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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • G
    Free Member

    What's the difference between so pathalogically evil that you do this stuff, and being mentally ill?

    I thought it would be self evident, but I'll go with it, one suggests that the individual is in someway in control of their actions whereas the other suggests that they really aren't.

    Free Member

    KINGTUT – Member

    So what would be the point, other than a few months of shouty-angry posts, more mod activity, and the inevitable ban.

    Amusement perhaps ?

    Not for the owners of this site.

    Spoken like a Mleh-worlder thats forgotten how and why Mlehworld came about….

    Free Member

    So what would be the point, other than a few months of shouty-angry posts, more mod activity, and the inevitable ban.

    Amusement perhaps ?

    Free Member

    The woman is undoubtedly very very ill. Might be an idea to find out why bearing in mind its not the first case of its kind and I've got an empty Gel pack to bet that it won't be the last.


    Free Member

    Been caught with your flies undone??

    Free Member

    Fred, give the man his £5'er then shush everyone otherwise the mods'll spot it.

    Free Member

    BS : If you're at Minsmere see here on the rides section and meet up with The Trog lot for a Sunday bimble at Tunstall Forest, its way closer, the trails are better and there are less people to get in your way. They are not waymarked, so if you don't want to waste a lot of time trying to find stuff, do meet up with the locals.

    Tell em I sent you.


    Free Member

    Here're a couple of facts for the "thou shalt not ride on the pavement" crowd:

    Total for years 2000 – 2004 (whole of GB):
    Pedestrians killed by cyclist on pavement: 9
    Pedestrians killed by motor vehicle on pavement: 3885

    So start a campaign to make it legal FFS!

    Just please don't take it upon yourself to get me tarred with the same brush. You pavement riders are not romantic heros, you are frankly stupid, inconsiderate and unable to appreciate the consequences of your actions.

    Free Member

    Got two bikes with them on.

    I love them, basically find I get less wrist problems, (one of these is a SS rigid incidentally). Absolutely no control problems, and the answer to the shopping bike thing is "Conformist!"

    Free Member

    He could go on you tube with a version of "me old bamboo", but there is no way he'll ever get past that Bullingdon Club photo. It sums him and his acolytes up far more than any opposition politician could ever verbalise.

    Man of the people my arse!

    Free Member

    Ditto all of the above

    Free Member

    Nice :D

    Free Member

    Euthanasia free on the NHS for People who wear helmets when they ride, People who moan about the Police, but wouldn’t cross the road to help someone being mugged, People who talk about tax cuts without realising that the loss of services that goes with it is a function of their own greed, People who moan about benefit cheats, but would happily fiddle their tax if they could, People who moan about crime, but patently fail to do anything about it apart from bleating for longer sentences……

    Soz, having a TJ day :wink:

    Free Member

    Good question? What about them? Have they been watching the porn channel too???

    You can hardly blame them for that, apparently they couldn't turn it off.

    Free Member

    Cheers BD, I was expecting a right kneeing in the nuts for that one.

    People seem to forget that there are finite resources available, and we will never be able to pay for absolutely everything. So for my money once things get to an intolerable stage, (and thats the individuals decision as to hwen that is IMHO), why not allow a dignified exit to stage right??

    So what about hotel charges for hospital stays?? Personally, I'd be happy to pay a bit more for some privacy and decent food, and if in so doing that put money into the kitty that ultimately benefited those less able to pay then that'd be a result IMHO…….

    do you reckon they'd do you a receipt that'd show the porn channel as breakfast or something??

    Free Member

    I think we should have euthanasia on the NHS, its the way forward, cheap, effective and with no long term cost implications…. just savings…

    waits for the inevitable tongues of flame to spit forth

    Free Member

    With all this ability to make instant accurate judgements with little or no information to hand, I'm surprised that none of you folks are firearms cops…..

    Incidentally, tazering someone carrying a bomb is generally deemed to be a bad idea in response to the Jean Charles Demenzes point. Apparently X thousand volts being jolted through someone carrying one is a bad idea for some obscure reason.

    Free Member

    rogerthecat – Member
    Eek, find myself agreeing with G!

    If you don't mind me saying so that should be on the "You know you're getting older when" …. thread

    Look on the bright side though, its a bit like anal intercourse…. it'll hurt you at first, but once you get used to the idea then its not so bad ……..
    <ahem> …… apparently 8O

    Free Member

    Old eh? Old ???

    I'll tell you about old m'laddy…..

    Old is when you think Playboy magazine is for paedophiles…. when 40 year old women look attractive to you…. when sleep attacks you the moment you get home from work… when stuff you have had in the wardrobe for 20 years becomes cool again, but ironically won't then fit anymore… when you get your Lenny the Lion Esso coins out in response to the news that we might get the world cup again…. when you know what a tigers tail is about…. when you remember the time when we had colonies all over the world…. when you talk about Rhodesia….. when you realise that caning is something people now pay for ….. when you ask a copper where he keeps his whistle… sonny…… when you still know how to adjust rod brakes… when cotter pins are still in your toolbox… when you see Paul Nicholas on telly and think blimey he's aged …..

