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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • G
    Free Member

    I reckon I'm as well read as most on the subject of our military incursions, having been a pretty keen amateur military historian most of my life. However, I have to admit I haven't got the first idea what we are doing in Afghanistan. It fails pretty much all the tests for becoming involved in a miltary engagement, including clear objectives and a clear exit strategy.

    Whilst I am a great believer in not bleating about military casualites, on the basis that it is incumbent on the volunteers in our armed forces to read the job description, which does apparently include the liklihood of going to far off strange places, meeting strange people and being killed by them. Having said that I do think that this particular adventure is not reasonable on many levels, and in the absence of a very good explanation I for one do find it hard to justify the loss of the best part of 200 young mens lives.

    Free Member

    b17 – Member
    G, clever elaborate troll well executed! Or can you indeed produce a (realistic) pic of said fine?

    I would that that was true B17. I'd happily fess up to it if it was. You are wide of the mark I'm afraid.

    Free Member

    Blimey 8O

    Didn't mean this to get so heated.

    Lets me just make some stuff clear here.

    1) The reason I posted this is becuase I don't think it was kosher
    2) I am trying to get more information and I will put it on here if and when I do.
    3) The trail in question was cheeky, its a footpath, but the first mile or so is a bridleway. For no obvious reason its designation changes halfway along it. May be a parish boundary, but I couldn't say for sure.
    4) I personally do feel that the ROW issue for cyclists is an importasnt one, and needs a cohesive body to apply pressure for access improvements and some clear rules of the trail to be established. The very fact that thsi thread has developed the way it has is that the rules are just not clear.
    5) Hora has a point…….. but I'm buggered if I know what it is :roll:
    6) However, the views he is stating are argumentative and trolling … I of all people should know :wink:

    Free Member

    Well to be honest TJ thats why I'd posted it up on here, because it doesn't seem kosher to me. My attitude to it is that footpaths are fair game after dark, and simply drop into the category of cheeky trail to be used with care and reasonable respect for others. There are few options other than that in the immediate vicinity. In fact I am thinking about trying to get some sort of pressure group going to see if we can get some footpaths upgraded in status for that reason. Quite a few that I use only remain passable because I clear the vegetation back, so I reckon its a fair exchange.

    Free Member

    The place he was pulled was not on AW land. All of the accesses and paths at the reservoir are designated as cycle paths anyway.

    Free Member

    Yep it was on the outskirts of Ipswich near a reservoir called Alton Water. He initially suggested that they should take intercourse and travel, but they actually chased him in a van and eventually got him coming through another trail. They gave him a £30 fixed penalty notice. He has no intention of paying it, but you will appreciate a certain incredulousness over it, as he was riding a trail we've used for a looooooonnnnnnnnnggg time, in my instance 26 years.

    I think its a footpath, but starts life as a bridleway

    Free Member

    Basically its of no consequence. You have contracted out of your rights in the matter by doing the deal with the insurer. All either theirs or yours are interested in is minimising the costs to themselves. In all likelihood it'll end up as a knock for knock scenario, coz its cheaper than arguing the toss.

    Free Member

    OK : Power went off yesterday so couldn't post. Anyway today we have the response letter

    I am in receipt of your letter (copy attached) dated 23/6/09, accusing me of leaving my car in Tesco Car Park on 22/5/09 between 07:40 and 16:20.

    I don’t believe this information is correct, as I work full time and having checked my diary I was at work from 8:00 am to 17:30 pm on that day.

    However, what is more concerning about this, is that my husband has seen your letter and has become concerned that I am not being truthful with him. As a result of this he now wonders if I am having an affair and have used this car park as a rendezvous to meet someone while purporting to be at work.

    I’m not, but I cannot fully convince him otherwise, as he believes that I left my vehicle in your car park as stated in the letter for the time stated. To be fair, I can understand his viewpoint, as we have had friends whose relationship has ended after a similar assignation was discovered. Whilst he is not leaving me and I think he wants to believe me, there is a distinct atmosphere between us as a result of this situation.

    We have discussed it openly, and I have agreed to write to you to see if we can bottom this out, as there is NO WAY I was parked for the time that I am accused of in your letter. I may well have been in the car park in the morning, as I tend to do my weekly shop on the way to work, and its possible that I may have returned in the evening, but not before 17:30 when I finish work. Presumably there is a photographic record or something similar, so please can I ask you to review that and come back to me with the evidence so I can resolve the matter before my relationship collapses.

    I hope you will appreciate the importance of this situation, and respond as quickly and positively as possible.

