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  • gardentiger
    Free Member

    But basically this.

    more dog whistle shit from the shower of ****

    Free Member

    The sooner they bring back woolies the better

    Radio Rentals is more likely.

    Free Member

    The imperial measurements thing is just more bullshit to appeal to idiots.

    It’s worked before (twice at least), so why stop now?

    He’ll keep his head down, wrap himself in a Union Jack for Queen Fest and get a free pass out of the other side.

    Talking of Queen Fest, I wonder if that is where Carrie has been hiding away. Planning the use of millions of pounds of public money for some kind of ‘try hard’ lavish street party outside no 10. The kind that just looks tackier the more money is thrown at it – like her taste in interior deco.

    Let them eat cake!

    Free Member


    Yeah, but he’ll still win.

    Buckland basically said “gammons get out and vote” this morning as the leadership ‘depends’ on the upcoming by-elections. Hint – it doesn’t, but it is a crude way of getting Johnson’s daft as a brush elderly supporters out to vote.


    Free Member

    Do you think she might be open to a petition from some loyal (in this case) subjects?

    She knows there aren’t many more miles that can go on the clock. There’s no way she’d do anything now.

    Charlie Boy? Well he does seem to have inherited some of the issues of centuries of inbreeding, so perhaps he might do something ‘headstrong’…


    Free Member

    Pick any two.

    Johnson struggles to pick his nose. Ask Carrie – if you can find her.

    Free Member

    it looks to me as if the DUP voted for Brexit specifically to screw up the GFA and strengthen border controls between NI and Éire

    In a sense that politics is not real ‘yes’. The reality that results is always, seemingly, a surprise to the nutjobs and idiots. Despite having had it pointed out to them beforehand.

    Such is life. If a majority of people can be duped into believing inevitable consequences are ‘Project Fear’ then we are ****ed.

    For example- what do you think happens when you turn your back on frictionless trade with your closest neighbours? And ones that form a bloc of 27 countries with a combined supply and demand that far exceeds your own?

    You don’t need to be a professor of economics to work that one out.

    Free Member

    Danny, if you tempered your keenness to sneer about everyone else you might actually cheer up a bit.

    This is the last time I’m going to reply to a post that quotes me, but conflates me with ‘Danny’. I will just simply not acknowledge any further posts of this sort (of course anyone with any wit will reply ‘OK Danny’, so just to steal that little bit of thunder up front…).

    I find people who take themselves far too seriously, whilst holding wacky views (politics, sport, riding, whatever), and who make themselves look dafter and dafter the more earnest they try to be, to be one of the funniest things going. This is why I enjoy our little exchanges. I do have a fair few little titters and it gets me through the working day without lapsing into total boredom at my desk.

    You’ll note that I don’t post all that much in the evenings or at weekends because, frankly, I’ve got better things to do. I’m perfectly cheery, especially with the extra little bit of entertainment you provide. Thanks.

    Now, enjoy your bikepacking expedition next weekend. I assume this weekend will be a bit of a trial run and/or prep(?) Or maybe the junior ransoses are already accomplished bikepackers…? Whatever- hope you have a good one.

    Free Member

    The problem with this clown riding roughshod over the checks and balances is not what he is doing it for – just saving his own worthless hide – but what some future proper horrible bastard will do with it.

    Let’s face it, the next Tory leader (and thus PM) is going to be a red-toothed Brexity loon.

    They’ve tried ‘reason’ – May – wasn’t brexity enough to push the hardest brexit possible.

    They’re trying ‘popularism’ with the fly tipped sofa, but he can’t stay off the piss long enough to do anything other than by accident or nicking it off the other team. He’ll just waste away the rest of his term as leader thrashing about pointlessly trying to reconcile the irreconcilable stupidities at the heart of our situation.

    The next leader will, inevitably, be a nutjob who doesn’t give a shit about those contradictions and actively wants to burn stuff down rather than having an accident with a lighter a la Johnson.

    For these nutters Johnson is merely part of the journey. Just like brexit is actually the means and not the end.

    But this what people voted for, whether they realised it or not.


    Free Member

    Bike ride tomorrow.

