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  • Issue 156 – No place for science
  • gardentiger
    Free Member

    Hardly any woods or slow sections this time around.

    I’m predicting some nasty smashes with the length of track, fatigue and tighter margins.

    It looks like one of those where a cannier rider with an eye on the overall might decide to settle for a top 10 and leaving in one piece on Sunday evening.

    I’d live to see Pierron ride balls out and win it. He is pretty much untouchable if he keeps it on track. If I had to put the mortgage on anyone being top 5 it would be Bruni, though.

    Free Member

    a lot majority of the little Englanders cannot be counted on to do the right thing


    When push comes to shove, in the polling booth it’ll be “Labour let in too many forriners” and it will be another Tory win. Irrespective of all the other policies.

    Free Member

    I mean they are taking a huge gamble that the public will forgive him come the next election.

    The Brexit referendum 2016 and General Election 2019 say otherwise.

    Free Member

    The Met have clearly backed off from this under political pressure. It is a disgrace.

    If a vaccine resistant covid strain hits the police are screwed. There will be no way of enforcing any measures in a meaningful sense.

    But they’ve made their bed…

    Free Member

    Which in general terms is exactly what people have been saying; behaviour is influenced from the very top – if its ok for Boris and chums to break a few laws then surely its OK for me too. Its a degeneration of society being played out.

    Yep. If someone goes into a frothy rage at a bit of trail-poaching it is basically tough shit. That’s certainly the line I’ll be going with if I’m unfortunate enough to be going slow enough to be talked to.


    Edit: And maybe with a side order of “And you can stick your Platinum Jubilee up your arse too” depending on how aggro they are.


    Free Member

    Me I’d go with keeping the boss happy its her you have to answer to not us.

    That’s the most sensible thing on this thread. Including my OP and the basic premise.


    Free Member

    What do anti royals actually propose?

    A phased withdrawal from the institution. I’ll do a Johnson on this one and say “someone else can sort the details”.

    Requisition their estates one by one and convert them to public parks protected in perpetuity from development. Demolish the buildings if needs be. Two or three generations on you should have kids being born into relative normality. I’m sure other former monarchies have coped (assuming they weren’t offed on the spot).

    Basically I don’t really give a shit, but the mere presence of such an anachronism in the modern world is ridiculous.

    Free Member


    Because Mr Fenchurch couldn’t be arsed to track down everyone else and, being honest, you made yourself an easy win.

    I’m certainly not going to worry about riding my bike on the odd footpath or in contravention of the odd daft bylaw now.

    Free Member

    It’s not a family barbecue. The in-laws have clubbed in with the house opposite to put on a communal garden party.

    Although they have a nice garden I don’t think there’ll be enough space for total gammon avoidance.

    I think the most I will be able to muster is something along the lines of “well seventy years as a monarch is impressive longevity”.

    It’s just that the monarchy is a ludicrous anachronism and once Liz pops her clogs we’re left with what is basically a soap opera with castles. Charlie boy is a bit of a dunce and son number 2 wouldn’t be going on a show like Jeremy Kyle for fear of ‘the test’. Uncle Andrew is a wrong’un and the other one is totally irrelevant. Then there’s auntie Ann who seems to get trotted out for the Calcutta Cup match once a year. Oh and once rode a horse a bit well.

    There is simply no need for them in what should be a modern, forward-looking state. But then of course we aren’t one of those anymore (1995-2015 were just a blip it seems). Then I look at the type of person who gets a bit of a stiffy at the mere mention of Sandringham, usually a bit Brexity, and I want to see everything they hold dear smashed on the floor in front of them, royals included.


    Free Member

    And to top it off I’ve just heard ‘Dover Dominic’ Raab doing his rota’d slot as dick of the day defending the unflushable turd.

    Lots of dog whistle Rwanda stuff for the racists, lots of vacuous shit and, at the end, two fingers up to the public by saying that accepting a fine from the police is a form of accountability.

    Sod this for a game of soldiers – I’m tuning out for the day. Play list on, earphones in.

    Free Member


    Basically the UK (the country where I live) being told to **** off and grow up by the US.

    What a time to be alive.

