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  • gardentiger
    Free Member

    The only funniest difference is when Churchills hour came he was up to the challenge and did what was needed, Boris hid in a fridge and then had a party.


    During his second term in office Churchill was very realistic about Britain’s place in the world (obviously not massively publicly).

    He was also prescient about the threat of nuclear weapons.

    He was not a one trick pony, albeit close.

    But better a 1.25/1.5 trick pony than a useless walking glue pot down the knacker’s yard.

    Free Member

    You need to spell out what you think a “win” for Ukraine would actually be.

    To me that is easily defined.

    Pre 2014 borders.

    Free Member

    Ahh Churchill, the thing I always found funny was that the people ditched him pretty quickly after the war.

    And then he was marketed as some kind of invincible ‘saviour’ for his second coming. Which just sputtered out into a faux patriotic tribute act as he was hopelessly out of touch.

    Context is everything. Churchill was an incredible war leader. No war, no need for him.

    Free Member

    For me the question now is – what is ‘our’* aim?

    Are we going to equip Ukraine to win?


    Are we going to equip Ukraine to resist?

    If it is the former we have to call Putin’s bluff about escalation.

    If it is the latter we will make this into a mincing machine bodycount war and the atrocities will escalate accordingly as Putin’s frustration boils over.

    This is a question that ‘we’ in the ‘west’ have been congratulating ourselves for ducking. But sooner or later it will need answering.

    *’Our’ as in The West, or NATO, or Europe, just not the basket case dictatorships.

    Free Member

    Thanks, I had thought about that – but thought I’d give the STW personal touch a chance.

    If I don’t get much on here I will give them a shout. Ta.

    Free Member

    Franchising is basically a way for companies to outsource a lot of the grief/admin etc onto the franchisee in return for potentially greater autonomy and reward.

    Depends on how good the overall company is.

    Free Member

    Rode at Wharncliffe earlier and slayed a few demons.

    I rode there (for the first time in a long time) between Xmas and New Year and had a total shit fit. It was my first away trip since doing my collarbone at the start of October and the combination of steep, rocky twistiness just messed with my head so much I had a full-on bike-throwing tantrum. Luckily my riding buddies were there to witness my descent into ranting absurdity, so I’m reminded of it at least once a week.

    Anyhow – I wouldn’t say I ripped Wharncliffe a new one or anything vaguely close, buy I did grow to appreciate it, regain a fair bit of confidence on it and really enjoy many of the runs we did.


    Free Member

    Before taking the old pads out I ram a broad wood chisel between them.

    Spending £50 on this tool feels….how to put it politely….?

    ****ing barmy.

    Free Member

    How long before people start to realise that it was all one giant lie and a massive mistake?

    They already know. They’re just too up themselves to admit it because they voted for it.

    Free Member

    Well, as far as I know, GE’s are not generally rigged enough to make a difference in the UK, so we can get rid of this shitshow in 2 years.

    Unfortunately enough of the populace are thick/xenophobic/racist enough that it is unlikely to happen. This government is a reflection of ‘us’ I am afraid.


    Free Member

    I dont think you can tell from that. Might just be playing to the prejudices whilst feeling her soul wither away in despair at what she is writing.

    Nah, she will have discarded her soul long ago. Just playing up to the gammons to stay in a job. It’s pitiful, really.

    Free Member

    Michelle Donelan isn’t the brightest, obviously.

    Why can’t these people just **** off?

    Free Member

    How long until some cretin puts two and two together and suggests using P&O ferries, staffed by foreign temps, to transport asylum seekers to Rwanda?

    I reckon Shapps or Raab have already floated the idea only to be told that Rwanda is landlocked.

    What a bunch of ****s.

    Free Member

    Should i be worried about getting charged for breaking some unwritten laws?

    Depends on how much money/influence/time the complainant has.

    Banana Republic incoming.

    Free Member


    Good Law Project x 1,000,000

    Free Member

    The public might find them out if they are allowed to function.

    Which can’t be allowed to happen because the flagship policy is damaging for 99% of the population.

    The next Tory leader will be a rabid Brexiteer. They have to be:

    Cameron – Remainer and ‘smooth’ PR man. No way he way going to go through with it.

    May – Remainer but with enough of a nasty edge to keep the loons happy. But ultimately she knew how damaging a full on hard Brexit would be. Easy to undermine.

    Johnson – Leaver, but totally opportunistic. He would have backed any policy if it got him closer to power. But he’s a bellend, so his incompetence can be blamed on his bellendery.

    Next – will have to be a dyed in the wool Leaver. As the Brexit car crash escalates (we’ve a long way to go yet, folks) there will have to be some kind of media censorship to deflect, distract and lie.

    In the end, the whole rotten shitshow will collapse and we’ll have to start being grown ups again, accepting the UK’s place in the 21st century world and making some friends. The end and the descent into it will claim a lot of victims.


    Free Member

    I’m seriously worried that he’ll be in power for another 5-6 years. God help us.

    If that is the case we’re screwed. The damage he will do to UK democracy to save his filthy hide will be abused by someone who actually knows what they are doing.

    Bloody hell, that’s huge! How has that sneaked under the radar?

    Dangerw*nks, Rayner’s legs, MoTs every two years etc etc.

    Free Member

    It would be difficult to guess. Most of them are permanently red-faced and talking in incoherent splutterings of manufactured (or genuine) outrage about something.

    Mind you, there’s a fair few for whom the excitement would prove fatal.