    Free Member

    United Ireland.
    Independent Scotland.

    Ultimately yes. Probably.

    But how much blood will be spilt in the interim?

    And for what?

    Free Member

    But Northern Ireland is presently a right mess, politically, and that is entirely down to Boris Johnson and his band of Brexiteers.

    Nature abhors a vacuum…

    Free Member

    Presumably the mask on the nurse/doctor serves a dual purpose?

    1) Because it was in the worst days of the pandemic and she was having to wear it pretty much 24/7 – in lieu of actual proper PPE.


    2) She is less likely to be identified, tracked down and submitted to death threats by some of Johnson’s more ‘patriotic’* supporters.

    *But deniable.

    Free Member

    Quite. I’m taking the kids bikepacking, which I think will be a more positive thing to do than wishing everyone misery.

    Depends. Do you make them wear identical drab boiler suits and stop to sing The Internationale every half hour?

    Free Member

    Basically this, but with bunting.


    Free Member

    I just want our ‘national celebration’ to be an accurate reflection of us as a society.

    I’m sure Cold War Steve is already working on something but my vision is:

    Horizontal rain lashing a street of houses that have all been modified in some small but different way to the annoyance of the neighbours. Some of the bunting is holding on manfully, but long strings of it are now dirty and trampled in the mini torrents of water. In the foreground two men brawl in the gutter outside of the pub they have just spilled out of. A woman is pulling frantically at one of them screaming “leave it nah, Mick, eee’s ad enuff”, fake tan and eyeliner run down her face. Her friend is squatting down, back against the pub wall relieving herself.

    They’ll all be phoning in sick on Monday and in a few months will be talking of the Jubilee weekend like it was some kind of better age when Britain was British.

    Back in the real world – the steps look pretty easy, I might give this a go…

    Free Member


    I hope it pisses down from 1am next Thursday to midnight on the Sunday.

    Maybe with a short interlude on Friday when I’m riding.

    Three cheers for the Navajo god of rain.

    Free Member

    It was totally obvious that Sunak was being told to delay the announcement of the ‘definitely not a windfall tax’ windfall tax until just after the Sue Gray report came out.

    If anyone was in the least bit surprised at this latest cynical attempt to move the story on then they need their heads read.

    Now it is a tacit “it’s OK to buy a load of party food that you’ll throw most of away for next week’s gammony festivities – hooray for her maj”. It makes me feel like puking. Just like a senior number ten staffer at an illegal lockdown pissup hosted by Fatso.

    But this is what the public wants as Paul Weller sort of sang on Going Underground.


    Free Member

    Now, that’s not fair. Some of them were cynical opportunists.

    You’re absolutely right. I must learn to watch my p’s and q’s.

    Free Member

    Now remind me who are the idiots.

    Leave voters.

    Free Member

    Well it looks like we’ve now given the green light on STW for community support to be outsourced to Wetherspoons. Who says this place is a hotbed of lefty sentiment? This is about as Tory as you can get. 🤣

    Far right wing government my arse

    Nationalist in its tub thumping, Socialist to shore up its support amongst the workers. Ring any bells? Many streets and houses are going to like like Nuremberg with cucumber* sandwiches next weekend and the fly tipped sofa will be wrapping himself in it.

    *That’s if the Brexit-driven supply chain issues don’t leave crates of them going rancid in the back of lorries stranded on the M20. I do like Coronation Chicken, mind, but the price of chicken nowadays does put me off a bit.

    Free Member

    I saw a Tweet earlier saying that the Senior Partygoers were not fined but the Juniors were – because the Juniors filled in their MET questionaires but the Seniors refused to.

    As someone replied, there’s a “life lesson” in there that you’d do well to learn from.

    The ‘life lesson’ to learn from the modern Tory party is to evade, distract, lie and (if really pushed) get some expensive legal advice.

    What if everyone behaved this way? There definitely would be ‘no such thing as society’ then.

    But us little folk wouldn’t get away with it.

    If I met Johnson face to face right now, I’d stick one on him, no matter what the consequences.

    Free Member

    Poor people drink a lot.

    Apparently so do those at ‘the top’ in Downing Street.