    None of which is untrue. So what do you reckon?

    Free Member

    Hora, fatsimon has two chances with my Mrs, none and less than that!

    However, if you know a David Beckham look-a-likey, that could well be a cause for concern. She has simple tastes apparently…………….hang on! …. 8O

    Free Member

    Agreed its right an proper that these things should get looked into and dealt with, but the other side of the coin is then this when due to the amount of PC ness and redtape invovled people are amazed when nowt happens when they need the bill.

    I suspect we get the Police force we deserve to some extent, I for one would not want the job at any price.

    Free Member

    The only addendum I would make to that is that in offering credit accounts to people a frequent requirement is that you provide a piece of headed notepaper, purely because you are legally required to have these details on it. I and I’m sure others have taken lack of that information to be indicative of a poorly run company and it has been reflected in the credit decision. I would not ring and ask, as there is little point in calling someone up and going “here mate why don’t you show the legally required minimum details on your letterhead?”, as the answer normally isn’t going to be “becuase it printed on the back”! More likley it will be along the lines of Derrrrr!

    So for that reason alone you may be disadvantaging yourself unnecessarily for a perception of artistic merit. Just a thought

    Free Member

    Soz for not responding, had a power cut at work so everythings been out.

    Right, moral maze. Firstly, I’m pretty sure no one wakes up and suddenly thinks I reckon the old girls at it. However, I have to say it did go through my mind when I saw the letter and thought about it for a while. We do in fact have some friends whose relationship ended in similar style when a car was spotted somewhere it shouldn’t have been and it was innocently mentioned in passing.

    So for me, I’ve just been put into a situation of wondering and doubting. I have a good relationship with my Mrs and we have discussed it and how we both feel about it openly. She understood my concerns, and I her explanation. But why the hell should I or anyone be put in that situation by some fly by night outfit like this? Check them out, google it and see what you find, doesn’t seem great to me.

    So therefore the question for me is, do I leave it, so that they can then go and do it again to someone else, or do I kick up about it?

    I already know the answer in my own mind, but I quite like to test the water and get a feel for an over reaction or excessively plactory response. Thats what this has been about.

    So, Mrs G and I are pretty annoyed about it, simply becuase it did cause her to fret and me to doubt, so I am going to respond and pretty vigourously too.

    Free Member

    bigyinn – Member
    If your good lady was really up to no good, would she actually show you a letter incriminating herself? No of course not!

    unless of course shes really good at poker and its a double bluff…..

    She is and I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her whilst playing cards….. 8O

    Free Member

    It’s a standard number plate, using the letters and numbers W V AF Y 8 and 0, so I don’t really see why it would be a problem to read it, unless of course their equipment isn’t fit for purpose, I mean its standard MOT dimensions and font, so if they’ve got to read number plates in a car park, then their kit should be able to do it otherwise they are trading under false pretences surely.

    Having taken breakneckspoeeds advice and googled the outfit in question I’m now spitting bullets as they do seem to have previous in this respect.

    I’m now working on an appropriate letter. Will post for critique when done.

    Free Member

    Its taken a while, but hopefully you can see the letter here.

    The point of all this is not about her doing wrong by Tescos, its Tescos’ doing wrong by her.

    As above its a very small step from this to one where at the very least some deep suspicion is being cast upon some totally innocent party for being somewhere they weren’t. So while these feckers are keeping an eye on us, who is keeping an eye on them? Why do they have a right to access information that I don’t from the DVLA? In simple legal terms they have no greater right to that than I do.

    Free Member

    All true, but as per usual, nobody seems to take pay the slightest attention to the fact that the Gxx meetings have been personified by extreme violence for years and years. In these circumstances you can’t really be shocked that the old bill make the assumption that that is what they will be confronted with. They are human too, and if they are being briefed and trained to expect to be attacked the adrenalin and testosterone will be high, and its no real surprise that they over react as when they are confronted with localised aggression, as they were.
    My personal preference, knowing the tenor of the protests in the past would be to keep away, or expect a spanking if I didn’t.

    Free Member

    Weird isn’t it.

    Incidentally I’ve now emailed the scan to zokes and tankslapper who may well be more computer literate than me, so at least they can confirm that I’m not trolling……. (don’t know whatever made you think that 8O)

    What actually winds my handle about this, is that I do actually know people who would be wondering what the hell was going on with their partner if they received one. I will admit that it did go through my mind, until I’d thought the thing through for a while, and decided that it didn’t stack up that way.

    simonfbarnes – Member

    despite Grumms assertions, I’m not a hypocrite, so it would only be fair after all

    this seems to imply you’ve strayed…

    And your point is SFB?

