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  • Sea Otter 2022: Aeroe Spider Rack makes any bike a long hauler
  • GaryLake
    Free Member

    Has anyone seen Orange's latest ad in the mags (well MBR anyway).

    Talk about troll! LOL

    And I'd say the reason to buy a Five over a zesty is down to bearings lasting more than 20 mins and not being forced a press fit BB which lasts equally poorly.

    (And you don't have to worry about your Five going out of fashion and looking dated, to non owners and untrained eyes it's the same bike since '07 :lol:)

    Free Member

    I don't see Futura as an alternative to Helvetica because it gives things a very specific look, which great if that's what you are after, but it's VERY specific.

    Helvetica is just something you use, you've never said, "you know what this needs? Helvetica!" but I have found myself actually saying to a colleague, "you should totally use futura for that"

    Free Member

    Officina Sans, Meta, Milo, DIN, Frutiger, Franklin

    Free Member

    I'm more than certain my Giro Athlon's peak would pop off or come away before it rotated down onto the face.

    Just because some Helmets have dangerous peaks, doesn't mean the peaks themselves are dangerous.

    Free Member

    Apparently you can tempt them out by tickling the web entrance which is littered with trip wires – mwahahahaa.

    *fully awaits don't come crying to me statement from wife when I get bitten though (and apparently they will, up to six hours of pain and shock though not fatal 😯 – in Portishead of all places! )

    Free Member

    We get loads of tube web spiders in walls of our block of flat – quite scary looking things and quite aggressive apparently!

    Thankfully they stay in their webs and don't come indoors so fingers crossed! 🙂

    Free Member

    I can switch from 16 to 18 without changing chain also. In a slot drop out I reckon the wheel moves forward by less than 10mm by going bigger if that's any help.

    Free Member

    I remember doing one of these at school, started out as a laugh, and then it all went a bit weird, people got a bit freaked out, noises and stuff and then when a couple of guys who were up to no good startin making trouble in my neighborhood, I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

    Load of tosh I reckon 🙂

    Free Member

    And surely the Gecko was the 456 of the windsurfing world???

    Free Member

    StuF – apart from my aforementioned Axxis 275 prototype which is what they toned down and turned into the 272 😉

    (Always wanted the Yellow Axxis 272)

    Free Member

    Yeah I've said my Five, and I understand the original poster's brief, but I reckon my Genesis iO is probably more perfect UK bike due to the weather alone!

    Free Member

    So what was your fave kit? I used to sail a Fanatic Gecko 298 on a North Pyro twin cam. Had this real sweet spot where if it was tuned perfectly and you were having a good day, it would get right up on the plane instantly and the leech made a slight humming sound to let you know you were at terminal velocity, loved it!

    My best memory…

    I also had an F2 Axxis 275 prototype racing board that was sold off as a favour to Mike from Wet and Windy (bristol), he passed it on to me. Most people couldn't even sail it but being 13 and only 7 st, I gave it a go. It was just like normal short board to me in terms of buoyancy and width, at just 5kg in weight with a 5m Airwave racing rig on it I set off in a fairly brisk Force 5 thinking this would be fun. I think I crossed Poole Harbour in what felt like about 45 seconds before the mother of all catapults due to an inability to slow or turn the thing. Too frightened to sail this frankenboard back, I timidly walked it all the way around the beach and handed it back. F2 made a monster in that board and I'm not surprised it never made production!!

    Free Member

    Same, got good, needed more wind, only seemed to blow Monday to Friday, got into bikes, gave up…

    Free Member

    Five pro with 15qr vanillas

    Free Member

    Cheers Alex, maintenance wise, I've replaced gear cables, changed mech hangers, singlspeeded bikes etc trail side so already quite geared up maintenance wise.

    Have you gone on, or thought about going on to do the Technical Leader course?

    Also, how's your guided rides log book coming along? And have you done much teaching under the Wheelies awards scheme? (I understand trail leaders can teach level 1 and 2)

    Free Member

    Just don't fight whatever you do… I think the split can be handled easily enough, just don't be seen tearing each other a new one!

    Free Member

    It's a tough one, my parents stayed together for me and my brother until I was 16 him 14.

    We literally had no idea – they did a pretty good job of hiding it, I guessed though about 6 months before they dropped the bomb. Having figured it out I was fine, my brother not so. I always feel like they did a good thing for us but as the years have gone on, I've started to remember and interpret things and realised perhaps not. I've always got on great with my Dad, I had a pretty crap relationship with my Mum (she was miserable all the time and I was a royal PITA). Once they'd split though (we stayed with Dad as Mum couldn't really afford to have us anyway) my Mum changed dramatically, and I kind of realise now how bad for her it was that they stayed together for us. She was basically trapped, and hiding the truth all those years resulted in me thinking she was just a cow all the time. So now I kinda just feel a bit guilty now…

    For the record, they were amazing on my wedding day, they hadn't spoke in something like 7 years and were proper stars!

    Wow, never shared that on the internets before…

    I guess I haven't helped but maybe hearing it from the child's side might help? I'm just shy of 27 now btw…

    Free Member

    '08 in Fools Gold 😀 (ignore the steerer, maybe if I bother to rephotograph it I can stop typing this)

    Free Member

    Mud dock if you like Treks and Scotts.