    **** me, it looks like I’m even a centrist when it comes to alcohol.


    Free Member

    Is this a direct consequence of all the “they’re all the same” rhetoric or some misguided idea that it’s the right thing to do?

    Don’t know, but I hear it a lot.

    I met an old boy moaning about a footpath closure being done because a load of houses are going to be thrown up and the infrastructure needs to in.

    I told him not to vote Tory and he said that exact line. I just told him that he couldn’t be doing much worse and to maybe give it a try. The most extreme position I can imagine him taking would be not to vote at all – because he looked so put out by my suggestion. 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    I went to my bike, and lo! the valve was a tiny bit loose. I tightened up the lock ring, et voila, no more noise.

    Well that is good news and good info because I would never have figured that in a million years.

    Free Member

    Well, I will keep voting for whoever does the most damage to the Tories / Brexity as possible. I don’t really care who because:

    1) I’m pissing in the wind where I live.
    2) I’m pissing in the wind nationally until a ‘Anyone but the Tories’ coalition is formed.

    There’s no way ‘2’ will happen because the loony left of Labour will never allow it.

    So basically – so much wind, so much piss, so much… er… largely ineffectual piss-mist.


    Free Member

    My Silly Mistake?

    Free Member

    Has anyone seen Carrie recently?

    Probably doing her best Lady MacBeth with the Greased Piglet.

    “Get your fat trotters off of me you silly little man. Only an idiot would have got caught.”

    Free Member

    Probably because of the surrounding story, but this one always has me.

    Free Member

    The EU was (still is for others) a big members club with privileges for membership (which in our case was extra economic activity and jobs noticeably in excess of our membership fees) in exchange for following a set of rules that we had a major role in writing.

    And vetoing. Along with only three other members – who weren’t such PITAs as the UK.

    Free Member

    I’ve had enough of you whining at those who voted for Brexit

    I’m going to leave my part in this little sub- thread by saying this:

    “You’re only six years in and there’s at least another ten before any of the damage is reversed. So I would make sure I was sitting comfortably if I was you”.

    I’m sure the Brexity Boris Circus will throw up another mind-****ingly stupid sub-topic in the next day or so – for us all to get our teeth into.

    Free Member

    No, I don’t believe so.

    Well, that’s your prerogative and there’s not much I can do about that.

    Free Member

    I’ve said before that I voted “leave” due to the overreach of the EU and the monstrosity it had become.


    Free Member

    I’ve not broken anything, politicians have been doing that themselves with a free pass.

    A free pass you gave them.

    To answer your q I believe Johnson would be PM if the UK had stayed in the EU.

    You are kidding, right?

    Free Member

    I can’t imagine why.

    I am sure that you must have made your point in your usual delightful way. Did you use the turd analogy much?

    I was polite whilst leaving him in no doubt he is on the wrong side of history. History being what he graduated in, so I thought a bit of an allusion to that might strike a chord.

    There’s no way I’d give him the excuse to dismiss me on grounds of me being personally insulting.

    He is a spineless shit, mind.

    Free Member

    so how much is going to get pissed up against a wall in local boozer or wasted on a new playstation and how much will go on the leccy bill

    It will all go on the leccy bill if it really comes to it. Not that it should in a modern, western democracy.

    Shouting down good news (even if it is a crumb thrown from the top table) with Daily Fail style rantings is not clever.

    Free Member

    I’m referring to when you flounced under your previous username of dannyh. Hope that clarifies things.

    It is totally clear, just addressed to the wrong person.

    Free Member

    Anyway cinnamon_girl, I wouldn’t worry too much about attending any marches.

    The Home Secretary your vote enabled has pretty much outlawed it.

    Free Member

    We need an uprising otherwise we’ll see anarchy. Look to France for how to show dissatisfaction on the streets, disruption is what’s needed and sends a powerful message.

    Can you provide some links, please?

    Also – will you be advertising your Leave credentials when you march?

    Free Member

    Not sure why you would think that, dannyh. It’s more likely that there will be a high-grade, full petticoat flounce first.

    I’ve no need to answer that as it seems to be a message for someone else. Crossed threads?


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