Member

    Just a thought for you – me and the wife take the knee / shin pads when we go abroad. If you are climbing for ages take them off if they bother you or you are getting too hot.

    What is a PITA is if you can’t attach them to your pack or to your bike frame when you don’t want to wearing them.

    Also a bit of frame protection in the bike bag / box if you are flying….

    Full Member

    Nice one Charlie.

    I had a good time. My wife had a good time. Chip, my 8 week old had great time. My Brother in law (first time one a singly) had a good time – and thanks for lending him a helmet! His wife had a good time – and so did their one year old daughter.

    All good.

    Del – I still owe you a pint……


    Full Member

    Intresting trip for Mrs GDRS and I.

    1. We are having our first family ‘holiday’. Our 8 week old son is very into singlespeeds. He wanted to camp – but doing the house in town thing because he has more kit than our tent has space….or something like that. Mind you it’s not like if we camped he would keep anyone awake….

    2. Mrs GDRS much yonger brother has taken up a place. He has just borrowed a singly off me and been out once last week. He will love it. At least we have told him he will. He too is with v young Child. In the same house. However this is the first time I have ever recomended the shonky to anyone – or at least got them to part funds for shonky times.

    Great. see you all faffing around.

    Full Member


    I live in Surbiton and go into town – some envy that you are going the other way. However a couple of points to note cause I have gone th eother way.

    It’s an easy trip on the road – some of the roads towards Chertsey bridge are busy and if you go through Walton same.

    If you use the towpath between Hampton Court and Walton get on the road therefter to either Weybridge then over St Georges hill to one side of Chertsey or to Cherstsey via Shepperton (watch for nobs on duel carridgeway).

    The tow path is always busy around HC / Molesy / Walton. Schools launching Rowing boats at 7 am is a particular hazard in the half light if you are tanking along on Cross bike!

    In the winter there is a bale out / one way option to use the train to waybridge from Surbiton.


    Full Member

    I do the commute thing – about 14 miles door to door.

    In the evenings I sometimes add little more to it.

    But the thing that has helped me get fitter this year has been the evil that is strava. Just the basic app gives you an idea of how you are doing and improving and any improvments I make act as a feel good for the extra effort I am putting in.

    I am not racing the guys on my route – but seeing how you compare does give you something to aim at as well…….just don’t be a dick on the road to hit your pb’s……

    Full Member

    For me the best thing to do before a long ride is to make sure you are relaxed. Make your effort even – and have peice of mind that you have the basics covered (obvious spares / food / whatever).

    Lots can happen on a long ride – and being up tight does not help when things go off plan.

    Full Member

    Very good effort….how long did it take you?

    Full Member

    Anyone done this on a singlespeed roadbike…….like to know the score….

    Full Member

    Mid life crisis 40 year old …..Tinkered with both since 1998…..

    Now using an ageing Meta 5 for the odd down stuff / off stuff ride. And have been SSing various ridid one ones since 2004 most of the time.

    THINKING ABOUT – A HT WITH GEARS…….or new knees.

    Full Member

    I have had a the same issue on a different frame and the fix was all down to a quality skewer.

    But i do like to make sure that I have a snug drive side tug as well for a failsafe…..

    Full Member

    1.People who mash around at race pace at peak times in busy spots. Get there earlier – or way later – and have the place to yourself to fly around on your strava quest.

    2. ‘You want to do it the other way round – it’s much harder’

    3. ‘You go with your wife? Does that slow you up?’

    4. ‘No wonder you held up our group – you are on singlespeeds’

    5. ‘Can I borrow your tools mate?’

    Full Member

    1991 – Reading University – blew my ‘got to live on for the year money’ on a Purple Cannondale M500. Yum Yum.

    The University Cycling Club were very accomodating – meet outside the library on Wednesday afternoons – or Sunday Mornings (late) and then head out past Pangbourne, sometimes to Crowthorn / Swinley – plus the odd race…..

    Full Member

    Not cycling – but Mrs GDRS and I have been to Lanza twice just for the walking – all those volcanoes and some great bits of nowhere to find in a hire car.

    Nice bit of sun. Nice bit of exercise. Nice all round.

    Full Member

    Things I have noticed since I went from 26 inbred to 29 scandal…..

    It’s lighter – but I’ve ditched suspension other than than that all things are pretty equal. Except I have noticed that I am braking more on the runs I am familar with – and I do think that’s because I am going faster.

    If I could be arsed at some stage to use this strava thing to do some objective testing I would know if this is true – but in the meantime I think I am a bit quicker. However, add cake stops, faff, and other trail related nonsense I am still out for the same amount of time……..

    Full Member

    Not for me – But well done for giving it a go – getting some prototypes fabricated and seeking some funding.

    However I do suspect this is hard to protect IP wise.

    Full Member


    I bet this is all Livestrong and not Armstrong based….seen any yellow wristbands around lately?

    Full Member

    I am up for that summer ride…….

    Enjoyed yesterday. Nice to ride the woods in a different order to how I normally do it…plus putting names to sections that my usual riding buddies call something else.

    Nothing much to clean as well….happy days.


    (Ridgid SS Scandal)

    Full Member

    mr spoon on the basis of what has been said in the other thread….I am in. Really very in.


    Full Member

    This has got me down. Been riding here since 92. Permit and all. Among people I ride with we have had the odd conversation along the lines of……

    its getting busier – but it will clear out come the winter……and then it’s still busy – one day it might be an idea to get a few routes ‘one way’ traffic etc.

    Anyway, I will give it a try, but out of protest – I MAY NOW NOT BUY A CUP OF TEA.

    An idea (not a good one) but does anyone fancy redoing the Swinley flash mob / love in?

    I have been on a couple in the past – and loved being shown new routes and ways to link up old faithful routes.

    May be this is the last chance to ‘legally’ hit all the Gold in the forrest?

    Full Member

    Lots of man up advice……However, I am an advocate of manning down to start with……..

    Full Member

    My check list has increased in size….

    Partner (now not riding)but still wants to come – check
    Six month old baby – check
    Plenty of cottages to rent within walking distance of venue pub – check(?)
    Minty bum lard anti chaffe cream for naked element – check

    This will be our first family holiday…….

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