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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • G
    Free Member

    The fraud they are trying to avoid is the one where a card has been cloned or details copied, anf the card is then used to buy goods with them being sent to a third party address. Its very common, and is ususally in respect of high value easily disposable purchases…. bit like a bike for example.

    If Pauls fall for it they carry the can, no one else. Perfectly reasonable position on their part. Judging from the torrent gushing forth above, I'm guessing that their customer service may well have had a bit of a trial this morning.

    Free Member

    Usual STW mass debate follows:-

    They are victims too

    Hang em, stick hot pokers up their butt holes, kill – stab – maim


    Soft Liberal Bed Wetting Bar Steward

    Its Maggies Fault

    Going over to the Dark Side's Whats done it

    Now can we talk about something else ?

    Free Member

    Thanks people

    …bows before STW massif's knowledge bank in humility and gratitude.

    Free Member

    Quick question : What makes you think the neighbours will be in for UPS and not for you?

    Personally I reckon you are royally ****.

    The initial transaction is complete, they have done as requested within their terms and conditions and delivered the thing.

    To get it from the neighbour to you will require a whole new booking to get them to go collect and then deliver it to you. They usually require a phone number for both ends, and basically you will only get one attmept to collect if there is no one there and no contact number.

    Generally they are quite helpful, and probably the way forward is to ring em, explain your predicament and ask their advice.

    Free Member

    Oh right… any advice on what and where to get them?

    Free Member

    Pardon? 8O

    Free Member

    Certainly rode all night yep, according to my Polar software my lap times were: 56 minutes, 1hr03, 1hr17, 1hr22, 1hr36, my lack of fitness showing through at the end!

    Are sure it was your fitness, and not the fact that the conditions were shocking?

    Personally by midnight I'd clocked 3 laps, including a 20 odd minute wait at BH1, plus a whole one on a crappy headtorch after my main light had failed, then thought WTF? this is shite, so a can of stella and a warm sleeping bag beckoned and that was it. Done them all since 04/05 ish, and I have really enjoyed them all bar last year.

    Well done you folks who kept going. Incidentally, the norm for a high place finish in the mens pairs would be about 7 plus laps each

    Free Member

    Good event, good vibe generally, well organised and good fun. Take it as it comes and enjoy yourself.

    Just out of interest, you guys who were riding on "slicks" and having no problems at all, were you actually riding all night and where did you finish? If you can't recall, a team name is fine, its easy to check from there.

    Free Member

    and I think your response to my response to his response is not even close to his response which was in response to the original post, in fact I feel that my resonse to his response has consdierably more merit than you response to my response to his response….. and frankly at that point I all responded out albeit I still think its a crappy response

    Free Member

    not even slightly bothered…. anyone who willingly takes a picture of me is only moment away from being sectioned anyway, why should I deny them that help?

    Free Member

    Crap joke..

    Crappier response djglover

    Free Member

    Beer, Rugby club, Young women, Letching, Adolescent Behaviour…… No shit …. Really? 8O

    Free Member

    While I'm not a great believer in DIY justice, sounds a lot like the **** had it coming….. and apparently it arrived.


    Free Member

    The fact that you need to ask, kind of implies that you need to quit…

    Try this as a concept…. Pain = Gods way of telling you somethings wrong

    Free Member


    and occasional Milton treatement.

    Mind you are the amount of sheep doings I've … ahem…. had on me, what does it matter ?

    Free Member

    Confession : I'm only in favour of his reinstatement so I can moan about him when he's back. there really isn't anyone else on here that warrants a proper moan like Rudeboy

    Free Member

    So why don't they then?

    Free Member

    I'm all for it as long as I get an exemption under all circumstances both foreseen and unforeseen…..

    ….. and think

    Free Member

    One of those new young actors I believe…. along with that kid they named after the M4 services…. or was it after that crappy SE london football team… I can't remember which

    Free Member

    Food and drink = Fuel

    Fat = Method of Storing excess Fuel

    Conclusion = Too much Fuel going in in relation to fuel being used.

    Don't know, but a rough guess would be cut out booze, and also look at all the foods you consume. Anything with more than 3% fat give a miss. Be on the watch for high sugar content too.

    Keep up the exercise , cut down on the pies and pints = All cushty

    Free Member

    Its you

    Free Member

    When I'm hot under the collar, revenge may well be the only thing on my mind, but having been through the process a couple of times myself, I have to say that the revenge thing fizzles out fairly quickly. To be honest a lot of what follows is "why me?" and as described above.

    Free Member

    Hi mitch,

    I think different things float different peoples boats in this respect. However, generally, in my limited experience the thing that most people want more than anything is really an apology, an explanation, and an assurance that it can't/won't happen again. Imprisonment and the current legal process singularly fails to deliver this. Thats why I feel that the retribution element as is is worthless. As I said, many offenders are self evidently undaunted by prison, as they all too often reoffend, so in what way does that help the victims?? Not onl ythat the victim is rarely invovled in the process in any way at all. See my point?

    Free Member

    I reckon the crime and punishment thing comes down to the three "R"s, which are Retribution, Removal and Rehabilitation.

    Retribution really is the least important issue. Its the eye for an eye bit and serves little purpose, especially in making victims feel better. Its also as it happens the soft option for many offenders. Whereas being forced to address their behaviour is often very frightening and difficult for them.

    For my money is someone needs removing from society because they endanger the rest of us, then so be it, remove them and until such time as they are totally safe. I could be persuaded that there is an argument for euthenasia here, but it does stick in my craw a bit, and I am by no means convinced. (The Moors folk, Sutcliffe etc)

    Rehabilitation : Surely thats what we need to genuinely be seeking to do, and I'm pretty damn sure its the thing we expend least resource on. i.e. the cheap thing to do in fact is to resolve a problem once! Not keep repeatedly failing to resolve it.


