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  • How to Thrive, not just Survive, this winter
  • gardentiger
    Free Member

    Ah, that explains why you had to come back as gardentiger. I did wonder.

    Didn’t ‘come back’ as anyone. But I know how you operate, though.

    What I can’t figure out, though, is are you one of the undeclared mods?

    I don’t think so, but I know you have an inside track and are not shy in using it to shut down those you don’t like. Par for the course with hardcore communists, though, so at least you are keeping some of the flames alive.

    Free Member

    Watch yourself, kelvin.

    You might be on the wrong end of a ban or something if you’re not careful…

    Free Member

    I don’t think there’s anything like enough goodwill towards the rest of them, especially Charles and Camilla, to allow it to be effectively tolerated the same way it has been.


    Free Member

    I think it’s all going rather well from a progressive’s point of view.

    Liz isn’t making it to all the events herself, which is drawing a fair amount of personal sympathy but also prompting a lot of people to say “But look what comes after”.

    Randy Andy has been given an enforced sickie so as not to be in any way visible.

    De Pfeffel is a constant source of embarrassment and Liz would tell him to do one altogether if she could. Seeing that shambling mess and his gauche wife anywhere near Queenie is keeping the Partygate wound open.

    The Brexit-caused chaos at airports is also taking up a lot of media time and space. Again it holds the country’s folly up in sharp focus. It also creates the impression that half of the country just wanted to **** off somewhere (anywhere) else for a week despite the ‘glory’ of the occasion.

    For everyone else it is about a couple of days off work and maybe attending one monarchy-themed event. But I think it will go down in most people’s memories as ‘that year when we got the Thursday and Friday off instead of the Monday’ and the event will limp through this weekend with the inevitable dread of Monday morning looming larger and larger.

    When it is over, nothing much will have changed, but the problems of a hereditary monarchy will be in slightly sharper focus. Even the elderly couple next door were very lukewarm about the prospect of King Charles V.

    When we wake up on Monday, Russia will still be in Ukraine, prices will continue their skyward trajectory and we’ll still have a government that is a living insult to the people it is supposed to serve.

    Free Member

    England have worked hard to throw this one away.

    Free Member

    Not so moist now are you!

    They won’t give a shit because the Tories will still win a GE.

    Free Member

    They’ve won twice telling lies to idiots and brazening it out. There will not be a VONC new week or anytime soon. Johnson will lead the Tories into the next election and they’ll still win. Maybe with a reduced majority.

    Free Member

    Have we done the Tobias Elwood advocating re-joining the single market / customs union as a solution to cost of living, queues at Dover and The NI protocol yet?

    Yes, might be on t’other thread, though.

    I’m not surprised at one of these plonkers actually trying to suggest it as a ‘Brexit Upgrade’.

    What a shambles.

    Free Member

    You could tell people that Brussels has told us not to drink bleach and the gammon flag-shagger quarterwits would be down at Wilco tomorrow stripping the shelves clean of own-brand Domestos for no other reason than just to be ****ing contrary.

    It’s also a pity no one thought of that before the referendum, a few bleach-related absences from the polling booth might have tipped the balance in favour of us grownups. 🤦

    And no one would have realised they were in need of medical attention either – bright red and foaming at the mouth being normal for them. 🤣

    Free Member

    parody Boris

    Honestly, who could tell?

    Free Member

    You could tell people that Brussels has told us not to drink bleach and the gammon flag-shagger quarterwits would be down at Wilco tomorrow stripping the shelves clean of own-brand Domestos for no other reason than just to be ****ing contrary.

    That really is rather well put.

    Free Member

    the lack of integrity is symptomatic of the party in general

    It’s a coalition of people who are in it for what they think they can get. That is the very essence of being a Tory. Integrity doesn’t come into it. They only stay ‘united’ so long as it is in their interest.

    Free Member

    No way!

    Now I just feel stupid

    It’s OK, we all have our off moments.

    How’s the behind the scenes sneaking game going at the moment?

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Liz has told him that there will be severe consequences for another gaff hitting the headlines this weekend!

