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  • What Sort Of Van Lifer Are You?
  • G
    Free Member


    please be my guest it simply proves my original assertion, and to be honest I don’t care. Just please keep away from me as I don’t want he responsibility of mopping you up once the inevitable occurs.

    How old are you? I have been going into the hills for 35 yrs on my own

    I started out door pursuits in 1965, have been at very levels in various things, but obviously hadn’t realised until now that I’m a complete cock and have no idea whatsoever what I’m talking about, so lets just leave it that way.

    Anyway on a brighter note, I’ve just woken up having had a kip post Dunwich Dynamo. What a great event that is, great vibe right throughout the night, and a constant stream of cyclists quietly rolling through the night with great banter and comaraderie being shared.

    Should anyone be interested, my Brother in law made it to Dunwich at 8:30am after a 12 1/2 hour ride, completely buggered but deeply chuffed with himself, as he should be. During the night he managed two fairly major offs, one, a wheel against kerb interface resulted in a full face plant onto the kerb at speed, but he got himself sorted and carried on. Not bad for a 62 year old non cyclist whose longest previous ride had been 30 miles, especially bearing in mind he has had three heart attacks!

    Anyone who was on the Dun Run, the two middle aged women in the middle of Sudbury telling you to go right were his and my Mrs, they had a great night too, thanks everyone who returned their banter.



    PS : At the end of the day, it just goes to show that all sorts of things are achievable with a bit of forethought and planning. 😉

    Free Member

    Stoner did I read you post right, Kenda do the small block 8 in a 29″ version?? got some 26″ and they are absolutely the nuts in summer conditions, would love them on my 29er.

    Re OP : Do it. Only thing I would suggest if a move to carbon fibre forks if you’re going for am off the shelf rigid. Mine knocked the crap out of my wrists until I did that, now you wouldn’t really know you don’t have front suspension in respect of ride comfort.

    Free Member

    I don’t use the stuff you get in Xmas crackers either jon 🙄

    Free Member

    The point being johnners is that no one actually plans to have an accident. You know this may shock you, but people don’t actually get up in the morning and say “I’m off for a ride dear, I’m planning on ripping my sack open so don’t worry if I’m late back”. Thus the necessity for some simple and basic safety precautions against the unexpected.

    However, if you feel it improves your manliness to ride the wilds on a saddleless unicycle carrying only a Bowie Knife clenched between your teeth and wearing nowt but a pair of clogs and a set of nipple clamps (Explanation of this comment for the hard of thought : Thats hopping all the steps from carrying basic kit and taking basic precautions, through no first aid kit, phone, helmet etc), please be my guest it simply proves my original assertion, and to be honest I don’t care. Just please keep away from me as I don’t want he responsibility of mopping you up once the inevitable occurs.

    A staple gun would be more useful than a 1st aid kit then?

    No but some sterile dressings and something to close the wound and prevent further blood loss would have been nice.

    Free Member

    Ask my mate Goot who recently had a nasty solo expereince in the Peaks, a simple step over the bars, resulted in a brake lever tangling in his groin area and ripping his sack open. The twins popped out to check the world out, and he was left in a situation where he was alone, bleeding heavily, unable to describe his location precisely, and had to get himself to a common point that could be found before he could get help. By the time he got there he was in shock and potantially in real trouble.

    I do have picutres, but they are probably not suitable for this forum.

    Prior to that incident he would have said the same as you. Now he is very literally less cocky!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Essex !! Cheeky bleeder

    Full G’ness is acquired via a paternal parent from Jockland, Maternal from Cumbria. Currently resident in sunny old Suffolk, which is notable for its lack of wilderness, however, I have been venturing into the wilds From Dartmoor to Scotland since I was in my teens, sometime prior to the moon landings in the 60’s.

    And you’re still not too big to go over my knee young allyp! Flaming Essex! Can’t you tell just from my accent?

    Free Member

    On our second now…. bloody woman! Told her to stop drinking pints and that its not ladylike to beat your bloke at arm wrestling either.. 😉

    Free Member

    PS :

    foxyrider – Member
    Was certainly good fun reading this thread – Chears Cheesy and G et. al.

    thanks foxy, I enjoyed it too.

    Free Member

    So, G. You doing the DD with him? Doesn’t sound like an entirely sensible decision by the B in law. Good luck to him.