    Free Member


    The unflushable turd sits in the pan mocking us. He’s stronger now in the eyes of the halfwits in the general population who like him.

    “Sue Gray? Poo Gray” they’ll say, no matter how ‘damning’ her report is. “If it was that bad the coppers would have done something” they’ll say.

    A terrible week for right thinking people and another dangerous erosion of policing by consent.

    Starmer is now in the shit. The best outcome is now a draw in the eyes of most of the population. He gets a FPN he has to resign. The Met have played a blinder for Johnson – expect some kind of promotion for the investigating officer.

    Out in the real world Nancy Pelosi has said again that the UK can whistle up a flagpole if we think we’re getting a free trade deal whilst ****ing up the Good Friday Agreement.

    But look… the Rwanda migrant story has miraculously also reappeared in the headlines – totally unconnected to other events.

    This country is a ****ing shambles populated by halfwits.

    Free Member

    Aren’t republican views and gammony views fairly closely aligned?

    Not in the UK sense, no.

    Free Member

    ‘B’ it is, then.

    <Goes off to research Navajo rain dance techniques>

    Free Member

    How entirely messed in the head do you have to be to “be” Rees-Mogg?

    Matron has got a lot to answer for.

    Free Member

    I lie awake at night imagining how I would torture Jacob Rees Mogg if ever the opportunity presented itself. Is that wrong?

    Not if looked at objectively. Personally I don’t like to give in to that sort of fantasy, but now I can imagine you doing it for me…

    Free Member

    It’s insane when things like this happen and the speculation isn’t so much ‘who done it’ but rather ‘who got caught this time’.

    It’s worse than that because that will also have been the thought process when those at the top were informed. Immediately followed by “how do we manage our way out of this one?”

    Free Member

    No amount of posturing, tub-thumping and tantrum-throwing will work. With the EU or the US. This is because we need them more than they need us. The exact opposite of the lie peddled in the run up to the referendum.

    Johnson et al were a bunch of misfits who would never be considered suitable for high office unless they bypassed the traditional MO and found a cause to do it with. Enter Call Me Dave, the supposed PR expert who was actually a painfully insecure little man. A stupid question was posed in a stupid way and enough people were stupid enough to vote for it.

    All the ensuing shit – partygate, the shredding of our reputation on the world stage, unnecessarily high inflation, MPs who think it is OK to watch grumble in the debating chamber and touch up female colleagues, the fake ‘war on woke’…

    All of it is the result of that fateful day back in 2016. Whether caused by it directly or as a result of those that lied their way into power trying to stay there.

    Sure the US had its Trump moment, but at least they weren’t stupid enough to have their little nationalist pant-shitting tantrum in a way that is largely irreversible.

    We are ****. It is going to be a combination of the 70s and early 90s combined. No wonder Priti Nasty has effectively outlawed protest. A shrewd move in one way, but what it really means is that the conflagration, when it happens, will be worse as the stakes will be that much higher from the off.

    The UK, run by idiots for idiots*.

    *And a few very canny disrupters.

    Free Member

    Part of me hopes the EU choose to really screw the UK over reneging on the NI Protocol deal to put our arrogant, lying Tory government in it’s place but the other part knows it’s not BoJo and his minions that will suffer if they do.

    If there was a way of isolating any Brexit ‘benefits’ to those that voted for it, I really would be interested.

    Free Member

    “We don’t want to nix it, we want to fix it”


    Free Member

    Ah but Francois is one of the Brexit Untouchables.

    One rule for them…


    Banana Republic.

    Free Member

    I haven’t had time to listen to what Thick Liz had to say.

    I’m guessing it was just more tub-thumping bollocks along the lines of “we didn’t want to be members of the club any more and we don’t pay a membership fee, but we still want to use the facilities and, in fact, get the club to change its ways to suit us”?

    Which will be quietly rowed back from when they think no one is looking. But, of course, the DUP will always be looking.

    ‘Bout right?

    Free Member

    None of them want to be anywhere near any of it, they know it’s a toxic issue so are hiding away as much as they can.

    That applies to Brexit as a whole.

    Happy to take credit or get elected by being seen to get a fantasy ‘done’.

