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  • Colin Ross Takes Out The Red Bull Foxhunt!
  • Gary_M
    Free Member

    Is it not called something like ‘bitter alo’ – spelling on the last bit obvioulsy way out.

    Free Member

    Sew its lips together.

    Free Member

    But you just said you were going to use somewhere else to buy stuff in future.

    Anyway what you should have done is order the new light, then send the broken one back.

    You’re asking crc to apply common sense, which is clearly something you seem to lack.

    Free Member

    ‘There are shops out there that DO offer an individual service’ Well if you want individual service go to those shops and pay more money. I can see your frustration but if you look at it from a business point of view then it makes sense to follow the process. Generally there service is very good, I can’t fault CRC.

    Free Member

    If their system follows a process then it’s not easy to just do something different. There are probably all sorts of stock control issues involved and if they don’t follow the process for one person then everyone would expect individual service.

    Free Member

    purley custom[/url]

    Free Member

    Why not?

    Free Member

    depends on your commute I suppose. If its on main roads then the only thing to worry about is idiot drivers who have only used their windscreen wipers to clear the slow and can’t see what’s going on around them.

    If it’s on country roads then the bike gets clogged up with snow, just stop and clear it every now and again. It’s not slippy to ride on but it is pretty hard going. Oh and if you’re riding in proper dark your lights are pretty useless in snow.

    Free Member

    Tell him to buy a new one, fix up the ‘bent’ one and stick it on ebay.

    Free Member

    I actually couldn’t care less, I don’t know any teachers, have no thoughts on whether it’s a good or bad thing to take your kids out of school but I knew it would wind a few of you up. Sorry I was a bit bored.

    Free Member

    mike_check why is a 3 wek trip to Florida any better for a child than a 2 week trip?

    salad_dodger your sons school sounds fantastic, they don’t do any work for 2 weeks prior to a holiday. wow, that really does sound amazing. If thats the best school in the area you should move.

    Although I do of course realsie that I’m in a deluded state and all the best schools now do this.

    Free Member

    I’ve just read on bikebiz that on one have decided to pull the plug on bike production as due to ever increasing production costs they can no longer sell bikes for a reasonable cost. So looks like it’s the end for On-One/Planet X.

    Free Member

    If my son had attended school for those two weeks, he would have spent most of the time learning Christmas carrols for a concert he never attends, and also playing games rather than any “proper” lessons. The experience he had on holiday (scuba diving, submarine trip, helicopter flights, learning to sail etc) compared to those two weeks in school were imho, far more benficial to his development.

    Then perhaps you should look at sending your child to a better school. My 11 year old son does school work up until the morning of the day they finish for holidays. Mind you if you’re happy to take your kid out of school for 2 weeks during term time then you’re probably not that bothered about the standard of education your child is receiving.

    It amazes me how so many of you are so lackadaisical when it comes to your kids education. It’s not just about missing a few days of school; it’s that fact that you are letting your child know that education isn’t of any great importance to you.
    Don’t you want them to be successful, educated people? I’m also amazed that any of you are surprised by the fact that the school refuses to sanction unofficial holidays – why on earth would they do that?

    And yes of course travelling is a great cultural education to children, but they get plenty official holidays don’t they.

    And why can’t that be accomplished in 2 weeks mike_check?

    Free Member

    Stitting in a room being told what to learn? Or travelling lol, they’re going on a tacky holiday to florida ffs, they’re not going on a track through some amazing country, meeting amazing people and seeing amazing things.

    Free Member

    twosheds why do you feel that it’s okay for your child to miss a week of school. I know a lot of teachers and to them there is nothing more irritating than parents who think the rules don’t apply to them. It’s not just about what your child misses, it’s about the fact that they have missed lessons so have dropped behind, the teacher than has to give them special attention to make sure they catch up.

    Is behaving the way you want, and **** everyone else, the best way to bring up a child? Pretty selfish way to behave if you ask me.

    we’ve always taken holidays with our other children as close to the school holidays as possible. You are having a laugh aren’t you? Note the phrase ‘school holiday’.

    Free Member

    We were up there last weekend and every time I’m there we just feel that we would love to pack our current life in and live a much simpler life up there. Good luck.

    Free Member

    It’s closed roads fauxbyfour, hence the cost.

    Free Member

    Ideally I would move to the highlands, take a job as a forestry worker/something involving working outdoors and live in a wee hoose with a door in the middle and a window either side. But since that would involve uprooting the family it’s more than likely I’d get a job, any job, to stay in this life of slavery.

    Free Member

    If you’d like me to restore your frame then email eddelag at It took me just under two weeks to complete (about an hour a night) and it’ll cost ya about £65.