    Yep and agreed regarding the sense of it, but then hes no mug and when he makes his mind up to do something he usually does it. I was doing the DD for my benefit, but his Mrs asked me to look out for him, so thats what I’m doing. And that’ll be the third year out of the last 4 where I’ve ended up looking after someone else damnit! 😕

    I’ve arranged for the two wives to track us over the route as a backup, (NB: Not following the exact route, but a few minutes away) I am a first aider, and I have been going over all the cardiac stuff for a week or two now. I’ve plotted the A & E’s along the route, and if I think hes in trouble I’ll let his tyres down, because I’ve got the only pump!

    Probably be riding a Charge Plug as on the back of boat over there -> and wearing an East Anglian Mountain Rescue Team shirt. Come over and say hi anyone whos about more than pleased to have the piss ripped.


    Free Member

    Cheesyfeet – Member
    Dramatic music for ‘G’ drama building

    Obviously the wilds of rural Essex are the kind of place I’m talking about Cheesy..

    Now can you lot pack it in, still trying to close down the day at work, and this keeps tempting me to wind you lot up instead of getting off to the previously mentioned lovely, but increasingly impatient Mrs G, who incidentally, is very kindly driving me up to London Fields tomorrow night so I can look after her big Brother who has foolishly decided as a multiple heart attack victim and non cyclist to have a crack at the Dunwich Dynamo….. now off you go and pick the bones out of that!

    Free Member

    sanctimonius plonk – Im sure your a decent bloke …..

    You’re not getting in my knickers however hard you try it on!

    No not santimonious, just stating the obvious. I do ride solo, and I mainly ride away from trail centres to be fair. If I do ride solo however, I generally leave a detailed description of where I’m going or if appropriate a map, and have a time when I will check in by, either by phone or being back. I always carry a bivvy bag and a first aid kit along with the usual trail tools and fluids and food. I would normally back off somewhat if alone and take more care than if in a group.

    The implication in the piece of tonights show, is that the helicoptor is having to search for the guy, i.e. no coherrant location given, so either alone, or with an incompetent, (in the proper sense of the word) partner.

    Personally, I wouldn’t ride alone in extreme and isolated terrain, its your choice to do whatever you do, but don’t expect any sympathy from this quarter if you properly **** yourself up, and have through your own actions put yourself at substantial risk, and those whose misfortune it is to rescue you.

    Big difference between your local rides, and way out in the back of beyond IMHO.

    Free Member

    I see the righteous indignation level has overwhelmed the ability to read yet again ….

    Now then, now I’ve given you something to rant about, enjoy, I’m off to drink a bottle of rather nice wine and enjoy the company of the lovely Mrs G.

    Free Member

    Like I said some t-it, (and now apparently tits) who deserve no respect whatsoever.

    Presumably TJ this zero concern for safety style of riding follows on from your world beating vision of helmetless MTB as the way forward? 😉

    Glad all the above have coughed to riding whilst ignoring even the most basic of safety practices…..(riding solo in an isolated area being an example of just one of them) …… especially before I had the misfortune to ride with any of them. Presumably that attitude makes your willy bigger, ups the testosterone levels and makes you more of a man? Or is it the understandable “billy-no” mates scenario that follows on from the need to demonstrate your collective manhoods …. Trust me its not very appealing!

    Incidentally, before anyone goes off on one I would hope that there is some form of muisunderstanding here, as there are certainly posts above from people who I had more respect for than that!

    Free Member

    any form of MTB on the TV is good MTB

    Unless of course its some plank who has gone out solo, ignoring even the most basic of safety practices like not riding alone in an islolated area for example, because then it actually makes MTB riders look like a bunch of tits who deserve no respect whatsoever.

    May well not be the case, but the short description does tend to slant it in that direction a tad.

    Free Member

    It’s true, y’know. Rusedski was English when he won, and American when he lost or took steroids. Lennox Lewis was also English when he won and Scottish when he lost

    Nahh Canadians both of the bleeding losers!

    British Isles = Geographical Fact.

    Nesting on those Isles = Jocks in the North, Micks Over the Water, Taffy (semi Micks) to the West, and Le Boeuf Roti on the rest of it.

    Collective Name = Brits


    Free Member

    Thats the Nor-folk for you slaps old fella!

    Soz, mate didn’t mean to abandon you to it, thought it was you and zokes with the beer goggles on

    when you get to my age its difficult to see in the dark…. mind you that has its advantages to be fair

    Free Member

    On the going whilst having a dump front, that is seriously not funny. I’m in the bogs and loos business (and no before you ask), and the industry is full of tales of people doing themselves a wrong un when the bowl finally gives way. There is no repairing it, it is **** get it replaced.