    Free Member

    With tubes I have to over inflate to get it to seat right.

    Free Member

    I can vouch for Badgerpoo if it's worth anything, had a garage full nicked and was forced to get replacement from Wheelies so sourced his own bike elsewhere and bought the Five from Wheelies on insurance on the proviso it would be an easy sell!

    (Whether the Remedy he actually bought was the best option remains debatable mind, but that's another thread :wink:)

    Free Member

    RRP doesnt mean the distributor/manufacturer gets 100% of that price. Its a recommended retailer price. I used to work in retail- I know how it works.

    Sorry Hora, I was merely under the impression that you thought your LBS was a)lying about the price of a deore mech and b) trying to rip your lad off, which they clearly aren't/haven't, they're merely following the guided retail price.

    Free Member

    hora, re-read your CRC link, they list RRP as £49.99 in the small print underneath the "SALE" price.

    What world do we live in where selling at RRP is now ripping someone off!!! 🙄

    My verdict on this thread is a mixture of troll content and bike prices in going up shocker!

    Free Member

    there seems to be a mindset on here that 'itshopeitsbritishitsbrilliant'

    i'm a bit more cynical, it's less well sealed than a cane creek s3, i can SEE past the 'seals' on my hope headset.

    I can only say what I've experienced! I ride more than "most" mountain bikers and the itshopeitsbritishitsbrilliant and itsorangeitsbritishitsbrilliant bits that form my bike just troops on always doing the job. There seems to be a mentality on here that's equally opposite that's itshopeitsbritisheveryonelovesitbutiknowsomeonewhohadonefailandbeingexpensiveitmustbearipoff or something to that effect.

    Free Member

    Yeah, my '08 Hope is so well sealed I actually have a hard job prizing it open such is the tightness of the rubber seals.

    Mind you, all of my hope kit except the skewers have been the ultimate fit and forget. Skewers chew up the brass nuts a bit quick if you ride in crap weather and have to remove your wheels every ride to put bike in car.

    Free Member

    Just got confirmation of my place, 6th of Nov at Glyncornel.

    What can I expect from the weekend???


    Free Member

    And seriously, 16 posts without owners pics! Shame on you STW!

    Free Member

    I thought '07 and '08 were as good as identical other than the '08 got a custom tune in the shock.

    '09 was deffo slacker and had skinnier downtube and extra folds in the swingarm…

    Free Member

    Yep, only opened it after 18 months and grease was clean, and bike gets ridden 2-3 times a week in all sorts.

    Split crown race was handy when I changed forks too and contrary to popular belief, doesn't seem to let any crap in.

    Free Member

    To be a bit clearer, the Hope/Fox bits ARE worth it, so it's a case of seeing if the S + Hope + Fox parts vs the Pro makes most financial sense to you.

    Free Member

    I bought an S + Float, + Hope Hubs, Brakes and Headset. It worked out I was only saving about £120 at the time but I was already spending way more than I could afford on the S and I was only missing out on XT and RF cranks), circumstances improved and I added x9 and fancier cranks as stuff wore out or I got bored and got the itch. No regrets, it'll be 2 years old in Feb and I can't believe I still don't want a new bike!

    I have however got a bolt thru vanilla on there now, might be worth trying to blag that instead of the float, worth the extra 0.5lb weight penalty if you ask me. Oh and try and blag better tyres, 2.2 Mountain Kings are so at odds with the Five's ability and will just hold it back. I'd say 2.1 Nevegal rear, 2.35 Blue Groove front.

    Free Member

    I'd rate that a 9/10 on the potential stalk-o-metre!

    Free Member

    I second what Lord Summerisle said. The best tip my instructor gave me was remembering that if you take it slow and let the gear stick come into the neutral position it will naturally sit in the middle of 3rd and 4th. So just take your time, let it come across and push straight up or pull straight down, 3rd and 4th are actually the two gears you don't 'need' to find. Sit in the car with it off and the clutch down before you set out and just try it!

    While you're learning, the car isn't going to magically explode if you don't put it into the next gear within half a second!

    Free Member

    Those guys have got it the wrong way round, Shimano = 2:1, SRAM = 1:1, and no, your Deore shifters will not run a x9 rear mech.

    Free Member

    General consensus is it's fine. I found it fine 3 weeks ago. 200m of fire road churned up and surrounded by logging machines but accessible and 200m of singletrack closed but not missing much.

    Free Member

    Have had both Bell Sweep and Giro Athlon and used both for road duties removing the peak.

    Athlon is good, the Sweep was great.

    Free Member

    I had this on loan for a bit

    Free Member

    I only carry an EFS 10-22 when I ride. Not found much use for big zooms but then I prefer to get right in there. Shooting at 10mm does mean you've got to let the rider come within about 30cm of you to get a good shot, so you need to trust your subjects! lol

    anotherdeadhero did actually almost ride into me at the bike fest in this shot.

    Free Member

    Did any of you actually read to the end? She actually says she's a cyclist too, admits it's only a few that are the problem and goes on to suggest that we should all perhaps just try a hot steaming cup of chill the **** out…

    I also agree that the law to say that all drivers are automatically to blame in an accident is dumb too.

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