    I pondered doing a diy job (there’s even a previous thread about it) but the time and effort envolved to even get a half decent finish were too much

    I’m confused, I thought you did the work yourself, i.e. ‘diy job’.

    Free Member

    Maybe out on a road ride with a mate on Sunday – no riding tomorrow as my son has rugby then we’re going to the football. Really knackered today though as I’ve ridden 190odd miles this week – I just want to go to sleep.

    Free Member

    Yeh still spending, new kitchen just ordered – great time to be doing stuff like this as there are great deals just now. Still buying bike related stuff too.

    Free Member

    Racing Ralphs for me too, seriously fast but not cheap. got mine from Zepnat[/url]

    Free Member

    Would it not have been easier and cheaper to get it powder coated? Costs £30-£40.

    Free Member

    I’m using 32mm Bontrager lites hardcase tyres for commuting on my cx bike, route is a mix of glass strewn cycle path and the mean streets of suburbia. Seem to be holding up well.

    I use Continental GP 4 Season on my road bike at the moment which I really like and I think I’ll stick them on the commuter when daylight, and less hassle to change a tube, finally comes to these parts

    Free Member

    Had a guy approach the kerb/ road
    Look in my direction (700 lumen light on bars, bright red jacket, flashing armbands)

    Perhaps they were blinded by your 700 lumen light – I’d imagine most cars drivers are too. Yes you need to be seen but you also need to be careful you’re not blinding other road users.

    Free Member

    I forgot how disgusting that video is. Has to be fake though as the poo just doesn’t look really and it certainly comes out at a fair old rate. Still totally vile though. uuuuuuuuugh

    Free Member

    The the of us, wife, son and I, went to Paris for a long weekend just before christmas a few years ago. We stayed in a basic but nice ibis hotel close to the subway and 5 mins walk from the Eiffel tower and we bought a book of tickets for the weekend and did loads of walking. We certainly didn’t spend a fortune but still had a great time. Lunch was usually a baguette and we had dinner in nice reasonably priced restaurants. You could eat cheap;y by buying bread, cheese, nice meats from the local shops and having that in the hotel then go out for a few beers.

    In short a trip to Paris could be very expensive or fairly cheap depending what you want to do. We did it on the cheap and a had a fantastic time. From what I remember going up the tower isn’t cheap.

    And we spent nowhere near £800 or euros. £400ish maybe inc. hotel.

    Free Member

    ridden around 10,000 miles on a jake the snake, mix of commuting, off road rides and even a sportive. I love it. I am thinking of putting a disc on the front though, as braking on busy roads in the rain when commuting can be a bit dicey.

    Free Member

    I managed, somehow,to be able to login

    This translates to ‘I wasn’t logging in right in the first place and then noticed I was doing it wrong’ ;)

    Free Member

    I’d extend it about a foot on nearside and 2ft on the offside & stick one of those bright leds on either end

    mm that would make negotiation through busy traffic quite ‘interesting’.

    Free Member

    Now its back to how it used to be, with your eyes on the road and your ears listing to what is going on behind you.

    Is there another way?

    Free Member

    hora thats because for many drivers it’s all about beating someone to a space.

    Free Member

    On the daily commute just avoiding getting knocked off is a fairly regular occurrence, at least a couple of times each way, but I’ve yet to feel as though my life was in danger. But then again if I was a bit of a drama queen maybe I would view things differently.

    Generally people in cars are angry, they don’t want to give up their space and they want to get to where they’re going faster than the next person. Unfortunately that’s the way the roads are now, no amount of campaigns will change that. On my commute I also have lots of occasions where drivers are very courteous to me, which I always thank them for.

    Non-commuting rides are all done on coutry roads and I’ve never had a near death experience yet.

    Free Member

    Open window, pick up laptop, throw laptop out of window, sorted.

    Free Member

    eh what’s a ‘Premium subscribers’? I think I’m just a normal one.

    Free Member

    They pay people like us rent so generally tenants are a bit stupid by default ;)

    Free Member

    does that make me racist for saying that?

    I wouldn’t say so, does it make the groups you descrice racist for doing what they did?

    As for the OP being racist because he described the potential attacker as ‘Asian’ – utter nonsense. I was used purely to add a descritive element to the story.

    Free Member

    Yes they are great torches, I use one helmet mounted. They’re probably not very good at walking the dog though.

    Free Member

    As long as the cars are not being driven then what harm is it doing? If they’re being driven on the road then that’s a different matter.

    Free Member

    Personally I’d have told him to **** off regardless of the colour of his skin.

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