    Free Member

    Who is the house of commons perv?

    Who gives a shit.

    It is distracting from Partygate – which is what has the Tories worried.

    Most new skool Tory support still lament the loss of Page 3, so it’s a safe message to push.

    Not so much the pissups that Johnson was having whilst most traditional Tory support didn’t dare open the windows let alone go outside.

    That is why this crap needs ignoring and there to be only one theme.


    Free Member

    The bit I caught was Raab lying that Covid caused the backlog of cases in the courts system and being allowed to get away with it.

    Raab seems to have more leeway than the usual rent-a-tools like Shapps.

    I presume it was a day that required using up one of Dildo Dom’s enhanced ‘do not scrutinise this bullshit’ passes. They must be worried about something.

    Free Member

    I haven’t had time to listen to R4 this morning. Too busy with work, but I’m a hand-wringing liberal elitist who doesn’t drive a van, so that’s tough on me I guess.


    Who was rota’d in for ‘Dick of The Day’ today?

    Shapps? Jenrick?

    Free Member


    Unpatriotic traitor!

    Free Member

    I saw something pop up on Facecloth from an acquaintance of mine. He’s a Brexie, but of the cheerful nobhead kind who combines low grade oi oi nationalism with a totally unfounded optimism.

    He was saying how we really ought to do more for St George’s Day, get behind England blah blah, lots of English flags and roses etc.

    I pointed out that, as St George was born in modern day Turkey it is likely that, if he appeared in England today, he would be sent to Rwanda for ‘processing’.

    I know he is basically a well-meaning peckerhead, but he has a lot of red-faced, angry footie mates who have not taken the bait yet. I’m surprised by this to say the least. And a little disappointed.

    Free Member

    Great so the poorest (who could struggle to legally maintain a vehicle can run around for longer in a potential deathtrap) to save £50 every second year, meanwhile energy has doubled and food is up significantly

    Yep, but they’re appealing to idiots, so par for the course.

    Free Member

    It is the forelock-tugging gammons I can’t understand.

    Bowing and scraping to someone just because they plopped out of a certain vulva.


    Free Member

    Grant Schapps

    In any normal work environment he would have the nickname ‘Taps’.


    And he’d never figure it out.

    Free Member


    Nuff said.

    Over-tender, under-resource, take a dividend / exec salary, under-deliver, repeat until you’ve totally screwed it up and then walk off into the sunset whilst the operation is nationalised in all but name, with the public purse footing the bill.

    Truss will be wetting her knickers at this kind of thing.

    Privatise the profits and nationalise the losses. Tory wet dream.

    Free Member

    Who says they think it’ll solve anything? It’s not about improving the service really, is it.


    Free Member

    Selling off state assets (after increasing the demand for their services and understaffing them) and lowering standards… whoever would have predicted that?!?

    Shhhhhh. That’s the plan for the NHS you’ve just let out of the bag there.

    And the numpties who voted Leave actually thought it would be getting £350m a week!


    I guess it’s the way Boris tells ’em that does it.

    Free Member

    “We would have done xxxx but the opposition didn’t allow us to because they are unpatriotic and hate Britain so what you need to do is vote for us even more in order to kill off the opposition and we’ll then deliver xxxx.”


    Free Member

    Meanwhile, in Slovenia another European country makes the UK look childish and stupid.

    Free Member


    Well, football violence comes with the territory with the new demographic the tories keep chasing.


    Free Member

    There’s no doubt the Tories are trying to mobilise the nastier, more bigoted end of their support to vote – all this shizz about how big the fall might be is designed to scare the complacent old gammons into getting down the polling station, even if they have to shake off their carers.

    Fingers crossed they’ll get a shoe-ing and Johnson gets his marching orders. When a dyed in the wool Brexit nutter also fails due to the irreconcilable nature of their chosen flagship policy, even the duller brexies amongst Joe Public might have to face a few facts. Any payrises screwed by, for example, Brexity lorry drivers, are largely being wiped out by inflation. Knowing that other ‘elitists’ in other sectors are having it worse will only keep them warm for so long.

    Free Member

    Trump is the only other person I’ve seen with that similar look of zero style and looking like a pudding shoved into a condom.

    Their supporters distrust anyone who dresses well as they must, by definition, be elitist. This a major problem that Starmer has. The populist MO is that anyone competent must be an elitist member of some kind of cult.

    And this is a failing of the electorate too – in falling for this crap they speak volumes about themselves.

    Free Member

    It’s all part of the “I’m just a regular guy who doesn’t have all the gear like all us other normal blokes for whom salad is effeminate” bullshit.

    A **** bit of distraction. As always, basically.

    The act is wearing thin, though, and the unmistakable sound of sharpening knives is getting louder.


    Free Member

    Why do people indulge chew’s bullshit?

    This has me beat too.

    Free Member

    Rachel Shabi certainly has an opinion there. 👍

    Free Member

    Macron seems to be hated equally by the loony left and the loony right, so he’s probably getting it about right.

    Free Member

    Got any holibobs coming up?

    Just got back from a long weekend away, thanks.

    This dannyh person must have riled up a few of the STW Untouchables Clique from what I can tell. Not really my concern.


    Free Member


    Oh my god. Give me a 20 yard run up and I could launch myself in a knee high, two footed lunge through that pile of shit.

    I’m even willing to risk being crushed by the 17 stones of useless offal in the aftermath. I reckon I could hit him hard enough to be through and out the other side though.

    “Now clap for the NHS, you ****”.

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