    Free Member

    Ithink there was some talk of awardin WB a medal or something, as it is genuinely spontaneous apparently.

    Shame they need to do it though.

    Free Member

    Right I’ve now scanned the letter to a TIF file and can email it, can’t put it on flickr, coz I’m too thick, but if anyone genuinely thinks I’m trolling I’ll sen d you a copy.

    They have the car reg, no make details, and they have obviously got our address via the DVLA. I think the car parking wallas do this routinely nowadays though.

    Free Member

    Well the way I see it is this. Firstly, no I’m not trolling, this is true, I could post the letter on here, but I am a bit reticent to give you lot the details.

    I do trust the old girl, besides at our time of life if someones hitting on her I could hardly blame her for taking advantage, despite Grumms assertions, I’m not a hypocrite, so it would only be fair after all …… :wink:

    However, a less trusting couple or one that was having troubles could be totally blown by this sort of thing. She definately wasn’t there at those times, she was at work….. apparently 8O gulp…

    Not worried about parking fines or any of that old guff, but the “what were you doing there” thing is quite serious…. surely?

    Free Member

    Pook : What if she was there, and is lying to me about it?? Get the point?

    GrahamS : Good question

    Free Member

    uplink: What if its correct and she was there ?

    Junkyard: Just a bollocking

    Free Member

    But I thought he was celibate…….

    Oh never mind

    Free Member

    The bit that annoys me is that the headline ticket cost is nothing like the actual cost, by the time every fee you can think of and some you can’t, have been added its going to be pretty much the same as any other airline and more than some.

    For example, I have just booked a flight at a headline price of £38 each per flight.
    By the time all the other crap was added on it had gone like this

    Taxes Fees and Charges £192.88
    Web check In fee £40.00
    Handling Charges £40.00

    So in fact we are paying £106.22 per flight…. 279% more than the headline price advertised!

    And this after they’ve been bollocked up hill and down dale for exactly this sort of misleading advertising.

    Scandalous, and frankly he must be paying someone very handsomely to keep getting away with it IMHO

    Free Member

    So how about we live and let live, abide by the rules, (obviously whilst pushing the boundaries just to make sure they are where they are supposed to be obviously), and get on with stuff, remembering that we’re mostly grown ups and are here to have a laugh, or pick up some info or to pontificate, but definately not to deliberately offend.

    Personally I’m going to raise a glass to Rude boy tonight, but I’ve not yet decided whether its as a toast or to ensure sufficent load to be able to pi$$ on his grave.

    Over and out

    Free Member

    You are missing point for arguments sake and becoming the things you are arguing about.

    Nope I’m definately not a two year old, nor am I whining about my child prodigy surfing to STW, only to be perverted for life due to some every day ribaldry that has been swear filtered, which clearly said child will work out, from the combination of */£$%& that has replaced it.

    Free Member

    Would you use the same language with your mates in a pub as you would with a child? It has been stated that this forum is for family intent which would suggest children as well as adults.

    Pretty much, yes I think I would, but I suspect that you are pre-supposing a number of things there. Do I write the same way as I speak? Nope.

    I still don’t see too many 6 year olds, let alone a 2 year old as per your original post and my reply to it willingly coming on here on their own. To say the forum is overwhelmed with that sort of user is, I think stretching imgagination somewhat.

    Regardless, I’m neither disagreeing with the rules, or the ruling. What I do disagree with is the sanctimonious who will happily moan about the likes of Rude Boy, but conveniently overlook their own behaviour.

    Its a bit like your post regarding your two year old, which was self evidently inappropriate to what was being said as I pointed out to you. I note the attempts to up the age to make more impact, but the original post is exactly the fatuous sort of thing I am talking about.

    Free Member


    roper – Member

    Roper: From interest, does your two year old a) read, and b) surf the net unaccompanied?

    I think you miss the point. Are you suggesting it is ok for a three or four, five or six year old to read the examples I gave?

    No I think you miss mine, a) can they actually read?, b) do they surf the internet alone? c) Would they have the slightest interst in the forum if they did both a & b? d) would they even understand it in the extremely unlikely event that they did a, b & c and stumbled across something that could be defined as offensive.

    My larger point is that one mans offensive is anothers acceptable.