    Nowhere to be seen when it comes to implementing the reality.

    I have a former boss like that. Suffice to say anyone at the coal fave or who had half an idea about how the company worked thought he was an abject tosser. The “don’t bother me with details just tell me you’re going to hit profit” higher-ups thought he was great. Guess what happened when any of them saw a realistic forecast…

    Free Member

    No he is pretending to be baffled to try and stoke up anger at the ENEMY.
    Because it would be rather more embarrassing to admit he signed it without caring about the details just so he could claim he got brexit done.

    Every single word of that is spot on.

    Free Member

    Worth it just for…


    Never a truer word spoken in ‘jest’.

    Free Member

    Seriously, haven’t they watched Johnson in action over the last er, 20 years?

    Yes, but they chose to believe the lies. Just like many of the people who voted Leave. The rest were simply too thick to ‘get it’ and should never have been allowed near a polling booth.

    But this will all unravel over the next 10-15 years. It is inevitable. The economic damage can’t be hidden forever and the political contradictions inherent in NI/RoI will just keep coming back.

    The only real question is still – how much permanent and interim damage are ‘we’ willing to inflict on ourselves before we grow up?

    That’s been the question since 24th June 2016 and it will remain so in perpetuity.


    Free Member

    To be fair, 2 of us are on long term sick

    Have they been tested for polonium and/or novichok?

    Free Member

    cant the MP’s get rid of their “staff” and fill those roles with the up and coming Civil Service redundancies? Less expenses for the MP’s and some people get to keep a job?

    No, because then their husband/wife/cousin/mate would have to get a proper job.

    Free Member


    Yes, it’s a bit of a known ‘thing’. And a right pain in the arse.

    Shimano also appear to have played a blinder with someone somewhere – why is there not a mass recall or warranty thing ongoing when it comes to such a safety-critical item?

    Free Member

    Johnson lends the DUP respectability. Yes, read that again. Unfortunately it is true. That is why they are ‘credulous’.

    And it is entirely fitting in this through the looking glass, ridiculous fantasy world that is post-2016 UK politics.

    Free Member

    Nobody should be surprised by all this. This is literally the point of Brexit. Make people work more for less in less secure/safe employment.

    Anyone who voted for this shit needs to have a serious look at themselves.

    Free Member

    how MPs can actually bring themselves to say this sort of shit about “work harder” is just beyond belief

    Not when you consider the nasty ‘blame everyone but yourself’ platform they were elected on.

    Free Member

    Redditch was 62.3% Leave, just like Fabricant’s Lichfield was 58.8%.

    Anyone else spot a pattern between pro-Brexit percentages and the nastiness of the Tory MP?

    ‘Our’ representatives are supposedly an accurate reflection of the people they represent. It looks like they do.


    Free Member

    Also worth noting that the whole ‘burn the contaminants off’ thing is a bit of a reset. You do need to bed the brakes in again afterwards to ‘re-key’ the pads to the rotors.

    I had reasonable results doing this repeatedly with a micro-leaky caliper. But in the end I bought new brakes.

    Free Member

    A gas flame and a pair of pliers to hold them. Hold them in the flame until they get hot and do not smoke any more when you remove them from the flame. The smoke is the contaminants burning off. Discs in the oven on 300 Celsius for 5-10 minute does the same on them. I know other people who put them in a dishwasher and say it works a treat, but I’ve never done that.

    Free Member

    But why.

    Money-grubbing habits that can’t be kicked. It really is that simple.

    Free Member

    Of course, only working class women who have come into wealth are capable of such behaviour.

    Hence the reason I mentioned John Terry.

    Let’s face it, if Jamie Vardy wasn’t minted, she wouldn’t be with him.

    Free Member


    Same reason John Terry hawked stadium visits undercutting his own club.

    Guttersnipes made ‘good’.

    Free Member

    From that Hastings article.

    harsh economic times ahead

    Not enough people know what is coming down the line. Yet.

    Free Member

    Your sneering is most unbecoming and detracts from any message you’re feebly trying to get across. Says this average working class Remainer.

    Ah so, you’re a class traitor, then?

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