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  • Bike Check: James Love’s Cotic Cascade
  • gardentiger
    Free Member

    And another thread falls victim to a lefty pile-on by the usual suspects

    I wouldn’t worry about it. It is just one or two pages.

    Johnson’s corruption will provide ample future material for the thread to get back on topic.

    And stand as a monument to everyone who voted Leave.


    Free Member

    No. Happy now?

    On this small point, yes. Thanks.

    Now I can just sit back and chuckle as dazh refuses to answer the same question – by posing umpteen less important (and mostly irrelevant) counter-questions. Daz’s reluctance to criticise Brexit is revealing in the extreme.

    When are the Lexiteers going to spring into action by the way? Surely the time to strike is now – when the economic damage makes a Socialist movement utterly irresistible?


    Free Member

    And once again:

    Would Boris Johnson be prime minister if the UK had voted Remain?

    It is a simple enough question.

    Free Member


    I fully expect that post to ‘disappear’ shortly and a ban.

    Just to get that on the record now.

    Free Member

    Is dissonance popping in so I can get the full set?

    So, dannyh, what are you going to do? Have you contacted your MP? Found any like-minded folk in your area? March to London? Ride your bike to London whilst wearing a sandwich board? There’s only so much shouting from the cheap seats that you can do and god knows I’ve had enough of you whining at those who voted for Brexit. So, I ask again, what’s your plan?

    I’m not dannyh, I am gardentiger.

    But I know I have to be careful around you, given your *cough* ‘special’ status.

    Kelvin’s comment will suffice – you broke it, you fix it.

    But in actual fact I have done the first two things on your list.

    I’ve contacted my spineless shit of a MP at least five times – never had a reply.

    I’ve also been trying to cultivate like-minded local folk. They are all of a pretty similar opinion to me. It’s just that sensible centrists often don’t feel the need to roam around in packs for each other’s protection from alternative views. The same goes for fallen hippies who voted Leave, now regret it and want someone to say “there, there, it is OK to be confused”.

    Why did you vote Leave, by the way?

    Free Member

    Frankly, right now I could cope with anything that looks like a social democratic government, in the European sense.

    Not a chance with filthy forrin notions like that. Traitor.

    Free Member

    This can never be fixed due to the sheer quantity of guns and ammunition in private hands in the US. No one knows who is ‘packing’ and they never will.

    The US is totally hooked on guns – willingly or out of fear. If the government were to make serious moves, the NRA would start collating ammo and stirring up the small, but big enough pool of nutters they know they harbour.

    It is too normalised.

    Free Member


    You must have me mixed up with someone else.



    By the way- when was the last time you rode a mountain bike?

    Free Member

    Calling them Boris seems to be far more effective

    You mean Alexander?

    Free Member

    Taken lessons in the art of lying from Boris Johnson?

    No, he thinks he’s good at it, but I wouldn’t take lessons from him in anything.

    Taken lessons in behind the scenes ratting from Dominic Cummings?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The question about the death of a member of cleaning staff from Covid would have stopped a normal human in their tracks… the way Barclay shrugged it off was unbelievable cold. Quite impressive, in a dark horrible way.

    The name of the cleaner?

    Emanuel Gomes.

    You and I both know exactly what the Brexies would be thinking…

    Free Member

    Barclay’s turn to debase himself defending the fly tipped sofa this morning.

    Either he’s very stupid or he has a personal agenda. He’s not stupid. People who believe his bullshit are.

    Free Member

    Would Boris Johnson be prime minister if the UK had voted Remain?

    It’s a simple enough question. I didn’t ask “would things have been broadly similar if Call Me Dave had stayed after a Remain majority?”

    Would Cameron have been stupid enough to do all this Partygate shit? No. Would he have been stupid enough to get caught? Definitely no. Would he have been in power with the help of a machiavellian shit like Cummings with the inevitable Rooney-Vardy soap opera style fallout and revenge story line? No.

    Lockdown pissups under Theresa May? Not likely. If only because no one would have turned up.

    Add ‘Partygate’ to the long list of **** ups.

    The hopeless response as Kabul fell – Raab – would not be anywhere near a senior minister role if it wasn’t for Brexit.

    The A-Level exams debacle – Williamson – would not be anywhere near a senior minister role if it wasn’t for Brexit. Sorry, that should be Sir Gavin Williamson – would not now be a knight of the realm if it wasn’t for B…

    On and on and on.

    This is what people voted for, they should own it.