    Free Member

    Can’t do the time don’t do the crime.

    Biggs and his mates were serial offenders, nasty bastards by all accounts. Despite all the efforts to glamourise what they did it was a nasty squalid crime, and his life subsequently has been a nasty squalid round of living off his “Reputation” and freeloading. Hes earned his time so let him have it.

    Free Member

    I don’t wear lycra… In any case, you’d need to move a lot faster than you did to catch me

    What ? so it wasn’t you laying one into slapper that night then…. reckon it was one of them two from Norfolk… bloody strange up there IMHO.

    In any case, you’d need to move a lot faster than you did to catch me

    And you sir, would need to be damn sight more shapely to make me want to move a lot faster!

    Free Member

    Tanky …. Caravan …… is it one of those one pulled by a horse??

    You have a short memory – I was at the front….

    No one wants G behind them when wearing lycra!!

    Free Member

    Anyone else seeing the logic to the Chinese one child policy?

    Personally I do honestly think there should be a qualifying criteria before you are allowed to have children, and that should include passing an exam, that doesn’t have speed texting in it.

    Free Member

    Secondly G – I seem to remember leading out of Reeth on the Sunday with a line of green faces behind me??!!!

    But neither zokes or me had the sore arse, and the green bit was from seeing you with your kit off!!

    Free Member

    Personally, I think we tend to ignore the signifcant milestones that our kids reach rather too glibly. Part of the cause of the social problems that we have to deal with is that there are no significant rites of passage in our life style. While a high School prom may well not be that, it is nevertheless marking a major milestone, and to some extent ought to be indicative of a change of status, and responsibility for the child.

    However, if I were organising one, I would I hope have the wit to include in the invites prizes for the least glitzy ride to the prom, and perhaps the most innovative. Effectively giving the less wealthy an out.

    My kids loved theirs, and I loved backing them up to do it. One absolute though, no car hire.

    Free Member

    Aren’t 6 bottles of Becks a bit much for you slapper??? Remember what happened the last time with the black sheep? 😯

    Free Member

    Hey, thats way better than I expected…. might even look forward to it 8)

    Free Member

    Ask for confirmation of the exact terms before you do anything at all. Thyere may well be clauses, like “up to a maximum of” and so forth. Then is alls cushty go for it.

    Free Member

    Hora, I’m scared now…. 😯

    STW Has been fun for a long time. There are occasional shifts in the tone and content as there are shifts in the contributors. Personally I’m with the majority who’ve had pretty positive experiences on here in many different ways. I like a bit of banter and a heated debate and am highly amused when folk bite, but would never knowingly truly upset or offend anyone, to the contrary, generally I’d be mortified if I thought I had. I certainly would not lambast a newbie, for asking that dopey question that newbies ask, yet again. Thats boorish and ignorant.

    Regarding Kylie/A & A/Boobs and Bums. Blokes are programmed to be attracted to women, women are programmed to display to men. Thats how we get to procreate. Personally I have little or no time for the PC’ness, and would much prefer to be able to say to a woman, you look great and you’ve really brightened my day up, without it being insulting. If that were more possible, I’m pretty sure the world would be a happier place.

    PS: No objection to women telling me that I look great either……. (that element has been a bit thin on the ground for some time sadly)

    (Arse in air and a battering from Grumm is anticipated.. 😕 )

    Free Member

    Insurance job, they do pay out on these.

    Free Member


    Well done Grumm, best of luck with it, mate of mine did it last year and the only description I got out of him was AWWWWWWWEEEEEEESSSSSOOOOOOMMMMMEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So I’ll be expecting a full report when you get back.


    Free Member

    TS: You forgot the bit about being a one legged gay black muslim civil rights lawyer. 😯

    Ernie : Outside NOW!

    Free Member

    So how did it pan out ???

    Your Answer is Definitely no good without pictures 😯

    Free Member

    I never said I was a troll! I’m totally behind every word I’ve said, it just amuses me how up tight you are getting about it, and the inability to grasp what is being said, but then at the outset I couldn’t really understand what the issue was over Sharia Law as being introduced in the UK. However, you have sucessfully overcome that particular lack of understanding for me.

    Free Member

    tankslapper – Member
    Is getting stoned illegal under Sharia law???!!!

    I think you’ll be needing the door marked Rastaferian with herbal smells eminating forth, and while you are there if you bump into Grumm try to get him to see the light will yer?

    Free Member

    grumm – Member

    I am have never criticised Christianity per se

    I think you’re referring to the Roman Catholic Church there G?