    Theres more, but I've got to do some work at some point

    Free Member

    I drove through London to Tooting on Saturday and Sunday, and I have to say after that experience I could easily find myself joining the anti-cycling lobby. Frankly the majority that I saw deserved everything that they got.

    The short list of stupidity
    1) Jumping lights, and I don't mean going early, I mean riding straight through without pausing.
    2) Riding up the nearside of vehicles obviously turning left
    3) Riding up the offside of vehicles obviously turning right
    4) Riding the wrong way along one way streets
    5) Riding with earphones in and totally oblivious to what was going on around them.
    6) Riding on pavements with no regard for pedestrians

    Thats without really thinking about it, and on a weekend to boot, Christ knows what its like in the rush hour Monday to Friday.

    Sorry people, but I go along with the Policing as described.

    I'm not defending other road users attitude and ignorance towards cyclists, but as the saying goes two wrongs etc…

    Free Member

    I think Tankslapper knows Lembit somehow or other, so whne he told me that he was a bit of a dick I think I may have misunderstood.

    Free Member

    Wheres TJ when you need him ???

    Free Member

    Reminds me of that great scene in Pretty Woman….

    Hollister: Exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about? Just… profane, or really offensive?
    Edward: Really offensive.
    Hollister: [to himself] I like him so much.

    Hollister: Mr. Lewis? How's it going so far?
    Edward: Pretty well, I think. I think we need some major sucking up.
    Hollister: Very well, sir. You're… not only handsome, but a powerful man. I could see the second you walked in here, you were someone to reckon with…

    I think that roughly translates to something along the lines of pay peanuts get monkies. If you want good service go somewhere were you pay for it is my best advice.

    Free Member

    Reminds me of that great scene in Pretty Woman….

    Hollister: Exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about? Just… profane, or really offensive?
    Edward: Really offensive.
    Hollister: [to himself] I like him so much.

    Hollister: Mr. Lewis? How's it going so far?
    Edward: Pretty well, I think. I think we need some major sucking up.
    Hollister: Very well, sir. You're… not only handsome, but a powerful man. I could see the second you walked in here, you were someone to reckon with…

    I think that roughly translates to something along the lines of pay peanuts get monkies. If you want good service go somewhere were you pay for it is my best advice.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    zokes – Member
    You're not one of the five, are you G?

    Nope, got captured by a real nutter, not one of these lightweight modern ones…

    Free Member

    Might have done ….

    Free Member

    samuri – Member
    One moments consideration shows that the liklihood of a new girlfriend texting a 2 or 3 year old one out of the blue and for no reason is a bit odd, as is walking into a restaurant full of people and carrying out a sustained and unprovoked attack

    Normally I'd agree but this is teenage girls we're talking about. All she would have had to do was find the phone number in her boyfriends phone,

    'why have you still got this?',
    'ummmm….(panics) she keeps texting me. I hate her, yeah, I've told her to go away but she won't'
    'I'll text her then, no bitch is chasing after my man'

    etc. etc.

    Which of course totally explains walking into a crowded restaurant and carrying out a sustained and "unprovoked" attack in front of many witnesses! ….. IMHO its more likely that it explains the Police's reticence to proceed, i.e. they are perhaps seeing it as 6 of 1 and a half dozen of the other maybe? My experience of the Police is that an unprovoked assault of the nature described would bring charges of ABH or GBH especially if there were witnesses.

    Free Member

    Leyton Orient 6-1 Newcastle

    Now thats a result! Who cares what the money men are doing? I just look forward each year to the aftermath of yet another half wit being parted with his money. One season out of the Champions League and the butts will be squeaking whoever they are….. & we'll still be waiting down here in the "lower" leagues. Nothing we like better than some avaricious meat to tenderise!

    Free Member

    Personally, I'd be asking my daughter for a little bit more info in respect of this matter if I were mooman. One moments consideration shows that the liklihood of a new girlfriend texting a 2 or 3 year old one out of the blue and for no reason is a bit odd, as is walking into a restaurant full of people and carrying out a sustained and unprovoked attack. Methinks there is more to this than meets the eye frankly.

    Free Member

    There are times whne I really worry about you Greedy….

    Free Member

    Steady Slaps….. the man passes for a God in these here parts! 8O

    Free Member

    The "Toff" argument is a busted flush, come up with something better.

    Why?? Because you say so?

    Several of them received one of the very best educations money can buy

    Precisely, thats because they owe their position to money and privilige and not to ability. I would have no issue with it if entrance to Eton was solely on ability.

    Would you prefer illiterate morons running the country?

    That dear sir is exactly what we are worried about!! Please note entry to Eton is not about how clever you are its about your ability to pay! So the fact that you have attended does not mean you are clever or competent.