    To me living in luxury through the unbridled use of cheap fossil fuels, whilst looking on blandly at others who have nothing, or attending a church which has actively supported paedophilia is obsence and hugely offensive, but continuing in the ribald tradition of the English language, which dates back to Chaucer is simply not. Whether its expressed in the appreciation of form, or through the use of language. Its the motivation behind those acts which is significant, if the intent is to offend then no, but otherwise thats life surely?

    Free Member

    PS: Just reread the rules in their entirety, and to be fair it says what it says. No issues as repeatedly stated above, except in so much that I do still feel the forum will be the lesser for the plonkers absence.

    Free Member

    Presumably, folk insert ear plugs in their children if they go into town with them, and cover their eyes at the beach/swimming pool?

    Roper: From interest, does your two year old a) read, and b) surf the net unaccompanied?

    Incidentally, since when was this a family orientated forum? Why would ANY impressionable child want to be looking at it anyway? I don’t get that at all. Are we sure this isn’t some self righteous twonk hiding behind the “it corrupts the kids excuse?”

    I’m not a great lover of gratuitous bad language, but I’m no lover of self righteousness either. Get a grip, its a bunch of adults having a laugh and letting off a bit of steam. Anyway is substituting pictures, or a series of these !”£$$%^* actually swearing or is it merely finding an alternative way of expressing yourself? Is anyone planning on banning the use of the word gay to describe homo sexuals, or people from using “like” to punctuate their sentences?? Surely both of these are likewise finding an alternative route for expression also.

    Free Member

    So its sounding a lot like the physio/strengthening exercises might bew the way forward then.


    Free Member

    WTF ? = Wheres That Fred……. whats wrong with that? 8O

    Actually I found the swearing post very funny, and to some extent in the same circumstances I would have posted in a similar vein. Regarding kids on STW….. parents, I don’t wish to worry you, but if they can navigate to here, then they can also probably navigate to “Anna takes it up the pooper while Garth stops her chatter”…… Rudeboy frankly is the least of your worries, and may I suggest you take your parental responsibilites more seriously in future!

    Anyway, I didn’t start this thread to criticise the decision or to undermine the mods. Its their forum and its up to themn how they run it.

    No likey : So start your own froum…… Oh! someone already did and look where that led to…

    Free Member

    Oh…… Swear filter avoidance?

    Fair one.

    Free Member

    I’m seeing a much more feminine thing to throw Mark off track personally, maybe an agony Aunt thing like Marj Proops or perhaps Marj Poops.

    I do like Shy Ted Tanky, but it does lack a certain subtlety.


    Free Member

    Large amount = Pretty much all on and off road riding that I do. I live in Suffolk so not especially hilly, and tend not to ride SS in proper hills.

    Current scenario is from riding a ratio of 42:16 for the Dunwich Dynamo not excessive IMHO.

    Gearing doesn’t seem to make much differenc niloC

    Free Member


    I haven’t got the info

    CFH: pretty sure I didn’t

    Free Member

    ….waits for TJ tirade :wink:

    Free Member

    Pretty sure it is SS. Been riding geared for a couple of weeks, no issues, did the Dunwich Dynamo last night singel speed, kneews caning now.

    Good advice from Hairychested, but don’t honsestly think its that, although I will make a conscious effort to work on technique.

    Quitting: not ready to do that yet

    Physio: Muscle building. Maybe worth a try.

    Any other thoughts? So far all very helpful.

    Free Member

    And I suspect you ain’t the one who has to sit in front of the FC as described either!

    PS : short fuse excuse… Up at 6:30 am yesterday, bed at midday today, up at 4:00 again , knees hurt and proper tired :wink:

    Free Member

    ignoring even the most basic of safety practices like not riding alone in an islolated area for example,

    i.e. one of a number of things one might do to minimise risk dependant on experience, local knowledge etc etc ad infinitum

    followed by the caveat

    May well not be the case, but the short description does tend to slant it in that direction a tad.

    If instead of picking merely those bits you want to take from a post you read the whole thing and took it in context your blood pressure may well stay lower buddy. Personally speaking as someone who really wants MTB to continue to grow and flourish I shudder when these sort of ambulance chaser TV shows focus on someone who is demonstrably unprepared for what they are doing, it does MTB no credit. Pretty much the same as the majority of the above thread doesn’t. If I had a £1 for every minute I’d spent with the Forestry Commission trying to avoid the jobsworth, PC, safety madness from being applied “unnecessarily” due to some idiot mangling himself simply through an excess of testosterone over wit and ability, I would be spending my days at my “MTB centre in the Sierra Nevada” (dream on!) or somewhere instead of getting soaked on a poxy road ride in July!

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