    I hope someone has had a word with Carrie Antionette too – just to make sure she doesn’t accidentally ‘take’ a salute or similar.

    Not that she hasn’t been taking more than a salute from Zac Goldsmith… 🙂

    Free Member

    the scruffy ill fitting suit thing is all an act

    The whole Boris thing is an act. His name is Alexander. His family and friends call him Alexander. But if people are stupid enough to fall for it…

    Free Member

    I fully expect Labour and the Lib Dems to stay out of each other’s way in contestable seats.

    This will be key.

    It needs to be done as subtley as possible – otherwise it can be painted as a coalition of Remainy traitors.

    It also needs the more extreme fringe of Labour to not torpedo the whole thing by spouting shite that makes them unelectable in the eyes of centre or even centre left voters.

    I’m not confident of either of those things happening. But Labour will not take seats off of the Tories in the Home Counties in the same way that the Libdems will not do the same in the ‘Red Wall’.

    Don’t forget too, that some of the new breed of northern tories are sat on wafer thin majorities, so Farage will be there (as always) dragging the Tories towards the far right in return for not running against them and splitting the racist/xenophobic vote (which is how we ended up with that stupid referendum in the first place).

    Free Member

    Look, neither TJ or Nick were aware that they were openly bickering, as such they have not been bickering. They will also retrospectively redefine what bickering is so that they can categorically state that they were not bickering, even though the rest of participants of the thread openly see they were bickering. But they were NOT bickering were they (oh look a dead cat)


    Ahhhh, but that is one of Johnson’s main tricks made manifest right there.

    I’ve not been following the tj vs nick bickerfest in minute detail, but the conclusion I would draw is that one of them was making more of the running when it came to the more derisive stuff.

    What you’ve just done there is to create equivalence with a witty shoe-horning in of the whole “I didn’t know I was…” defence. Very much like Johnson has equating mega wine-throwing, plant pot spewing pissups a la Bullingdon club with grabbing a takeaway and a beer during a meeting – admittedly one that was probably close to ending and Starms should probably not have been drinking a beer at that point.

    But there is no equivalence between the two as one is manifestly more serious than the other.

    Any danger of this getting back on topic, mind?

    Free Member

    Why descend into personal animosity when the target is supposed to be Johnson?

    Irony overload.

    Free Member

    If you know somewhere good but cheeky, do all you can to keep it that way.

    That means only sharing by word of mouth, preferably face to face. No sick edits. No Strava. No Trailforks. If you injure yourself there, crawl out unless you absolutely can’t.

    If you don’t, the fun police will show up and ruin it. It is what they do.

    If this sounds like a load of childish sneaking around, it is. But then the rules are childish too.

    Free Member

    taken aback


    Oh **** off you fat lying ****.

    Free Member

    I do not believe Truss could win a GE. I think her dimness would be horribly exposed.

    I presume you must have been asleep for the last six years.

    The incumbent prime minister hid in a fridge to escape scrutiny last time and won a 80 seat majority.

    Dimness is no barrier. Particularly if you can paint the oppo as ‘foreign-loving traitors’ or similar.

    Free Member


    Something like that is the way to go. Plus being an ex-MP isn’t exactly a bad thing to have on your CV if you do jack it in for more dosh in the big wild world. Unless you’ve been caught in flagrante somehow, that is.

    Free Member

    Nadine Dorries might be Nadine Dorries but she has sold a few million novels….

    Which makes you wonder, given that she is fabbo wealtho darling, what life event turned her into such a vile person.

    Free Member

    How else are you supposed to progress in the tory party other than unrelentingly fellating the boss?

    There is no other way since Brexit. It is such a stupid idea that anyone with enough cash/kudos in the bank pissed off sharpish. Ken Clarke, Fiscal Phil Spreadsheet etc.

    All that was left is all that was ever going to be left:

    Utter halfwit Brexity loons.
    Those that stayed to advance their own bank balances or status.

    That is literally ‘it’. To be educated enough to be in parliament means that, to believe in Brexit, you need to be either mentally unhinged, an exploiter, or some combination of the two.