    Free Member

    Not sure who this Danny you speak of is. I guess he must have upset the small hard left cabal that circle jerk on the political threads around here. 🤷‍♂️

    Back to the question:

    Would Boris Johnson be prime minister if the UK had voted Remain?

    Free Member

    The irony in this statement is that it’s so f***** stupid you probably wouldn’t pass your own test.

    I’m pretty sure I would.

    Free Member

    And still no one answers the question:

    Would Boris Johnson be prime minister if the UK had voted Remain?

    We all know the answer. It all stems from that stupid referendum. All of it.

    The infantile foreign policy. The cretinous economic policy. The “3 word signs are enough” tendency. The hopeless “worst of all worlds” covid response. The lockdown pissups. The contempt for the public.

    All of it stems from that moment of national disgrace. All of it. Those who voted for it should hang their heads in shame. But most haven’t got the self-awareness to think their way out of a wet paper bag.

    Free Member

    I guess their opinions are as valid as mine.

    They’re not, because they’re halfwits.

    Unfortunately their vote counts the same as yours, though.

    I’ve long believed that some sort of basic IQ test should be a prerequisite for the right to vote. Stupid people need protecting from themselves. 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    I got one of the last size L Aeris 120s on the offer the other week.

    It’s only had one outing (I’m keeping it for high days and holidays), but my initial impression is of a bloody brilliant bike that really charges when pointing down, but climbs really impressively too (I cleaned a section in the Peak that I’ve never got close to before).

    I came from a Calibre Bossnut, so not exactly boutique, but the 120 seems like a huge step forward.

    I would heartily recommend (based on one big ride).

    Free Member

    Sorry, I am not sure I agree with en-masse blame for a few lying and cheating individuals.

    Would Boris Johnson be Prime Minister if the UK had voted Remain?


    Free Member

    “The Nasty Party” behaving exactly as you would expect them to act, and exactly how they have always acted. Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last 10 years or so, you can’t possibly be surprised by anything that has happened recently.

    Their “reason for existing” is for the betterment of themselves and their own. That’s it, full-stop.

    And you’d have to be a total mug to believe that all the nationalist posturing meant that “they’ve changed and now there’s something there for me” – if you were so inclined.

    It’s a masterful piece of deceit and now they play fully on the Stockholm Syndrome of those who voted for it – “Well, you were stupid enough to vote for something fundamentally stupid, and no one likes to look stupid, so you’d better keep banging that drum”.

    It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so…

    Oh what’s the ****ing point?

    The Greased Piglet will stay.

    Free Member

    When’s the revolution?

    it happened. We got Boris.

    This cannot be overemphasised.

    This is all a direct result of that ****ing referendum. The arseholes and liars pushed it, the cretins voted for it…

    And as a result?

    We have a government of arseholes and liars with the biggest arsehole and liar as PM.

    Well done Leavers.


    Free Member

    I opened this thread to say it’s called the barse but I see I was too slow.

    It’s the beauty of the entry in the profanisaurus with its feminine form of the noun that literally made me spit tea when I first read it.

    Free Member


    And drive home pissed claiming you didn’t think it was a crime.

    Free Member

    It isn’t going to matter. If it really comes to it it will be:

    Starmer hates the Queen.

    Labour are traitors who want us back in the EU.

    Labour will let millions of forriners in to take your job/house/wife.

    Labour want to give your money to benefits cheats.

    Here’s a picture of some union jacks.

    Free pint of Carling with The Sun.

    Result -> another Tory GE win.

    Free Member

    I thought this was going to be a post about the:

    (f) Carse

    The perineum, taint, Biffin’s Bridge, Devil’s chin rest…

    With credit to Roger’s Profanisaurus


    Free Member

    Text of my email to my MP. It doesn’t matter, one of his kids (who he is probably claiming £50k a year salary for) will have logged on during lunch at school and deleted it. But just for shits and giggles. Names have been altered.

    Dear F***face,

    Here we are again. The Prime Minister is shown, again, as having lied to Parliament. The question is now, quite rightly, being asked – “If ‘x’ was fined by the Met Police for attending that event, how can Johnson not be?”

    His latest antics have further eroded the faith that the public have in the police (faith in Johnson is pretty much non-existent). If a vaccine-resistant covid strain appears, monkeypox becomes a real problem or some other contagious disease appears, do you think the police will be able to enforce public health measures? I contend that a large section of society will laugh at the prospect.