    Frankly, I would rather have someone in power who might just relate to the daily struggles and realities that most of us have to deal with, rather than someone who thinks hard up means giving up the Bentley.

    For what its worth, the Norwich North by election result is about the reaction by the electorate to the perceived slight by the "Star Chamber" to their sitting MP. The fact that the guy had abused the system and basically "sold" his daughter a property paid for by us for 50% of its market value seems to have passed the dear folk of Norwich by…. but then what would you expect? They support a football club with Delia Smith at the helm…

    It could well be argued the GB went ahead with that decision knowing that there may be a backlash that would cost them dearly at a by-election. It could also be argued that Ian Gibsons toy chucking resignation is the behaviour of a petulant child caught with its hand in the biscuit barrel.

    Nothing is ever as simple as it appears….. well except for that twunt George Osborne and he really is that simple!

    Free Member

    zokes – £2000 round trip? You need to fly less business/first class. A charter fare to Canada can be had for under £500.

    The deals looking better by the minute, and I thought £2000 was bargain!

    Oh and by the way zokes, thats the thing about common sense…. its not very common!!

    Free Member

    See thats all these things need….. a modicum of common sense applied and everythings cushty 8)

    Free Member

    Seeing as it's a 'minor inconvenience', perhaps the idiot who came up with that (in the extremely unlikely case that they have a spouse) should be separated by a £2000 round trip from their other half for 18 months, just to see how minor said inconvenience would be?

    I'd happily pay £2000 to be seperated from my spouse for 18 months….. can't see what the fuss is about, that would be an inconvenience free outcome IMHO……..

    Free Member

    Started in 1969, quit in 2005, having tried on numerous occasions to quit previously. Stopped dead, no patches, nothing. Absolute breeze and I've never been tempted, not even the once and no withdrawal symptoms either.

    How? It was the one and only time that I had truly decided that I didn't want to do it anymore. Not half hearted, not "I'll stop when I've finished these", not "I'll just put my lighter in the drawer because I might need it to light a fire or something". Just, " I don't want to do this anymore", all the paraphernalia went straight in the bin there and then, and as of that moment I was a non smoker. Still am and can't see that changing anytime soon.

    So just remember why you're doing this and MTFU as the first caller said.

    No need for luck or any of that old bobbins, if its the right thing for you and what you really want you will do it easily.


    Free Member

    Do you know until mentioned by the righteous trollster I had not twigged the fact that the victim/perp in this was an "abo". I have to say that now I do know that it doens't make the slightest difference to my viewpoint. In fact I don't understand any reason trolling apart why it should.

    Free Member

    eldridge – Member
    It's not clear from this thread why the police were present at all.

    I'm guessing that someone may have called them….

    Regarding Wacking people with sticks, until the old wooden truncheon was withdrawn from service, which as I recall was on the back of PC Blakelock being hacked to death, the plod were pretty much totally unable to defend themselves, due to the fact that the truncheon was pretty much like an iron bar and inflicted horrendous damage when used. Therefore very few bother to even carry one let alone use it. The issue of the side handled baton, and subsequently the asp and various other non lethal defensive weapons has changed that completely. However, as always there is an escalation where the naughty boys go away and come back with bigger sticks, (in this case knives) so the plod have to react accordingly, which is now pretty much universal wearing of stab proof vests, and weapons that enable them to stand off further when dealing with potentially violent people.

    Personally, I like living in a relatively safe society. Much of the fact that I do, like it or not, is down to the Police and the way they do their job. That being the case, and because I don't want to have to deal with the dregs of society personally, I'm quite happy to have the plod given the tools they need to do the job on my behalf. Much like the squaddies in Afgan. If you send them there on in your stead you have to give them the kit. Not an open ended cheque book, but reasonable in relation to what they have to deal with.

    Pretty straightforward really. So hands up the next STW poster who is prepared to deal with a drugged up nutter running at them with a can of petrol and a lighter with nothing more than a stick 12 inches long, which you will almost certainly get reprimanded for using if you harm the person concerned.

    PS: No flaming theres petrol about 8O

    Free Member

    My all time favourite was when I lost my job in 1999, I cashed in all my savings and found I had enough to pay off my mortgage. That profoundly changed the picture for me, so off I went to the Bank/Building thingy, and announced my intention only to be met with the following :-

    1) A Fixed rate mortgage of Approx £400 per month with the fixed rate term due to end in under 2 months, they wanted me to pay a penalty of £1200 to finish early…. Absolutely would not budge on it, so I simply defaulted on the last two payments.
    2) I was also at the same time told that I would have to see a debt counciller…. Because I wanted to pay off my mortgage??? Which I ultimately did in cash just to make the point

    WTF ???

    Suffice to say I received compensation in the end, but who the **** do these people think they are treating their customers like that???

    The bank/BS in question is part of the highly successful and well run organisation whose intitals are HBOS.

    Utter twunts in my experience.

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