    This is a result of the reverse IQ test that is Brexit.

    Free Member

    Far too many are there for the snouts in troughs in all parties not to serve.

    Totally agree with this, though.

    My MP won’t criticise his boss because he’s already swallowed him Remain/One Nation principles in order to retain and enhance his own position. He’s already sold out, there’s no way he’s going to grow a conscience now. 😒

    Free Member

    strut about like they won

    They did. By 52 to 48.

    Free Member

    Text of yet another email sent to Mr Invisible my MP.

    Dear Mr Xxxxx,

    With even Andrea Leadsome saying that Johnson should go, I would be worried about missing the bus if I were you (not the one with the £350m a week lie on it, mind).

    Do the decent thing, publicly withdraw your support from the Prime Minister and hope to salvage some respect from your constituents. As a rural constituency with many older people (who were petrified to even open their front door during 20-21), I can assure you Mr Johnson’s antics have played very badly here. Simply being anonymous and hoping for the best won’t wash this time, I am afraid.

    Only you can decide if you want to be on the right side of history now, but at least the power is in your hands.



    It won’t do any good. He is a remainer who swallowed his principles for a ministerial post and a safe seat. He isn’t interested in anything other than feathering his own nest.

    Free Member

    I doubt disagree with that but you’d still have Farage & UKIP spreading the same lies & hate, the Tory party have moved onto their territory

    They feel that they had to to shore up the more ‘patriotic’ end of the vote. A resurgence of Farage (if he doesn’t play electoral games – which he will) should be bad for the Tories. But one thing Farage is very good at is getting airtime way out of proportion to his vote share. If the shit hits the fan he’ll stand candidates in the red wall again.

    Free Member

    Leadsom is trying to walk both sides of the street as usual. It’s trendy to give Johnson a kick right now and remember she is a full card-carrying Brexit loon. She probably still thinks we can cope in the modern world with Spitfires and jam sandwiches. For her ilk, Johnson is merely a temporary vehicle.

    If she does actually DO something it will be with the aim of putting a ‘Brexit Hardman’ in charge.

    But that’s for later. I want Johnson gone now. The Tories can then put a loon like Baker in charge if they want. He’ll burn plenty down, but he can never reconcile the contradictions at the heart of hard brexit – because they are irreconcilable. My hope is that two years would be long enough to show that even a Brexit ideologue can’t conjure up unicorns. We could then have a GE with Brexit exposed as the utter fail it is. It will then depend on the honesty and IQ of the electorate. I’m still not optimistic.

    Free Member

    Not sure it is a direct consequence of Brexit.

    Johnson being PM is a direct consequence of Brexit.

    All of this dismissive, just give me a three word slogan, never look at things properly, don’t bother to interrupt hollibobs as Kabul falls, one rule for the plebs one rule for us, etc bullshit stems from the way the Brexity rabble side-stepped the usual sniff tests and got into the top slots with a pack of populist lies.

    Do we think Theresa May would have held lockdown pissups where she was pictured raising a glass like Rowley Birkin?

    No. On two counts – she at least had some shred of self awareness and decency (if only because of how it would play out) and no one would have turned up.

    Do we think Straw, Beckett, Milliband, Hague, Hammond or even Hunt would have stayed paddleboarding whilst Afghans loyal to the UK for nearly 20 years were being lined up against a wall or buried in pits by the Taliban?

    No. Because they hadn’t sidestepped the usual rising through the ranks vetting process as the Brexiteers have.

    What we have in the cabinet now is essentially a bunch of fakes, who would have been held at arms length by anyone sensible. But Brexit gave them their chance to move from being fringe loons to senior ministers. It was handed to them on a plate by every Leave vote cast. Any remainers in the cabinet either got ousted (e.g. Hammond) or was such a turncoat that they became ‘enhusiasts’ (Hancock). Note how Johnson didn’t ‘form square’ around Handjob like he did around the Prittster when she did a bit of hollibobs moonlighting for Mossad.

    It is all to do with that ridiculous referendum and virtually everything would be less gloomy than it is now had we voted to Remain.

