I would not encourage anybody to pursue a career in driving instruction. Been doing it for 9 years and i’ve been going to college then university for the last 3 years so that I can quit the instructing. Negatives are it can be shit hours, last minute cancellations and no shows, increasing fuel costs. Every time a factory closes there are a number of new instructors who appear. Obviously lured with the apparent riches, which are not there, and they usually fall by the wayside. I know instructors who have been doing the job for 20 / 25 years and they have commented on the decline in the available work. This is partly due to the increase in the number of instructors, however, the number of provisional licence applications has apparently seen a decrease of about 20%. Out of curiousty I searched the DSA website for instructors and there are over 40 within an 8 mile radius of my home in Armadale. Granted, I know about 9 no longer teach but there were a hell of a lot more who do teach who chose not to be included in that particular register and I was one of them. The only reason I’m still doing it part time is that I have 10 pupils and it helps cover my bills while I’m at university.