    There is a growing tide of anger amongst ‘traditional’ Conservative voters about Mr Johnson’s disregard for ordinary citizens. A party that continues with Johnson as its leader is effectively endorsing his behaviour. This is playing very badly with traditional ‘law and order’ voters as they are rightly scared about the erosion of trust in the police that Johnson is causing. Much of the policing of the UK is done by consent. Eroding that consent is a slippery path. To support a Prime Minister whilst he does it is (or should be) unthinkable.

    I suppose it comes down to what Tory MPs truly believe in – the values they espouse in public or their own position. With this in mind, I am pretty sure this will fall on deaf ears, but I urge you to submit a letter of no confidence in the Prime Minister.

    The direction the Conservatives are currently taking means I cannot vote for you under any circumstances. A lot of people that you assume to be Conservative voters are thinking the same way too.

    Yours Sincerely,


    Free Member

    It’s down to the MPs to get rid of him.

    Hence the reason I’ve written to my spineless shit of a MP again today.

    He won’t do anything, though. He’s already swallowed all his One Nation Tory and Remain principles and was rewarded with a low-level ministry post and a safe Tory seat. He doesn’t give a shit because he doesn’t have to for the sake of his own skin. And that is all that matters for these leeches.

    Free Member

    Maybe, maybe not. But they should issue fines the same way they did to Joe Public – thousands of quid for sitting on a park bench etc., not accepting ridiculous excuses (“strategy meeting”, “ambushed by cake” etc) and dishing out derisory fines.

    The problem is that the cops know, if they do that, they’re going to be tying up resources dealing with smart-arse lawyers acting on Johnson’s behalf. And probably paid for by ‘us’.

    The issue here (and one that will be studiously ignored by the Brexity morons) is that we have a Prime Minister who is happy to lie to parliament, lie to Saint Liz Windsor, lie to police and tie up their resources doing so. He is an utter self-serving shit.

    But the populace were warned. And they chose to elect a man who went back on his word re the leader interviews and hid in a fridge to avoid scrutiny. They were also warned about Brexit, but what the hell – so long as we deport a few swarthy looking blokes to Rwanda they’ll be happy. Even as their standard of living collapses.

    It would be amusing if it wasn’t so tragic.

    Free Member

    Smallish piece of wood, drill a hole, saw in half through the hole. The saw cut takes out enough material for it to act as a clamp.


    Free Member

    502 again here.

    Looks like the Russian bots are awake again…

    Free Member

    Jubilee! It’s all about Her Maj. Don’t dare question our Glorious Leader while we should all be flag shagging and singing the National Anthem.
    Traitors not singing will be sent to Rwanda.


    He doesn’t need to reach for the dead cat shelf for at least another 13 days.

    It’s almost like he’s got a caddy handing him the dead cats.

    “Ummm err, photographed at yet another lockdown breaking piss up, ummm errr, what do you recommend?”

    “In light of you getting away with the last one scot free, I don’t think you need one of the big gun policy ones, I’d go with just a bit of empty ‘support’ for Ukraine this time. Nothing special needed, just run it up onto the green, two putts and job’s a good’un. Oh, and don’t forget to be photographed in front of a Union jack”.

    He isn’t going anywhere.

    Free Member

    I think the Nukeproof ones aren’t narrow-wide, so would eliminate the issue without having to resort to a file?

    Free Member

    *without implying police corruption

    Doesn’t need implying. Openly stated is more appropriate.

    Free Member

    It’s the ultimate Fake Dead cat I reckon, It’s all a bit too “real housewives of…” don’t we think? They must have had fun brainstorming this one up though.
    Gossipy bullshit to distract the plebs yet again. We’ll get a bit of speculative fluff on the topic which helps help dilute coverage of the Grey report, then it can be addressed as a “lefty media conspiracy” trying to assassinate the character of the nations favourite couple, a tearful interview and a some footage of them clutching hands on the doorstep of No.10 and it’s all done with.


    Just Google Vladislav Surkov (or watch ‘Hypernormalisation’) to get the idea.

    Free Member

    I find at abhorrent that this kind of activity is public knowledge yet we’ve still no way to remove him while he bumbles along taking the piss out of us to preserve his career.

    He’ll wave a Union Jack, say Labour want us back in the EU and are soft on immigration, possibly make an ‘accidental’ remark or two about ‘bumboys’ or letterboxes, hide in a fridge and he’ll win another general election.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a Scorpion Fly to me.

    Free Member

    Chuffed to bits for Nina Hoffman – she strikes me as absolutely sound.

    And Amaury. No one can live with his speed if he keeps it rubber side down.

    Free Member

    Vital Raw are being a bit slow to get their footage up!

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