    Inflation would be lower – the chaos at ports will be contributing.

    Our covid response will have been better with someone competent in No 10.

    The EU would be stronger militarily and diplomatically with the UK still in.

    The GFA would not be under threat like it is now.

    It all stems from that almighty brain fart on the part of the UK electorate.

    Free Member

    Thatcher was told, one by one, by her closest colleagues that they would personally back her in the second round, but she would not win. She resigned at the last possible moment and clung on until that point. She didn’t resign out of principle, she resigned because it was jump or be pushed.

    Who gives a shit about that now, anyway? Johnson will not resign because he is a monumentally arrogant chancer who loves the kudos despite all the (deserved) abuse. Johnson is not really a politician with a vision or a direction. He is a self-serving ‘personality’ for hire. It is all about him and he is an incredible narcissist.

    Quite how such a ridiculous character got to be PM is a mystery… oh no it isn’t! It’s a direct consequence of Brexit!🥳🎉🥂👯‍♀️

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure Liverpool haven’t forgotten the article he edited and approved (and refused to apologise for) in the wake of the Ken Bigly murder in Iraq.

    Free Member

    Even if the rump of the tory MP’s wanted to put a grown up in charge

    Having a grown up in charge and pursuing the current form of Brexit are mutually incompatible.

    Free Member

    Let’s face it, he’s got away with it because it is perceived by his MPs that enough of their constituents would want him to get away with it.

    There are two national votes on record to support this assumption.

    Free Member

    another option is The Ramblers

    Worth noting that The Ramblers’ constitution actively states that they will not campaign on any matter that increases access for non-foot users as granting access to others is deemed detrimental to their ‘enjoyment’. You’re likely to end up with a permanent RoW that has either been reclassified as a footpath or has gates all along it.

    Never trust the ramblers.

    Free Member

    If you take the farmers on and force their hand with this kind of stuff they’ll just flog the land for houses and say “**** you” as they drive off into the sunset.

    Land ownership is the best kind of power to have and farmers are very aware of this.

    Free Member

    “Lots of suppressed prejudice was weaponised and legitimised in the process. That genie will not go back in the bottle.”

    This is the truth. That the Tories ha e always been a bit more racist is besides the point now.

    The shift in politics caused by Brexit have made the past irrelevant. There is a narrative that in the US, Civil Rights legislation saw the Democrat vote swing to the Republicans in the South. What really happened was that this happened across the whole country and in effect the entire nation became Southernised’.

    A similar thing has happened here, politics has been turned on its head and the salt of the earth working class Northerner turned out to be a bit more salty than the propaganda had suggested.

    If tj is right, then I think he’ll have to rely on the good people of the South to turn against the Tories because they find them too repugnant, the North could be lost to Labour for generations.


    And the good people of the South will split the non-tory vote as they’ll head for the Libdems. The only way to get rid of this rabble is a centre left ‘anyone but the Tories’ coalition.

    Anything else is just fanciful musings.

    Free Member

    tory MPs are now saying they will lose in despair and the polls show Johnson wuill lose his seat. The longer this drags on th worse it is for the tories and they are going to get a real kicking at the next election

    Won’t happen. The UK changed fundamentally in 2016. Lots of suppressed prejudice was weaponised and legitimised in the process. That genie will not go back in the bottle.

    Free Member

    And Twitter is full of stuff about yet more parties in number ten organised by Carrie Antionette

    She’s special. She doesn’t have to care what the little people think.

    As I said earlier I bet she’s organising some seriously overpriced and seriously gauche Downing Street street party for Liz Windsor’s whatever it is.

    All the while her delightful hubby’s presence is a living insult to Lizzy who was left sitting alone at her hubby’s funeral, the day after Downing Street hosted another illegal lockdown pissup.

    But the gammons and louts won’t care so long as Bozza surrounds himself with more union jacks than Mussolini would deem tasteful and utter some kind of ‘accidental’ clanger about something ‘woke’.

    The Tories will win the next election and nothing will change.

    C’est tout.

    Free Member

    it’s the problem with cults

    One letter out…

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