    TS : Nope, pretty much the whole lot.

    And you ask why I’m patronising to you FFS ?? Read the **** post you halfwit…..

    I have however criticised individual sects and will continue to do so,


    I reckon there are 3 levels of religion. Which are the core religion, i.e. Islam, Christianity, Buddism, etc etc, then there are individual sects, or interpretations of the core religion, i.e Catholicism, or Sunni and then there are the individuals.

    So in what way are those 3 quotes you’ve highlighted at odds with what I’ve said then???

    Mr Agreeable – Member
    Isn’t this about time that you two stop fighting

    Shhhh …..keep this between us and specially don’t tell grumm, but I’m having way too much fun winding him up 😉

    Free Member

    No reason not to unless you are planning on it getting serious. IF you are then you’ll have to figure out how hard you are prepared to fight for what you want, and what compromises you are prepared to make, in the possible scenario that the religious and cultural background thing is a barrier. Personally its a no-brainer, go for it.

    Free Member

    G – thank you, i may use your e-mail at some point if you don’t mind, i’ve not hit the low point yet, anger is keeping me going

    It would be a pleasure buddy, and I mean it, please feel free to do so.

    Free Member

    Just like there is strong evidence to suggest that the vast majority of Catholics are not paedophiles

    and just like I didn’t say they were, merely that the institution allowed it to happen and were therefore complicit. And going right back to Tyger if you care to read what I said, thats why I was questioning his need to join an organised religion.

    unlike some imams who openly call for, eg homosexuals and apostates to be killed.

    However, as I have already explained at length that is not to say that Islam per se is doing so, in fact if you care to read up on it you will find, that taken literally the religion actually forbids it, should you choose to interpret it that way. So much as though shalt not kill has never stopped the Christians from doing exactly that, similarly there are elements within Islam that similarly pervert the original teachings. Now this is the nitty gritty bit, so listen carefully …. I reckon there are 3 levels of religion. Which are the core religion, i.e. Islam, Christianity, Buddism, etc etc, then there are individual sects, or interpretations of the core religion, i.e Catholicism, or Sunni and then there are the individuals.

    I am have never criticised Christianity per se or for that matter Islam. I have however criticised individual sects and will continue to do so, and as far as individuals are concerned, I don’t think they can taint the core religion, but pretty much all of the sects are formed to pander to someones ego as an individual and that’s why they are so crap.

    I see the attempts to be patronising are still going strong.

    That Grumm is because you make it so difficult for me not to 😉

    Free Member


    Sharia Law is the oldest known legal structure on the western hemisphere of the planet, it was used by and modifed by the following civilisations up to and including the Romans, who again took the best of it and modified it to suit their needs, and so on and so forth up until the present day. If you check it out you will find much of that passing forward was done via the religious bodies of the day. Thus the close relationships between religion and the law.

    Grumm : Nope its not, although I’m not above having a look at online resources, hope theres not a problem with that, otherwise half the world is properly ****! As it happens I was born into a strongly religious family, and grew up as a botherer. About the time of puberty Istarted picking up on the flwas in the system and rejected it, and have subsequently read , studied and visited many other countries and their religious institutions and beliefs, I do not claim to be an expert, but I would admit to having an open mind on religion.

    Free Member

    Grumm : Deranged?? ….. Perverse maybe, but no not deranged.

    Like I said try to grasp it, its probably a bit hard for you I know, but do please try.

    I have never specified any flavour of God Botherer on the Christian side of the equation. To suggest that I have is simply wrong, all I am saying is that many of the denominations are personified by their behaviour in these ways, as institutions, not the individuals.

    Yesterday, in respect of Sharia Law, what I was saying was that overall Sharia Law and Islam are not bad things per se. It is however relatively small sects and individuals that are being used to tar the whole thing. So in essence that would be like saying all Christians are bad people because of the behaviour of the Pope for example.

    So lets be clear I am not saying that, I am saying however, that many Christian institutions themselves are tainted, e.g. with paedophilia. There is strong evidence to support the notion that it was well known within the Catholic Church, but the church covered it up and allowed it to continue and was therefore complicit. On the other hand with Islam, there is equally strong evidence that a ) the Vast majority are not extremist (self evidently because they then wouldn’t be extreme then would they?), b) the organised Muslim religions in the main do not support extremism.

    Finally lets be clear the conversation yesterday was about Islam and Sharia Law as a whole, and not individual sects and interpretations. The conversation today is about individual Christians and Christian sects as opposed to Christianity per se. Now can you see the difference?

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