    Free Member

    simonfbarnes – Member
    what's "pinko" ??

    From Wikipedia:

    Pinko is a derogatory term for a person regarded as sympathetic to communism, though not necessarily a Communist Party member. The term has its origins in the notion that pink is a lighter shade of red, the color associated with communism; thus pink could be thought of as a "lighter form of communism" promoted by mere supporters of socialism who weren't, themselves, "card-carrying" communists.

    Pinko and pink were widely used during the Cold War to label individuals accused of supporting the Soviet Union, including many supporters of ex-vice president Henry Wallace's 1948 U.S. presidential campaign with the Progressive Party. The word was predominantly used in the United States, where opposition to Communism grew strong among the population, especially during the McCarthy era. It was also in common use in South Africa during the apartheid era. In his two presidential campaigns, Alabama governor George Wallace often railed at "the left-wing pinko press" and at "pseudo-pinko-intellectuals."[3][4]

    Free Member

    Swoosh : You are so far out of f***ing order as to be untrue.
    No. 1) Do you think you are the only person to have suffered losses in that way?
    No. 2) One example I know of personally with Sir Bob. His first cancer was of the sinuses. This lead to massive reconstructive surgery on his face, as much of the bone had to be removed. A friend of mine had the same cancer, and was facing the same issues. He was deeply depressed and giving up. His oncologist was the same guy who treated Sir Bob, so Bob was contacted, and he then wrote to my mate, and kept in touch with him throughout his treatment.
    No. 3) Sir Bob is one of those people who has never forgotten his roots. He has always had time for the ordinary folk and has always been a gentleman.

    Tough on you, fair enough, but stop lashing out at others who don't deserve it. Personally my family and I are still raising money for the Orchid Cancer charity. We also buy tyres and shirts.

    Free Member

    Barnsley : That would be fantastic, shame you can't. What really bothers me about it is that the professionals know full well that with better funding and appropriate policies they could make a real impact with these people, but successive governments bend to the wind of ill informed public opinion and the Murdoch press and perpetuate an entirely ludicrous situation.

    My brother ran a project in Tottenham aimed at taking young "joy riders" out of the loop. Long story, but it involved them doing education during the day and being rewarded with access to a banger racing project in the evenings if they performed. In a nutshell their recidivism rate was about 10% as opposed to 90% by conventional means. The funding was withdrawn as a result of pressure from the local electorate that seemed to be based on the concept that "my kid doesn't get rewarded for doing wrong so this is obviously unfair and will encourage kids to nick cars so they can join the project". So the crime rate went up and as far as I know they are still arresting kids and banging them up and basically sentencing them to a life of crime by so doing.

    Free Member

    Molgrips : Well I'm with you on that one. I can't understand why we keep locking people up for longer and longer when we know that it has no other effect than make the liklihood of reoffending a racing certainty. Now that is mad !

    Free Member

    A great man in the truest sense of the words.

    Free Member

    If you suddenly decide to become a serial killer, you are in control of your actions, but surely the impulse to kill frequently and randomly is a symptom of a mental illness?

    This kind of threw me to be honest… basically the word "decide" tends to indicate a rational thought process. For example the first month of the trial of Peter Sutcliffe was given over to the debate of whether he was mad or not. They actually decided that this man who beat random women to death with a hammer and then hammered wooden wedges into their various bodily orifices was sane FFS!! After a short spell in prison, the prison service had him transferred to Broadmoor because he was self evidently a nutter and they couldn't cope with him.

    My perspective is that we are all driven to a great extent by our life experiences. Somewhere along the way there is a line where that driven behaviour is deemed to cross a boundary from acceptable to unacceptable. However, there is no evidence to suggest that people either side of the line are totally in control of their actions. So the question is when people cross the line do we "punish" them, given that we know that their behaviour is not necessarily something that they can control, or do we attempt to give them experiences that will lead to a modification of their behaviour that takes them back behind "The line".

    In fact going one step further, surely to any rational person the concept of punishing someone who is not able to control their behaviour is barbaric surely??

    Free Member

    Nope, sorry mate, you've lost me there…. not hard I accept, but definately lost by that one. Can you clarify please?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Well it does seem that molgrips is possessed with the notion that we all have complete control and direction over our actions at all times. It is a bit sad that there are still people about who genuinely think like that.

    Free Member

    Yeah but if Darwin was right, how come there are so many knobbers like this about?

    Free Member

    Anyone watch the news coverage of Minny the Munter's multiple marriages the other day? If you did and were unable to spot even from that briefest of glimpses that she was not all there, and definately not in control of herself, then you might consider getting some help along with her IMHO.

    Free Member

    I've sussed it…… apparently T-W-A-T isn't what we thought it was….

    Its the collective noun for Ex Bullingdon boys…. A t-w-a-t of bullies 8)

    So in fact that wasn't offensive at all.

    Free Member

    you lot don't get my point. Apart from Hora

    Personally I wouldn't really shout about that….. 8O

    Free Member

    Spoken like a long term STW user (years before I joined Mleh).

    I know yer wally……. the point is think about why mleh came about and then relate it to your original comments about who owns the forum. The point being that if you are a commercial outfit it does not bode well to hack your customers off. Personally speaking I have discontinued subscriptions for less than heavy handed moding of a forum. I reckon the banning of Luke has cost them much more than offending a few kids that may or may not read the forum ever did. Now have you got it?

    Soz if it wasn't clear.

    Free Member

    If you suddenly decide to become a serial killer, you are in control of your actions, but surely the impulse to kill frequently and randomly is a symptom of a mental illness?

    Good grief!

    Please tell me this is a troll….

    Free Member

    Double post type scenario! Soz

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